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SJCA Rapport du Comité

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Mémoires présentés par des organismes

Ad Hoc Committee on Custody and Access Reform

Alberta Federation of Women United for Families

Assemblée des Premières Nations

Association du Barreau Canadien

Association canadienne de défense des droits des grands-parents (Ottawa)

Association lien pères enfants de Québec, inc.

Association masculine d'entraide pour la famille

Association nationale de la femme et du droit

Association of Separated and Divorced Women

Association to Reunite Grandparents and Families

Association des travailleuses et travailleurs sociaux de l'Ontario

B.C.Yukon Society of Transition Houses

Balance Beam

Barreau du Québec

Battered Women's Support Services

Boundary Women's Resource Centre

Bureau d'assistance à l'enfance et à la famille

Bureau d'enregistrement des enfants disparus de la GRC

C.H.A.N.C.E.S. Inc. Family Resource Centre

Calgary Ad Hod Committee on Children's Rights

Calgary Divorced Parents' Resources

Calgary Status of Women Action Committee

Canadian Association of Retired Persons

Canadian Grandparents Rights Association (Alberta)

Canadian Mothercraft of Ottawa-Carleton

Carbonear Legal Aid

CARe, the Children at Risk Committee

Central Toronto Youth Services, Research and Program Development

Child Find Alberta

Children's Advocate Office

Children's Rights Center

Children's Voice (The)

Chisholm, Gafni & Block

Coalition of Canadian Men's Organizations (CCMO)

Coalition canadienne pour les droits des enfants

Committee of the Legal Profession of the Province of Saskatchewan

Community Action Program for Children-Nova Scotia

Community Legal Information Association of Prince Edward Islamd

Community Network on Custody and Access of Durham Region

Conseil canadien des femmes du Canada

Conseil consultatif sur la condition de la femme du Nouveau-Brunswick

Conseil national des femmes métisses

DADS Canada

Dalhousie Legal Aid Services

Dick Freeman Society

Easton Alliance for the Prevention of Family Violence

ÉGALE (Égalité pour les gais et les lesbiennes)

Equal Parents of Canada

Equitable Child Maintenance & Access Society (Edmonton Chapter)

Equitable Child Maintenance and Access Society (Calgary Chapter)

Everyman Magazine

F.E.D.-U.P. (Fathers Equally Deserve Unrestricted Parenthood)

Fairness in Family Law

Families Against Deadbeats (F.A.D.)

Family Conflict Resolution Services

Family Rights Association of Nova Scotia

Family Services of Greater Vancouver

FatherCraft Canada

Fathers Are Capable Too (FACT)

Fathers For Equality

Fathers Rights Action Group

Fédération des associations de familles monoparentales et recomposées du Québec


Freedom for Kids

G.R.A.N.D. Society (Manitoba Chapter) (Grandparents Requesting Access & Dignity)

G.R.A.N.D. Society (Ottawa Chapter) (Grandparents Requesting Access & Dignity)

Goldwater Dubé

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Toronto (Canada)

Groupe d'action des pères pour le maintien des liens faniliaux (GAPMLF)

Guide du Canada

Guyatt & Gaasenbeek

Helping Unite Grandparents and Grandchildren

Heritage of Children Canada

Islamic Society of North America

La justice pour les enfants

Kamloops Women's Resource Centre

Kelowna Women's Resource Centre

Kids Need Both Parents

Ksan House Society Counselling Services

Ligue pour le bien-être de l'enfance du Canada

London Battered Women's Advocacy Centre

London Coordinating Committee to End Woman Abuse

London Status of Women Action Group

Low Impact Divorce Program Inc.

Macnutt & Dumont

Mainland South Committee Against Woman Abuse

Manitoba Family Services

Médiation familiale du Canada

Mediation PEI, Inc.

Merchant Law Group

Ministry of Women's Equality

Mississauga Children's Rights

Mom's House-Dad's House

Montreal Men Against Sexism

National Alliance for the Advancement of Non-Custodial Parents

New Brunswick Shared Parenting Association

New Directions

New Vocal Man Inc.

Niagra-on-the-Lake Chapter of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Non-Custodial Parents of Durham-NCPD

Nova Scotia Shared Parenting Association

Office of the Child, Youth & Family Advocate

Ontario Association of Interval and Transition Houses (OAITH)

Organisation pour la Sauvegarde des Droits des Enfants

Orphaned Grandparents Association

Parent & Carr, Barrister & Solicitors

Parents Helping Parents

Parents Without Custody

Pauline Jewitt Institute on Women's Studies

Peer Support Services for Abused Women

PEI Advisory Council on the Status of Women

Penticton and Area Women's Centre (PAWC)

Pères séparés inc.

Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women Newfoundland and Labrador

Provincial Association of Transition Houses Saskatchewan

Provincial Child Sexual Abuse Advisory Committee

R.E.A.L. Parents for Justice

Reierson Sealey, Barristers & Solicitors

Réseau Nemesis Network

Saskatchewan Action Committee Status of Women

Saskatchewan Battered Women's Advocacy Network

Société canadienne de pédiatrie

Services à la famille Canada

Services à la famille du Manitoba

Service de police régional d'Ottawa-Carleton

Service social international

Société de l'aide à l'enfance d'Ottawa-Carleton

Transition favorable de la famille

Transition House Association of Nova Scotia

Unified Family Court, St. Jean (Terre-Neuve)

Université de Carleton

Vancouver Coordinating Committee on Violence Against Women in Relationships

Vancouver Custody & Access Support and Advocacy Association (VCASAA)

Victoria Men's Centre

VRAIES Femmes du Canada

W. Glen Howe & Associates

Women's Centres CONNECT

Women In Action

Women's Resource Society

Yew Transition House

YWCA Children Who Witness Abuse Program of Greater Vancouver

YWCA Munroe House

YWCA of Canada