Logo Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)


Mr. Russ Hiebert, M.P. attended the EXCO and Working Party meetings in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands on behalf of the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association

Conference Sessions:

Day 1: Meeting of the Coordinating Committee.

Day 2: Opening ceremony, official photographs, reception at the Legislative Assembly, meeting of the full Executive Committee, and meeting of Subcommittees/Full Committee.

Day 3: Meeting of the Sub-committee, and meeting of the Subcommittees/Full Committees.

Day 4: Meeting of the Subcommittees, meeting of the Subcommittees/Full Committee, and close.

Regional Representatives:

Africa: Cameroon, Nigeria, Namibia, Malawi, Uganda, and Lesotho

Asia: Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Punjab (Pakistan).

Australia: Commonwealth of Australia, Queensland, and Western Australia.

British Islands and Mediterranean: United Kingdom, Cyprus, and Guernsey.

Canada: Canada, New Brunswick, and Alberta.

Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic: Dominica, Cayman Islands, and the Bahamas.

India: Lok Sabha India, Haryana, and Nagaland.

Pacific: Niue, New Zealand and Nauru Island.

South-East Asia: Malaysia, Perlis and Singapore.

CPA Executive/Subcommittees Meetings Topics Included:

Adoption of agenda, minutes of the last meeting held in Sri Lanka, matters arising, arrangements for the 59th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference and Associated Meetings, Chairperson’s update, co-ordinating committee meeting report, CPA status report, Secretary-General’s Report, Membership report, drafting annual report of the Executive Committee, reports from Subcommittees, election of CWP Chairperson, amendments to the Constitution, future meetings, reports on visits since September 2012 and other business.

Respectfully submitted,

Joe Preston, M.P.


Canadian Branch of the

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
