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Project to discuss

Оffered by M. Nikolaev, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation,

Member of the Standing Committee of the Conference of the Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region


Regulations of Parliamentаry Forum of Northern Dimension

Structure and Role

1. The Parliamentary Forum of Northern Dimension (PFND) is a popular Forum of Parliamentarians of European Union, Russian Federation, Island and Norway, who take part in its activity as representatives (delegates) of their parliaments.

2. The goals of PFND activity are to strengthen positions of region and develop regional cooperation especially in such areas like:

a) Cooperation to strengthen peace, freedom, democracy and prosperity;

b) Free and accessible cooperation in interests of increasing free trade and investments, sustainable development and rationall use of natural resources;

c) Cooperation in non-military spheres focusing on peace and security in region;

d) Protection and support of the development of different cultures and nations in region.



3. Membership in PFND should be proportional for the country partners of the Northern Dimension. It must to be the equal number of members from the European Union, Russian Federation, Island and Norway, which will not exceed ten persons, who:

a) show interest in the development of dialog between parliamentarians in region;

b) accept goals and PFND principles.

4. The issues concerning membership should be revised from time to time.

5. The representatives of the Arctic Council, Nordic Council, Nordic Council of Ministers, Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS), Barents Euro-Arctic Council (BEAC) and other international organizations can take part in PFND meetings as associated members, observers or other persons with suitable status determined by the Annual Meeting.

6. PFND meetings are held annually.

a) Date and place of each Annual Meeting will be defined in previous meeting.

b) In case when National Parliament is represented by an official delegation the participation of the other parliamentarians - members of this parliament as particular persons is possible due to recommendation and agreement of their parliament.

c) Associated members, observers or other persons with a due status are invited to attend PFND meetings.

d) Welcoming side arranges necessary organizational activity of the Annual Meeting including preliminary approval of the meeting agenda with the Executive Committee assistance and sets up the Secretariat to assure the Annual Meeting activity.

e) Welcoming Parliament bears the expenses of the organization of the meeting. Participants bear themselves the expenses to attend the meeting. The quantity of the participants in the delegation is limited. There can be included no more ten parliamentarians in the delegation.

f) The President of PFND takes the chair at the Annual Meeting since the opening until the Chairperson of the meeting would be elected.

g) The Chairperson of the Annual Meeting is a member of the welcoming parliament elected by the participants of the Annual Meeting.

h) Participants of the Annual Meeting approve the agenda recomented by the Executive Committee.

i) The Chairperson leads the process of work and keeps up with regulations. The Chairperson opens, stops and closes meetings, informs about the results of work and announces closing meeting.

j) The Chairperson has the right to appoint deputies who can be members of the Executive Committee to preside if necessary at separate meetings of working groups within the framework of the Annual Meeting.

k) PFND decisions at the Annual Meeting are adopted by consensus. Each delegation has one voice only. The members can discuss any issue freely. But in case when it is needed to make an important decision the principle of unanimity must be used.

1) Welcoming Parliament sends to parliamentary delegations message requesting proposals to discuss at the next Annual Meeting which should be submitted at indicated term.

m) The Executive Committee considers proposals to include to an agenda additional issue to discuss.

n) The project of the resolution on any issue should be distributed to all participant delegates for the acquaintance before its submission for consideration.

o) It is possible to make a speech in front of participants when the Chairperson gives the floor.

p) Any participating delegate can speak on any topic included in the agenda when the Chairperson gives him the floor.

q) The Chairperson of meeting while giving the floor to participating delegates should follow two following principles:

1. Fidelity to the development of open and constructive dialogue.

2. Equal respect to all participants' opinions.

r) Participating Delegates have prior right to take the floor. Associated members, observers, and other official participants can speak when the Chairperson gives the floor with the consent of present delegates.


Status of the President

7. Welcoming Nation appoints the President from the Welcoming Parliament who is the President from May of the previous year of the Annual Meeting till April of the next year of the Annual Meeting.

The President represents PFND and he is the Chairperson of the Executive Committee.

The President is a Chairperson at the opening of the Annual Meeting as well.

The Executive Committee

8. The structure of the Executive Committee:

a)  The Executive Committee has 9 members.

In addition to the President, who is the Chairperson of the Executive Committee, there are two members of the Executive Committee from the parliaments of the European Union, Russian Federation, Iceland and Norway.

b) Membership at the Executive Committee:

- The membership at the Executive Committee is open to all PFND nations-members.

- The members of the Executive Committee should be active national parliament members.

- In case if one of the Executive Committee members is not able to act as a member due to his (her) resignation, death or disqualification as a national parliament deputy the national parliament should appoint another deputy who is able to act as a member till the next Annual Meeting.

- Members of the Executive Committee can be reappointed.


Executive Committee Responsibilities

a) The Chairperson of the Executive Committee is the President of the Parliamentаry Forum of the Northern Dimension.

b) The Executive Committee can offer recommendations on political issues of PFND and on issues concerning the management of the PFND at the Annual Meeting to discuss.

c) The Executive Committee in coordination with the nation-organizer of the Annual Meeting makes the project of an agenda and the schedule of the Annual Meetings events.

d) The Executive Committee consults the nation-organizer of the Annual Meeting on issues, which are necessary to discuss at the Annual Meeting.


The Term of Office of the Executive Committee member

a) The term of office for the Executive Committee member is two years from May a year when Annual Meeting is hold till April of year after two years period under conditions to maintain the following:

b) The half part of the Executive Committee members should be re-elected annually.

c) For the member who represents the nation - organizer of the Annual Meeting the term of office should begin from May of the previous year of Annual Meeting till April of the next year after Annual Meeting.

d) Each parliament is free to independently determine the election procedure of its members for the Executive Committee


Working Group

9. Annual Meeting can by the Executive Committee recommendations form working groups to consider specific issues. There can be created a working group at the meeting to prepare the draft of the joint communiqué for the discussion, approval and publication at the end of the Annual Meeting.

Working groups make their prior themes to discuss at the meeting. Working groups give their reports on results at the Plenary Session of the Annual Meeting. Reports about the activity of the Executive Committee and working groups can be submitted at the Annual Meeting in oral or in written form.


Issues not considered by the regulations

10. The President takes decision concerning all issues not considered by the regulations after the Executive Committee recommendation.



