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Bill C-228

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First Session, Forty-third Parliament,

68-69 Elizabeth II, 2019-2020


BILL C-228
An Act to establish a federal framework to reduce recidivism

FIRST READING, February 26, 2020


2nd Session, 43rd Parliament

This bill was introduced during the first session of the 43rd Parliament. Pursuant to the Standing Orders of the House of Commons, it is deemed to have been considered and approved at all stages completed at the time of prorogation of the first session. The number of the bill remains unchanged.

Mr. Bragdon



This enactment provides for the development and implementation of a federal framework to reduce recidivism.

Available on the House of Commons website at the following address:

1st Session, 43rd Parliament,

68-69 Elizabeth II, 2019-2020


BILL C-228

An Act to establish a federal framework to reduce recidivism


Whereas the purpose of the correctional system is in part to contribute to the maintenance of a just, peaceful and safe society by assisting the rehabilitation of offenders and their reintegration into the community as law-abiding citizens through the provision of programs in penitentiaries and in the community;

Whereas nearly one in four people who have been incarcerated reoffend within two years of their release;

Whereas people who have been incarcerated should have the necessary resources and employment opportunities to be able to transition back into the community and avoid falling back into their old ways;

Whereas victims are at the heart of the justice system and the best way to protect them is to reduce crime and recidivism;

Whereas Parliament recognizes the need to reduce recidivism in order to provide safe and secure communities for all Canadians;

And whereas cooperation and coordinated action between the federal and provincial governments that respect the legislative competence of each are required to develop a federal framework that, in the interest of reducing recidivism, ensures the needs of people who have been incarcerated are met and supports their rehabilitation;

Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short Title

Short title

1This Act may be cited as the Reduction of Recidivism Framework Act.

Federal Framework to Reduce Recidivism

Development and implementation

2(1)The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness must, in collaboration with representatives of the provinces and in consultation with Indigenous groups and other relevant stakeholders such as non-governmental, non-profit, faith-based and private sector organizations, develop and implement a federal framework to reduce recidivism.


(2)The framework must include measures to

  • (a)initiate pilot projects and develop standardized and evidence-based programs to reduce recidivism;

  • (b)promote the reintegration of people who have been incarcerated back into the community by ensuring that they have access to adequate and ongoing resources as well as employment opportunities in order to lessen the likelihood of their reoffending;

  • (c)support faith-based and communal initiatives that aim to rehabilitate people who have been incarcerated; and

  • (d)review and implement international best practices related to the reduction of recidivism.

Reports to Parliament

Tabling of framework

3(1)Within one year after the day on which this Act comes into force, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness must prepare a report setting out the federal framework to reduce recidivism and cause the report to be tabled before each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 days on which that House is sitting after the report is completed.


(2)The Minister must publish the report on the website of the Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness within 10 days after the day on which the report is tabled in Parliament.


4(1)Within three years after the day on which the report referred to in section 3 is tabled and every year after that, the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness must prepare a report on the effectiveness of the federal framework to reduce recidivism that sets out his or her conclusions and recommendations.

Tabling of report

(2)The Minister must cause the report to be tabled before each House of Parliament on any of the first 15 days on which that House is sitting after the report is completed.

Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons

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