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Bill C-284

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1st Session, 39th Parliament,
55 Elizabeth II, 2006
house of commons of canada
BILL C-284
An Act to amend the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act (Canada access grants)
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1994, c. 28
1. The Canada Student Financial Assistance Act is amended by adding the following after section 14:
Canada access grant for students with permanent disabilities
14.1 (1) The Minister, an appropriate authority or a body authorized by the Minister for a province, may make a Canada access grant to a qualifying student if the student
(a) has a permanent disability;
(b) meets the criteria set out in subsection 12(1); and
(c) is not denied further student loans under section 15 of the regulations.
Proof of disability
(2) To receive a grant under this section, a qualifying student shall provide, with the loan application, proof of their permanent disability in the form of
(a) a medical certificate;
(b) a psycho-educational assessment; or
(c) documentation proving receipt of federal or provincial disability assistance.
Amount of all grants
(3) The amount of all grants made under this section to a qualifying student in a loan year shall not exceed the lesser of
(a) the qualifying student's assessed need; and
(b) $2,000.
Canada access grant for students from low-income families
14.2 (1) The Minister, an appropriate authority or a body authorized by the Minister for a province, may make a Canada access grant to a qualifying student if the student
(a) meets the criteria set out in subsection 12(1);
(b) is enrolled as a full-time student in a program of studies of at least two years that leads to a degree, certificate or diploma at a designated educational institution;
(c) first enrolled in that program within four years after leaving secondary school;
(d) has never previously been enrolled in a program of studies; and
(e) is a person in respect of whom a national child benefit supplement, or a special allowance under the Children's Special Allowances Act, is payable or would be payable if the person was less than eighteen years of age.
Amount of grant
(2) The amount of a grant made under this section to a qualifying student in a loan year shall not exceed the least of
(a) the qualifying student's assessed need;
(b) 50% of the student's tuition; and
(c) $3,000.
Definition of “national child benefit supplement”
(3) In this section, “national child benefit supplement” means that portion of a child tax benefit determined under the description of C in subsection 122.61(1) of the Income Tax Act.
Administration of Canada access grants
14.3 (1) The Minister shall pay to the appropriate authority or other body authorized by the Minister for a province the amount the authority or other body requires to make Canada access grants to qualifying students for a loan year under section 14.1 or 14.2.
Accounting of grants
(2) Each appropriate authority or other body shall provide to the Minister at the end of each loan year, or on request of the Minister during a loan year, an accounting of all grants made to qualifying students by that appropriate authority or other body during that loan year or other period identified by the Minister.
Repayment of money not given as grants
(3) An appropriate authority or other body shall repay to the Minister any money provided for a loan year that is not given as grants in accordance with section 14.1 or 14.2. The overpayment becomes a debt due to Her Majesty in right of Canada on the day after the last day of that loan year.
2. Sections 40.01 to 40.03 of the Canada Student Financial Assistance Regulations are repealed.
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons
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