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From 13–15 July 2014, two Vice-Chairs from the Canadian Section of the Canada–United States Inter-Parliamentary Group (IPG) – the Honourable Wayne Easter, P.C., M.P. and Mr. John Williamson, M.P. – attended the 38th annual conference of the New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers (NEG/ECP) in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The conference had “Partnering for an Innovation Economy” as its theme.


Established in 1973, the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers is an inter-regional, bi-national organization of 11 jurisdictions: six New England states – Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont – and five Eastern Canadian provinces – New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Quebec.

The governors and premiers meet alternately in Eastern Canada and the New England states to address issues of shared concern, and to cooperate in: developing networks and relationships; taking collective action; engaging in regional projects and endorsing projects by others; undertaking research; and increasing public awareness of common interests.

Over the years, the NEG/ECP’s annual conference has addressed many topics of shared bilateral interest, including trade, the environment, economic development, tourism, energy, fisheries and agriculture.


The IPG aims to find points of convergence in respective national policies, to initiate dialogue on points of divergence, to encourage the exchange of information and to promote better understanding among legislators on shared issues of concern. Members of the IPG’s Canadian Section meet regularly with their federal counterparts and, in recent years, have attended meetings of governors and state legislators. At these events, Canadian delegates engage in conversations that will help the Canadian Section to achieve its objectives, and to communicate the nature and scope of the bilateral relationship.

The NEG/ECP’s 2014 annual conference was co-chaired by New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan and Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Tom Marshall. Other premiers and governors, or their representatives, attending the conference included: Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard; Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee; Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy; Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick; Vermont Governor Peter Shumlin; New Brunswick Energy Minister Craig Leonard; Prince Edward Island Innovation and Advanced Learning Minister Allen Roach; Nova Scotia Energy Minister Andrew Younger; and Maine Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner George Gervais.

During the 2014 annual conference of the NEG/ECP, delegates spoke with Premiers Philippe Couillard and Tom Marshal, Governors Lincoln Chafee and Maggie Hassan, and Ministers Roach and Younger.

Members of the Canadian Section of the IPG found the NEG/ECP’s 2014 annual conference to be a valuable opportunity to discuss the range of opportunities for Eastern Canadian provinces and the New England states to collaborate on improving a variety of regional links. Feeling that the objectives for the event were achieved, the Canadian Section intends to attend future annual conferences of the NEG/ECP to continue its work in advocating Canadian interests in the New England states.


The NEG/ECP’s 2014 annual conference had two plenary sessions:

·Energy Innovations for a Competitive Economy; and

·Stregthening Partnerships for Regional Economic Development.

The first plenary session involved remarks by: Peter Rothstein, of the New England Clean Energy Council; Phil Guidice, of Ambri; Paul Gromer, of Peregrine Energy Group; and Ghislain Fortin, of Cascades Canada ULC.

In the second plenary session, the following individuals made remarks: Ross Gittell, of the New Hampshire Community College System; Lennie Kelly, of the Aerospace and Defence Association of Prince Edward Island; Martin Lafleur, of Aero Montréal; Christopher Wrenn, of the New Hampshire Aerospace and Defense Export Consortium; and Claire Leonardi, of Connecticut Innovations.

·At the annual conference, three resolutions were passed:

·Resolution 38-1: Resolution concerning Regional Energy Markets;

·Resolution 38-2: Resolution concerning Sustainable Transportation Systems and Use of Alternative Fuel Vehicles: Continuing Commitment to Regional Initiatives; and

·Resolution 38-3: Resolution Recognizing the Importance of Regional Economic Development Cooperation.

The resolution on regional energy markets notes the NEG/ECP’s ongoing interest in expanding clean energy supply and trade, while strengthening the economy of – and maximizing the overall environmental benefits for – the northeastern region. It calls on the Northeast International Committee on Energy to organize a regional forum in late 2014 for a public sector-private sector discussion on the ongoing energy-related changes in the northeastern region, with the findings and proposed actions reported at the NEG/ECP’s 2015 annual conference.

Secondly, the resolution on sustainable transportation and the use of alternative fuel vehicles identifies the commitment by New England states and Eastern Canadian provinces to reducing harmful air pollutants in the region and to exploring opportunities to advance the clean energy economy. It reaffirms the 2013 commitments made by NEG/ECP governors and premiers, and calls on the Transportation and Air Quality Committee to continue its work in relation to a variety of sustainable transportation systems and alternative fuel vehicles.

Finally, the resolution on regional economic development cooperation mentions the strong business, trade, energy and transportation networks in the northeastern region, as well as the common economic challenges and opportunities faced by provinces and states in the region. It directs the establishment of a process for identifying shared opportunities, challenges and barriers to economic development and trade in the region, and for assessing potential collaborative actions to increase the region’s competitiveness. Reports in relation to the process are to be presented at the NEG/ECP’s 2015 and 2016 annual conferences.


Respectfully submitted,




Hon. Janis G. Johnson, Senator
Canada-United States
Inter-Parliamentary Group

Gord Brown, M.P.
Canada-United States
Inter-Parliamentary Group

