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Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association


The Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region met in Anchorage February 24, 2017 and would like to reiterate the following message from the 12th Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region to the Arctic Council and its Chairmanship:

With regards to Arctic cooperation:

  • Work together in order to maintain strong international cooperation in the Arctic region where more than 4 million people live;
  • Hold an Arctic Summit involving heads of state and governments of the Arctic Council member states, as well as the heads of the Permanent Participants;
  • Organize an Arctic Council meeting between the ministers responsible for climate to take new initiatives to reduce emissions of C02 and short-lived climate forcers;
  • Intensify multidisciplinary research concerning the role of the Arctic in the global climate system and ensure that research outcome and results are openly shared internationally.

With regards to education:

  • Encourage the mobility of students as well as scientists among the Arctic Council member states and observers with a focus on mutual understanding, collaboration, innovation and sustainable economic development;
  • Support relevant capacity building, particularly through education and training, to ensure that local communities will continue to benefit from economic development.

With regards to economic development and Corporate Social Responsibility:

  • Explore the potential of voluntary mechanisms to encourage high industry standards in social and environmental performance, such as highlighting 'best performances' in an Arctic Corporate Responsibility Index based on for instance the Arctic Business Investment Protocol and UN Global Compact Initiative;
  • Promote cooperation in infrastructure development, both traditional and information related, in order to facilitate economic growth and new possibilities.