Logo Canadian Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)


1.   Introduction[1]

In accordance with the Statutes[2] of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), a 17-member body of parliamentarians oversees the administration of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and provides advice to its Governing Council[3].

The Executive Committee advises the Council on matters relating to affiliation and reaffiliation to the Union fixes the date and place of Council sessions and establishes their provisional agenda. It also proposes to the Council the annual work program and budget of the IPU. The Executive Committee controls the administration of the Secretariat as well its activities in the execution of the decisions taken by the Assembly and the Council.[4]

Fifteen members of the Executive Committee are elected by the Council for a four-year term. The President of the IPU is an ex officio member and President of the Committee. The President of the Co-ordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians is an ex officio member of the Executive Committee for a two-year term which can be renewed once. Not less than 12 members of the Executive Committee are elected from among members of the Governing Council and at least three members must be women.

In October 2010, the Honourable Donald H. Oliver, Q.C, from the Senate of Canada, was elected to a four year term to serve on the IPU Executive as a representative of the Twelve Plus Group, a geopolitical association of European and like minded nations.[5]

2.   Agenda and Results of the 261st Session of the IPU Executive Committee

The IPU Executive Committee holds sessions twice a year prior to its spring and fall Assemblies and, exceptionally, will hold a third session between assemblies to address matters of high priority. This was the case for the 261st Session of the Executive Committee, held from 8-9 September 2011 in Geneva, Switzerland, at which time the Committee debated and made recommendations regarding the following agenda items:

·         Strategy for the IPU 2012-2017

·         Draft programme and budget for 2012

·         Sub-committee on Finance

3.   Results of the 261st Session of the IPU Executive Committee

      Meetings of the IPU Executive Committee are held in camera.

Most of the meeting was dedicated to finalizing the draft IPU strategy for 2012-2017 entitled, “Better Parliaments, Stronger Democracies,” for presentation to the IPU Governing Council in October 2011. The purpose of the Strategy is to chart “the course for IPU development in the next five years and … to garner resources and support for the accomplishment of its objectives. Ultimately, the strategy will help Members build an IPU that is universal, dynamic and effective and able to advance democratic culture, values and institutions through cooperation among parliaments.” [6]  A final version of this document may be found online at: www.ipu.org/pdf/publications/strategy-e.pdf

The Committee also reviewed and finalized the IPU’s programme and budget for 2012 for consideration by the IPU Governing Council in October 2011. The adopted version of this document is available online at: www.ipu.org/finance-e/budget.htm   

Lastly, the Committee discussed the creation of a Sub-committee on Finance and its and terms of reference. These terms of reference may be found online at: www.ipu.org/strct-e/exrules-new.htm#scf  


Respectfully submitted,


The Honourable Salma Ataullahjan, Senator
President, Canadian Group of the IPU


[1] Source for this section: www.ipu.org/strct-e/excom.htm.

[2] See www.ipu.org/strct-e/statutes-new.htm .

[3] See www.ipu.org/strct-e/cnlpres.htm for details on the Governing Council.

[4] The Executive Committee works in accordance with its Rules. See www.ipu.org/strct-e/exrules-new.htm.

[5] See www.ipu.org/strct-e/geopol.htm for the full list of Twelve Plus Group members.

[6] Source: www.ipu.org/english/perdcls.htm#strategy
