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Bill C-20

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Third Session, Fortieth Parliament,
59 Elizabeth II, 2010
An Act to amend the National Capital Act and other Acts

Reprinted as amended by the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities as a working copy for the use of the House of Commons at Report Stage and as reported to the House on November 15, 2010



This enactment amends the National Capital Act to
(a) modify the governance structure of the National Capital Commission and increase its transparency;
(b) clarify the National Capital Commission’s responsibilities, including those regarding planning and sound environmental stewardship;
(c) establish the boundaries of Gatineau Park;
(d) enhance the National Capital Commission’s regulation-making powers;
(e) remove the requirement that the National Capital Commission seek Governor in Council approval for real estate transactions;
(e.1) require the National Capital Commission to provide the Governor in Council with a description of the boundaries of the Greenbelt; and
(f) harmonize that Act with the civil law regime of Quebec.
This enactment also amends the Official Residences Act to clarify the National Capital Commission’s responsibilities regarding official residences. As well, it makes consequential amendments to other Acts.

Also available on the Parliament of Canada Web Site at the following address:

3rd Session, 40th Parliament,
59 Elizabeth II, 2010
house of commons of canada
An Act to amend the National Capital Act and other Acts
Whereas Parliament recognizes that it is important to ensure that the natural environment of the National Capital Region is preserved for the enjoyment of all Canadians;
Whereas Parliament recognizes that it is in the national interest that the National Capital Region exhibit a nature and character that are in keeping with its significance as the seat of the Government of Canada;
And whereas Parliament recognizes that the National Capital Commission, because of its objects and purposes and its role in the National Capital Region, is an important national institution;
Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as An Action Plan for the National Capital Commission.
R.S., c. N-4
2. (1) The definitions “National Capital Region”, “property” and “public lands” in section 2 of the National Capital Act are replaced by the following:
“National Capital Region”
« région de la capitale nationale »
“National Capital Region” means the seat of the Government of Canada and its surrounding area, more particularly described in Schedule 1;
« bien » ou « propriété »
“property” means
(a) in Quebec, movables or immovables, and any rights in them, and
(b) in Ontario, personal or real property or any interest in it;
“public lands”
« terrains publics »
“public lands” means
(a) in Quebec, immovables, or any rights in them or leases, under the control and management of a department, and
(b) in Ontario, real property, or any interest in it, under the control and management of a department;
(2) Section 2 of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
“ecological integrity”
« intégrité écologique »
“ecological integrity” means a condition that is determined to be characteristic of a natural region and likely to persist, including abiotic components and the composition and abundance of native species and biological communities, rates of change and supporting processes;
“Gatineau Park”
« parc de la Gatineau »
“Gatineau Park” means the area whose boundaries are described in Schedule 2;
« Ceinture de verdure »
“Greenbelt” means the area whose boundaries are described in Schedule 2.1;
“National Interest Land Mass”
« masse de terrains d’intérêt national »
“National Interest Land Mass” means the collection of real property and immovables, or portions of them,
(a) located in Gatineau Park or the Greenbelt, or
(b) designated by the Commission under section 10.2;
2006, c. 9, s. 285(1)
3. (1) Subsections 3(1) to (3) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Corporation continued
3. (1) The corporation called the National Capital Commission is continued, consisting of 15 members including a Chairperson.
Appointment of members
(2) Each member, other than the Chairperson, shall be appointed by the Minister, with the Governor in Council’s approval, to hold office during pleasure for a term not exceeding four years that will ensure, as far as possible, the expiry in any one year of the terms of office of not more than one half of the members.
Appointment of Chairperson
(3) The Chairperson shall be appointed by the Governor in Council to hold office during pleasure for a term that the Governor in Council considers appropriate.
Official languages
(3.01) The Chairperson appointed under subsection (3) shall be fluent in both official languages at the time of the appointment.
Designation of Vice-chair­person
(3.1) The Governor in Council may designate one of the members of the Commission, other than the Chairperson, to be the Commission’s Vice-chairperson.
2006, c. 9, s. 285(2)
(2) The portion of subsection 3(4) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
(4) The members, other than the Chairperson, shall be appointed as follows:
(2.1) Paragraphs 3(4)(b) and (c) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(b) three, ordinarily resident in the National Capital Region, from local municipalities in Quebec, at least one of whom shall be from the section of the city of Gatineau that is west of the Gatineau River; and
(c) eight from Canada generally, other than from a city or municipality referred to in either of paragraph (a) or (b), at least two of whom shall be from Quebec.
2006, c. 9, s. 285(3)
(3) Subsection 3(6) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(6) A person who has served two consecutive terms as a member is not eligible, during the 12 months after the completion of their second term, to be reappointed to the Commission in the same capacity in which they served.
R.S., c. 45 (4th Supp.), s. 2
4. Subsection 5(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(2) The Commission shall hold at least four meetings a year in the National Capital Region that are open to the public. The Commission may hold portions of those meetings in camera if it considers it necessary to do so.
2006, c. 9, s. 286
5. Section 6 of the Act is replaced by the following:
Absence or incapacity
6. If the Chairperson is absent or incapacitated or if there is a vacancy in that office, the Commission’s Vice-chairperson shall act as Chairperson. If the Vice-chairperson is absent or incapacitated or if there is a vacancy in that office, the Commission shall authorize another member to act as Chairperson, but the authorization is not valid for more than 60 days without the approval of the Governor in Council.
2006, c. 9, s. 287
6. Subsections 7(1) and (2) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Remuneration of members
(2) The Governor in Council may authorize the payment of allowances or other remuneration to the Chairperson and to any other member.
7. Subsection 8(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Chief Executive Officer
8. (1) A Chief Executive Officer shall be appointed by the Governor in Council to hold office during pleasure for a term that the Governor in Council considers appropriate.
Chief Executive Officer’s salary
(1.1) The Chief Executive Officer shall be paid a salary to be fixed by the Governor in Council.
2006, c. 9, s. 288
8. Section 9 of the Act is replaced by the following:
9. (1) The Commission may establish, from among its members, any committee that it considers necessary or desirable for the administration of this Act.
(2) Each committee shall exercise any of the powers and perform any of the functions of the Commission that are delegated to it by the Commission and shall submit at each of the Commission’s meetings the minutes of that committee’s proceedings since the last preceding meeting of the Commission.
R.S., c. 45 (4th Supp.), s. 3(1)
9. (1) Paragraph 10(1)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a) prepare plans for and assist in the development, conservation and improvement of the National Capital Region, including in relation to transportation in that region, in order that the nature and character of the seat of the Government of Canada may be in accordance with its national significance; and
(2) Section 10 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):
Furnishings, maintenance, etc.
(1.1) The Commission shall furnish, maintain, heat and keep in repair the buildings on the lands described in Schedules 3 and 4 and shall maintain and, from time to time as required, improve those lands.
(3) Paragraph 10(2)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) sell, grant or concede, transfer or otherwise dispose of, or lease or make available to any person any property, including by the grant of an easement or real servitude, subject to any conditions and limitations that it considers necessary or desirable;
10. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 10:
Master plan
10.1 (1) At least once every 10 years after the day on which this subsection comes into force, the Commission shall submit to the Governor in Council for approval a master plan for the National Capital Region for the next 50 years. The plan must contain principles and objectives, including in respect of Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt.
Public comments
(2) In the development of a master plan, the Commission shall provide opportunities for public comments at the national and regional levels.
Tabling in Parliament of proposed master plan
(3) Before a master plan is approved by the Governor in Council, it shall be laid before each House of Parliament.
Approval of master plan
(4) The Governor in Council may not approve a master plan before the earlier of
(a) 30 sitting days after the master plan is laid before each House of Parliament, and
(b) 160 calendar days after the master plan is laid before each House of Parliament.
Alteration of proposed master plan
(5) A master plan that has been laid before each House of Parliament need not be laid before each House again before the master plan is approved, regardless of whether it has been altered.
Tabling in Parliament
(6) The Minister shall cause a copy of a master plan approved under subsection (1) to be laid before each House of Parliament within 30 sitting days after its approval.
10.2 If criteria and process are prescribed under paragraph 10.3(a), the Commission may designate all or a portion of any real property or immovables as part of the National Interest Land Mass or revoke such a designation, as the case may be.
10.3 With the Governor in Council’s approval, the Commission may make regulations
(a) setting out the criteria and the process respecting the designation of all or a portion of any real property or immovable as part of the National Interest Land Mass and the revocation of such a designation; and
(b) prescribing in relation to public lands that are designated as part of the National Interest Land Mass or classes of those lands — in addition to any requirements under the Federal Real Property and Federal Immovables Act — the process by which those lands or classes of them may be acquired by the Commission or by which the administration of them may be transferred to the Commission, and any terms and conditions of such an acquisition or transfer.
Management of property
10.31 The Commission shall manage any property of the Commission that is an immovable located in Gatineau Park for the enjoyment of the people of Canada, including allowing for the pursuit of recreational activities.
Property of the Commission
10.4 (1) The Commission shall manage any property of the Commission that is real property or an immovable in accordance with the principles of responsible environmental stewardship.
Gatineau Park
(2) In the management of any property of the Commission that is an immovable located in Gatineau Park, the Commission shall consider as one of its priorities the maintenance or restoration of the ecological integrity of that property through the protection of natural resources and processes.
R.S., c. 45 (4th Supp.), s. 5
11. Paragraph 12(1)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a) any department proposes to erect, alter, extend or demolish a building or other work on any lands in the National Capital Region, including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, as part of any project
(i) that is to be carried out within the National Interest Land Mass,
(ii) that involves any building designated as a heritage building, or
(iii) that relates to a transaction to which Her Majesty or the department is a party if the transaction provides for or contemplates the right of Her Majesty or a department to occupy that building or other work for a term of more than 25 years, including under a lease, and if, under that transaction, the building or other work becomes, or may become, public lands — other than under a lease — and if the building or other work is iconic or is not intended for general office space;
12. Paragraph 13(2)(a) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a) sell, transfer or lease any railway and related facilities, or any portion of them, constructed under subsection (1) to any railway company; or
R.S., c. 45 (4th Supp.), s. 6
13. Sections 14 and 15 of the Act are replaced by the following:
14. (1) If in the Commission’s opinion the acquisition of any land or interest in it or, in Quebec, any immovable or right in it or the rights of a lessee is required for the purposes of this Act by the Commission without the owner’s or holder’s consent, the Commission shall so advise the appropriate Minister in relation to Part I of the Expropriation Act.
(2) For the purposes of the Expropriation Act, any land or interest in it or, in Quebec, any immovable or right in it or the rights of a lessee that, in the opinion of the Minister referred to in subsection (1), are required for the purposes of this Act shall be deemed to be, in his or her opinion, required for a public work or other public purpose, in which case a reference to the “Crown” in that Act shall be construed as a reference to the “Commission”.
14. (1) Subsection 16(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Local municipalities
16. (1) The Commission may pay grants to a local municipality not exceeding the taxes that might be levied by the municipality in respect of any real property or immovables of the Commission if the Commission were not an agent of Her Majesty.
(2) Subsection 16(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Gatineau Park
(3) The Commission may pay grants to the appropriate authorities in respect of its immov- ables situated in Gatineau Park not exceeding in any tax year the amounts estimated by the Commission to be sufficient to compensate those authorities for the loss of tax revenue during that tax year in respect of municipal and school taxes by reason of the Commission’s acquisition of the immovables.
15. Section 18 of the Act is replaced by the following:
General fund
18. Subject to section 17, the Commission may expend for any of the purposes of this Act any money appropriated for its use by Parliament, received by it through the conduct of its operations or received by it by bequest, donation or otherwise.
18.1 (1) The Minister may designate persons or classes of persons to enforce this Act. The provisions that a designated person or class of persons has the power to enforce and the territory within which they may exercise that power shall be specified in the designation.
Certificate of designation
(2) Every designated person shall be provided with a certificate of designation in a form approved by the Minister and, when exercising their powers, shall produce the certificate on request.
16. The heading before section 19 of the Act is replaced by the following:
17. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 19:
Regulations — fees
19.1 With the Governor in Council’s approval, the Commission may make regulations prescribing fees and other charges payable to it for access to property of the Commission, for the carrying out of activities and for the use of resources and facilities located on any property of the Commission, and those fees and charges may vary by class of person.
Regulations — contract regulations
19.2 Despite subsection 41(2) of the Financial Administration Act, the Governor in Council may make regulations under subsection 41(1) of that Act that apply in respect of the Commission.
2002, c. 13, s. 87
18. Section 20 of the Act is replaced by the following:
20. (1) The Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) respecting the protection of any property of the Commission, as well as of natural resources and processes on that property and of the ecological integrity of any property of the Commission that is located in Gatineau Park;
(b) respecting the preservation of order or the prevention of accidents on any property of the Commission;
(c) restricting or prohibiting access to and activities on property of the Commission and controlling the use of resources and facilities located on any property of the Commission, including requiring the payment of fees and other charges prescribed under section 19.1 and requiring permits, licences or other authorizations;
(d) authorizing the Commission, in the circumstances and subject to the limits that may be specified in the regulations, to issue, amend, suspend and revoke permits, licences and other authorizations, in relation to access to property of the Commission, the carrying out of activities and the use of resources and facilities located on any property of the Commission and to make any permit, licence or other authorization subject to terms and conditions; and
(e) exempting any class of persons from the application of any provision of any regulation made under paragraphs (a) to (d).
(2) Every person who contravenes any regulation made under paragraphs (1)(a) to (c) is guilty of an offence that is punishable on summary conviction.
(3) The Governor in Council may by regulation prescribe a fine in an amount not exceeding the amount referred to in subsection 787(1) of the Criminal Code that may be imposed as punishment for an offence.
No imprisonment
(4) A term of imprisonment may not be imposed under subsection 787(1) of the Criminal Code as punishment for an offence.
2006, c. 9, s. 289
19. Section 22 of the Act is replaced by the following:
22. A certificate stating, in a prosecution for the contravention of any regulation made under subsection 20(1), that any property described in it is under the control of the Commission and purporting to be certified by the Commission or the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Engineer or Secretary of the Commission shall be admitted in evidence without proof of the signature or official character of the person appearing to have signed the certificate and without further proof and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof that the property is under the Commission’s control.
Schedules 1 to 2.1
22.1 (1) Subject to subsections (2) to (4), the Governor in Council may, by order, add a description to, or amend a description in, any of Schedules 1 to 2.1.
Tabling of proposed order
(2) Before an order is made in respect of Schedule 2 or 2.1, the order that is proposed to be made shall be laid before each House of Parliament.
Time frame
(3) An order may not be made in respect of Schedule 2 or 2.1 before the earlier of
(a) 30 sitting days after the proposed order is laid before each House of Parliament, and
(b) 160 calendar days after the proposed order is laid before each House of Parliament.
Alteration of proposed order
(4) A proposed order that has been laid before each House of Parliament need not be laid before each House again before the order is made, regardless of whether it has been altered.
Description of boundaries of Greenbelt
(5) The Commission shall provide the Governor in Council with a description of the boundaries of the Greenbelt within five years after the day on which this subsection comes into force.
20. Section 23 of the Act is replaced by the following:
23. The Commission may, if it sees fit, accept any property by way of gift, bequest or devise and may, subject to paragraph 10(2)(b) but despite any other provision of this Act, expend, administer or dispose of the property for the purposes of this Act, subject to the terms, if any, on which the property was given, bequeathed or devised to the Commission.
20.1 The Act is amended by adding the following after section 25:
Annual report
26. The annual report that the Commission is required to submit under section 150 of the Financial Administration Act must include information respecting the Commission’s activities with regard to Gatineau Park and the Greenbelt, including the acquisition by the Commission of real property located in the Greenbelt or an immovable located in Gatineau Park.
2002, c. 17, s. 20
21. The schedule to the Act is amended by replacing “(Section 2)” after the heading “SCHEDULE” with “(Sections 2 and 22.1)”.
2002, c. 17, s. 20
22. The schedule to the Act is numbered as Schedule 1.
23. The Act is amended by adding, after Schedule 1, the Schedules 2 to 4 set out in the schedule to this Act.
R.S., c. O-4
1999, c. 31, s. 172
24. Section 6 of the Official Residences Act is replaced by the following:
Furnishings, maintenance, etc.
6. The National Capital Commission shall furnish, maintain, heat and keep in repair the buildings on the lands described in Schedules I to III or allocated under section 5 and shall maintain and, from time to time as required, improve those lands.
References to other Acts
25. (1) Unless the context requires otherwise, every reference to the schedule to the National Capital Act is replaced by a reference to Schedule 1 to the National Capital Act in any other Act of Parliament.
References to regulations, etc.
(2) Unless the context requires otherwise, every reference to the schedule to the National Capital Act is replaced by a reference to Schedule 1 to the National Capital Act in
(a) any regulation, as defined in section 2 of the Statutory Instruments Act; and
(b) any other instrument made
(i) in the execution of a power conferred by or under an Act of Parliament, or
(ii) by or under the authority of the Governor in Council.
Bill C-9
26. (1) Subsections (2) to (5) apply if Bill C-9, introduced in the 3rd session of the 40th Parliament and entitled the Jobs and Economic Growth Act (referred to in this section as the “other Act”), receives royal assent.
(2) If subsection 25(1) of this Act comes into force before section 1707 of the other Act, then on the day on which that section 1707 comes into force, the reference to “the schedule” in subsection 10.1(1) of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Act is replaced by a reference to “Schedule 1”.
(3) If subsection 25(1) of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 1707 of the other Act, then that section 1707 is deemed to have come into force before that subsection 25(1).
(4) If subsection 25(1) of this Act comes into force before section 1832 of the other Act, then the reference to “the schedule” in subsection 17(1) of the Export Development Act is replaced by a reference to “Schedule 1”.
(5) If subsection 25(1) of this Act comes into force on the same day as section 1832 of the other Act, then that section 1832 is deemed to have come into force before that subsection 25(1).

(Section 23)
(Sections 2 and 22.1)
The boundaries of Gatineau Park are within the registration divisions of Hull, Gatineau and Pontiac, Province of Quebec, are located in the municipalities of Chelsea, La Pêche, Pontiac and the City of Gatineau, and form part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Hull, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec.
2.1 Section 1
This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 1, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Hull, located in the City of Gatineau, and forms part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull and the Cadastre du Québec.
City of Gatineau
Commencing at the north corner of lot 3 557 256, thence in a general southeasterly direction, following the south-west boundary of boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes comprising lots 1 090 869, 3 557 257, 1 090 833, 1 090 817, 3 690 369, 1 345 137, 1 345 120, 1 345 121, 1 345 115, 1 345 101, 1 345 114, 1 344 870 and 1 814 247, to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 119 481 and 4 158 497 to the west boundary of lot 1 814 247; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 158 496 and 4 158 497 to the north-west corner of lot 4 158 496; thence, in a general westerly direction, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 2 744 929, 2 744 928, 2 744 927, 2 744 926, 2 744 925, 2 744 924, 2 744 923, 2 744 922, 2 744 921, 2 744 920, 2 481 516, 2 481 515, 2 481 514, 2 481 513 and 1 794 609, to the north-west corner of lot 1 794 609; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 1 794 609, to the north-east corner of lot 1 795 143 (rue des Fées); thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 1 795 143 and 1 794 577, to the north-west corner of lot 1 794 577; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 1 794 577, 1 794 575, 1 794 573, 2 401 402 (rue des Lutins), 1 794 568, 1 794 569, 2 401 400 (rue Merlin), 1 794 565, 1 794 564, 2 401 398 (rue des Feux-Follets), to the south-west corner of lot 2 401 398 (rue des Feux-Follets ); thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 2 401 398 (rue des Feux-Follets) to the most westerly corner of lot 1 794 567; thence, southeasterly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 1 794 567, to the most southerly corner of lot 1 794 567; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 1 794 567, to the most easterly corner of lot 1 794 567; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 4 158 497 and 1 794 567, to the south-west corner of lot 1 794 580; thence, easterly, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 1 794 580 and 1 794 582, to the north-west corner of lot 1 794 585;thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 158 497 and lots 1 794 585, 1 795 137 (rue des Farfadets), 1 794 670 and 1 794 673, to the south-west corner of lot 1 794 673; thence, southerly, following the extension of the division line between lots 1 794 673 and 4 158 497, crossing lots 1 814 190 (rue Gamelin) and 3 754 072, to a point located on the division line between lots 3 754 072 and 4 139 221; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 754 072 and 4 139 221 to a south-west corner of lot 1 814 190 (rue Gamelin); thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 1 814 190 (rue Gamelin) and 4 139 221, to the easterly corner of lot 1 814 190 (rue Gamelin), a distance of 60.96 m; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 754 073 and 4 139 221, to the north-east corner of lot 4 139 221; thence, in a general southerly direction, following the division line between lots 4 139 220 and 4 139 221; 4 139 216 and 4 139 217; 4 139 218 and 4 139 219; 4 139 215 and 4 139 216; 4 139 211 and 4 139 212; 4 139 213 and 4 139 214; 4 139 209 and 4 139 211, to a south-west corner of lot 4 139 211; thence, easterly following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 4 139 211 to the north-west corner of lot 1 288 391; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and lot 1 288 391, to the south-west corner of lot 1 288 391; thence, easterly, following the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 288 391 and 1 288 388, to the north-west corner of lot 1 288 387; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 288 387, 1 288 386, 1 288 385 and 4 139 210, to the south-west corner of lot 4 139 210; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 4 139 210, to the south-east corner of lot 4 139 210; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and lot 3 620 965, to the south-west corner of lot 3 620 965; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 3 620 965, to the north-west corner of lot 1 286 748; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 286 748, 1 288 419, 1 286 749 and 1 288 383, to the most westerly corner of lot 1 288 383; thence, southeasterly, following the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 288 383, 1 286 750, 2 555 266, 2 555 265, 1 288 381, 1 288 379, 1 288 380 and 1 286 746; to the south-west corner of lot 1 286 746; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 4 045 687, to the north-west corner of lot 4 045 687; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 1 286 685, to the north-east corner of lot 1 286 685; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 139 209 and 1 286 685, to the north-west corner of lot 1 286 685, a distance of 41.16 m; thence, northwesterly, following the north-east boundary of rue Boucherville, the division line between lot 4 139 209 and lots 1 288 281 and 1 288 280, to the north-west corner of lot 1 288 280 (rue Boucherville); thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 1 288 280 (rue Boucherville) and lots 4 139 214, 1 288 549 and 1 288 157, to the south-east corner of lot 1 288 157; thence, westerly, crossing lot 1 286 450, to the south-east corner of lot 1 288 158, a distance of 65.63 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and lot 1 286 450, to the north-east corner of lot 1 286 553; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 286 553, 1 286 552, 1 286 906 and 1 286 451, to the north corner of lot 1 286 451; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 286 451, 1 286 449, 1 286 448 and 1 286 447, to the north corner of lot 1 286 447; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 286 447, 1 286 446, 1 286 445 and 1 286 444, to the north-west corner of lot 1 286 444; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 443, to the north-east corner of lot 1 286 443; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 443, to the north-west corner of lot 1 286 443; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 443, to the south-west corner of lot 1 286 443; thence, southerly, following the lines between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 288 289 (rue Augustin-Thibeault), 1 288 294 (rue Hormidas-Dupuis), to the south-west corner of lot 1 288 294 (rue Hormidas-Dupuis); thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 288 295 (rue Hormidas-Dupuis), to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 4 160 586; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 586 and 4 160 587, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 4 160 586; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 876 616, 1 876 615 and 1 286 289, to the north-east corner of lot 1 286 289; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 289, to a point located at the intersection of the east boundary of lot 3 558 336; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 3 558 336, 3 558 337 and 1 286 192, to the north-east corner of lot 1 286 192; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 192, to a point located at the tangent point of a curve 24.80 m in radius, a distance of 12.29 m; thence, northeasterly, northerly and northwesterly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 288 296 (rue Gendron), to the southerly corner of lot 1 286 239; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 288 296 (rue Gendron) and 1 286 239, to the south-east corner of lot 1 286 238; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 1 286 238 and 1 286 239, a distance of 4.21 m, to the south-east corner of lot 1 286 238; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 1 286 238 and 1 286 239, to the north-west corner of lot 1 286 239; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 587 and lots 1 286 238 and 1 286 237, to the north-west corner of lot 1 286 237; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 587 and 1 286 442, to the north-east corner of lot 1 286 442; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 286 442 and 1 286 441, to the north corner of lot 1 286 442; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 286 442 and 1 286 441, to the north-west corner of lot 1 286 442; thence, northeasterly, to a point located at the intersection of the north-east boundary of lot 1 286 441, a distance of 50.05 m; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 286 441 and 1 288 534, to the west corner of lot 1 288 534, a distance of 80.36 m; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 1 086 216 and 1 286 441, to the north-west corner of lot 1 286 441; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 640 and lots 1 286 441, 1 286 440 and 1 286 441, to the south-east corner of lot 4 160 640; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 160 639 and 4 160 640, to the north-west corner of lot 4 160 639; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 640 and lots 1 794 544, 1 794 546, 1 794 547, 1 794 549, 1 795 107 (rue Des Prés) and 1 794 551, to the north-east corner of lot 1 794 551; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 4 160 640 and lots 1 794 551, 1 794 550 and 1 794 542, to the north-west corner of lot 1 794 542; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 3 119 485 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and 1 795 133 (boulevard Saint-Raymond), to the south-west corner of lot 3 119 485 (boulevard Saint-Raymond); thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 1 795 165 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and lots 3 119 485 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and 4 160 640, to a point located at a distance of 317.65 m; thence, northerly, crossing lot 1 795 165 (boulevard Saint-Raymond), a distance of 117.04 m, to the south-east corner of lot 3 119 490; thence, in a general north-westerly direction, following the line between lots 3 119 490 and 3 119 488, to the south-east corner of lot 1 814 268 (rue des Conifères); thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 1 795 163 (rue des Conifères) and 1 814 268 (rue des Conifères), to the north-east corner of lot 1 814 268 (rue des Conifères); thence, in a general northerly direction, following the line between lots 3 119 481 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and 4 158 497 (boulevard Saint-Raymond), at successive distances of 58.55 m, 39.74 m and 37.32 m; thence, northerly, crossing lots 3 119 481 (boulevard Saint-Raymond) and lot 3 119 478 (chemin Pink), to a point located at the division line between lots 3 119 478 (chemin Pink) and 3 119 479, a distance of 167.17 m; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 119 478 (Pink Road) and 3 119 479, to the west corner of lot 3 119 479; thence, in a general northwesterly and westerly direction, following the division line between lots 1 344 862 (chemin Pink) and 1 341 362, to the south-east corner of lot 1 344 861 (chemin de la Montagne nord); thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 1 341 362 and 1 344 861 (chemin de la Montagne nord), at successive distances of 72.92 m and 10.50 m, to the north-west corner of lot 1 344 861 (chemin de la Montagne nord); thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚09′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 101.11 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚00′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 69.40 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 313˚48′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 51.31 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚49′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 61.49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚50′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 39.68 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 305˚36′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 75.58 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 301˚35′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 64.99 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 305˚41′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 41.19 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚15′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.86 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚27′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 58.37 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚24′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 30.36 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 313˚20′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 54.89 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 308˚49′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 44.32 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚33′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.20 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 294˚05′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 39.18 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚49′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 67.92 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 286˚18′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 56.40 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚45′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 32.00 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚34′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 136.62 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 279˚59′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 22.28 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 282˚07′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 37.99 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 287˚33′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.87 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 294˚55′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.39 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 304˚04′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 66.77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 307˚52′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 28.36 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚49′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 37.89 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 322˚11′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 24.17 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 320˚04′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 32.61 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚01′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 12 and 13B, range 5, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 63.76 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚03′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 79.76 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚30′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 80.13 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚48′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 38.15 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚06′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 36.10 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 310˚22′ , following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 42.66 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚00′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 109.83 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚25′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.00 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 321˚07′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.17 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 324˚21′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 48.12 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 326˚52′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 13B and 13A, range 5, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 51.01 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 336˚12′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.62 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 337˚26′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.89 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 327˚38′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚30′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.42 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 305˚46′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.96 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 291˚37′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 22.70 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚05′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 22.05 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚26′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 30.31 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚08′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 44.27 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 276˚24′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 13A and 14A, range 5, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 28.13 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 276˚32′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 52.12 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚11′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 30.81 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚57′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 39.13 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚13′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 59.80 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 287˚08′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 19.48 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚50′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 14A, range 5 and 14, range 6, all part of the cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 26.87 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 293˚14′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 68.54 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚28′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 55.88 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 294˚43′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 92.77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 290˚42′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 53.02 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚18′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 44.21 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚16′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the said boundary and the division line between lots 14 and 15, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 18.50 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 270˚54′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.73 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 259˚54′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 36.79 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 257˚18′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 43.29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚56′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 28.82 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 274˚39′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 23.87 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 284˚08′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 20.68 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚25′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 16.22 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚28′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 105.55 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 302˚41′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.53 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚58′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 17.80 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚03′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 39.62 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 310˚41′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.14 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 307˚17′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 54.95 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 308˚33′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan) and the south-west boundary of Skyridge Road (lot 15-4, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull), a distance of 32.01 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 301˚39′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 40.33 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚25′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 66.57 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚13′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 15 and 16C, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 39.26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 276˚25′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.10 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 285˚47′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.80 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚13′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 20.77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 296˚10′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.71 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚07′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 101.29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 296˚21′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 69.42 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚30′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 129.60 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 302˚10′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 59.21 m; thence, northwesterly, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), 29.15 m following the arc of a circle 75.65 m in radius; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 324˚15′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.06 m; thence, northwesterly, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), 61.46 m following the arc of a circle 99.70 m in radius; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 286˚04′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 40.03 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚56′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 40.00 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 278˚29′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 16C and 17, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 20.34 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚38′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 62.53 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚48′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 21.43 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚14′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 41.42 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚58′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 42.52 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚39′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 48.57 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚04′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.96 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 301˚20′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 19.48 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 295˚17′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 22.45 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 290˚56′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 53.54 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 289˚43′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 68.60 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 281˚52′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 26.85 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 272˚32′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 31.55 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 270˚47′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 77.11 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 268˚26′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 41.15 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 265˚19′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.02 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚41′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 78.44 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚13′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.43 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚27′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 59.96 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚24′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 190.90 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 261˚37′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 65.23 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 263˚50′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 18 and 19A, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 112.25 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 267˚22′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 101.16 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 266˚28′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 96.29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 272˚26′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 72.29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚29′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 48.24 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 282˚48′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 47.43 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 283˚31′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 73.12 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 284˚40′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 45.35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 287˚50′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.74 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 293˚56′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 18.26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚21′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 19A and 20A, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 22.00 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 303˚31′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 51.72 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚45′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 45.53 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 286˚26′, following the north boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 34.92 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 297˚34′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 28.82 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 308˚26′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 26.29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚05′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 70.68 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚45′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 93.11 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚56′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 44.83 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 310˚44′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 106.35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 305˚12′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 38.47 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 304˚20′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 62.26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 308˚42′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.63 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚04′, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 50.27 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚14’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 37.19 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚26’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 20 and 21, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 6.20 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚26’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 89.64 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚45’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 145.42 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚17’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 83.89 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 318˚39’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 29.39 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚12’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 31.51 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚03’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 69.43 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚55’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.54 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚53’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 58.23 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 328˚34’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 66.81 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 328˚01’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 115.41 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 325˚14’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 133.25 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 326˚35’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 21 and 22, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Hull, a distance of 119.94 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 325˚40’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.57 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 320˚24’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.04 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 312˚03’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 104.08 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚10’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 54.26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 318˚29’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 320˚33’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 110.86 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 322˚14’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 81.36 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 324˚16’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.47 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 331˚58’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 60.65 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 340˚13’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 33.32 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 356˚47’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 28.69 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 3˚27’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 126.46 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 358˚40’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 25.67 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 350˚44’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 15.95 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 348˚11’, following the east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 31.70 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚05’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 35.36 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 323˚06’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 27.24 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 319˚53’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 31.04 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 317˚38’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), a distance of 23.45 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 314˚51’, following the north-east boundary of chemin de la Montagne nord (as shown on the original cadastral plan), to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lot 22, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Hull and lot 2 635 271, Cadastre du Québec, a distance of 9.68 m.
2.2 Section 2
This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 2, is included in the registration division of Gatineau, located in the Municipality of Chelsea, and forms part of the Cadastre du Québec.
Municipality of Chelsea
Beginning at the south-east corner of lot 2 636 632 (chemin de la Montagne nord), northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 271, to the west corner of lot 2 635 271; thence, northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 272, to the west corner of lot 2 635 272; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 636 632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 270, to the west corner of lot 2 635 270; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 636 632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 272, to the west corner of lot 2 635 272; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lot 2 636 632 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2 635 270, 2 635 272 and 2 635 273, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 632 (chemin de la Montagne nord); thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 735 412 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 273, to the south-east corner of lot 2 635 259; thence, in a general westerly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 735 412 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 259, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 412; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 735 411 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 259, to the south-west corner of lot 2 635 259; thence, in a general westerly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 735 411 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 273, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 411; thence, northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2 735 408 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 273, to the north corner of lot 2 735 408; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 735 407 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 273, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 407; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 633 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 273, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 633; thence, in a general westerly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 735 406 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 273, to the south-east corner of lot 2 635 406; thence, northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2 735 404 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 406, to the north corner of lot 2 735 404; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lot 2 735 403 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2 635 406 and 2 635 074, to the north corner of lot 2 735 403; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 735 402 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 402; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 634 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 634; thence, westerly, following the lines between lot 2 735 399 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and lots 2 635 074, 2 635 020 and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 399; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 636 635 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 636 635; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 735 398 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 635 074, to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 398.
2.3 Section 3
This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 3, is included in the registration divisions of Gatineau and Pontiac, located in the Municipalities of Pontiac and La Pêche and forms part of the cadastres of the Township of Aldfield, the Township of Eardley, the Township of Masham, the Township of Onslow and the Cadastre du Québec.
Municipality of Pontiac
Beginning at the south-east corner of lot 2 684 171, westerly and then northwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2 756 027 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 684 171, to the north-west corner of lot 2 756 027; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 756 028 (chemin de la Montagne nord) and 2 684 171, to the north-west corner of lot 2 684 171; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 684 171 and 2 750 617, to the most south-west corner of lot 2 683 938, a distance of 20.77 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 683 938 and 2 750 617, to a point located at a distance of 31.44 m; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 2 683 938 and 2 750 617, to a point located at a distance of 16.83 m; thence, in a general northerly-northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 683 938 and 2 750 617, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 750 617; thence, westerly and northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 683 938 and 2 683 923, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 923; thence, northwesterly, northerly and westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 683 937 and 2 683 938, to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 2 683 821; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 821 and 2 683 938, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 821; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 820 and 2 683 938, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 820; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division line between lots 2 683 819 and 2 683 938, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 819; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 683 938 and 2 683 818, to the north corner of lot 2 683 818; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 818 and 2 683 822, to a point located at a distance of approximately 103 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 350˚53′, to a point located at 287.90 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 315˚35′, to a point located at 3.85 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 263˚05′, to a point located at the intersection of the east boundary of lot 2 683 751; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 751 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 2 683 751; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 683 751 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 751; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 755 775 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the south-east corner of lot 2 683 558; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 558 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 2 683 558; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 683 558 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 558; thence, southwesterly, following the division lines between lots 2 755 775 and 2 683 822, to a point located at distances of 32.50 m and 35.65 m; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 755 775 and 2 683 822, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 755 775; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 822 and 2 755 775, to the north-east corner of lot 2 683 557; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 822 and 2 683 557, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 557; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 683 822 and 2 683 556, to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 2 683 556; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 683 822 and 2 683 556, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 556; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 683 822 and lots 2 755 747 and 2 755 746 to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 755 746; thence, northwesterly, crossing lot 2 683 464, to a point located at the south-east corner of lot 2 750 624; thence, northwesterly, crossing lot 2 750 624, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 750 624; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 622 and 2 864 183 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville), to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 2 864 183 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville); thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 622 and 2 864 183 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville), to a point located at the south-east corner of lot 2 750 623; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 623 and 2 864 183 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville), to a point located at the south-west corner of lot 2 750 623; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 889 768 and 2 864 182 (Chemin de l’Hôtel-de-Ville), to a point located at the south-east corner of lot 2 683 360; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 889 768 and 2 683 360, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 889 768; thence, in a westerly, northerly and westerly directions, following the division line between lots 2 683 360 and 2 750 622, to a point located at the intersection of the east boundary of lot 2 682 401; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 2 750 622 and lots 2 682 401 and 2 683 356, to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 2 683 356; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 750 622 and lots 2 683 356, 2 755 693 and 2 683 351, to a point located at the intersection of the east boundary of lot 2 683 347; thence, northerly, northwesterly and southwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 750 622 and 2 683 347, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 347; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 2 750 622 and lots 2 683 100, 2 864 184, 2 683 102, 2 683 141, 2 683 140, 2 683 142 and 2 683 143, to a point located at the east corner of lot 2 683 143; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lot 2 750 622 and lots 2 683 143, 2 683 144 and 2 683 138, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 750 622; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 756 039 and lots 2 683 138, 2 683 129 and 2 683 128, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 128; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 756 039 and 2 683 117, to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 2 683 117; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 756 039 and 2 683 117, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 117; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 756 039 and 2 683 103, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 683 103; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 756 039 and 2 872 193, to a point located at the north corner of lot 2 872 193; thence, in a general northwesterly direction, following the division lines between lots 2 756 039 and 2 750 627, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 750 627; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 627 and 2 750 628, to a point located at the south-west corner of lot 2 750 627; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 750 628 and lots 2 682 987, 2 755 643, 2 682 904, 2 750 709, 2 682 899, 2 682 896 and 2 864 191, to a point located at the south-west corner of lot 2 750 628; thence, westerly, crossing lots 2 682 908 and 2 682 889, to a point located at the south-east corner of lot 2 682 670; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lots 2 682 666 and 2 682 670, to a point located at the south-west corner of lot 2 682 670; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 295˚24’, to a point located at a distance of 72.02 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 350˚47’, to a point located at a distance of 283.68 m; thence, northwesterly, crossing lots 2 682 669, 2 750 682, 2 682 667 and 2 872 186, to a point located at the intersection of the division line between lots 2 756 041 and 2 872 186, at an approximate distance of 677 m. This point is also located at an approximate distance of 235 m easterly of the north-west corner of lot 2 682 507; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 756 041 and lots 2 872 186, 2 682 507, 2 750 676 and 2 750 675, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 2 750 675; thence, westerly, crossing lot 2 864 194, to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 2 750 674; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 498 and 2 750 674, to the south-west corner of lot 2 682 498; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 498 and 2 872 178, and then following the division line between lots 2 682 499 and 2 872 179, to the north-west corner of lot 2 682 499; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 501 and 2 872 179, to the north-west corner of lot 2 872 179; thence, westerly, following the division lines between lot 2 750 673 and lots 2 682 501 and 2 750 633, to the north-west corner of lot 2 750 673; thence, westerly, following the division line between lot 2 864 199 and lots 2 682 500 and 2 682 472, to a point located at an approximate distance of 521.6 m; thence, northerly, to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of lot 3 964 882, at an approximate distance of 403.1 m; thence, westerly, following the deflections of the division line between lot 3 964 882 and 2 682 472, to the south-west corner of lot 3 964 882, at distances of 122.30 m and 192.75 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 472 and 3 964 882, to the north-east corner of lot 2 682 472; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 682 472 and 3 964 882, to the north-west corner of lot 2 682 472; thence, in a general northeasterly direction, following the deflections of the east and south-east boundarys of chemin Eardley-Masham, namely, the division lines between lots 3 754 086 and 3 964 882; 3 754 087 and 3 964 882; 3 754 088 and 2 682 471, to the north-east corner of lot 3 754 088 (chemin Eardley-Masham); thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 3 754 088 and 3 754 089, to the west corner of lot 3 754 089; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 750 634 and 2 682 469, to the north-west corner of lot 2 682 469; thence, westerly, following the deflections of the division line between lots 2 682 402 and 2 750 634, to the north-west corner of lot 2 682 402; thence, westerly, crossing lot 2 682 400 in a straight line and then lot 2 872 173, to the south-east corner of lot 2 889 747; thence, westerly, following the deflections of the division line between lot 2 889 747 and lots 2 682 399 and 2 682 398, to the south-west corner of lot 2 889 747; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 257˚19′29" to a point located on the division line between lots 28C and 28B, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 270.87 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 281˚17′52" to a point located on the division line between lots 28B and 27C, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 268.35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 311˚05′59" to a point located at a distance of 229.29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 264˚51′24“, to a point located at a distance of 204.61 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 266˚55′21", to a point located on the division line between lots 27A and 26C, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 156.85 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 262˚08′55", to a point located on the division line between lots 26C and 26B, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 262.26 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 288˚35′18", to a point located on the division line between lots 26B and 25B, range 6, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 282.32 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 321˚07′40" to a point located on the division line between the ranges 6 and 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 164.54 m; thence, following the division line between the ranges 6 and 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, on an azimuth bearing of 265˚18′24" to the east boundary of chemin Wilson a distance of 418.49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 295˚30′01", to a point located at a distance of 12.63 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 265˚33′46", to a point located on the division line between lots 24A and 23B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 516.54 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 260˚51′03", to a point located at a distance of 18.97 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 224˚48′09", to a point located at a distance of 64.20 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 243˚04′58", to a point located at a distance of 53.53 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 259˚54′37", to a point located at a distance of 32.50 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 266˚24′48", to a point located at a distance of 100.18 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 272˚34′10", to a point located on the division line between lots 23B and 22B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 274.02 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 357˚37′00" to a point located at the south-west corner of lot 23A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 28.99 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 268˚33′20", to a point located at the south-west corner of lot 22A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 537.48 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 268˚02′14", to a point located at a distance of 251.05 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 5˚09′19", to a point located at a distance of 59.28 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚48′18", to a point located at a distance of 213.14 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 316˚27′24", to a point located at a distance of 181.95 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 296˚49′22", to a point located at a distance of 74.39 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚01′21", to a point located at a distance of 128.91 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 280˚31′18", to a point located at a distance of 71.10 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 296˚11′22", to a point located at a distance of 87.77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 292˚53′21", to a point located at a distance of 72.23 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 289˚25′20", to a point located at a distance of 191.35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 283˚52′19", to a point located on the division line between lots 20A and 19A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 110.65 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 255˚44′08", to a point located at a distance of 231.75 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 281˚16′18", to a point located at a distance of 131.35 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 261˚34′11", to a point located on the division line between lots 19A and 18A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 221.49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 267˚03′13", to a point located at a distance of 376.93 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 274˚28′23", to a point located on the division line between lots 18A and 17A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 107.71 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 269˚16′22", to a point located on the division line between lots 17A and 16C, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 534.44 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 258˚19′17", to a point located on the division line between lots 16B and 15A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 533.21 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 274˚56′23", to a point located at a distance of 257.29 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 277˚08′36", to a point located on the division line between lots 15A and 14B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 276.49 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 258˚06′34", to a point located at a distance of 462.20 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 257˚34′34", to a point located on the division line between lots 13C and 12B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 578.97 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 245˚26′38", to a point located at a distance of 281.55 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 266˚34′34", to a point located at a distance of 169.05 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 276˚18′36", to a point located at a distance of 239.01 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 261˚08′34", to a point located at a distance of 286.52 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 284˚26′40", to a point located on the division line between lots 11B and 10A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 132.77 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 268˚21′12", to a point located on the division line between lots 10A and 9B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 545.37 m; thence, on an azimuth bearing of 252˚55′35", to a point located on the division line between lots 8B and 9B, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 524.27 m; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8A and 9A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 474.68 m; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8A and 9A, range 7, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 730.13 m; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8A and 9A, range 7, then lots 8B and 9A, range 8, then lots 8D and 9C, range 8, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 992.58 m; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8D and 9C, range 8, to the south-west corner of lot 9A, range 9, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 752.24 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 8A from lots 9A and 9B, range 9, then following the division line between lot 8B from lots 9C and 9D, range 9, to the north-west corner of lot 9D, range 9, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly following the division line between lot 8B from lots 9A and 9B, range 10, to the north-west corner of lot 9B, range 10, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 8 and 9, range 11, to the north-west corner of lot 9, range 11, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 8A from lots 9A and 9B, range 12, then following the division line between lot 8B from lots 9B and 9C, range 12, to the north-west corner of lot 9C, range 12, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly following the division line between lot 8C from lots 9A and 9B, range 13, to the North-West corner of lot 9B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, located on the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 10C, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located at a distance of 1,432.50 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located at the north-east corner of lot 15B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 1,695.73 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located at the north-west corner of lot 17C, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 525.87 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to a point located on the west boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 12.92 m; thence, southwesterly, following the north-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 27.71 and 16.44 m; thence, southerly, following the west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 106.63 m and 29.67 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 29.95 m, 39.95 m, 27.98 m, 26.75 m and 25.99 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of the chemin Gauvin, a distance of 136.53 m; thence, southeasterly, crossing chemin du Lac-La-Pêche, following the south-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 15.55 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 11.65 m, 34.05 m and 13.04 m; thence, easterly, following the south boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 10.07 m, 21.72 m, 13.51 m and 10.88 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 29.84 m; thence, easterly, following the south boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 30.55 m, 81.02 m, 41.05 m, 32.62 m and 28.89 m; thence, northeasterly, following the south-east boundary of chemin Gauvin, a distance of 22.30 m; thence, easterly, following the south boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 11.99 m, 35.90 m, 27.85 m, 40.14 m, 22.33 m and 9.07 m; thence, northeasterly, following the south-east boundary of chemin Gauvin, at distances of 12.51 m and 28.00 m; thence, following the south-west shore of ruisseau du Lac-des-Loups to the intersection at the division line between lots 18A and 18B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 18A and 18B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, towards the intersection of the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, also known as the north-west corner of lot 18B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow; thence, easterly, following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, towards the south-west corner of lot 12, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield, a distance of 1,760.22 m.
Municipality of La Pêche
Beginning at the south-west corner of lot 12, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 12 and 13A, range 1, Township of Aldfield, toward the intersection at the south boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), a distance of 422.88 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), at distances of 79.58 m, 82.18 m and 43.03 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), at distances of 41.52 m, 75.96 m et 45.06 m; thence, easterly following the South boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), a distance of 52.42 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), at distances of 51.22 m, 54.54 m, 100.89 m and 45.93 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), a distance of 49.17 m; thence, easterly following the south boundary of Route 366 (chemin Pontbriand), to the intersection at the division line between lots 9A and 10, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield, a distance of 141.82 m; thence, southerly following the division line between lots 9A and 10, range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield, towards the south-east corner of lot 10 range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield.
Municipality of Pontiac
Beginning at the south-east corner of lot 10 range 1, cadastre of the Township of Aldfield; thence, easterly following the division line between the Townships of Aldfield and Onslow, to the intersection of the south boundary of Route 366, a distance of 78.41 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of Route 366, at distances of 216.83 m, 78.78 m, 135.30 m, 56.26 m, 61.53 m, 22.15 m, 85.68 m and 47.32 m; thence, easterly following the south-west of Route 366, at distances of 28.49 m, 33.10 m, 47.66 m, 35.82 m, 122.39 m, 113.79 m, 29.34 m, 30.78 m, 49.76 m and 158.29 m; thence, southeasterly, following the south-west boundary of Route 366, to the intersection at the division line between lots 25B and 26B, range 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 19.68 m; thence, southerly to the intersection of the division line between the ranges 12 and 13 and the division line between lots 25B and 26A, range 12, all in the Township of Onslow, a distance of 1,139.03 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the ranges 12 and 13, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, at distances of 263.87 m, 259.55 m, 265.33 m and 261.51 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 27C and 28B, range 12, then lots 27B and 28A, range 12, to the south-east corner of lot 27B, range 12, all in the cadastre of the said Township, a distance of 1,714.29 m; thence, easterly following the division line between the ranges 11 and 12, to the north-east corner of lot 28, range 11, all in the cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 114.88 m; thence, southerly following the division line between the Township of Masham and the Township of Onslow, towards the south-east corner of lot 28, range 11, cadastre of the Township of Onslow, a distance of 1,701.74 m; thence, southerly following the division line between the Township of Masham and the Township of Onslow, towards the north-west corner of lot 2 755 996 (Cadastre du Québec), a distance of 1,235.70 m.
Municipality of La Pêche
Beginning at the north-west corner of lot 2 755 996 (Cadastre du Québec), following segments of the north boundary of said lot, to the north-east corner of lot 2 755 996; thence, easterly and crossing chemin Eardley-Masham, to the north-west corner of lot 2 755 995; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 995, 3 117 982, 3 117 981, 2 755 994 and 3 117 980, to the north-east corner of lot 3 117 980; thence, southerly following the east boundary of lot 3 117 980, to the south-east corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lots 2 755 991 and 2 755 990 and following segments of the north boundary of lot 2 684 840, to the intersection with the south-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2 685 155 and 2 685 822, to the north-east corner of lot 2 685 155; thence, easterly following the south boundaries of lots 2 685 203 and 2 685 402, to the south-east corner of lot 2 685 402; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2 685 402 and 2 685 822, to the south-west corner of lot 2 685 406; thence, easterly following the south boundary of lot 2 685 406, to the south-east corner of said lot; thence, southeasterly, to the intersection at the north-west corner of lot 2 685 428 and the south-west boundary of lot 2 864 213 (chemin de la Prairie); thence, southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly, easterly, southeasterly and easterly following the south boundary of lots 2 864 213, 2 864 212 and 2 864 211 (chemin de la Prairie), to the north-east corner of lot 2 756 053; thence, northerly crossing chemin de la Prairie, to the south-east corner of lot 2 685 601; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 2 685 601 and 2 685 822, the division line between lots 2 685 600 and 2 685 822, then the division line between lots 2 685 430 and 2 685 822, towards the south-west corner of lot 2 685 608; thence, easterly following the south boundary of lot 2 685 608, to the south-east corner of said lot; thence, northerly following the east boundary of lot 2 685 608, to the north-east corner of said lot; thence, northerly crossing chemin Schnob, to the south-west corner of lot 2 756 050; thence, northerly following the west boundary of lot 2 756 050, to the intersection at the north-west corner of said lot and the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory); thence, in a general easterly direction, following the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the intersection with the southerly extension of the west boundary of lot 2 756 119; thence, northerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the west boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-west corner of said lot; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the north-east corner of said lot, also located on the west boundary of lot 2 864 223 (chemin Brazeau); thence, southerly and southeasterly following the east boundary of lot 2 756 119, to the intersection at the north shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), being, the south-east corner of lot 2 756 119; thence, southeasterly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to the north-east corner of lot 2 756 050; thence, following the division line between the south shore of Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) and following the north boundaries of lots 3 274 668 (chemin Brazeau), 2 685 630, 2 685 633, 2 685 824, 3 579 542, 3 389 947 and 3 389 948, to the intersection of the southerly extension of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717; thence, northerly crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory) to the intersection of the division line between lots 3 389 960 and 3 654 717 and the north shore of said River; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 77.57 m; thence, northeasterly following the division line between lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 960, a distance of 20.42 m; thence, northeasterly crossing lots 3 654 717 and 3 389 949, to the south-west corner of lot 3 390 091; thence, easterly following the north boundary of lot 3 389 949, to the south-east corner of lot 3 390 090; thence, easterly following the division line between lots 3 389 949 and 3 389 950, then the division line between lots 3 389 950 and 3 654 718, towards the South-East corner of lot 3 389 950; thence, northerly following the division line between lots 3 389 950 and 3 654 718, at a north-west corner of lot 3 654 718; thence, southeasterly following the south-west boundary of Route 366 (Principale est), being, lots 3 654 734, 3 654 218 and 3 654 220, towards the north-west corner of lot 3 654 223; thence, southeasterly following the south-west boundary of Route 366 (Principale est), being, lot 3 654 223, towards the South corner of lot 3 654 223; thence, southeasterly following the south-west and west boundary of Route 366 (Principale est), being, lot 3 654 253, at successive distances of 216.74 m, 73.18 m, 103.09 m, then southerly, following the west boundary of Route 366 (Principale est), distances of 99.00 m and 30.00 m; thence, easterly, crossing lots 3 654 223, 3 654 253, 3 654 256, 3 654 257 (Route 366 (Principale est)) and 3 654 259 (Autoroute 5), to the north-west corner of lot 3 391 737; thence, easterly following the division line between lots 3 391 737 and 3 389 951, to the far south-west corner of lot 3 391 738, at distances of 63.10 m, 74.88 m, 9.58 m, 17.51 m and 9.35 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 3 389 951 and 3 391 738, a distance of 10.55 m; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 389 951 and 3 391 738, to the north-east corner of lot 3 391 738, at distances of 9.72 m, 13.84 m, 62.31 m, 40.90 m, 21.09 m, 23.10 m, 45.26 m and 2.35 m; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 389 951 and 3 391 732, to the north-western corner of lot 3 391 732, at distances of 6.25 m, 13.60 m, 61.77 m and 27.73 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 3 389 951 and 3 391 732, to the north-west corner of lot 3 391 736 , a distance of 246.25 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 736 and 3 391 732, to the south-west corner of lot 3 391 736; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 736 and 3 391 732, to the south-east corner of lot 3 391 736; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 670 and 3 391 732, to the south-west corner of lot 3 391 670; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 670 and 3 391 732, to the south corner of lot 3 391 670; thence, northeasterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 732 and 3 391 670, to the north-east corner of lot 3 391 732, a distance of 1.95 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 675 and 3 391 732, to the intersection of the North shore of the Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory); thence, southerly, crossing Rivière la Pêche (Undivided territory), to a point located at the intersection of the South shore of said river and the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 364 796; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 748 and 3 654 796, to a point located at the intersection of the north boundary of lot 3 654 317 (chemin Mill); thence, crossing lot 3 654 317, (chemin Mill), to a point located at the intersection of the south boundary of said chemin Mill and the division line between lots 3 391 750 and 3 391 773; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 391 750, to the south-west corner of lot 3 391 750; thence, westerly following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the north corner of lot 3 654 775, at successive distances of 45.15 m, 214.92 m and 27.92 m; thence, southwesterly, following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, a distance of 203.89 m; thence, westerly following the division line between lots 3 391 773 and 3 654 775, to the intersection with the south-east boundary of lot 3 654 244 (chemin Mill), successive distances of 84.42 m and 93.58 m; thence, southwesterly following the south-east boundary of lot 3 654 244 (chemin Mill), at distances of 25.93 m and 18.49 m, then westerly, a distance of 20.71 m, then to the south-west, a distance of 6.94 m, to the north-west corner of lot 3 391 769; thence, westerly, crossing Autoroute 5, being, lot 3 654 238, to the north-east corner of lot 3 654 100, following the south boundary of the old chemin Mill; thence, westerly, to the north-west corner of lot 3 654 100 at successive distances of 28.76 m and 17.13 m; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the south-west boundary of the proposed Autoroute 5, being, lots 3 654 100 and 3 391 986, to the south-west corner of lot 3 391 986; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the south-west boundary of the proposed Autoroute 5 and crossing lot 3 389 945, to the north-west corner of lot 3 391 995; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the south-west boundary of the proposed Autoroute 5, being, lot 3 391 997, to the east corner of lot 3 391 995.
2.4 Section 4
This portion of Gatineau Park, described in Section 4, is included in the registration division of Gatineau, located in the Municipality of Chelsea, and forms part of the Cadastre du Québec.
Municipality of Chelsea
Beginning at the east corner of lot 3 391 995, in a general southeasterly direction, following the south-west boundary of the proposed Autoroute 5, being lots 4 138 880, 3 264 820, 3 264 830, 3 264 860, 3 264 906 and 3 264 908; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the south-west boundary of Autoroute 5, being lots 3 264 970, 3 265 005, 3 265 028, 3 265 027, 3 265 072, 3 265 073 and 2 924 035, to the intersection of the south boundary of lot 2 924 035 (Autoroute 5) and of the west boundary of lot 2 924 014 (chemin Scott); thence, in a general southerly direction, following the west boundaries of 2 924 014, 2 735 360, 2 735 361, 2 636 730, 2 735 385 and 2 636 729 (chemin Scott), to the south-east corner of lot 3 754 061; thence, southerly, crossing lots 2 924 047 and 2 636 722 (chemin Old Chelsea), to the north-west corner of lot 2 635 548; thence, southerly, following the division line between lot 2 635 548 and lots 2 924 048 and 4 138 881, to the south-west corner of lot 2 635 548; thence, easterly, following the division line between lot 4 138 881 and lots 2 635 548 and 2 635 547, to the south-west corner of lot 2 635 547, a distance of 42.98 m; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2 635 547 and 4 138 881, to the south-west corner of lot 2 635 547, a distance of 26.82 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 635 547 and 4 138 881, to the south-east corner of lot 2 635 547, a distance of 14.30 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lot 2 635 547 and 4 138 881, to the south-east corner of lot 2 635 547, a distance of 26.82 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 635 547 and 4 138 881, to the south-east corner of lot 2 635 547, a distance of 6.55 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 635 547 and 4 138 881, to the north-east corner of lot 2 635 547, a distance of 42.15 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 635 551 and 4 138 881, to the south-east corner of lot 2 635 551, a distance of 10.83 m; thence, northerly, following the division line between lots 2 635 551 and 4 138 881, to the north-east corner of lot 2 635 551, a distance of 18.23 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 924 049 and 4 138 881, to the north-west corner of lot 4 138 882; thence, southerly, to the south-west corner of lot 4 138 882, a distance of 65.87 m; thence, easterly, to the south-west corner of lot 2 635 573, a distance of 76.01 m; thence, easterly, following the division line between lots 2 635 573 and 4 138 881, to the south-east corner of lot 2 635 573; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2 635 585 and 4 138 881, to the south-west corner of lot 2 635 585; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 2 635 583 and 4 138 881, to the south-west corner of lot 2 635 583; thence, southerly, following the division line between lots 2 635 583 and 4 138 881, to the south-east corner of lot 4 138 881; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 635 493 and 4 138 881, to the north corner of lot 2 635 493; thence, northwesterly, following the division line between lots 2 635 533 and 4 138 881, to the north-east corner of lot 2 635 533; thence, westerly, following the division line between lots 4 138 881 and 2 635 533, to the intersection of the eastern boundary of lot 2 735 434 (chemin Kingsmere); thence, westerly, following the extension of the division line between lots 2 635 533 and 4 138 881, crossing lot 2 735 434 (chemin Kingsmere), to the intersection of the west boundary of said lot 2 735 434, a distance of 12.24 m; thence, southerly, following the west boundary of lot 2 735 434 (chemin Kingsmere), to the south-west corner of lot 2 735 434; thence, southwesterly, following the north-west boundary of lot 2 636 668 (chemin Kingsmere), to the south-west corner of said lot 2 636 668; thence, southwesterly, crossing lot 2 735 441 (chemin Kingsmere), to the north-west corner of lot 2 735 433 (chemin Notch); thence, southerly, following the west boundary of chemin Notch, being, lots 2 735 433, 2 735 431, 2 735 464, 2 735 463 and 2 636 667, to the south-west corner of lot 2 636 667; thence, easterly, following the division line between lot 2 636 667 (chemin Notch) and lots 2 635 407 and 2 735 329 (chemin Notch), to the south-east corner of lot 2 636 667 (chemin Notch); thence, easterly, then southerly, following the division line between lots 2 735 342 (chemin de la Mine) and 2 735 329 (chemin Notch), to the north-west corner of lot 2 635 425; thence, in a general southeasterly direction, following the south-west boundary of chemin de la Mine, being, lots 2 735 342, 2 735 341, 2 636 585 and 2 735 338, 2 735 336, 2 735 333, 2 636 583, 2 735 331, 2 735 330, which becomes the boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes, lot 2 636 582, to the north corner of lot 3 557 256, to the point of commencement.
In this description, measurements are in metres (SI) and bearings are in reference of the geodetic system of plane coordinates of Quebec (SCOPQ).

(Sections 2 and 22.1)

(Subsection 10(1.1))
PART of Lots 3 and 4, Junction Gore, of the geographic Township of Gloucester, in the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, designated as Parts 1 to 22 inclusive on Plan 5R-3576.

(Subsection 10(1.1))
LOTS 33 and 38 and part of Lots 34 and 39, Block 4, Registered Plan 42, in the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, designated as Part 23 on Plan 5R-3576.
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons