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Bill C-2

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An Act to amend the Judges Act

[Assented to 28th March, 1996]

R.S., c. J-1; R.S., cc. 5, 11, 41, 50 (1st Supp.), c. 27 (2nd Supp.), cc. 16, 39 (3rd Supp.), c. 51 (4th Supp.); 1989, c. 8; 1990, cc. 16, 17; 1992, cc. 1, 51; 1993, cc. 13, 28, 34; 1994, c. 18

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

1. (1) Subsection 26(2) of the Judges Act is replaced by the following:

Report of commission-

(2) Within twelve months after being appointed, the commissioners shall submit a report to the Minister of Justice, containing such recommendations as they consider appropriate, and the Minister shall cause the report to be laid before Parliament not later than the tenth sitting day of Parliament after the Minister receives it.


(2) For greater certainty, subsection 26(2) of the Act, as enacted by subsection (1), applies with respect to the report to be submitted by the commissioners appointed effective September 30, 1995.