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Bill C-17

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1995, c. 39


16. Subsection 9(3) of the Firearms Act is replaced by the following:

Employees - firearms

(3) A business other than a carrier is eligible to hold a licence that authorizes the possession of firearms only if every employee of the business who, in the course of duties of employment, handles or would handle firearms is the holder of a licence authorizing the holder to acquire firearms. However, the business is eligible to hold a licence that authorizes the possession of restricted firearms or prohibited firearms only if every employee who, in the course of duties of employment, handles or would handle firearms is the holder of a licence authorizing the holder to acquire restricted firearms.

Employees - other weapons

(3.1) A business other than a carrier is eligible to hold a licence that authorizes the possession of prohibited weapons, restricted weapons, prohibited devices or prohibited ammunition only if every employee of the business who, in the course of duties of employment, handles or would handle any of those things is eligible under sections 5 and 6 to hold a licence.

17. Subsection 12(6) of the Act is replaced by the following:

ed individuals - pre-February 14, 1995 handguns

(6) A particular individual who satisfies the conditions set out in subsection (6.1) is eligible to hold a licence authorizing him or her to possess a handgun referred to in subsection (6.2).


(6.1) The conditions referred to in subsection (6) are that the particular individual

    (a) on February 14, 1995,

      (i) held a registration certificate under the former Act for such a handgun , or

      (ii) had applied for a registration certificate that was subsequently issued under the former Act for such a handgun ;

    (b) on the commencement day, held a registration certificate under the former Act for such a handgun ; and

    (c) beginning on the commencement day, was continuously the holder of a registration certificate for such a handgun .

ed handguns

(6.2) Subsection (6) applies in respect of a handgun

    (a) that has a barrel equal to or less than 105 mm in length or that is designed or adapted to discharge a 25 or 32 calibre cartridge but is not a handgun that is prescribed under section 117.15 of the Criminal Code for use in international sporting competitions governed by the rules of the International Shooting Union; and

    (b) in respect of which

      (i) on February 14, 1995 a registration certificate had been issued under the former Act,

      (ii) on February 14, 1995 a registration certificate had been applied for under the former Act, if the certificate was subsequently issued, or

      (iii) on or before February 14, 1995 a record that was subsequently received had been sent to the Commissioner.


Coming into force

18. The provisions of this Act come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.