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Bill C-71

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This enactment replaces the Tobacco Products Control Act and the Tobacco Sales to Young Persons Act. The purpose of this enactment is to protect the health of Canadians and, in particular, to protect young persons from inducements to use tobacco products and to restrict access to tobacco products.

Some of the highlights are as follows:

    - The enactment establishes powers to regulate tobacco products.

    - The Tobacco Sales to Young Persons Act prohibits sales of tobacco products to persons under eighteen years of age. This enactment further restricts access to tobacco products by young persons.

    - The enactment provides for health messages on packages of tobacco products that are attributable to an authority prescribed by regulations and for detailed information on tobacco products and their emissions.

    - The enactment prohibits the advertising of tobacco products, except product information and brand-preference advertising in publications with primarily adult readership, in materials mailed to adults and in places where young persons are not permitted by law.

    - The current provisions of the Tobacco Products Control Act prohibit free distribution of tobacco products as well as incentives in association with the purchase of a tobacco product. This enactment also prohibits the distribution and promotion of tobacco products if any of their brand elements appear on a non-tobacco product that is associated with youth or a lifestyle.

    - With regard to sponsorship promotions that contain tobacco brand elements, the enactment provides that

      - the tobacco brand elements may only appear in the bottom part of the promotional material and occupy no more than ten per cent of the display surface; and

      - the promotional material is limited to publications with primarily adult readership, materials mailed to adults and signs on the site of the event and in places where young persons are not permitted by law.

    - The enactment requires that manufacturers report on tobacco products and related brand elements.