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Bill C-23

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55. The following definitions apply in this Part.

``Authority'' « Administrati on »

``Authority'' means the First Nations Finance Authority.

``investing member''
« membre investisseur »

``investing member'' means a first nation that has invested in a short-term investment pool managed by the Authority.

``long-term loan''
« prêt à long terme »

``long-term loan'' means a loan the term of which is one year or longer.

« membre »

``member'' means a borrowing member or investing member.

``property tax revenues''
« recettes fiscales foncières »

``property tax revenues'' means moneys raised under a law made under paragraph 4(1)(a).

``representativ e''
« représentant »

``representative'', in respect of a first nation that is a member, means the chief or a councillor of the first nation who is designated as a representative by a resolution of its council.

« titre »

``security'' means a security of the Authority issued under paragraph 73(1)(b).

``short-term loan''
« prêt à court terme »

``short-term loan'' means a loan the term of which is less than one year.

Establishment and Organization of Authority


56. There is hereby established a non-profit corporation without share capital, to be known as the First Nations Finance Authority.


57. The members of the Authority shall be its borrowing members and investing members.

Not agent of Her Majesty

58. (1) The Authority is not an agent of Her Majesty or a Crown corporation within the meaning of the Financial Administration Act, and its officers and employees are not part of the public service of Canada.

No guarantees

(2) No person shall give a guarantee on behalf of Her Majesty for the discharge of an obligation or liability of the Authority.

Board of Directors

59. (1) The Authority shall be managed by a board of directors, consisting of from 5 to 11 directors, including a Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson.

Nomination of directors

(2) A representative of a borrowing member may nominate

    (a) a representative of a borrowing member for election as Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson; and

    (b) any representative for election as a director other than the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson.

Election of directors

(3) Directors shall be elected by representatives of borrowing members.

Function of Deputy Chairperson

60. In the event of the absence or incapacity of the Chairperson, or if the office of Chairperson is vacant, the Deputy Chairperson shall assume the duties and functions of the Chairperson.

Term of office

61. (1) Directors shall hold office on a part-time basis for a term of one year.

Additional terms

(2) A director is eligible to be re-elected for a second or subsequent term of office.

Ceasing to be director

(3) A person ceases to be a director when

    (a) the person ceases to hold office as a chief or councillor of a first nation that is a borrowing member or investing member;

    (b) the person's designation as a representative of a borrowing member or investing member is revoked by a resolution of the council of that first nation; or

    (c) the person is removed from office before the expiry of the term of the appointment by a special resolution of the board of directors.


62. Two thirds of the directors constitute a quorum at any meeting of the board of directors.

Majority vote

63. Decisions by the board of directors shall be made by a majority vote of the directors present.

Canada Corporations Act

64. (1) The Canada Corporations Act does not apply to the Authority.

Canada Business Corporations Act

(2) The following provisions of the Canada Business Corporations Act apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to the Authority and its directors, members, officers and employees as if the Authority were a corporation incorporated under that Act, this Part were its articles of incorporation and its members were its shareholders:

    (a) subsection 15(1) (capacity of a natural person);

    (b) section 16 (by-law not required to confer powers on Authority, restriction on powers of Authority, and validity of acts of Authority);

    (c) subsection 21(1) (access to Authority's records by members and creditors);

    (d) section 23 (corporate seal not needed to validate instrument);

    (e) subsections 103(1) to (4) (powers of directors to make and amend by-laws, member approval of by-laws and effective date of by-laws);

    (f) subsection 105(1) (qualifications of directors);

    (g) subsection 108(2) (resignation of director);

    (h) section 110 (right of director to attend members' meetings and statements by retiring directors);

    (i) subsection 114(1) (place of directors' meetings);

    (j) section 116 (validity of acts of directors and officers);

    (k) section 117 (validity of directors' resolutions not passed at meeting);

    (l) subsections 119(1) and (4) (liability of directors);

    (m) section 120 (conflict of interests of directors);

    (n) section 123 (directors' dissents);

    (o) section 124 (directors' indemnity);

    (p) section 155 (financial statements);

    (q) section 158 (approval of financial statements by directors);

    (r) section 159 (sending financial statements to members before annual meeting);

    (s) sections 161 and 162 (qualifications and appointment of auditor);

    (t) section 168 (rights and duties of auditor);

    (u) section 169 (examination by auditor);

    (v) section 170 (auditor's right to information);

    (w) subsections 171(3) to (9) (duty and administration of audit committee and penalty for failure to comply);

    (x) section 172 (qualified privilege in defamation for auditor's statements); and

    (y) subsections 257(1) and (2) (certificates of Authority as evidence).

Remuneration of directors

65. Directors shall be paid a fee for attendance at meetings of the board of directors, as fixed by the by-laws of the Authority.

Duty of care

66. (1) The directors and officers of the Authority in exercising their powers and performing their duties shall

    (a) act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the Authority; and

    (b) exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances.

Limit of liability

(2) Directors and officers are not liable for a failure to comply with subsection (1) if they rely in good faith on

    (a) a written report of the auditor of the Authority or financial statements represented by an officer of the Authority as fairly reflecting the financial condition of the Authority; or

    (b) a report of a lawyer, notary, accountant, engineer, appraiser or other person whose position or profession lends credibility to a statement made by that person.


67. (1) The board of directors shall appoint a President to act as the chief executive officer of the Authority.

Other staff

(2) The President may employ any other officers and employees that are necessary to conduct the work of the Authority.

Annual general meeting

68. The Authority shall hold an annual general meeting of representatives for the purpose of

    (a) presenting the annual report and audited financial statements of the Authority;

    (b) electing the board of directors; and

    (c) dealing with such other business of the Authority as may be presented by the board of directors.


69. The board of directors may make by-laws

    (a) respecting the calling and conduct of meetings of the board, including the holding of meetings by tele-conference;

    (b) fixing the fees to be paid to directors for attendance at meetings of the board and the reimbursement of reasonable travel and living expenses to directors;

    (c) respecting the duties and conduct of the directors, officers and employees of the Authority and the terms and conditions of employment and of the termination of employment of officers and employees of the Authority;

    (d) respecting the signing and sealing of securities and interest coupons issued by the Authority; and

    (e) generally for the conduct and management of the affairs of the Authority.

Head office

70. The head office of the Authority shall be on reserve lands at a location determined by the board of directors.

Annual budget

71. At the beginning of every year, the President shall prepare an annual budget of the Authority and present it to the board of directors for approval.



72. The purposes of the Authority are to

    (a) secure for its borrowing members, through the use of property tax revenues,

      (i) long-term financing of capital infrastructure for the provision of local services on reserve lands,

      (ii) lease financing of capital assets for the provision of local services on reserve lands, or

      (iii) short-term financing to meet cash-flow requirements for operating or capital purposes under a law made under paragraph 4(1)(b), or to refinance a short-term debt incurred for capital purposes;

    (b) secure for its borrowing members, through the use of other revenues prescribed by regulation, financing for any purpose prescribed by regulation;

    (c) secure the best possible credit terms for its borrowing members;

    (d) provide investment services to its members and first nations organizations; and

    (e) provide advice regarding the development of long-term financing mechanisms for first nations.