

On April 14, 2008, Senator Consiglio Di Nino, Director of the Canadian Delegation, and Senator Jerahmiel Grafstein attended the Bureau Meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Bureau Meeting of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

Bureau Meetings of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly are always held in camera. Participants discuss recommendations to the Permanent Council and prepare for upcoming activities of the Assembly.

The Bureau is composed of the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, the nine Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer, and the Chairs, Vice-Chairs and Rapporteurs of each of the three General Committees. The Assembly’s President Emeritus is also a member of the Bureau, but has no vote. The Bureau usually meets during the Annual Session, and in April and December.

Senator Di Nino participated in the meeting in his capacity as Vice-Chair of the First General Committee, a position he was elected to in the summer of 2007. Senator Grafstein participated in the meeting in his capacity as Vice-President, a position he was elected to in the summer of 2007, after serving as Treasurer of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly from 2001 to 2007.

Bureau Members were welcomed by Troels Christensen, Head of the Danish delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and reports were presented by President Göran Lennmarker, Treasurer Hans Raidel, and Secretary General Spencer Oliver of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.

The Rapporteurs of the three General Committees presented draft reports and resolutions for the 17th Annual Session, and discussions ensued.

Members also heard from H.E. Ambassador Aleksi Härkönen, Head of the Finnish OSCE Chairmanship Task Force.

Lastly, Members were briefed on the previous and upcoming activities of the OSCE AP, including electoral observation missions and Assembly meetings, and discussions followed.


Respectfully submitted,


Mr. David Tilson, M.P.
Canadian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA)

