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Canadian Section of ParlAmericas



Friday, March 9, 2018

Canadian parliamentarians to visit Santiago, Chile and Montevideo, Uruguay

Delegation to meet Chile’s new Minister of Justice, Mr. Hernan Larraín Fernández

OTTAWA – An all-party delegation of Canadian parliamentarians who are members of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas will visit Santiago and Valparaiso, Chile from 10 to 14 March and Montevideo, Uruguay from 14 to 18 March.

The delegation head is Mr. Dan Vandal, M.P.  Accompanying Mr. Vandal are Mr. William Amos, M.P.; the Hon. Candice Bergen, M.P.; the Hon. Anne Cools, Senator; the Hon. Michael MacDonald, Senator; and the Hon. Thomas Mulcair, M.P.

During the visit to Chile, the delegation will meet Chile’s new Minister of Justice, Mr. Hernan Larraín Fernández, Indigenous members of the National Congress, and the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.  During the delegation’s visit, Chile’s new national government takes office on 11 March. The delegation also plans to visit a Government of Canada-funded project that increases women’s input in policy-making.  In addition, the delegation has scheduled various meetings with business leaders and Chilean students who attended post-secondary institutions in Canada.

In Montevideo, the delegation will meet with officials at the headquarters of the Mercosur trade bloc, which is made up of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The delegation also plans to meet with local experts to discuss issues of equity and inclusion, the legalization of marijuana, and trade and investment.

“Chile and Uruguay are both close and longstanding hemispheric partners of Canada. We hold many values and interests in common,” said Mr. Vandal. “Our visit presents an excellent opportunity to hold discussions about how our countries can best approach important issues such as promoting and advancing social inclusion, progressive trade, democracy and human rights.”

Founded 16 years ago in Ottawa, ParlAmericas is the only inter-parliamentary institution with its International Secretariat headquartered in Canada.

Since the beginning, the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas has worked closely with ParlAmericas International to further parliamentary diplomacy and political dialogue across the hemisphere.

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To arrange an interview with the Hon. Robert Nault, please contact:

Julian Morelli
(613) 222-6123

Melissa Dawe
(613) 996-1161