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Bill C-7

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    (a) a youth custody facility separate and apart from any adult who is detained or held in custody;

    (b) a provincial correctional facility for adults; or

    (c) if the sentence is for two years or more, a penitentiary.

When young person subject to adult penalties

(2) The youth justice court that sentences a young person under subsection (1) shall, unless it is satisfied that to do so would not be in the best interests of the young person or would jeopardize the safety of others,

    (a) if the young person is under the age of eighteen years at the time that he or she is sentenced, order that he or she be placed in a youth custody facility; and

    (b) if the young person is eighteen years old or older at the time that he or she is sentenced, order that he or she not be placed in a youth custody facility and order that any portion of the sentence be served in a provincial correctional facility for adults or, if the sentence is two years or more, in a penitentiary.

Opportunity to be heard

(3) Before making an order under subsection (1), the youth justice court shall give the young person, a parent of the young person, the Attorney General, the provincial director and representatives of the provincial and federal correctional systems an opportunity to be heard.

Report necessary

(4) Before making an order under subsection (1), the youth justice court shall require that a report be prepared for the purpose of assisting the court.


(5) For the purposes of an appeal in accordance with section 37, an order under subsection (1) is part of the sentence.


(6) On application, the youth justice court shall review the placement of a young person under this section and, if satisfied that the circumstances that resulted in the initial order have changed materially, and after having given the young person, a parent of the young person, the Attorney General, the provincial director and the representatives of the provincial and federal correctional systems an opportunity to be heard, the court may order that the young person be placed in

    (a) a youth custody facility separate and apart from any adult who is detained or held in custody;

    (b) a provincial correctional facility for adults; or

    (c) if the sentence is for two years or more, a penitentiary.

Who may make application

(7) An application referred to in this section may be made by the young person, one of the young person's parents, the provincial director, representatives of the provincial and federal correctional systems and the Attorney General, after the time for all appeals has expired.


(8) When an application referred to in this section is made, the applicant shall cause a notice of the application to be given to the other persons referred to in subsection (7).

Limit - age twenty

(9) No young person shall remain in a youth custody facility under this section after the young person attains the age of twenty years, unless the youth justice court that makes the order under subsection (1) or reviews the placement under subsection (6) is satisfied that remaining in the youth custody facility would be in the best interests of the young person and would not jeopardize the safety of others.

Obligation to inform - parole

77. (1) When a young person is ordered to serve a portion of a sentence in a youth custody facility under paragraph 76(1)(a) (placement when subject to adult sentence), the provincial director shall inform the appropriate parole board.

Applicability of Corrections and Conditional Release Act

(2) For greater certainty, Part II of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act applies, subject to section 78, with respect to a young person who is the subject of an order under subsection 76(1) (placement when subject to adult sentence).

Appropriate parole board

(3) The appropriate parole board for the purposes of this section is

    (a) if subsection 112(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act would apply with respect to the young person but for the fact that the young person was ordered into a youth custody facility, the parole board mentioned in that subsection; and

    (b) in any other case, the National Parole Board.

Release entitlement

78. (1) For greater certainty, section 6 of the Prisons and Reformatories Act applies to a young person who is ordered to serve a portion of a sentence in a youth custody facility under paragraph 76(1)(a) (placement when subject to adult sentence) only if section 743.1 (rules respecting sentences of two or more years) of the Criminal Code would direct that the young person serve the sentence in a prison.

Release entitlement

(2) For greater certainty, section 127 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act applies to a young person who is ordered to serve a portion of a sentence in a youth custody facility under paragraph 76(1)(a) (placement when subject to adult sentence) only if section 743.1 (rules respecting sentences of two or more years) of the Criminal Code would direct that the young person serve the sentence in a penitentiary.

If person convicted under another Act

79. If a person who is serving all or a portion of a sentence in a youth custody facility under paragraph 76(1)(a) (placement when subject to adult sentence) is sentenced to a term of imprisonment under an Act of Parliament other than this Act, the remainder of the portion of the sentence being served in the youth custody facility shall be served in a provincial correctional facility for adults or a penitentiary, in accordance with section 743.1 (rules respecting sentences of two or more years) of the Criminal Code.

If person who is serving a sentence under another Act is sentenced to an adult sentence

80. If a person who has been serving a sentence of imprisonment under an Act of Parliament other than this Act is sentenced to an adult sentence of imprisonment under this Act, the sentences shall be served in a provincial correctional facility for adults or a penitentiary, in accordance with section 743.1 (rules respecting sentences of two or more years) of the Criminal Code.

Procedure for application or notice

81. An application or a notice to the court under section 63, 64, 65 or 76 must be made or given orally, in the presence of the other party, or in writing with a copy served personally on the other party.

Effect of Termination of Youth Sentence

Effect of absolute discharge or termination of youth sentence

82. (1) Subject to section 12 (examination as to previous convictions) of the Canada Evidence Act, if a young person is found guilty of an offence, and a youth justice court directs under paragraph 42(2)(b) that the young person be discharged absolutely, or the youth sentence, or any disposition made under the Young Offenders Act, chapter Y-1 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, has ceased to have effect, other than an order under section 51 (mandatory prohibition order) of this Act or section 20.1 (mandatory prohibition order) of the Young Offenders Act, the young person is deemed not to have been found guilty or convicted of the offence except that

    (a) the young person may plead autrefois convict in respect of any subsequent charge relating to the offence;

    (b) a youth justice court may consider the finding of guilt in considering an application under subsection 63(1) (application for youth sentence) or 64(1) (application for adult sentence);

    (c) any court or justice may consider the finding of guilt in considering an application for judicial interim release or in considering what sentence to impose for any offence; and

    (d) the National Parole Board or any provincial parole board may consider the finding of guilt in considering an application for conditional release or pardon.

Disqualificati ons removed

(2) For greater certainty and without restricting the generality of subsection (1), an absolute discharge under paragraph 42(2)(b) or the termination of the youth sentence or disposition in respect of an offence for which a young person is found guilty removes any disqualification in respect of the offence to which the young person is subject under any Act of Parliament by reason of a finding of guilt.

Applications for employment

(3) No application form for or relating to the following shall contain any question that by its terms requires the applicant to disclose that he or she has been charged with or found guilty of an offence in respect of which he or she has, under this Act or the Young Offenders Act, chapter Y-1 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, been discharged absolutely, or has completed the youth sentence under this Act or the disposition under the Young Offenders Act:

    (a) employment in any department, as defined in section 2 of the Financial Administration Act;

    (b) employment by any Crown corporation, as defined in section 83 of the Financial Administration Act;

    (c) enrolment in the Canadian Forces; or

    (d) employment on or in connection with the operation of any work, undertaking or business that is within the legislative authority of Parliament.

Finding of guilt not a previous conviction

(4) A finding of guilt under this Act is not a previous conviction for the purposes of any offence under any Act of Parliament for which a greater punishment is prescribed by reason of previous convictions, except for

    (a) the purpose of establishing that an offence is a presumptive offence within the meaning of paragraph (b) of the definition ``presumptive offence'' in subsection 2(1); or

    (b) the purpose of determining the adult sentence to be imposed.




83. (1) The purpose of the youth custody and supervision system is to contribute to the protection of society by

    (a) carrying out sentences imposed by courts through the safe, fair and humane custody and supervision of young persons; and

    (b) assisting young persons to be rehabilitated and reintegrated into the community as law-abiding citizens, by providing effective programs to young persons in custody and while under supervision in the community.

Principles to be used

(2) In addition to the principles set out in section 3, the following principles are to be used in achieving that purpose:

    (a) that the least restrictive measures consistent with the protection of the public, of personnel working with young persons and of young persons be used;

    (b) that young persons sentenced to custody retain the rights of other young persons, except the rights that are necessarily removed or restricted as a consequence of a sentence under this Act or another Act of Parliament;

    (c) that the youth custody and supervision system facilitate the involvement of the families of young persons and members of the public;

    (d) that custody and supervision decisions be made in a forthright, fair and timely manner, and that young persons have access to an effective review procedure; and

    (e) that placements of young persons where they are treated as adults not disadvantage them with respect to their eligibility for and conditions of release.

Young person to be held apart from adults

84. Subject to subsection 30(3) (pre-trial detention), paragraphs 76(1)(b) and (c) (placement in adult facilities with adult sentence) and sections 89 to 93 (placement in adult facilities with youth sentence), a young person who is committed to custody shall be held separate and apart from any adult who is detained or held in custody.

Levels of custody

85. (1) In the youth custody and supervision system in each province there must be at least two levels of custody for young persons distinguished by the degree of restraint of the young persons in them.

Designation of youth custody facilities

(2) Every youth custody facility in a province that contains one or more levels of custody shall be designated by

    (a) in the case of a youth custody facility with only one level of custody, being the level of custody with the least degree of restraint of the young persons in it, the lieutenant governor in council or his or her delegate; and

    (b) in any other case, the lieutenant governor in council.

Provincial director to specify custody level - committal to custody

(3) The provincial director shall, when a young person is committed to custody under paragraph 42(2)(n), (o), (q) or (r) or an order is made under subsection 98(3), paragraph 103(2)(b), subsection 104(1) or paragraph 109(2)(b), determine the level of custody appropriate for the young person, after having taken into account the factors set out in subsection (5).

Provincial director to specify custody level - transfer

(4) The provincial director may determine a different level of custody for the young person when the provincial director is satisfied that the needs of the young person and the interests of society would be better served by doing so, after having taken into account the factors set out in subsection (5).


(5) The factors referred to in subsections (3) and (4) are

    (a) that the appropriate level of custody for the young person is the one that is the least restrictive to the young person, having regard to

      (i) the seriousness of the offence in respect of which the young person was committed to custody and the circumstances in which that offence was committed,

      (ii) the needs and circumstances of the young person, including proximity to family, school, employment and support services,

      (iii) the safety of other young persons in custody, and

      (iv) the interests of society;

    (b) that the level of custody should allow for the best possible match of programs to the young person's needs and behaviour, having regard to the findings of any assessment in respect of the young person; and

    (c) the likelihood of escape.

Placement and transfer at appropriate level

(6) After the provincial director has determined the appropriate level of custody for the young person under subsection (3) or (4), the young person shall be placed in the youth custody facility that contains that level of custody specified by the provincial director.


(7) The provincial director shall cause a notice in writing of a determination under subsection (3) or (4) to be given to the young person and a parent of the young person and set out in that notice the reasons for it.

Procedural safeguards

86. (1) The lieutenant governor in council of a province shall ensure that procedures are in place to ensure that the due process rights of the young person are protected with respect to a determination made under subsection 85(3) or (4), including that the young person be

    (a) provided with any relevant information to which the provincial director has access in making the determination, subject to subsection (2);

    (b) given the opportunity to be heard; and

    (c) informed of any right to a review under section 87.

Withholding of information

(2) Where the provincial director has reasonable grounds to believe that providing the information referred to in paragraph (1)(a) would jeopardize the safety of any person or the security of a facility, he or she may authorize the withholding from the young person of as much information as is strictly necessary in order to protect such safety or security.


87. (1) A young person may apply for a review under this section of a determination

    (a) under subsection 85(3) that would place the young person in a facility at a level of custody that has more than a minimal degree of restraint; or

    (b) under subsection 85(4) that would transfer a young person to a facility at a level of custody with a higher degree of restraint or increase the degree of restraint of the young person in the facility.

Procedural safeguards

(2) The lieutenant governor in council of a province shall ensure that procedures are in place for the review under subsection (1), including that

    (a) the review board that conducts the review be independent;

    (b) the young person be provided with any relevant information to which the review board has access, subject to subsection (3); and

    (c) the young person be given the opportunity to be heard.

Withholding of information

(3) Where the review board has reasonable grounds to believe that providing the information referred to in paragraph (2)(b) would jeopardize the safety of any person or the security of a facility, it may authorize the withholding from the young person of as much information as is strictly necessary in order to protect such safety or security.


(4) The review board shall take into account the factors referred to in subsection 85(5) in reviewing a determination.

Decision is final

(5) A decision of the review board under this section in respect of a particular determination is final.