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Bill C-33

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(Subsection 2(1))

For the purposes of the definition ``designated Inuit organization'', the following are the provisions of the Act and the corresponding provisions of the Agreement:

    (a) section 8, sections 20.2.2, 20.2.4 and 20.3.1;

    (b) section 13, sections 20.2.4 and 20.3.1;

    (c) subsection 14(3), section 13.3.1;

    (d) subsections 17(1) and (2), sections 13.3.1 and 40.2.14;

    (e) section 19, section 13.3.1;

    (f) subsection 29(2), sections 13.3.1 and 13.3.6;

    (g) paragraph 48(3)(d), section 20.2.4;

    (h) paragraph 56(4)(c), section 20.3.1;

    (i) section 63, section 20.3.1;

    (j) section 64, section 20.4.1;

    (k) subsection 67(2), sections 20.3.1 and 20.4.1;

    (l) paragraph 76(2)(a), section 20.2.4;

    (m) subsection 77(4), section 21.9.8;

    (n) paragraph 79(2)(b), section 20.3.1;

    (o) subsection 97(1), section 21.2.1;

    (p) subsection 106(1), section 21.8.8;

    (q) section 133, section 21.7.11;

    (r) paragraph 135(1)(b), section 21.2.1;

    (s) paragraph 136(1)(b), section 21.7.15;

    (t) subsection 136(4), section 21.7.14;

    (u) subsection 137(1), section 21.6.1;

    (v) section 138, section 21.8.4;

    (w) subparagraph 139(a)(viii), subsection 21.8.3(i);

    (x) paragraph 140(1)(b), subsection 21.8.3(b);

    (y) paragraph 140(1)(f), subsection 21.8.3(f);

    (z) paragraph 140(1)(i), subsection 21.8.3(i);

    (z.1) paragraph 140(1)(j), subsection 21.8.3(j);

    (z.2) section 141, section 21.8.5;

    (z.3) subsection 142(1), section 19.3.1;

    (z.4) section 150, sections 19.2.3 and 19.2.4;

    (z.5) subsection 151(1), section 19.9.5;

    (z.6) subsection 153(3), section 6.4.1; and

    (z.7) paragraph 155(a), section 6.4.1.