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Bill C-8

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2nd Session, 37th Parliament,
51 Elizabeth II, 2002

House of Commons of Canada


An Act to protect human health and safety and the environment by regulating products used for the control of pests


WHEREAS the availability and use of pest control products pose potential risks, both directly and indirectly, to the health, safety and well-being of people in Canada and to the environment;

WHEREAS pest management plays a significant role in diverse areas of the economy and other aspects of the quality of life throughout Canada;

WHEREAS pest control products of acceptable risk and value can contribute significantly to the attainment of the goals of sustainable pest management;

WHEREAS the goals of sustainable pest management are to meet society's needs for human health protection, food and fibre production and resource utilization and to conserve or enhance natural resources and the quality of the environment for future generations, in an economically viable manner;

WHEREAS Canada and the provinces and territories have traditionally administered complementary regulatory systems designed to protect people and the environment, including its biological diversity, from unacceptable risks posed by pest control products, and it is important that such an approach be continued in order to achieve mutually desired results efficiently, without regulatory conflict or duplication;

WHEREAS it is in the national interest that

    the primary objective of the federal regulatory system be to prevent unacceptable risks to people and the environment from the use of pest control products,

    the attainment of the objectives of the federal regulatory system continue to be pursued through a scientifically-based national registration system that addresses risks to human health and the environment both before and after registration and applies to the regulation of pest control products throughout Canada,

    pest control products of acceptable risk be registered for use only if it is shown that their use would be efficacious and if conditions of registration can be established to prevent adverse health impact or pollution of the environment,

    in assessing risks to humans, consideration be given to aggregate exposure to pest control products, cumulative effects of pest control products and the different sensitivities to pest control products of major identifiable subgroups, including pregnant women, infants, children, women and seniors,

    pest control products be regulated in a manner that supports sustainable development, being development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,

    the federal regulatory system be designed to minimize health and environmental risks posed by pest control products and to encourage the development and implementation of innovative, sustainable pest management strategies, for example by facilitating access to pest control products that pose lower risks, and encouraging the development and use of alternative, non-toxic, ecological pest control approaches, strategies and products,

    applicable policies of the Government of Canada that are consistent with the objectives of this Act be duly reflected in decisions respecting the regulation of pest control products,

    there be cooperation among federal departments in the development of policies to pursue the attainment of the objectives of this Act, and that those policies take into account advice from diverse sources throughout the country,

    the provinces and territories and those whose interests and concerns are affected by the federal regulatory system be accorded a reasonable opportunity to participate in the regulatory system in ways that are consistent with the attainment of its objectives, and

    the federal regulatory system be administered efficiently and effectively in accordance with the foregoing principles and objectives and in a manner that recognizes the various interests and concerns affected and, where consistent with the primary objective of the system, minimizes the negative impact on economic viability and competitiveness;

AND WHEREAS Canada must be able to fulfil its international obligations in relation to pest management;

NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the Pest Control Products Act.



2. (1) The definitions in this subsection apply in this Act.

``active ingredient''
« principe actif »

``active ingredient'' means a component of a pest control product to which the intended effects of the product are attributed and includes a synergist but does not include a solvent, diluent, emulsifier or other component that is not primarily responsible for those effects.

« publicité »

``advertise'' includes making a representation by any means for the purpose of directly or indirectly promoting the distribution of a pest control product.

« analyste »

``analyst'' means a person who is appointed or designated as an analyst under section 45.

``biological diversity''
« diversité biologique »

``biological diversity'' means the variability among living organisms from all sources, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, terrestrial and marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they form a part and includes the diversity within and between species and of ecosystems.

``biotechnolo gy''
« biotechnolo gie »

``biotechnology'' means the application of science and engineering in the direct or indirect use of living organisms or parts or products of living organisms in their natural or modified forms.

``conditions of registration''
« conditions d'homologa-

``conditions of registration'' means

      (a) any conditions specified by the Minister under paragraph 8(1)(a) or subsection 8(2) or when amending the registration of a pest control product under this Act; and

      (b) any other requirements stated by this Act or the regulations to be conditions of registration.

``confidential business information''
« renseigneme nts confidentiels commerciaux »

``confidential business information'' means information to which access may be refused under the Access to Information Act and that meets the requirements of subsection 43(4) or (5).

``confidential test data''
« données d'essai confidentielles »

``confidential test data'' means test data to which access may be refused under the Access to Information Act.''

« distribution »

``distribute'' means distribute in any way, whether or not for consideration, and includes sell, offer for sale or distribution, and expose, display or advertise for sale or distribution.

« écosystème »

``ecosystem'' means a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit.

``environment ''
« environnem ent »

``environment'' means the components of the Earth and includes

      (a) air, land and water;

      (b) all layers of the atmosphere;

      (c) all organic and inorganic matter and living organisms; and

      (d) the interacting natural systems that include components referred to in paragraphs (a) to (c).

``environment al risk''
« risque environnemen tal »

``environmental risk'', in respect of a pest control product, means the possibility of harm to the environment, including its biological diversity, resulting from exposure to or use of the product, taking into account its conditions or proposed conditions of registration.

« formulant »

``formulant'' means any component of a pest control product that is added intentionally to the product and that is not an active ingredient.

``government policy''
« politique gouvernement ale »

``government policy'' means the Toxic Substances Management Policy issued by the Government of Canada in June, 1995, as long as it remains in effect, and any other policies of the Government of Canada that are prescribed.

``health risk''
« risque sanitaire »

``health risk'', in respect of a pest control product, means the possibility of harm to human health resulting from exposure to or use of the product, taking into account its conditions or proposed conditions of registration.

« inspecteur »

``inspector'' means a person who is appointed or designated as an inspector under section 45.

« étiquette »

``label'', in respect of a pest control product, means anything that conveys information that is required by this Act or the regulations to accompany the product.

``manufacture ''
« fabrication »

``manufacture'' includes produce, formulate, repackage and prepare for distribution or use.

« ministre »

``Minister'' means the Minister of Health.

« emballage »

``package'' includes a container, wrapping, covering or holder in which a pest control product is wholly or partly contained, placed or packed, including the label and anything else that accompanies the product and conveys information about it.

« pénalité »

``penalty'' means an administrative monetary penalty imposed under the Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act for a violation.

« parasite »

``pest'' means an animal, a plant or other organism that is injurious, noxious or troublesome, whether directly or indirectly, and an injurious, noxious or troublesome condition or organic function of an animal, a plant or other organism.

``pest control product''
« produit antiparasitair e »

``pest control product'' means

      (a) a product, an organism or a substance, including a product, an organism or a substance derived through biotechnology, that consists of its active ingredient, formulants and contaminants, and that is manufactured, represented, distributed or used as a means for directly or indirectly controlling, destroying, attracting or repelling a pest or for mitigating or preventing its injurious, noxious or troublesome effects;

      (b) an active ingredient that is used to manufacture anything described in paragraph (a); or

      (c) any other thing that is prescribed to be a pest control product.

« lieu »

``place'' includes a means of transport.

``prescribed'' Version anglaise seulement

``prescribed'' means prescribed by regulation.

« Registre »

``Register'' means the Register of Pest Control Products established and maintained under section 42.

« titulaire »

``registrant'' means a person in whose name a pest control product is registered.

``test data''
« données d'essai »

``test data'' means scientific or technical information respecting the health or environmental risks or the value of a pest control product.

``threshold effect''
« effet de seuil »

``threshold effect'', in respect of a pest control product, means a harmful effect on human health for which the Minister is able to identify a level at which the product will not cause that effect.

« valeur »

``value'', in respect of a pest control product, means the product's actual or potential contribution to pest management, taking into account its conditions or proposed conditions of registration, and includes the product's

      (a) efficacy;

      (b) effect on host organisms in connection with which it is intended to be used; and

      (c) health, safety and environmental benefits and social and economic impact.

« violation »

``violation'' means a contravention of this Act or the regulations that may be proceeded with in accordance with the Agriculture and Agri-Food Administrative Monetary Penalties Act.

« lieu de travail »

``workplace'' means a place where a person works for remuneration.

Acceptable risks

(2) For the purposes of this Act, the health or environmental risks of a pest control product are acceptable if there is reasonable certainty that no harm to human health, future generations or the environment will result from exposure to or use of the product, taking into account its conditions or proposed conditions of registration.