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Bill C-9

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Order and Safety

Order and safety

61. Subject to any regulations made under section 63, a port authority shall take appropriate measures for the maintenance of order and the safety of persons and property in the port.



62. (1) For the purposes of this Part, the Governor in Council may make regulations respecting

    (a) the navigation and use by ships of the navigable waters in a port , including the mooring, berthing and loading and unloading of ships and equipment for the loading and unloading of ships;

    (b) the use and environmental protection of a port, including the regulation or prohibition of equipment , structures, works and operations;

    (c) the removal, destruction or disposal of any ship, part of a ship, structure, work or other thing that interferes with navigation in a port and provision for the recovery of the costs incurred;

    (d) the maintenance of order and the safety of persons and property in a port;

    (e) the regulation of persons, vehicles or aircraft in a port;

    (f) the regulation or prohibition of the excavation, removal or deposit of material or of any other action that is likely to affect in any way the navigability of a port or to affect any of the lands adjacent to a port;

    (g) the regulation or prohibition of the transportation, handling or storing, in a port, of explosives or other substances that, in the opinion of the Governor in Council, constitute or are likely to constitute a danger or hazard to life or property; and

    (h) the stewardship obligation of a port authority in respect of federal real property under the management of the port authority.


(2) A regulation made under subsection (1) may apply to only one port.

Application to Crown

(3) A regulation made under subsection (1) may be made binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.


(4) Subject to subsection 50(6), any regulations made before the coming into force of this section with respect to a port in respect of which letters patent are issued to a port authority shall, to the extent that they are compatible with this Act, continue in force for a period ending on the earlier of the expiration of twelve months after the letters patent are issued and the date on which regulations to replace them are made under subsection (1) with respect to that port.

Powers re airport regulations

63. (1) A port authority has, in respect of the operation of an airport, the power to enforce regulations made by the Minister for the purpose of providing unobstructed airspace for the landing and taking off of aircraft at the airport.

Regulating airports

(2) Subject to its letters patent, a port authority

    (a) shall make regulations in accordance with any agreement entered into by it with respect to an airport before the coming into force of this subsection; and

    (b) may make regulations with the approval of the Governor in Council if there is no such agreement.


(3) The regulations referred to in subsection (2) are for the regulation and control of the airport and all persons engaged in the operation of aircraft at the airport, including regulations prohibiting the landing or taking off of aircraft of a certain type or aircraft exhibiting a certain characteristic.

Application to Crown

(4) A regulation made under subsection (2) may be made binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.


(5) Subject to subsection 50(6), any regulations made with respect to an airport before the coming into force of subsection (2) by a body that becomes a port authority under section 12 shall, to the extent that they are compatible with this Act, continue in force for a period ending on the earlier of

    (a) the expiration of 12 months after letters patent are issued in respect of the port authority, and

    (b) the date on which regulations to replace them are made under subsection (2) with respect to the airport.

Evidence of limits of navigable waters

64. A port authority may erect marks or signs to indicate the limits of the navigable waters under its jurisdiction and every mark or sign so erected is evidence of the limits of those waters.



Designation by Governor in Council

Designation by regulation

65. (1) The Governor in Council may, by regulation,

    (a) designate as a public port any navigable waters within the jurisdiction of Parliament, including any foreshore;

    (b) define the limits of a public port; and

    (c) designate any port facility under the administration of the Minister as a public port facility.

Deemed public ports

(2) Every port and port facility that on the coming into force of this section was a public harbour or public port facility to which the Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act applied is deemed to have been designated under subsection (1).

Deemed public ports

(3) With the exception of a port for which a port authority is incorporated under Part 1, every port and facility to which the Canada Ports Corporation Act applied on the coming into force of this section is deemed to have been designated under subsection (1).

Deemed public ports

(4) For greater certainty, the Governor in Council may make regulations under subsection (1) in respect of any public harbour or public port facility that is deemed under subsection (2) or (3) to have been designated and, in the case of a public port, define its limits.

Evidence of limits of navigable waters

(5) The Minister may have marks or signs erected to indicate the limits of the navigable waters of a public port and every mark or sign so erected is evidence of the limits of those waters.

Repeal of designations

(6) The Governor in Council may, by regulation, repeal the designation of a public port or public port facility made or deemed to have been made under this section.

Orders continued

(7) A termination order made under subsection 8(2) of the Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act is deemed to be a regulation made under subsection (6) and continues in force until it is repealed under the latter subsection.

Federal Real Property Act

66. (1) For the purposes of the Federal Real Property Act, the Minister has the administration of the federal real property that forms part of a public port or public port facility.

Other ports and facilities

(2) The Minister does not have the administration of the federal real property that is under the administration of any other member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada.

Power of Minister

(3) For greater certainty, the repeal of the designation of a public port or public port facility does not terminate the application of the Federal Real Property Act to the federal real property that formed part of the port or facility and that is owned by Her Majesty in right of Canada.


Fixing of fees

67. (1) The Minister may fix the fees to be paid in respect of

    (a) ships, vehicles, aircraft and persons coming into or using a public port or public port facility;

    (b) goods loaded on ships, unloaded from ships or transhipped by water within the limits of a public port or stored in, or moved across, a public port facility; and

    (c) any service provided by the Minister, or any right or privilege conferred by the Minister, in respect of the operation of a public port or public port facility.


(2) The Minister may fix the interest rate to be charged on overdue fees.

Application to Crown

(3) The fees and the interest rate may be made binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.

Application to military and police ships

(4) The fees fixed under paragraphs (1)(a) and (b) do not apply in respect of a Canadian warship, naval auxiliary ship or other ship under the command of the Canadian Forces, a ship of a visiting force within the meaning of the Visiting Forces Act or any other ship while it is under the command of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.


68. The Minister may enter into agreements to provide services, rights or privileges, as the Minister considers appropriate, at a public port or public port facility and may agree by contract to accept fees other than those fixed under subsection 67(1) for those services, rights and privileges.

Harbour Masters and Wharfingers

Harbour masters and wharfingers

69. (1) The Minister may appoint as a harbour master or wharfinger for all or part of a public port or public port facility any person who, in the Minister's opinion, is qualified and assign responsibilities to that person.


(2) The Minister may fix the remuneration to be paid to a harbour master or wharfinger and the amounts of the remuneration may, notwithstanding anything in the Financial Administration Act, be paid out of the fees collected in respect of public ports and public port facilities.


(3) An appointment as a harbour master or wharfinger made by the Minister under subsection 11(2) of the Public Harbours and Ports Facilities Act, and the remuneration determined by the Governor in Council under subsection 11(3) of that Act in respect of that appointment, continue in effect as though they had been made and fixed under this section.



70. The Minister may enter into agreements with any person or body in respect of the management or operation of a public port or public port facility, or a group of them.

Federal Real Property

Leases and licences

71. (1) Notwithstanding the Federal Real Property Act, the Minister may lease any federal real property that forms, or formed, part of a public port or public port facility or grant a licence in respect of the property, for twenty years or for a longer period with the approval of the Governor in Council.

Application of provincial law

(2) A lease or licence may be effected by any instrument by which real property may be leased or a licence may be granted by a private person under the laws in force in the province in which the property is situated.

Agreements for disposal or transfer

72. (1) The Minister may enter into agreements in respect of

    (a) the disposal of all or part of the federal real property that formed part of a public port or public port facility by sale or any other means; and

    (b) the transfer of the administration and control of all or part of the federal real property that formed part of a public port or public port facility to Her Majesty in right of a province.

Content of agreements

(2) The agreements may include

    (a) provisions for the performance and enforcement of obligations under the agreements; and

    (b) any other terms and conditions that the Minister considers appropriate.


(3) The Minister may

    (a) accept and hold on behalf of Her Majesty any security granted to Her Majesty under the agreements or any security granted in substitution for them; and

    (b) release or realize on any security referred to in paragraph (a).

Authority to carry out agreements

(4) The Minister may take any measures that the Minister considers appropriate to carry out the agreements and to protect the interests or enforce the rights of Her Majesty under them.

Disposal and transfer

(5) The disposal or transfer of federal real property may be effected under the authority of this section or the Federal Real Property Act.

Application of provincial law

(6) The disposal or transfer of federal real property under this section may be effected by any instrument by which real property may be transferred by a private person under the laws in force in the province in which the property is situated.

Reports to Parliament

(7) The Minister shall, for each of the four fiscal years following the coming into force of this section, prepare a report on the disposition and transfer measures the Minister has taken during that fiscal year and on the continuing management of public ports and public port facilities during that year. The Minister shall have the report laid before each House of Parliament within three months after the end of that fiscal year or, if that House is not then sitting, on any of the first fifteen days after that time that it is sitting.

Minister responsible

(8) Subject to any regulations made under section 74, the Minister continues to have the managmeent of public ports and public port facilities that the Minister has not disposed of or transferred.