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Bill C-79

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34. Section 86 of the Act shall be read as follows:

Defect in form

``86. (1) No by-law made by the council of a band under this Act is invalid only by reason of a defect in form.


(2) A copy of a by-law made by the council of a band under this Act purporting to be certified as a true copy by a designated officer of the Department or a person designated for that purpose by the council of the band is, without proof of the signature or official character of the officer or person, evidence that the by-law was duly made and that all conditions precedent to its coming into force have been satisfied.''

35. The Act shall be read as not including subsections 90(2) and (3).

36. (1) The portion of subsection 91(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) shall be read as follows:

Certain property on a reserve may not be acquired

``91. (1) Subject to subsection (2), no person may acquire title to any of the following property situated on a reserve, namely,''

(2) Subsections 91(2) to (4) of the Act shall be read as follows:


``(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to goods that are manufactured for sale or if the sale of the property is assented to, by secret ballot, by a majority of the electors of the band who are present at a meeting of the band called for that purpose.

Removal, destruction, etc.

(3) No person shall remove, deface or destroy any property referred to in subsection (1) without the written consent of the council of the band.


(4) A person who contravenes this section is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding the greater of $5,000 and twice the value of the property in respect of which the offence is committed, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both.''

37. The Act shall be read as not including sections 92 and 93.

38. The maximum fine referred to in section 102 of the Act shall be read as $5,000.

39. Section 103 of the Act shall be read as follows:

Search by peace officer

``103. (1) Under the authority of a warrant obtained under subsection (3), a peace officer who believes on reasonable grounds that an offence under regulations made under section 57 or a by-law made under section 85.1 has been committed may

    (a) enter and search any place or vehicle where the peace officer believes on reason able grounds may be found anything by means of or in relation to which the offence was committed or anything that will afford evidence of the commission of the offence; and

    (b) seize any such thing found there.

Search by by-law enforcement officer

(2) Under the authority of a warrant ob tained under subsection (3), a by-law enforce ment officer appointed by a band under subparagraph 81(1)(q)(i) who believes on reasonable grounds that an offence against a by-law made under any of paragraphs 81(1)(o) to (o.2) has been committed may

    (a) enter and search any place or vehicle on the reserve where the by-law enforcement officer believes on reasonable grounds may be found anything by means of or in relation to which the offence was committed or anything that will afford evidence of the commission of the offence; and

    (b) seize any such thing found there.


(3) Where on an ex parte application a justice of the peace is satisfied, by information given under oath, that the conditions de scribed in subsection (1) or (2) exist, the justice may issue a warrant authorizing a peace officer to enter and search any place or vehicle, or a by-law enforcement officer to enter and search any place or vehicle on a reserve, and to seize anything referred to in that subsection, subject to any conditions set out in the warrant.

Search without a warrant

(4) A peace officer or a by-law enforcement officer appointed by a band under subpara graph 81(1)(q)(i) may without a warrant exercise the powers referred to in subsection (1) or (2), as the case may be, where the conditions described in that subsection exist but the urgency of the situation renders it impracticable to obtain a warrant.


(5) Anything seized under this section may be detained for a period of three months following the day of the seizure unless during that period proceedings are undertaken under this Act in respect of the offence, in which case the detention may continue until the proceed ings are concluded.


(6) Where a person is convicted of an offence referred to in subsection (1) or (2), in addition to any penalty imposed, the convict ing court or judge may order the forfeiture of anything by means of or in relation to which the offence was committed.''

40. The Act shall be read as including the following after section 103:


``103.1 (1) A by-law enforcement officer appointed by a band under subparagraph 81(1)(q)(i) or 85.1(1)(e)(i) who believes on reasonable grounds that an offence against a by-law designated under subparagraph 81(1)(q)(ii) or 85.1(1)(e)(ii), as the case may be, has been committed may issue to the accused a notice of violation requiring the accused to pay, at the offices of the band, a fine in an amount set out in the notice.

Content of notice

(2) A notice of violation issued under subsection (1) shall include a brief description of

    (a) the charge against the accused;

    (b) the period within which and the manner by which payment may be made;

    (c) the address of the offices of the band at which payment may be made; and

    (d) an explanation of the consequences of payment and of not making payment, including the issuance of a summons or other process.


(3) On payment of a fine within the period and in the manner set out in a notice of violation, no further action may be taken against the accused in respect of the offence.


(4) Notwithstanding this Act, a band may enter into an agreement with a competent authority of the province in which the reserve is situated regarding the use, for the purposes of this section, of a notice of violation referred to in subsection (1) or any ticket or other writ or process for originating a proceeding estab lished by that authority, in which case the procedures applicable to proceeding by way of such a ticket, writ or process shall apply.''

41. Section 104 of the Act shall be read as follows:

Disposition of fines and confiscated goods

``104. (1) Subject to any agreement entered into under subsection 103.1(4), every fine or penalty paid by a person convicted of an offence under this Act, the regulations or a by-law of a band, and any goods forfeited pursuant to such a conviction, shall be paid or transferred to the council of the band of the reserve in which the offence was committed, for the use and benefit of the band.

Not public moneys

(2) Any moneys paid pursuant to subsection (1) are deemed not to be public moneys for the purposes of the Financial Administration Act.''

42. Subsection 114(1) of the Act shall be read as follows:

Agreements with provinces, etc.

``114. (1) The Minister may enter into agreements on behalf of Her Majesty for the education in accordance with this Act of Indian children with

    (a) the council of a band;

    (b) the government of a province;

    (c) the Commissioner of the Yukon Territo ry or Northwest Territories;

    (d) a public or separate school board or other local education authority; and

    (e) a religious or charitable organization.''



43. For greater certainty, regulations made under section 57 of the Indian Act, as they read unmodified by the operation of this Act, continue to apply to a band after the application of that Act to the band is modified pursuant to this Act, and are deemed to have been made in accordance with that section, read as provided in section 19, in so far as those regulations are not inconsistent with that section, until such time as those regulations are repealed or new regulations are made pursuant to that Act as modified.

Provisions relating to elections

44. Any band referred to in the Indian Bands Council Method of Election Regula tions, as those Regulations read immediate ly before the application of the Indian Act to the band is modified pursuant to this Act, shall continue to elect its chief and council lors in the manner set out in those Regula tions until such time as a change is made under subsection 74.2(1) of that Act, read as provided in section 25, or until a request is made under section 80.1 of that Act, read as provided in section 30.

Continuance of council

45. A council of a band selected in accordance with the Indian Act, that is in office immediately before the application of that Act to the band is modified pursuant to this Act, continues in office as such until the expiration of its term of office in accor dance with subsection 78(1) of that Act, as it reads unmodified by the operation of this Act.