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Bill S-209

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First Session, Forty-first Parliament,
60-61 Elizabeth II, 2011-2012
BILL S-209
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (prize fights)

first reading, March 15, 2012



The enactment amends the Criminal Code by expanding the list of permitted sports under the prize fighting provisions.

Available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site at the following address:

1st Session, 41st Parliament,
60-61 Elizabeth II, 2011-2012
senate of canada
BILL S-209
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (prize fights)
R.S., c. C-46
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1. Subsection 83(2) of the Criminal Code is replaced by the following:
Definition of “prize fight”
(2) In this section, “prize fight” means an encounter or fight with fists, hands or feet between two persons who have met for that purpose by previous arrangement made by or for them, but does not include
(a) a contest between amateur athletes in a combative sport with fists, hands or feet held in a province if the sport is on the programme of the International Olympic Committee and, in the case where the province’s lieutenant governor in council or any other person or body specified by him or her requires it, the contest is held with their permission;
(b) a contest between amateur athletes in a combative sport with fists, hands or feet held in a province if the sport has been designated by the province’s lieutenant governor in council or by any other person or body specified by him or her and, in the case where the lieutenant governor in council or other specified person or body requires it, the contest is held with their permission;
(c) a contest between amateur athletes in a combative sport with fists, hands or feet held in a province with the permission of the province’s lieutenant governor in council or any other person or body specified by him or her; and
(d) a boxing contest or mixed martial arts contest held in a province with the permission or under the authority of an athletic board, commission or similar body established by or under the authority of the province’s legislature for the control of sport within the province.
Published under authority of the Senate of Canada
Available from:
Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada

Explanatory Notes
Criminal Code
Clause 1: Existing text of subsection 83(2):
(2) In this section, “prize fight” means an encounter or fight with fists or hands between two persons who have met for that purpose by previous arrangement made by or for them, but a boxing contest between amateur sportsmen, where the contestants wear boxing gloves of not less than one hundred and forty grams each in mass, or any boxing contest held with the permission or under the authority of an athletic board or commission or similar body established by or under the authority of the legislature of a province for the control of sport within the province, shall be deemed not to be a prize fight.

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