Bills under consideration


Second reading

0 Government bills

37 Other bills
No bills are at second reading
No bills correspond to the selected criteria

Consideration in committee

3 Government bills

29 Other bills
No bills are at consideration in committee
No bills correspond to the selected criteria

Report stage

Third reading

8 Other bills
No bills are at third reading
No bills correspond to the selected criteria

House of Commons

Senate bills awaiting first reading

No bills correspond to the selected criteria

Second reading

16 Government bills

17 Other bills
No bills are at second reading
No bills correspond to the selected criteria

Consideration in committee

4 Government bills

7 Other bills
No bills are at consideration in committee
No bills correspond to the selected criteria

Report stage

3 Government bills

6 Other bills
No bills are at report stage
No bills correspond to the selected criteria

Third reading

Consideration of messages from the Senate

Passed by the Senate and House of Commons

0 Awaiting royal assent

83 Royal assent received

Bills not proceeded with or defeated

16 Bills not proceeded with

29 Bills defeated

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