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Bill C-23

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First Session, Forty-fourth Parliament,

70-71 Elizabeth II, 2021-2022


An Act respecting places, persons and events of national historic significance or national interest, archaeological resources and cultural and natural heritage

FIRST READING, June 7, 2022




This enactment enacts the Historic Places of Canada Act, which provides for the designation of places, persons and events that are of national historic significance or national interest and fosters the protection and conservation of the heritage value of the designated places.

The Act, among other things,

(a)sets out the powers, duties and functions of the federal minister responsible for the Act respecting, among other things,

(i)the designation of places, persons and events that are of national historic significance or national interest,

(ii)the protection and conservation of the heritage value of certain places that are of national historic significance or national interest,

(iii)the protection and conservation of certain archaeological resources,

(iv)the implementation of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, and

(v)the establishment of a program for the commemoration of deceased prime ministers of Canada at their grave sites or other appropriate places;

(b)continues the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada and modifies its composition, including to provide for the appointment of representatives for First Nations, Inuit and Métis;

(c)requires the establishment and maintenance of a public register that includes certain information about designated places, persons and events and permits the exclusion of information from the register in certain circumstances;

(d)imposes obligations for the protection and conservation of the heritage value of certain designated places that are under the administration of federal ministers or certain Crown corporations, including

(i)the obligation to ensure that the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada is taken into account before an action is carried out that may result in a physical change to one of those designated places that may affect its heritage value, and

(ii)the obligation to consult with the Parks Canada Agency before that action is carried out and before the disposition of one of those designated places;

(e)contains provisions respecting navigation on certain canals that are designated places;

(f)authorizes the Governor in Council to make regulations respecting certain designated places; and

(g)contains provisions respecting the enforcement of the Act.

The Act also contains transitional provisions, makes related and consequential amendments to other Acts and repeals the Historic Sites and Monuments Act.

Available on the House of Commons website at the following address:


An Act respecting places, persons and events of national historic significance or national interest, archaeological resources and cultural and natural heritage


Short Title

Historic Places of Canada Act



Her Majesty

Binding on Her Majesty

Designation of Minister


Powers, Duties and Functions of the Minister



World Heritage Convention


Commemoration program

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

Board continued


Representatives for provinces and territories


Tenure of office








Staff and other assistance


Powers, duties and functions of Board


Remuneration and expenses — appointed members


Annual report

Designation of Places, Persons and Events

Condition for designation


Request for designation


Requirement for federal authorities


Copy of requests to Board




Recommendation by Board


Designation by Minister


Public notice


Conditions for revocation


Condition for modifying names or reasons

Public Register



Obligations of federal authorities


Non-disclosure of information

Protection and Conservation of the Heritage Value of Federal Historic Places

Standards and Guidelines


Consultation with Agency — disposition

Navigation in Historic Canals

Restriction of navigation



Amending the Schedules

Schedule 1


Schedule 2


Designation of park wardens


Designation of enforcement officers


Contraventions Act


Certificate of designation and oath


Right of passage




Search and seizure


Custody of things seized


Liability for costs

Offences and Punishment



Due diligence defence


Fundamental purpose of sentencing






Disposition by Minister


Historic Places Protection and Conservation Fund


Orders of court


Limitation period

Transitional Provisions

Leased historic places


Board Members not appointed by Governor in Council


Deemed historic places

Related and Consequential Amendments

Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act


Canadian Navigable Waters Act


Department of Transport Act


Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act


Parks Canada Agency Act


Canada National Parks Act


Yukon Act


Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act


National Cemetery of Canada Act


Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act


Northwest Territories Act


Rouge National Urban Park Act


Recognition of Charlottetown as the Birthplace of Confederation Act


Repeal of R.‍S.‍, c. H-4

Coming into Force

Third anniversary of royal assent


1st Session, 44th Parliament,

70-71 Elizabeth II, 2021-2022



An Act respecting places, persons and events of national historic significance or national interest, archaeological resources and cultural and natural heritage


Whereas Parliament recognizes that historic places are significant sources of pride and enjoyment and that it is in the public interest to protect and present them for present and future generations;

Whereas Parliament recognizes the Government of Canada’s leadership role in protecting and conserving the heritage value of historic places in Canada and, in accordance with the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, the outstanding universal value of World Heritage sites;

Whereas Parliament recognizes that places, persons and events of national historic significance or national interest are markers that help to tell Canada’s diverse stories and to renew relationships, including by presenting different views and dark chapters in Canada’s history;

Whereas Parliament recognizes that the designation of places, persons and events of national historic significance or national interest, and the protection and conservation of archaeological resources are important ways to recognize Indigenous history, heritage values, memory practices, as well as the contributions of Indigenous peoples to Canada’s history;

Whereas Parliament recognizes that historical research must be undertaken ethically and grounded in the principle of integrity, which includes respect for Indigenous knowledge and community knowledge, including knowledge shared through oral histories;

Whereas Parliament recognizes that historic places encompass tangible and intangible features and may be cultural landscapes that represent the combined works of nature and humankind and that illustrate the relationship between peoples and lands;

And whereas Parliament is guided by the principles of inclusivity, transparency and sustainability and recognizes that the conservation of historic places is an environmentally responsible practice;

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short Title

Short title

1This Act may be cited as the Historic Places of Canada Act.



2The following definitions apply in this Act.

Agency means the Parks Canada Agency established by section 3 of the Parks Canada Agency Act.‍ (Agence)

Board means the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada continued under subsection 8(1).‍ (Commission)

enforcement officer means any person designated under subsection 38(1).‍ (agent de l’autorité)

federal authority means

  • (a)in the case of a department as defined in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act, the appropriate Minister as defined in that section; and

  • (b)in the case of a Crown corporation named in Schedule 1, that Crown corporation.‍ (autorité fédérale)

federal historic place means a historic place, or part of a historic place, that is under the administration of a federal authority and, except in the case of a historic canal, is located on federal lands.‍ (lieu historique fédéral)

federal historic place administered by the Agency means a federal historic place under the administration of the federal minister responsible for the Agency for the purposes of the Agency.‍ (lieu historique fédéral dont l’Agence a la gestion)

federal institution means

  • (a)a department as defined in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act; or

  • (b)a Crown corporation named in Schedule 1. (institution fédérale)

federal lands means lands in Canada that belong to Her Majesty in right of Canada, alone or with others. It does not include

  • (a)reserves, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Indian Act;

  • (b)surrendered lands, as defined in subsection 2(1) of that Act;

  • (c)any other lands that are set apart for the use and benefit of a band, as defined in subsection 2(1) of that Act, and that are subject to that Act; and

  • (d)lands in which Her Majesty in right of Canada holds an easement, servitude, lease or other lesser interests or rights than ownership. (terres fédérales)

historic canal means a canal that is named in column 1 of Schedule 2, and includes the lakes, rivers and other waters that are appertaining or incidental to the canal and the works and lands that belong to Her Majesty in right of Canada that are appertaining or incidental to the canal.‍ (canal historique)

historic place means a place designated as a historic place of Canada under subsection 24(1).‍ (lieu historique)

Indigenous governing body means a council, government or other entity that is authorized to act on behalf of an Indigenous group, community or people that holds rights recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.‍ (corps dirigeant autochtone)

Indigenous peoples of Canada has the meaning assigned by the definition aboriginal peoples of Canada in subsection 35(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982 (peuples autochtones du Canada)

Minister means the federal minister responsible for the Agency or, if another federal minister is designated under section 4, that minister.‍ (ministre)

park warden means a person designated under subsection 37(1).‍ (garde de parc)

superintendent means a person appointed under subsection 13(1) of the Parks Canada Agency Act who holds the office of superintendent of a federal historic place administered by the Agency, and includes any other person appointed under that Act who is authorized by the superintendent to act on their behalf.‍ (directeur)

Her Majesty

Binding on Her Majesty

3This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Designation of Minister


4The Governor in Council may, by order, designate any federal minister to be the Minister referred to in this Act.

Powers, Duties and Functions of the Minister


5(1)The Minister is responsible for

  • (a)the designation of places, persons and events of national historic significance or national interest; and

  • (b)fostering the protection and conservation of the heritage value of federal historic places.


(2)The Minister may

  • (a)recognize the national historic significance or national interest of places, persons and events designated under subsection 24(1) by any means, including by plaques;

  • (b)establish and implement programs, policies and guidance to foster the protection and conservation of the heritage value of historic places;

  • (c)undertake scientific and technical studies and research related to historic places and counteracting the dangers that threaten them; and

  • (d)establish and implement programs, policies and guidance related to the protection and conservation of archaeological resources on federal lands under the administration of a federal authority.

World Heritage Convention

6For the purposes of implementing the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, done in Paris on November 23, 1972, the Minister is responsible for

  • (a)supporting the Government of Canada’s efforts related to the identification, protection, conservation and presentation of world cultural and natural heritage; and

  • (b)coordinating Canada’s activities related to the World Heritage Committee established under Article 8 of that Convention, including by providing for the representation of Canada on that committee and nominating Canadian sites for inscription on the World Heritage List established under Article 11 of that Convention.

Commemoration program

7The Minister must establish a program for the commemoration of deceased prime ministers of Canada at their grave sites or at places in Canada the Minister considers appropriate.

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

Board continued

8(1)The Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada established under subsection 4(1) of the Historic Sites and Monuments Act, chapter H-4 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, is continued.


(2)The Board consists of the following members:

  • (a)one representative, appointed by the Governor in Council, for each province and territory;

  • (b)one representative, appointed by the Governor in Council, for each of the following:

    • (i)First Nations,

    • (ii)Inuit, and

    • (iii)Métis;

  • (c)two officers, designated by the Minister, from federal institutions who have expertise in a field relevant to the activities of the Board;

  • (d)one officer of the Agency, designated by the Minister; and

  • (e)one Chair, appointed by the Governor in Council.

Representatives for provinces and territories

9(1)A representative for a province or a territory must reside in that province or territory.

Representatives for First Nations, Inuit and Métis

(2)The representatives appointed under paragraph 8(2)‍(b) are to be appointed on the recommendation of the Minister made after the Minister has consulted with a variety of Indigenous governing bodies and a variety of entities that represent the interests of Indigenous groups and their members.

Tenure of office

10(1)A member appointed by the Governor in Council holds office during pleasure for a term fixed by the Governor in Council of up to five years, but they continue to hold office until their successor is appointed.


(2)A member may be reappointed.


11(1)The Governor in Council must designate one of the members of the Board as its Vice-chair.

Absence or incapacity of Chair

(2)In the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chair or if the office of Chair is vacant, the Vice-chair is to act as Chair.


12The officer of the Agency who is a member of the Board is the Secretary of the Board unless another employee is designated by the Chief Executive Officer of the Agency to act as the Secretary.


13(1)The Board must, at least twice in every calendar year, meet at the times and places determined by the Secretary in consultation with the Chair.

Other meetings

(2)The Board must hold any other meetings that the Minister may require at the times and places determined by the Minister.


(3)Eight members of the Board constitute a quorum.

Staff and other assistance

14The Minister may provide the Board with any employees from the Agency and any other assistance necessary for the proper conduct of the business of the Board.

Powers, duties and functions of Board

15The Board has the following powers, duties and functions:

  • (a)make recommendations to the Minister respecting the designation of places, persons and events of national historic significance or of national interest in accordance with the provisions of this Act;

  • (b)make recommendations to the Minister respecting the means of recognizing the national historic significance or national interest of those places, persons and events; and

  • (c)advise the Minister, on request, in exercising the Minister’s powers and performing the Minister’s duties and functions under this Act.

Remuneration and expenses — appointed members

16(1)Each member of the Board appointed by the Governor in Council is to be paid the remuneration that is fixed by the Governor in Council and is entitled to be paid reasonable travel and living expenses incurred while absent from their ordinary place of residence in the course of performing their duties under this Act.

Other members

(2)Each member of the Board not appointed by the Governor in Council is entitled to be paid reasonable travel and living expenses incurred while absent from their ordinary place of residence in the course of performing their duties under this Act.

Annual report

17(1)As soon as practicable at the beginning of each calendar year, the Board must submit to the Minister a report of its activities for the previous calendar year in the form specified by the Minister and make public that report.

Other reports

(2)The Board must submit to the Minister any other statements or reports respecting its activities that the Minister may require within the time and in the form specified by the Minister.

Designation of Places, Persons and Events

Condition for designation

18A place, person or event may be designated as a historic place of Canada, person of historic significance or historic event, respectively, if the place, person or event is of national historic significance or national interest.

Request for designation

19Any person or entity may submit a request in writing to the Minister for the designation of a place, person or event.

Requirement for federal authorities

20A federal authority must submit a request in writing to the Minister for the designation, as a historic place, of each building that belongs to Her Majesty in right of Canada and is under the administration of that federal authority within one year after the 50th anniversary of the day of the completion of the building’s construction or the day on which the building comes under the administration of the federal authority, whichever is later.

Copy of requests to Board

21The Minister must provide the Board with a copy of each request submitted under section 19 or 20.


22The Minister must establish criteria respecting the designation of places, persons and events.

Recommendation by Board

23(1)For each request provided to it under section 21, the Board must make a recommendation to the Minister respecting the designation of the place, person or event that is the subject of the request based on the criteria established by the Minister.

Sources of information

(2)When applying those criteria, the Board must take into account the best available information in relation to the national historic significance or national interest of the place, person or event, including information from the following sources:

  • (a)Indigenous knowledge of the Indigenous peoples of Canada;

  • (b)community knowledge; and

  • (c)scientific and academic knowledge.


(3)The Board must provide the Minister with its recommendation respecting the designation of the place, person or event within 90 days of the day of the meeting at which the Board determines its recommendation.

Designation by Minister

24(1)The Minister may, after receiving a recommendation from the Board, designate a place, person or event as a historic place of Canada, person of historic significance or historic event, respectively, if the Minister is of the opinion that the condition referred to in section 18 is met.

Decision in timely manner

(2)The Minister must make a decision respecting the designation in a timely manner after receiving a recommendation from the Board.

Name and reasons

(3)For each designation, the Minister must specify the name of the historic place, person of historic significance or historic event and the reasons for its designation.

Public notice

25The Minister must notify the public of all new designations in a manner that the Minister considers appropriate.

Conditions for revocation

26The Minister may not revoke a designation of a place, person or event unless the Minister

  • (a)has received a recommendation from the Board respecting its revocation; and

  • (b)is of the opinion that the place, person or event no longer meets the condition referred to in section 18.

Condition for modifying names or reasons

27The Minister may not modify the name or reasons specified under subsection 24(3) unless the Minister has received a recommendation from the Board respecting their modification.

Public Register


28(1)The Minister must establish and maintain a public register of historic places, persons of historic significance and historic events designated under subsection 24(1).


(2)The register must include the following:

  • (a)the name of each historic place, person of historic significance and historic event;

  • (b)the reasons for designation;

  • (c)the description of the heritage value of each historic place;

  • (d)information about the condition of each federal historic place;

  • (e)for each federal historic place, information about any planned action that may result in a physical change to the place that may affect its heritage value; and

  • (f)where applicable, an indication that a historic place is a federal historic place administered by the Agency.

Federal historic places administered by Agency

(3)For greater certainty, the register may include information about the boundaries of each federal historic place administered by the Agency.

Places other than historic places

(4)The register may include information about places other than historic places, including, at the request of an Indigenous governing body, about any place identified by that body as being a place of heritage value or significance.

Obligations of federal authorities

29A federal authority must provide the Minister, in the time, form and manner specified by the Minister, with the information referred to in paragraphs 28(2)‍(d) and (e) for each federal historic place under the administration of that federal authority.

Non-disclosure of information

30Despite subsection 28(2), the Minister may exclude or remove information from the register if the disclosure of that information

  • (a)could cause damage to the heritage value of a historic place or interfere with the protection or conservation of the heritage value of a historic place;

  • (b)could cause damage to or interfere with the spiritual character of a place, including a place of burial, within a historic place; or

  • (c)would breach an agreement entered into by the Government of Canada.

Protection and Conservation of the Heritage Value of Federal Historic Places

Standards and Guidelines

31(1)A federal authority must ensure that the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada, published by the Agency, as amended from time to time, is taken into account before an action is carried out that may result in a physical change to a federal historic place under its administration that may affect the heritage value of the place.

Consultation with Agency — action carried out

(2)The federal authority must consult with the Agency before that action is carried out, except in the circumstances specified by the Minister.

Consultation with Agency — disposition

32(1)A federal authority must consult with the Agency before the disposition, including by a transfer of administration or a transfer of administration and control, of a federal historic place under the administration of that federal authority.


(2)The federal authority must notify the Agency when that disposition is complete.

Navigation in Historic Canals

Restriction of navigation

33The Minister may restrict or prohibit the navigation, anchoring or mooring of vessels in historic canals, including for the purposes of

  • (a)managing water levels;

  • (b)keeping navigation channels open; and

  • (c)conducting repair and maintenance work.



34(1)The Governor in Council may make regulations respecting federal historic places administered by the Agency, except those located in the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park established by section 5 of the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park Act, a park or park reserve, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Canada National Parks Act, a marine conservation area or reserve, as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act, or the Rouge National Urban Park established by section 4 of the Rouge National Urban Park Act, including regulations respecting

  • (a)the administration of those places;

  • (b)the protection of cultural, historical and archaeological resources, flora, soil, waters, fossils, natural features and air quality;

  • (c)the protection of fauna, the taking of specimens of fauna for scientific or propagation purposes and the destruction or removal of dangerous or superabundant fauna;

  • (d)fishing, including its management;

  • (e)the prevention and remedying of any obstruction or pollution of waterways in those places;

  • (f)the restriction or prohibition of activities and the control of the use of the resources and facilities in those places;

  • (g)the establishment, operation, maintenance, administration and use of cemeteries, including the designation, granting and maintenance of plots in cemeteries;

  • (h)the treatment of cremated human remains;

  • (i)the establishment, maintenance, administration, dredging, filling and use of roads, streets, highways, parking areas, sidewalks, streetworks, trails, wharves, docks, bridges, waterways and other improvements, and the circumstances under which they must be open or may be closed to the public;

  • (j)the control of traffic on roads, streets, highways and waterways and elsewhere in those places, including the regulation of the speed and operation of vehicles and vessels, draught, wintering and mooring of vessels and parking of vehicles;

  • (k)the control of the location, standards, design, materials, construction, maintenance, improvement, removal and demolition of buildings, facilities, signs and other structures and the establishment of zones governing uses of land and buildings;

  • (l)the control of businesses, trades, occupations, amusements, sports and other activities or undertakings and the locations where those activities and undertakings may be carried on;

  • (m)the preservation of public health and the prevention of disease;

  • (n)public safety, including the control of firearms;

  • (o)the control of domestic animals, including the impounding or destruction of those animals found at large;

  • (p)the acquisition or disposition of prehistoric and historic objects and reproductions of them and the sale of souvenirs, consumer articles and publications related to those objects and reproductions;

  • (q)the control of access to those places by air; and

  • (r)the summary removal from one of those places, by park wardens or enforcement officers, of persons found contravening specified provisions of the regulations or the Criminal Code, and the exclusion from that place for prescribed periods of those persons or persons convicted of offences under those provisions.

Lands appertaining to federal historic places

(2)Regulations made under this section may apply to any federal lands under the administration of the federal minister responsible for the Agency for the purposes of the Agency that are appertaining or incidental to a federal historic place administered by the Agency.

Powers of superintendents

(3)Regulations made under this section may authorize the superintendent of a federal historic place administered by the Agency, in the circumstances and subject to the limits that may be specified in the regulations,

  • (a)to vary any requirement of the regulations for purposes of public safety or the protection and conservation of cultural, historical and archaeological resources in that place;

  • (b)to issue, amend, suspend and revoke permits, licences and other authorizations in relation to any matter that is the subject of regulations and to set their terms and conditions;

  • (c)to order the taking of any action to counter any threat to public health or to remedy the consequences of any breach of the regulations in that place; and

  • (d)to restrict or prohibit the navigation, anchoring or mooring of vessels in historic canals.

Seizure and sale

(4)Regulations made under this section may

  • (a)provide for the non-passing, detention or seizure of a vessel in a historic canal, at the risk of the owner of the vessel,

    • (i)on which fees fixed under subsection 23(1) of the Parks Canada Agency Act have not been paid,

    • (ii)in respect of which any injury has been done to a historic canal and has not been paid for,

    • (iii)for or on account of which a fine remains unpaid, or

    • (iv)in respect of which the regulations have been contravened; and

  • (b)provide for the sale of a vessel detained or seized if the amount of the fees, compensation for injuries or fines are not paid within the time prescribed by the regulations, and for the payment of the amounts due out of the proceeds of the sale.

Surplus proceeds

(5)The surplus proceeds, if any, of a sale referred to in paragraph (4)‍(b) must be returned to the owner of the vessel or the owner’s agent or mandatary.

Amending the Schedules

Schedule 1

35The Governor in Council may, by order, amend Schedule 1 by adding the name of any Crown corporation named in Schedule III of the Financial Administration Act or deleting the name of any Crown corporation.

Schedule 2

36The Governor in Council may, by order, amend Schedule 2 by adding the name of any canal located in Canada that is a historic place, or part of a historic place, and is under the administration of the federal minister responsible for the Agency for the purposes of the Agency in column 1 and the name of the province or territory in which that canal is located in column 2 or deleting the name of any canal and the name of the province or territory in which that canal is located.


Designation of park wardens

37(1)The Minister may designate persons who are appointed under the Parks Canada Agency Act and whose duties include law enforcement to be park wardens for the purposes of

  • (a)enforcing the provisions of this Act and the regulations; and

  • (b)preserving and maintaining public peace in federal historic places administered by the Agency.

Peace officers

(2)For those purposes, park wardens are peace officers, as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code.

Designation of enforcement officers

38(1)The Minister may designate persons or classes of persons who are employed in the federal public administration or by a provincial, municipal or local authority or an Indigenous governing body and whose duties include law enforcement to be enforcement officers for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Act or the regulations that are specified in the designation in relation to the federal historic places administered by the Agency that are specified in the designation.

Powers and protections

(2)For that purpose, enforcement officers have the powers of, and are entitled to the protection provided by law to, peace officers, as defined in section 2 of the Criminal Code.

Contraventions Act

39(1)The Minister may designate persons or classes of persons who are employed in the federal public administration or by a provincial, municipal or local authority or an Indigenous governing body for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of this Act and the regulations that relate to offences that have been designated as contraventions under the Contraventions Act.

Limitations regarding designations

(2)The Minister may specify that a designation is in respect of one or more federal historic places administered by the Agency or in respect of one or more offences under this Act that have been designated as contraventions under the Contraventions Act.

Certificate of designation and oath

40(1)Each park warden, enforcement officer and person designated under subsection 39(1) must be provided with a certificate of designation in a form approved by the Minister and must take and subscribe an oath prescribed by the Minister.

Limitations must be specified

(2)The certificate must specify the limitations, if any, to which the designation is subject.

Right of passage

41In the discharge of their duties, a park warden, an enforcement officer and any person accompanying either of them may enter on and pass through or over private property without being liable for doing so and withoutany person having the right to object to that use of the property. 


42A park warden or enforcement officer is not personally liable for any thing done or omitted to be done in good faith in the exercise or performance of their powers, or the performance of their duties or functions under this Act.

Search and seizure

43(1)A park warden or enforcement officer may

  • (a)enter and search any place and open and examine any package or receptacle in accordance with a warrant issued under subsection (2) at any time during the day or, if so specified in the warrant, during the night; and

  • (b)seize any thing that the warden or officer believes on reasonable grounds is a thing described in subsection (2).

Authority to issue warrant

(2)A justice of the peace may, on ex parte application, issue a warrant authorizing a park warden or enforcement officer named in the warrant to, subject to any conditions specified in it, enter and search any place, including any building or any vehicle, vessel or other conveyance, or open and examine any package or receptacle, if the justice of the peace is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is in the place, package or receptacle

  • (a)any thing in relation to which there are reasonable grounds to believe an offence under this Act has been committed; or

  • (b)any thing that there are reasonable grounds to believe will afford evidence with respect to the commission of such an offence.

Warrant not necessary

(3)A park warden or enforcement officer may exercise any powers under subsection (1) without a warrant if the conditions for obtaining a warrant exist, but by reason of exigent circumstances it would not be practical to obtain one.

Custody of things seized

44(1)Subject to subsections (2) and (3) and sections 50 and 51, if a park warden or enforcement officer seizes a thing under this Act or under a warrant issued under the Criminal Code,

  • (a)sections 489.‍1 and 490 of the Criminal Code apply; and

  • (b)the warden or officer, or any person that the warden or officer designates, must retain custody of the thing, subject to any order made under section 490 of the Criminal Code.

Forfeiture if ownership not ascertainable

(2)If the ownership of or entitlement to a seized thing cannot be ascertained within 30 days after its seizure, the thing or any proceeds of its disposition are forfeited to Her Majesty in right of Canada — if the thing was seized by a park warden or by an enforcement officer employed in the federal public administration — or to Her Majesty in right of a province if the thing was seized by an enforcement officer employed by a provincial, municipal or local authority or an Indigenous governing body.

Perishable things

(3)If a seized thing is perishable, the park warden or enforcement officer may dispose of it or destroy it, and any proceeds of its disposition must be paid to the owner or person entitled to possession of the thing, unless proceedings under this Act are commenced within 90 days after its seizure, in which case they must be retained by the warden or officer pending the outcome of those proceedings.

Liability for costs

45If a thing is seized under this Act, the person who owned the thing at the time that it was seized, the person who had charge or control of the thing immediately before it was seized and the person who possessed it immediately before it was seized are jointly and severally, or solidarily, liable for all the costs of seizure, detention, maintenance and forfeiture, including any destruction or disposal costs, incurred by Her Majesty in right of Canada in relation to the thing in excess of any proceeds of its disposition.

Offences and Punishment


46Every person who contravenes any provision of the regulations or any condition of a permit, licence or other authorization issued under the regulations is guilty of an offence and liable

  • (a)on conviction on indictment,

    • (i)in the case of an individual, to a fine of not more than $200,000, and

    • (ii)in the case of a corporation, to a fine of not more than $1,000,000; or

  • (b)on summary conviction,

    • (i)in the case of an individual, to a fine of not more than $50,000, and

    • (ii)in the case of a corporation, to a fine of not more than $500,000.

Due diligence defence

47A person is not to be found guilty of an offence under this Act if they establish that they exercised due diligence to prevent its commission.

Fundamental purpose of sentencing

48The fundamental purpose of sentencing for offences under this Act is to contribute to respect for the law establishing and protecting historic places by imposing just sanctions that have one or more of the following objectives:

  • (a)to deter the offender and any other person from committing offences under this Act;

  • (b)to denounce unlawful conduct that damages or creates a risk of damage to historic places; and

  • (c)to provide reparation for harm done to historic places.


49(1)In addition to the principles and factors that the court is otherwise required to consider, including those set out in sections 718.‍1 to 718.‍21 of the Criminal Code, the court must consider aggravating factors associated with the offence when sentencing a person who is convicted of an offence under this Act, including the following aggravating factors:

  • (a)the offence caused damage to any unique, rare, particularly important or vulnerable resources of a historic place;

  • (b)the damage caused by the offence is extensive, persistent or irreparable;

  • (c)the offender committed the offence despite having been warned by a superintendent, park warden or enforcement officer of the circumstances that subsequently became the subject of the offence; or

  • (d)after the commission of the offence, the offender attempted to conceal its commission.

Absence of aggravating factor

(2)The absence of an aggravating factor set out in subsection (1) is not a mitigating factor.

Definition of damage

(3)For the purposes of paragraphs (1)‍(a) and (b), damage includes loss of use value and non-use value.


50(1)If a person is convicted of an offence under this Act, the court may, in addition to any punishment imposed, order that any seized thing, or any proceeds of its disposition, be forfeited to Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Return if no forfeiture ordered

(2)If the court does not order the forfeiture, the seized thing or the proceeds of its disposition must be returned or paid to its owner or the person entitled to it.

Retention or sale

(3)If a fine is imposed on a person convicted of an offence under this Act, any seized thing, or any proceeds of its disposition, may be retained until the fine is paid or the thing may be sold in satisfaction of the fine and the proceeds applied, in whole or in part, in payment of the fine.

Disposition by Minister

51Any seized thing that has been forfeited under this Act to Her Majesty in right of Canada or abandoned by its owner may be dealt with and disposed of as the Minister may direct.

Historic Places Protection and Conservation Fund

52(1)There is established an account in the accounts of Canada to be called the Historic Places Protection and Conservation Fund.

Fines credited to account

(2)All fines received by the Receiver General in respect of the commission of an offence under this Act, other than fines collected under the Contraventions Act, are to be credited to the account.

Amounts payable out of account

(3)Amounts may be paid out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and charged to the account for the purposes of protecting and conserving the heritage value of historic places.

Limit on payments

(4)A payment must not be made out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund under subsection (3) in excess of the amount of the balance to the credit of the account.

Orders of court

53(1)If a person is convicted of an offence under this Act, the court may, in addition to any punishment imposed and having regard to the nature of the offence and the circumstances surrounding its commission, make an order having any or all of the following effects:

  • (a)prohibiting the person from doing any act or engaging in any activity that may, in the opinion of the court, result in the continuation or repetition of the offence;

  • (b)directing the person to take any action that the court considers appropriate to remedy or avoid any damage to any resources of the historic place that resulted or may result from the commission of the offence;

  • (c)directing the person to compensate any person, monetarily or otherwise, in whole or in part, for the cost of any remedial or preventive action that is taken, that is caused to be taken or that is to be taken as a result of the act or omission that constituted the offence, including the costs of assessing the appropriate remedial or preventive action;

  • (d)directing the person to post a bond, provide surety or pay into court an amount of money that the court considers appropriate for the purpose of ensuring compliance with any prohibition, direction or requirement mentioned in this section;

  • (e)directing the person to pay to Her Majesty in right of Canada or an organization an amount of money that the court considers appropriate for the purpose of promoting the protection or conservation of the heritage value of historic places;

  • (f)directing the person to perform community service, subject to any reasonable conditions;

  • (g)requiring the person to surrender to the Minister any permit, licence or other authorization issued to the person under this Act;

  • (h)prohibiting the person from applying for any new permit, licence or other authorization under this Act during any period that the court considers appropriate;

  • (i)requiring the person to comply with any other conditions that the court considers appropriate.

Suspended sentence

(2)If a person is convicted of an offence under this Act and the court suspends the passing of sentence under paragraph 731(1)‍(a) of the Criminal Code, the court may, in addition to any probation order made under that paragraph, make an order referred to in subsection (1).

Imposition of sentence

(3)If a person does not comply with an order that is made in accordance with subsection (2) or is convicted of another offence, the court may, within three years, or any shorter period specified in the order, after that order was made, on the application of the prosecution, impose any sentence that could have been imposed if the passing of sentence had not been suspended.

Debt due to Her Majesty

(4)If the court makes an order under paragraph (1)‍(c) or (e) directing a person to pay an amount of money to Her Majesty in right of Canada, the amount constitutes a debt due to Her Majesty in right of Canada and may be recovered in any court of competent jurisdiction.


(5)If the court makes an order under paragraph (1)‍(c) directing a person to pay an amount of money to any person other than Her Majesty in right of Canada and the amount is not paid without delay, that other person may, by filing the order, enter as a judgment, in the superior court of the province or territory in which the trial was held, the amount ordered to be paid, and that judgment is enforceable against the person who was directed to pay the amount in the same manner as if it were a judgment rendered against the offender in that court in civil proceedings.

Limitation period

54No proceedings by way of summary conviction in respect of an offence under this Act may be instituted more than two years after the day on which the subject matter of the proceedings arose, unless the prosecutor and the defendant agree that they may be instituted after the two years.

Transitional Provisions

Leased historic places

55Paragraphs 28(2)‍(d) to (f) and sections 29, 31, 34 and 37 to 54 do not apply in respect of a part of a historic place that, immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, is located on federal lands and is leased to a lessee by Her Majesty in right of Canada under a lease for a term of at least 10 years until the earliest of the following days:

  • (a)the day on which the lease expires,

  • (b)the day on which the lease is renewed, and

  • (c)the day on which the duration of the lease is amended.

Board members not appointed by Governor in Council

56(1)The members of the Board not appointed by the Governor in Council who hold office immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent cease to hold office as members of the Board on that day.

Board members appointed by Governor in Council

(2)Subject to subsection (3), the members of the Board appointed by the Governor in Council who hold office immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent continue to hold office as members of the Board for the remainder of the terms for which they were appointed.


(3)The member of the Board who, immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent, holds office as the representative of a province or territory and is designated as Chairman of the Board ceases to hold office as the representative of that province or territory on that day and is deemed to have been appointed under paragraph 8(2)‍(e) as the Chair of the Board for the remainder of the term for which they were appointed as the representative of that province or territory.

First Vice-chair

(4)The first Vice-chair of the Board must be designated from among the members of the Board who continue as members under subsection (2).


(5)The Secretary of the Board who holds office immediately before the day on which this Act receives royal assent ceases to hold that office on that day.

Deemed historic places

57(1)On the day on which this Act receives royal assent, each of the following is deemed to be designated as a historic place under subsection 24(1):

  • (a)any site, building or other place that, immediately before that day, is commemorated under paragraph 3(a) of the former Act;

  • (b)any land that, immediately before that day, is set apart as a national historic site of Canada under subsection 42(1) of the Canada National Parks Act; and

  • (c)any classified building, unless the classified building is a building that is deemed under paragraph (a) to be designated as a historic place or is located on a site, other place or land that is deemed under paragraph (a) or (b) to be designated as a historic place.

Classified buildings

(2)If a classified building is a building that is deemed under paragraph (1)‍(a) to be designated as a historic place or is located on a site, other place or land that is deemed under paragraph (1)‍(a) or (b) to be designated as a historic place, then a description of the heritage value of that classified building must be included in the description of the heritage value of the historic place.

Deemed persons of historic significance

(3)On the day on which this Act receives royal assent, any person who, immediately before that day, is commemorated under paragraph 3(a) of the former Act is deemed to be designated as a person of historic significance under subsection 24(1).

Deemed historic events

(4)On the day on which this Act receives royal assent, any event that, immediately before that day, is commemorated under paragraph 3(a) of the former Act is deemed to be designated as a historic event under subsection 24(1).


(5)The following definitions apply in this section.

classified building means a building that, immediately before May 13, 2022, is assigned a classified designation under the Treasury Board Policy on Management of Real Property.‍ (édifice classifié)

former Act means the Historic Sites and Monuments Act, chapter H-4 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985.‍ (ancienne loi)

Related and Consequential Amendments

R.‍S.‍, c. M-13; 2000, c. 8, s. 2

Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act

2000, c. 32, s. 70.‍1(2)

58Paragraph 2(3)‍(c) of the Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act is replaced by the following:

  • (c)any real property or immovable developed and used as a park and situated within an area defined as “urban” by Statistics Canada, as of the most recent census of the population of Canada taken by Statistics Canada, other than national parks of Canada, national marine parks of Canada, national park reserves of Canada, national marine park reserves of Canada, historic Insertion start places Insertion end of Canada Insertion start under the administration of the minister of the Crown responsible for the Parks Canada Agency for the purposes of that Agency Insertion end or national battlefields;

R.‍S.‍, c. N-22; 2012, c. 31, s. 316; 2019, c. 28, s. 46

Canadian Navigable Waters Act

2019, c. 28, s. 57

59Subsection 23(2) of the Canadian Navigable Waters Act is replaced by the following:

Historic canals

(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a historic canal as defined in section 2 of the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Act Insertion end .

R.‍S.‍, c. T-18

Department of Transport Act

60The definition canal in section 2 of the Department of Transport Act is replaced by the following:

canal means, Insertion start with the exception of historic canals as defined in section 2 of the Historic Places of Canada Act Insertion end , every canal and lock that belongs to Canada and includes every canal and lock acquired, constructed, extended, enlarged, repaired or improved at the expense of Canada, or for the acquisition, construction, repairing, extending, enlarging or improving of which any public money is voted and appropriated by Parliament, except works for which money has been appropriated as a subsidy only, and all works and property appertaining or incidental to such a canal or that are placed under the management, charge and direction or the control of the Minister of Transport by the Governor in Council; (canaux)

61Section 18 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Provincial contracts enure to Canada

18All contracts, bonds, agreements or leases for or respecting any railway, canal or Insertion start historic canal as defined in section 2 of the Historic Places of Canada Act Insertion end now the property of Canada, or for any tolls imposed for their use, entered into by the Commissioner of Public Works of the former Province of Canada, or by the Board of Works of the Province of Nova Scotia or of the Province of New Brunswick, or by any commissioners or other persons duly authorized to enter into them in any province of Canada, enure to the use of Her Majesty, and may be enforced as if they had been entered into with Her Majesty under the authority of this Act.

R.‍S.‍, c. 52 (4th Supp.‍)

Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act

62The definition Board in subsection 2(1) of the Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act is replaced by the following:

Board means the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada Insertion start continued under subsection 8(1) Insertion end of the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Insertion end Act; (Commission)

1998, c. 31

Parks Canada Agency Act

63(1)The first and second paragraphs of the preamble to the Parks Canada Agency Act are replaced by the following:


Whereas the Government of Canada wishes to establish an Agency for the purpose of ensuring that Canada’s national parks, historic Insertion start places Insertion end and related heritage areas are protected and presented for Insertion start present Insertion end and future generations and in order to further the achievement of the national interest as it relates to those parks, Insertion start places Insertion end and heritage areas and related programs;

Whereas the Government of Canada wishes to establish an Agency that, through the exercise of its responsibilities in relation to those parks, Insertion start places Insertion end and heritage areas and related programs, will reflect Canada’s values and identity and contribute to enhancing pride in Canada;

2002, c. 18, s. 33(1)

(2)Paragraph (a) of the fourth paragraph of the preamble to the Act is replaced by the following:

(a)to protect the nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage in national parks, historic Insertion start places Insertion end , national marine conservation areas and related heritage areas in view of their special role in the lives of Canadians and the fabric of the nation,

(3)Paragraph (f) of the fourth paragraph of the preamble to the Act is replaced by the following:

(f)to ensure the commemorative integrity Insertion start and heritage value Insertion end of historic Insertion start places Insertion end ,

(4)Paragraphs (l) and (m) of the fourth paragraph of the preamble to the Act are replaced by the following:

(l)to maintain ecological integrity as a prerequisite to the use of national parks,

Start of inserted block

(l.‍1)to maintain commemorative integrity and heritage value as a prerequisite to the use of historic places, and

End of inserted block

(m)to manage visitor use and tourism in Insertion start those national parks and historic places Insertion end to ensure both the maintenance of ecological and commemorative integrity Insertion start and heritage value Insertion end and a quality experience in Insertion start those Insertion end heritage and natural areas for Insertion start present Insertion end and future generations;

2000, c. 32, s. 58

64(1)The definition national historic site in subsection 2(1) of the Act is repealed.

2005, c. 2, s. 3(3)

(2)Paragraphs (a) and (b) of the definition other protected heritage areas in subsection 2(1) of the Act are repealed.

(3)Subsection 2(1) of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

Start of inserted block

historic canal has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Historic Places of Canada Act.  (canal historique)

historic place has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Historic Places of Canada Act.‍ (lieu historique)

End of inserted block

(4)Subsection 2(2) of the Act is repealed.

2008, c. 16, s. 18; 2015, c. 10, s. 57

65Paragraphs 4(1)‍(a) and (b) of the Act are replaced by the following:

  • (a)areas of natural or historical significance to the nation, including national parks, national marine conservation areas, historic Insertion start places under the administration of the Minister for the purposes of the Agency Insertion end , Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park and Rouge National Urban Park;

  • (b)heritage railway stations, heritage lighthouses, federal heritage buildings, historic places, federal archaeology and Canadian heritage rivers; and

2002, c. 18, s. 35

66(1)Subsection 5(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Exercise of powers conferred on Minister

5(1)Subject to any direction given by the Minister, the Agency may exercise the powers and Insertion start must Insertion end perform the duties and functions that relate to national parks, historic Insertion start places Insertion end , national marine conservation areas, other protected heritage areas and heritage protection programs that are conferred on, or delegated, assigned or transferred to, the Minister under any Act or regulation.

(2)Subsection 5(3) of the Act is amended by striking out “or” at the end of paragraph (b), and by replacing paragraph (c) with the following:

  • (c)a power under the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Insertion end Act Insertion start to Insertion end

    • Start of inserted block

      (i)designate officers to the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada or revoke those designations,

    • (ii)designate places, persons or events as historic places, persons of historic significance or historic events or revoke those designations,

    • (iii)modify the names of historic places, persons of historic significance or historic events or the reasons for their designation, or

    • (iv)establish criteria respecting the designation of places, persons and events; or

  • (d)a power under the Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act to designate railway stations as heritage railway stations or features of heritage railway stations as heritage features or revoke those designations.

    End of inserted block

2002, c. 18, s. 36

67Subsections 6(1) to (3) of the Act are replaced by the following:

Responsibilities — subject-matter

6(1)The Agency is responsible for the implementation of policies of the Government of Canada that relate to national parks, historic Insertion start places Insertion end , national marine conservation areas, other protected heritage areas and heritage protection programs.

System plans

(2)The Agency Insertion start must Insertion end ensure that there are long-term plans in place for establishing systems of national parks, historic Insertion start places Insertion end and national marine conservation areas.

New protected heritage areas

(3)The Agency is responsible for negotiating, and recommending to the Minister, the establishment of new national parks, national marine conservation areas and other protected heritage areas and the acquisition of historic Insertion start places Insertion end .

2012, c. 19, s. 315

68(1)The portion of subsection 6.‍1(2) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Park wardens

(2)For the purposes of an agreement entered into under subsection (1), persons designated as park wardens under section 18 of the Canada National Parks Act Insertion start or subsection 37(1) of the Historic Places of Canada Act Insertion end may, with the Chief Executive Officer’s approval,

2012, c. 19, s. 315

(2)Subsection 6.‍1(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Meaning of part of Canada

(3)In this section, part of Canada means a part of Canada that is outside national parks, historic Insertion start places under the administration of the Minister for the purposes of the Agency Insertion end , national marine conservation areas and other protected heritage areas.

2002, c. 18, s. 37; 2012, c. 19, s. 316

69Subsection 7(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Additions to or deletions from schedule

7(1)The Governor in Council may, by order, add to or delete from the schedule any Act of Parliament or regulation or part of an Act or regulation that relates to national parks, historic Insertion start places Insertion end , national marine conservation areas or other protected heritage areas or heritage protection programs.

2002, c. 18, s. 38(1); 2017, c. 10, s. 4(1)

70Paragraphs 21(3)‍(a) to (d) of the Act are replaced by the following:

  • (a)to acquire any historic place or any interest Insertion start or right in a historic place Insertion end ;

  • (b)to acquire any real property or immovables for the purpose of establishing, enlarging or designating, as the case may be, any national park, historic Insertion start place under the administration of the Minister for the purposes of the Agency Insertion end , national marine conservation area or other protected heritage area;

  • (c)to develop or maintain any national park, historic Insertion start place under the administration of the Minister for the purposes of the Agency Insertion end , national marine conservation area or other protected heritage area that is being established, enlarged or designated, and to make any related contribution or other payment;

  • (d)to implement a decision by the Minister

    • Insertion start (i) Insertion end to recommend the establishment of a national park, national marine conservation area or other protected heritage area,

    • Start of inserted block

      (ii)to acquire a historic place for the purposes of the Agency,

    • (iii)to recognize the national historic significance or national interest of a place, person or event under paragraph 5(2)‍(a) of the Historic Places of Canada Act, and

      End of inserted block
    • Insertion start (iv) Insertion end to make any related contribution or other payment; and

71Section 23 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Fees for services and use of facilities and historic canals

23(1)The Minister may, subject to any regulations that the Treasury Board may make for the purposes of this section, fix the fees or the manner of calculating the fees to be paid for a service or the use of a facility Insertion start or historic canal Insertion end provided by the Agency.

Amount not to exceed cost

(2)Fees that are fixed under subsection (1) may not exceed the cost to Her Majesty in right of Canada of providing the service or the use of the facility Insertion start or historic canal Insertion end .

72The Act is amended by adding the following after section 26:

Service Fees Act
Start of inserted block

26.‍1For the purposes of the Service Fees Act, fees that are fixed under section 23 and are payable for the use of a historic canal are deemed to be fees, as defined in subsection 2(1) of that Act.

End of inserted block

73Sections 27 and 28 of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:

Accord sur la perception des prix

27L’Agence peut conclure avec toute personne un accord portant sur la perception des prix à payer sous le régime de la présente loi ou de toute autre loi en vertu de laquelle elle fournit des services, produits, droits ou avantages Insertion start ou met à disposition des Insertion end installations et autorisant, par dérogation aux paragraphes 17(1) et (4) de la Loi sur la gestion des finances publiques, la personne à prélever des sommes d’argent sur le produit de ces prix.

Remise et remboursement

28Le ministre peut faire remise du paiement des prix fixés Insertion start sous le régime Insertion end des articles 23 ou 24 ou de toute loi en vertu de laquelle elle fournit Insertion start des Insertion end services, produits, droits ou avantages Insertion start ou met à disposition des Insertion end installations, ainsi que des intérêts exigibles, en réduire le montant ou rembourser la somme versée.

74Section 29 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Recovery of fees and costs

29The Agency may recover, as a debt due to Her Majesty, any fee or charge fixed under this or any other Act, any costs incurred by the Agency, and any interest on those fees, charges or costs, that relate to providing a service, product, right or privilege Insertion start or the use of a Insertion end facility Insertion start or historic canal Insertion end by the Agency under this or any other Act.

2012, c. 19, ss. 318 and 319; 2015, c. 10, s. 58

75Sections 31 and 32 of the Act are replaced by the following:

Report — heritage areas and programs

31At least every five years, the Chief Executive Officer Insertion start must Insertion end provide the Minister with a report, to be tabled in each House of Parliament, on the state of national parks, historic Insertion start places under the administration of the Minister for the purposes of the Agency Insertion end , national marine conservation areas and other protected heritage areas and heritage protection programs, and on the Agency’s performance in carrying out its responsibilities under section 6.

Management plans

32(1)In addition to the duties in relation to management plans under the Canada National Parks Act and the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act, the Chief Executive Officer Insertion start must Insertion end provide the Minister with Insertion start the following management plans within the periods indicated Insertion end :

  • Start of inserted block

    (a)a management plan for each historic place under the administration of the Minister for the purposes of the Agency, within five years after the day on which the place is designated as a historic place or the day on which the place comes under the administration of the Minister for the purposes of the Agency, whichever is later; and

    End of inserted block
  • Insertion start (b) Insertion end a management plan for Insertion start each Insertion end other protected heritage area, other than the Rouge National Urban Park, within five years after Insertion start the day on which the protected heritage area is established Insertion end .


Insertion start (1.‍1) Insertion end Insertion start Insertion end Insertion start Each management plan must address Insertion end any matter that the Minister deems appropriate, including commemorative Insertion start integrity Insertion end and Insertion start heritage value Insertion end , ecological integrity, resource protection or visitor use.

Tabling in Parliament

Insertion start (1.‍2) Insertion end Insertion start Insertion end Insertion start Each management Insertion end plan Insertion start must Insertion end be tabled in each House of Parliament.

Review of management plans by Minister

(2)The Minister Insertion start must Insertion end review Insertion start each Insertion end management plan at least every 10 years and Insertion start must Insertion end cause any amendments to Insertion start a Insertion end plan to be tabled in each House of Parliament.

Transitional — management plans
Start of inserted block

(3)Despite subsection (1), if, as of the day on which this subsection comes into force, a management plan has not been provided to the Minister for a historic place that, prior to the day on which this subsection comes into force, was a national historic site, within the meaning of subsection 2(1) as it read immediately before the coming into force of this subsection, or other protected heritage area, the Chief Executive Officer must provide the Minister with a management plan for that historic place within five years after the day on which it was established as a national historic site or other protected heritage area.

End of inserted block

2000, c. 32

Canada National Parks Act

76The definition superintendent in subsection 2(1) of the Canada National Parks Act is replaced by the following:

superintendent means an officer appointed under the Parks Canada Agency Act who holds the office of superintendent of a park, and includes any person appointed under that Act who is authorized by such an officer to act on the officer’s behalf.‍ (directeur)

77Section 42 of the Act and the heading before it are repealed.

2002, c. 7

Yukon Act

78Subparagraph 49(1)‍(a)‍(ii) of the Yukon Act is replaced by the following:

  • (ii)the establishment, or changes to the boundaries, of a national park, historic Insertion start place Insertion end Insertion start as defined in section 2 of the Historic Places of Canada Act under the administration of the federal minister responsible for the Parks Canada Agency for the purposes of that Agency Insertion end or other area protected under an Act of Parliament, and

2008, c. 16

Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act

79The definition advisory committee in section 2 of the Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act is repealed.

80Sections 10 and 11 of the Act are replaced by the following:

Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada

10The Insertion start Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada, continued under subsection 8(1) of the Historic Places of Canada Act, is responsible for advising Insertion end and Insertion start assisting Insertion end the Minister on matters relating to heritage lighthouses, including the designation and protection of heritage lighthouses and the establishment of criteria for their designation, alteration and maintenance.

Consultation with the Board

11The Minister must consult with the Insertion start Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada Insertion end , and may consult with any other persons or bodies that the Minister considers appropriate, before determining whether a lighthouse should be designated as a heritage lighthouse and whether any related building should be included in the designation.

2009, c. 5

National Cemetery of Canada Act

81The fourth paragraph of the preamble to the National Cemetery of Canada Act is replaced by the following:

Whereas Beechwood Cemetery contains a historic Insertion start place Insertion end of Canada;

2013, c. 14, s. 2

Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act

82Paragraph (h) of the definition conservation area in subsection 2(1) of the Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act is replaced by the following:

  • (h)a historic place Insertion start of Canada Insertion end designated under the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Insertion end Act;

83Subsection 70(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Existing parks and historic places

70(1)This Part and the broad planning policies, priorities and objectives, the specific planning objectives and any land use plan, established under this Part, do not apply in respect of a park that has been established or to a historic place Insertion start of Canada Insertion end that has been designated under the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Insertion end Act and is administered by the Parks Canada Agency.

84Paragraph 163(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • (b)the Parks Canada Agency, in the case of a historic place Insertion start of Canada Insertion end that is designated under the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Insertion end Act and administered by that Agency.

85Subsection 164(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Project proposal

164(1)The proponent of a project that is to be carried out, in whole or in part, within a park or a historic place Insertion start of Canada Insertion end that is designated under the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Insertion end Act and administered by the Parks Canada Agency, located inside the designated area, must submit a project proposal to the responsible authority.

86The portion of section 171 of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Project partly outside park

171If a project is to be carried out partly outside a park or a historic place Insertion start of Canada Insertion end designated under the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Insertion end Act and administered by the Parks Canada Agency,

87Section 172 of the Act is replaced by the following:

Projects inside certain conservation areas

172Sections 73 to 162 apply in respect of a project to be carried out, in whole or in part, within a conservation area located inside the designated area, other than a historic place Insertion start of Canada Insertion end designated under the Historic Insertion start Places of Canada Insertion end Act and administered by the Parks Canada Agency.

2014, c. 2, s. 2

Northwest Territories Act

88Subparagraph 55(1)‍(a)‍(ii) of the Northwest Territories Act is replaced by the following:

  • (ii)establishing — or changing the boundaries of — a national park as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Parks Canada Agency Act, a historic Insertion start place Insertion end as defined in Insertion start section 2 of the Historic Places of Canada Act under the administration of the federal minister responsible for the Parks Canada Agency for the purposes of that Agency Insertion end or another area that is protected under an Act of Parliament, and

2015, c. 10

Rouge National Urban Park Act

89(1)The definition national historic site in section 2 of the Rouge National Urban Park Act is repealed.

(2)Section 2 of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

Start of inserted block

historic place has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Historic Places of Canada Act.‍ (lieu historique)

End of inserted block

90(1)The portion of section 7 of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:

Historic places

7The Minister must, in relation to any historic Insertion start place Insertion end in the Park, ensure

(2)Paragraph 7(c) of the Act is replaced by the following:

  • (c)that Insertion start the Minister Insertion end does not take any action, including the making of a payment or the granting of any financial assistance or any authorization, that would have an adverse effect on cultural resources or on the communication to the public of the reasons for the Insertion start designation Insertion end of the Insertion start place Insertion end .

2017, c. 30

Recognition of Charlottetown as the Birthplace of Confederation Act

91The third paragraph of the preamble to the Recognition of Charlottetown as the Birthplace of Confederation Act is replaced by the following:

Whereas the rich heritage of Charlottetown is reflected in the recognition of Province House, where the discussions took place, as a historic Insertion start place of Canada Insertion end and in the recognition of other historic Insertion start places of Canada Insertion end in Charlottetown in view of their strong association with the birth of this country;



92The Historic Sites and Monuments Act, chapter H-4 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, is repealed.

Coming into Force

Third anniversary of royal assent

93(1)Paragraphs 28(2)‍(d) and (e) come into force on the third anniversary of the day on which this Act receives royal assent.

Order in council

(2)Sections 60 and 61 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.

Order in council

(3)Sections 76 and 77 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.


(Sections 2 and 35)
Other Federal Institutions

National Capital Commission

Commission de la capitale nationale


(Sections 2 and 36)
Historic Canals
Column 1
Column 2
Name of Historic Canal
Province or Territory
Rideau Canal including the Tay Canal
Trent-Severn Waterway including the Murray Canal
Sault Ste. Marie Canal
Saint-Ours Canal
Chambly Canal
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue Canal
Carillon Canal
Lachine Canal
St. Peters Canal
Nova Scotia


Payments in Lieu of Taxes Act
Clause 58:Relevant portion of subsection 2(3):

(3)For the purposes of the definition federal property in subsection (1), federal property does not include

  • .‍.‍. 

  • (c)any real property or immovable developed and used as a park and situated within an area defined as urban by Statistics Canada, as of the most recent census of the population of Canada taken by Statistics Canada, other than national parks of Canada, national marine parks of Canada, national park reserves of Canada, national marine park reserves of Canada, national historic sites of Canada, national battlefields or heritage canals;

Canadian Navigable Waters Act
Clause 59:Existing text of subsection 23(2):

(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a historic canal as defined in section 2 of the Historic Canals Regulations.

Department of Transport Act
Clause 60:Existing text of the definition:

canal means every canal and lock that belongs to Canada and includes every canal and lock acquired, constructed, extended, enlarged, repaired or improved at the expense of Canada, or for the acquisition, construction, repairing, extending, enlarging or improving of which any public money is voted and appropriated by Parliament, except works for which money has been appropriated as a subsidy only, and all works and property appertaining or incidental to such a canal or that are placed under the management, charge and direction or the control of the Minister of Transport by the Governor in Council; (canaux)

Clause 61:Existing text of section 18:

18All contracts, bonds, agreements or leases for or respecting any railway or canal now the property of Canada, or for any tolls imposed for their use, entered into by the Commissioner of Public Works of the former Province of Canada, or by the Board of Works of the Province of Nova Scotia or of the Province of New Brunswick, or by any commissioners or other persons duly authorized to enter into them in any province of Canada, enure to the use of Her Majesty, and may be enforced as if they had been entered into with Her Majesty under the authority of this Act.

Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act
Clause 62:Existing text of the definition:

Board means the Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada established by section 4 of the Historic Sites and Monuments Act; (Commission)

Parks Canada Agency Act
Clause 63: (1)Relevant portion of the preamble:

Whereas the Government of Canada wishes to establish an Agency for the purpose of ensuring that Canada’s national parks, national historic sites and related heritage areas are protected and presented for this and future generations and in order to further the achievement of the national interest as it relates to those parks, sites and heritage areas and related programs;

Whereas the Government of Canada wishes to establish an Agency that, through the exercise of its responsibilities in relation to those parks, sites and heritage areas and related programs, will reflect Canada’s values and identity and contribute to enhancing pride in Canada;

(2)Relevant portion of the preamble:

And Whereas it is in the national interest

(a)to protect the nationally significant examples of Canada’s natural and cultural heritage in national parks, national historic sites, national marine conservation areas and related heritage areas in view of their special role in the lives of Canadians and the fabric of the nation,

(3)Relevant portion of the preamble:

And Whereas it is in the national interest


(f)to ensure the commemorative integrity of national historic sites,

(4)Relevant portion of the preamble:

And Whereas it is in the national interest


(l)to maintain ecological and commemorative integrity as a prerequisite to the use of national parks and national historic sites, and

(m)to manage visitor use and tourism to ensure both the maintenance of ecological and commemorative integrity and a quality experience in such heritage and natural areas for this and future generations;

Clause 64: (1)Existing text of the definition:

national historic site means a place designated under subsection (2) or a national historic site of Canada to which the Canada National Parks Act applies.‍ (lieu historique national)

(2)Relevant portion of the definition

other protected heritage areas includes

  • (a)historic canals;

  • (b)historic museums that may be established by the Minister under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act;

(4)Existing text of subsection 2(2):

(2)The Minister may designate any historic place as defined in section 2 of the Historic Sites and Monuments Act as a national historic site for the purposes of this Act.

Clause 65:Relevant portion of subsection 4(1):

4(1)The Minister is responsible for the Agency and the powers, duties and functions of the Minister, in that capacity, extend to and include all matters over which Parliament has jurisdiction, not by law assigned to any other department, board or agency of the Government of Canada, relating to

  • (a)areas of natural or historical significance to the nation, including national parks, national marine conservation areas, national historic sites, historic canals, historic museums established under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act, Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park and Rouge National Urban Park;

  • (b)heritage railway stations, heritage lighthouses, federal heritage buildings, historic places in Canada, federal archaeology and Canadian heritage rivers; and

Clause 66: (1)Existing text of subsection 5(1):

5(1)Subject to any direction given by the Minister, the Agency may exercise the powers and shall perform the duties and functions that relate to national parks, national historic sites, national marine conservation areas, other protected heritage areas and heritage protection programs that are conferred on, or delegated, assigned or transferred to, the Minister under any Act or regulation.

(2)Relevant portion of subsection 5(3):

(3)Subsection (1) does not include

  • .‍.‍. 

  • (c)a power to make designations or appointments under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act or the Heritage Railway Stations Protection Act.

Clause 67:Existing text of subsections 6(1) to (3):

6(1)The Agency is responsible for the implementation of policies of the Government of Canada that relate to national parks, national historic sites, national marine conservation areas, other protected heritage areas and heritage protection programs.

(2)The Agency shall ensure that there are long-term plans in place for establishing systems of national parks, national historic sites and national marine conservation areas.

(3)The Agency is responsible for negotiating, and recommending to the Minister, the establishment of new national parks, national marine conservation areas and other protected heritage areas and the acquisition of national historic sites.

Clause 68: (1)Relevant portion of subsection 6.‍1(2):

(2)For the purposes of an agreement entered into under subsection (1), persons designated as park wardens under section 18 of the Canada National Parks Act may, with the Chief Executive Officer’s approval,

(2)Existing text of subsection 6.‍1(3):

(3)In this section, part of Canada means a part of Canada that is outside national parks, national historic sites, national marine conservation areas and other protected heritage areas.

Clause 69:Existing text of subsection 7(1):

7(1)The Governor in Council may, by order, add to or delete from the schedule any Act of Parliament or regulation or part of an Act or regulation that relates to national parks, national historic sites, national marine conservation areas or other protected heritage areas or heritage protection programs.

Clause 70:Relevant portion of subsection 21(3):

(3)Despite any other Act of Parliament, amounts may be paid out of the New Parks and Historic Sites Account for the following purposes:

  • (a)to acquire any historic place, or lands for historic museums, or any interest therein, for the purpose of paragraph 3(d) of the Historic Sites and Monuments Act;

  • (b)to acquire any real property or immovables for the purpose of establishing, enlarging or designating, as the case may be, any national park, national historic site, national marine conservation area or other protected heritage area;

  • (c)to develop or maintain any national park, national historic site, national marine conservation area or other protected heritage area that is being established, enlarged or designated, and to make any related contribution or other payment;

  • (d)to implement a decision by the Minister to recommend the establishment of a national park, national historic site, national marine conservation area or other protected heritage area, or to commemorate a historic place under section 3 of the Historic Sites and Monuments Act, and to make any related contribution or other payment; and

Clause 71:Existing text of section 23:

23(1)The Minister may, subject to any regulations that the Treasury Board may make for the purposes of this section, fix the fees or the manner of calculating the fees to be paid for a service or the use of a facility provided by the Agency.

(2)Fees for a service or the use of a facility that are fixed under subsection (1) may not exceed the cost to Her Majesty in right of Canada of providing the service or the use of the facility.

Clause 72:New.
Clause 73:Existing text of sections 27 and 28:

27The Agency may enter into an agreement with any person respecting the collection of fees fixed under this Act or any other Act under which the Agency provides services, facilities, products, rights or privileges and, notwithstanding subsections 17(1) and (4) of the Financial Administration Act, authorizing that person to withhold amounts from those fees.

28The Minister may remit or refund all or part of a fee fixed under section 23 or 24 or under any other Act under which the Agency provides services, facilities, products, rights or privileges, and the interest on it.

Clause 74:Existing text of section 29:

29The Agency may recover, as a debt due to Her Majesty, any fee or charge fixed under this or any other Act, any costs incurred by the Agency, and any interest on those fees, charges or costs, that relate to providing a service, facility, product, right or privilege by the Agency under this or any other Act.

Clause 75:Existing text of sections 31 and 32:
Report — heritage areas and programs

31At least every five years, the Chief Executive Officer shall provide the Minister with a report, to be tabled in each House of Parliament, on the state of national parks, national historic sites, national marine conservation areas and other protected heritage areas and heritage protection programs, and on the Agency’s performance in carrying out its responsibilities under section 6.

Management plans

32(1)In addition to the duties in relation to management plans under the Canada National Parks Act and the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act, the Chief Executive Officer shall, within five years after the establishment of a national historic site or other protected heritage area, other than the Rouge National Urban Park, or within five years after the coming into force of this section, whichever is later, provide the Minister with a management plan for that national historic site or other protected heritage area in respect of any matter that the Minister deems appropriate, including, but not limited to, commemorative and ecological integrity, resource protection or visitor use, and that plan shall be tabled in each House of Parliament.

Review of management plans by Minister

(2)The Minister shall review the management plan for each national historic site or other protected heritage area at least every 10 years and shall cause any amendments to the plan to be tabled in each House of Parliament.

Canada National Parks Act
Clause 76:Existing text of the definition:

superintendent means an officer appointed under the Parks Canada Agency Act who holds the office of superintendent of a park or of a national historic site of Canada to which this Act applies, and includes any person appointed under that Act who is authorized by such an officer to act on the officer’s behalf.‍ (directeur)

Clause 77:Existing text of the heading and section 42:
National Historic Sites of Canada

42(1)The Governor in Council may set apart any land, the title to which is vested in Her Majesty in right of Canada, as a national historic site of Canada to which this Act applies in order to

  • (a)commemorate a historic event of national importance; or

  • (b)preserve a historic landmark, or any object of historic, prehistoric or scientific interest, that is of national importance.

(2)The Governor in Council may make any changes that the Governor in Council considers appropriate in areas set apart under subsection (1).

(3)The Governor in Council may, by order, extend the application of subsection 8(1), section 11, except as it relates to zoning, and sections 12 and 16 to 32 to national historic sites of Canada.

Yukon Act
Clause 78:Relevant portion of subsection 49(1):

49(1)The Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may take from the Commissioner the administration and control of public real property and transfer the administration of the property to a federal minister or a federal agent corporation if the Governor in Council considers it necessary to do so for

  • (a)the national interest, including

    • .‍.‍. 

    • (ii)the establishment, or changes to the boundaries, of a national park, historic site or other area protected under an Act of Parliament, and

Heritage Lighthouse Protection Act
Clause 79:Existing text of the definition:

advisory committee means the advisory committee established by the Minister under section 10.‍ (comité consultatif)

Clause 80:Existing text of sections 10 and 11:

10The Minister must establish an advisory committee to advise and assist the Minister on matters relating to heritage lighthouses, including the designation and protection of heritage lighthouses and the establishment of criteria for their designation, alteration and maintenance.

11The Minister must consult with the advisory committee, and may consult with any other persons or bodies that the Minister considers appropriate, before determining whether a lighthouse should be designated as a heritage lighthouse and whether any related building should be included in the designation.

National Cemetery of Canada Act
Clause 81:Relevant portion of the preamble:

Whereas Beechwood Cemetery contains a national historic site of Canada;

Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act
Clause 82:Relevant portion of the definition:

conservation area means an area listed in Schedule 9-1 to the Agreement and any of the following:

  • .‍.‍.

  • (h)a historic place designated under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act;

Clause 83:Existing text of subsection 70(1):

70(1)This Part and the broad planning policies, priorities and objectives, the specific planning objectives and any land use plan, established under this Part, do not apply in respect of a park that has been established or to a historic place that has been designated under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act and is administered by the Parks Canada Agency.

Clause 84:Relevant portion of section 163:

163In sections 164 to 170, responsible authority means, as the case may be,

  • .‍.‍. 

  • (b)the Parks Canada Agency, in the case of a historic place that is designated under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act and administered by that Agency.

Clause 85:Existing text of subsection 164(1):

164(1)The proponent of a project that is to be carried out, in whole or in part, within a park or a historic place that is designated under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act and administered by the Parks Canada Agency, located inside the designated area, must submit a project proposal to the responsible authority.

Clause 86:Relevant portion of section 171:

171If a project is to be carried out partly outside a park or a historic place designated under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act and administered by the Parks Canada Agency,

Clause 87:Existing text of section 172:

172Sections 73 to 162 apply in respect of a project to be carried out, in whole or in part, within a conservation area located inside the designated area, other than a historic place designated under the Historic Sites and Monuments Act and administered by the Parks Canada Agency.

Northwest Territories Act
Clause 88:Relevant portion of subsection 55(1):

55(1)The Governor in Council may, on the Minister’s recommendation, take from the Commissioner the administration and control of public lands and rights in respect of waters if, subject to subsection (2), the Governor in Council considers it necessary to do so for the purposes of

  • (a)the national interest, including

    • .‍.‍. 

    • (ii)establishing — or changing the boundaries of — a national park as defined in subsection 2(1) of the Parks Canada Agency Act, a national historic site as defined in that subsection or another area that is protected under an Act of Parliament, and

Rouge National Urban Park Act
Clause 89: (1)Existing text of the definition:

national historic site means a site, building or other place of national historic interest or significance that is commemorated under section 3 of the Historic Sites and Monuments Act.‍ (lieu historique national)

Clause 90: (1)Relevant portion of section 7:

7The Minister must, in relation to any national historic site in the Park, ensure

(2)Relevant portion of section 7:

7The Minister must, in relation to any national historic site in the Park, ensure

  • .‍.‍. 

  • (c)that he or she does not take any action, including the making of a payment or the granting of any financial assistance or any authorization, that would have an adverse effect on cultural resources or on the communication to the public of the reasons for the commemoration of the national historic site.

Recognition of Charlottetown as the Birthplace of Confederation Act
Clause 91:Relevant portion of the preamble:

Whereas the rich heritage of Charlottetown is reflected in the recognition of Province House, where the discussions took place, as a national historic site and in the recognition of other national historic sites in Charlottetown in view of their strong association with the birth of this country;

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