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Bill S-20

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1st Session, 36th Parliament,
46-47 Elizabeth II, 1997-98
senate of canada
An Act to amend the Act of incorporation of the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Mackenzie
WHEREAS Parliament, by chapter 189 of the Statutes of Canada, 1913, incorporated the Vicar Apostolic of the Vicariate Apostolic of Mackenzie and his successors, in communion with the Church of Rome, under the name of “The Roman Catholic Episcopal Corporation of Mackenzie”;
AND WHEREAS the Vicariate Apostolic of Mackenzie was erected into a diocese by ecclesiastical authority on March 1, 1968 and the office of the vicar elevated to that of bishop;
AND WHEREAS the corporation has represented by its petition that, for the better management of its affairs and in the interests of the corporation, it is desirable that its Act of incorporation be amended to remove certain restrictions on its investment powers;
AND WHEREAS the corporation has, by its petition, prayed that it be enacted as hereinafter set forth, and it is expedient to grant the prayer of the petition;
c. 189, 1913
NOW, THEREFORE, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
1. The long title of the French version of chapter 189 of the Statutes of Canada, 1913 is replaced by the following:
Loi constituant en personne morale l’Office épiscopal catholique romain du Mackenzie
2. Section 1 of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
1. Est constitué « l’Office épiscopal catholique romain du Mackenzie », doté de la personnalité morale et composé des vicaires apostoliques du Mackenzie, le très révérend Gabriel Breynat et ses successeurs, en communion avec l’Église de Rome, ci-après nommé « l’Office ».
3. Wherever the word “corporation” appears in the French version of the Act, referring to the Corporation, it is replaced by “Office”.
4. Subsection 4(2) and section 6 of the Act are repealed.
Published under authority of the Senate of Canada

Explanatory Notes
Clause 1: The long title in the French version reads as follows:
Loi constituant en corporation la Corporation épiscopale catholique romaine de Mackenzie
Clause 2: Section 1 of the French version reads as follows:
1. Les très révérend Gabriel Breynat, et ses successeurs, étant vicaires apostoliques du vicariat apostolique de Mackenzie, en communion avec l’Eglise de Rome, sont constitués en une corporation portant nom « La Corporation épiscopale catholique romaine de Mackenzie », ci-après appelée « la Corporation ».
Clause 4: Subsection 4(2) and section 6 read as follows:
4. (2) The annual value of the real estate held by or in trust for the Corporation in any province within the said Vicariate, shall not exceed fifty thousand dollars.
6. (1) No parcel of land or interest therein at any time acquired by the Corporation and not required for its actual use and occupation, and not held by way of security, shall be held by the Corporation, or by any trustee on its behalf, for a longer period than ten years after the acquisition thereof, but shall at or before the expiration of such period, be absolutely sold or disposed of, so that the Corporation shall no longer retain any interest or estate therein, except by way of security.
(2) Any such parcel of land, or any estate or interest therein, not within the exceptions hereinbefore mentioned, which has been held by the Corporation for a longer period than ten years without being disposed of, shall be forfeited to His Majesty for the use of Canada; but such forfeiture shall not take effect nor be enforced until the expiration of at least six calendar months after notice in writing from the Minister of Finance to the Corporation of the intention of His Majesty to claim such forfeiture.
(3) The Corporation shall give the Minister of finance when required a full and correct statement of all lands at the date of such statement held by the Corporation, or in trust for it, and subject to the provisions of this section.