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Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association


The Hon. Yuen Pau Woo, Senator, attended the meeting of the International Executive Committee (EXCO) Coordinating Committee of the CPA in London, United Kingdom, on behalf of the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association from February 27 to 29, 2020.

The Meeting was attended by Executive Committee Chairperson, Hon. Emilia Monjowa Lifaka, M.P.; the EXCO Vice-Chairperson, Hon. John Ajaka, MLC (New South Wales-Australia); the CPA Small Branches Steering Committee Vice-Chair, Hon. McKeeva Bush (Cayman Islands); and CWP Chairperson, Hon. Shandana Gulzar Khan, MNA (Pakistan), and supported by CPA Secretariat staff. Senator Woo attended the meeting to represent the CPA President of the 65th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) and has a member of the Grievance Committee which was established in Kampala, Uganda at 64th CPC. The Coordinating Committee meeting was convened to take forward the recommendations and outcomes of the 64th General Assembly and for Members to participate in the interview panel for the new CPA Secretary-General. Senator Woo represented the CPA Canada Region on the panel. Even though Senator Woo is not a member of the Coordinating Committee, he was invited to take part in the committee’s discussions, on a non voting basis.

Various points were on the Agenda, including the following.

Recruitment of New Secretary General

There were six candidates for the position, representing four CPA regions. The Interview Panel consisted of one representative each from the nine regions. Senator Woo represented the Canadian Region on this panel.

The first round of interviews resulted in a shortlist of three candidates, who returned for a further round of questioning the next day.

Two names will be recommended to the Executive Committee, one as their first selection and an alternate should the first selection no longer be available.

The Coordinating Committee formally received the recommendation from the Selection Panel and will recommend its approval by the Executive Committee when it meets at the Mid-Year meeting of the CPA Executive Committee, Assam, India, 24 to 28 April 2020.

As mandated by the 54th CPA General Assembly, which was held in Kampala on September 28, 2019, the Executive Committee acting in the capacity of the General Assembly, will consider the recommendation of the Coordinating Committee for approval.

The Secretary-General-elect is expected to commence his employment at the CPA Secretariat on August 1st, 2020.

EXCO in Assam, India

Preparations are well underway for the Assam Exco. A draft agenda was approved by the Coordinating Committee. Notably, the Canadian delegation is expected to make a presentation in Assam on the status of preparations for the 65th CPC in Halifax.


The Coordinating Committee was informed that the Parliament of the Maldives has passed a resolution to rejoin the CPA starting in February 2020. In the interim, it was agreed that the Maldives will be invited to attend 65th CPC and all relevant CPA programs as observers. There was a discussion on who should represent the CPA delegations at various upcoming meetings, including CHOGM.

Finally, it was agreed that a motion regarding the issue of CPA’s legal status in the UK should be moved at the next EXCO meeting in Assam.

Respectfully submitted,

Yasmin Ratansi, M.P.
Chair of the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)