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Bill C-23

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Directly affected persons

(2) A person directly affected by a consent agreement, other than a party to that agreement, may apply to the Tribunal within 60 days after the registration of the agreement to have one or more of its terms rescinded or varied. The Tribunal may grant the application if it finds that the person has established that the terms could not be the subject of an order of the Tribunal.

Consent agreement - parties to a private action

106.1 (1) If a person granted leave under section 103.1 makes an application to the Tribunal for an order under section 75 or 77 and the terms of the order are agreed to by the person in respect of whom the order is sought and consistent with the provisions of this Act, a consent agreement may be filed with the Tribunal for registration.

Notice to Commissioner

(2) On filing the consent agreement with the Tribunal for registration, the parties shall serve a copy of it on the Commissioner without delay.


(3) The consent agreement shall be published without delay in the Canada Gazette.


(4) The consent agreement shall be registered 30 days after its publication unless a third party makes an application to the Tribunal before then to cancel the agreement or replace it with an order of the Tribunal.

Effect of registration

(5) Upon registration, the consent agreement has the same force and effect, and proceedings may be taken, as if it were an order of the Tribunal.

Commissioner may intervene

(6) On application by the Commissioner, the Tribunal may vary or rescind a registered consent agreement if it finds that the agreement has or is likely to have anti-competitive effects.


(7) The Commissioner must give notice of an application under subsection (6) to the parties to the consent agreement.

R.S., c. 19 (2nd Supp.), s. 45

15. The headings before section 125 of the Act are replaced by the following:



Commissioner's Opinions

Application for written opinion

124.1 (1) Any person may apply to the Commissioner, with supporting information, for an opinion on the applicability of any provision of this Act or the regulations to conduct or a practice that the applicant proposes to engage in, and the Commissioner may provide a written opinion for the applicant's guidance.

Opinion binding

(2) If all the material facts have been submitted by or on behalf of an applicant for an opinion and they are accurate, a written opinion provided under this section is binding on the Commissioner. It remains binding for so long as the material facts on which the opinion was based remain substantially unchanged and the conduct or practice is carried out substantially as proposed.

References to Tribunal

Reference if parties agree

124.2 (1) The Commissioner and a person who is the subject of an inquiry under section 10 may by agreement refer to the Tribunal for determination any question of law, mixed law and fact, jurisdiction, practice or procedure, in relation to the application or interpretation of Part VII.1 or VIII, whether or not an application has been made under Part VII.1 or VIII.

Reference by Commissioner

(2) The Commissioner may, at any time, refer to the Tribunal for determination a question of law, jurisdiction, practice or procedure, in relation to the application or interpretation of Parts VII.1 to IX.

Reference by agreement of parties to a private action

(3) A person granted leave under section 103.1 and the person against whom an order is sought under section 75 or 77 may by agreement refer to the Tribunal for determination any question of law, or mixed law and fact, in relation to the application or interpretation of Part VIII, if the Tribunal grants them leave. They must send a notice of their application for leave to the Commissioner, who may intervene in the proceedings.

Reference procedure

(4) The Tribunal shall decide the questions referred to it informally and expeditiously, in accordance with any rules on references made under section 16 of the Competition Tribunal Act.

Representations to Boards, Commissions or Other Tribunals

R.S., c. 19, (2nd Supp.), Part I


16. Paragraph 3(2)(a) of the Competition Tribunal Act is replaced by the following:

    (a) not more than six members to be appointed from among the judges of the Federal Court - Trial Division by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister of Justice; and

1999, c. 2, s. 41

16.1 Subsection 8(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:


8. (1) The Tribunal has jurisdiction to hear and dispose of all applications made under Part VII.1 or VIII of the Competition Act and any related matters, as well as any matter under Part IX of that Act that is the subject of a reference under subsection 124.2(2) of that Act.

17. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 8:


8.1 (1) The Tribunal may award costs of proceedings before it in respect of reviewable matters under Parts VII.1 and VIII of the Competition Act on a final or interim basis, in accordance with the provisions governing costs in the Federal Court Rules, 1998.


(2) The Tribunal may direct by whom and to whom any costs are to be paid and by whom they are to be taxed and allowed.

Award against the Crown

(3) The Tribunal may award costs against Her Majesty in right of Canada.

Costs adjudged to Her Majesty in right of Canada

(4) Costs adjudged to Her Majesty in right of Canada shall not be disallowed or reduced on taxation by reason only that counsel who earned the costs, or in respect of whose services the costs are charged, was a salaried officer of Her Majesty in right of Canada performing those services in the discharge of that counsel's duty and remunerated for those services by salary, or for that or any other reason was not entitled to recover any costs from Her Majesty in right of Canada in respect of the services so rendered.

Amounts to Receiver General

(5) Any money or costs awarded to Her Majesty in right of Canada in a proceeding in respect of which this section applies shall be paid to the Receiver General.

18. Section 9 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (3):

Summary dispositions

(4) On a motion from a party to an application made under Part VII.1 or VIII of the Competition Act, a judicial member may hear and determine the application in a summary way, in accordance with any rules on summary dispositions.


(5) The judicial member may dismiss the application in whole or in part if the member finds that there is no genuine basis for it. The member may allow the application in whole or in part if satisfied that there is no genuine basis for the response to it.

2000, c. 15. s. 16

19. Subsection 11(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:

Hearing of applications

11. (1) The Chairman of the Tribunal, sitting alone, or a judicial member designated by the Chairman, sitting alone, may hear and dispose of applications under subsection 4.1(2) or (4) or 100(1), section 103.1 or 103.3 or subsection 104(1) or 104.1(7) of the Competition Act and any related matters.


Coming into force

20. The provisions of this Act, and the provisions of any Act as enacted by this Act, come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.