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Bill C-51

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    (b) potential loss or damage;

    (c) any adverse effect on the quality, quantity or flow of waters;

    (d) the extent of the use of waters by persons who would be adversely affected; and

    (e) any nuisance, inconvenience or distur bance, including noise.

Inuit-owned Land

Inuit-owned land

61. Any existing use of waters by Inuit on Inuit-owned land has priority over any licensed use or deposit of waste by any person who has the right to explore, develop, produce or transport minerals, except specified substances within the meaning of the Agreement, on or under Inuit-owned land.

Compensation agreements

62. (1) The Board shall not issue a licence in respect of a use of waters or a deposit of waste that may substantially alter the quality, quantity or flow of waters on or flowing through Inuit-owned land, unless

    (a) the applicant has entered into an agree ment with the designated Inuit organization to pay compensation for any loss or damage that may be caused by the alteration; or

    (b) where there is no agreement referred to in paragraph (a), the Board has, on the request of the applicant or the designated Inuit organization, made a determination of the compensation referred to in that para graph.

Payment of compensation

(2) The payment of compensation referred to in paragraph (1)(b) shall be a condition of the licence.


(3) Unless otherwise determined by the Board, costs incurred by the designated Inuit organization as a result of a request referred to in paragraph (1)(b) shall be paid by the applicant.

Use outside Nunavut

63. On request by the designated Inuit organization or a person who has applied to the water authority responsible for the management of waters outside Nunavut, but within the Northwest Territories, for a licence or other authorization in relation to a use of waters or a deposit of waste that may substantially alter the quality, quantity or flow of waters flowing through Inuit-owned land, the Board shall use its best efforts to reach a joint determination with that authority on the compensation to be paid.

Negotiation to be in good faith

64. A request referred to in paragraph 62(1)(b) or section 63 shall not be considered by the Board unless the requester has negotiated in good faith and has been unable to reach an agreement.

Factors in determining compensation

65. For the purpose of determining compensation pursuant to paragraph 62(1)(b) and section 63, the Board shall take into account the following factors:

    (a) the adverse effects of the alteration of the quality, quantity or flow of waters on Inuit-owned land;

    (b) the nuisance, inconvenience or distur bance, including noise, caused by the alteration;

    (c) the cumulative adverse effects of the alteration and of the existing uses of waters and deposits of waste;

    (d) the cultural attachment of Inuit to Inuit-owned land and to waters on or flowing through that land;

    (e) the peculiar and special value of Inuit- owned land, including the waters on or flowing through that land; and

    (f) any interference with Inuit rights derived from the Agreement or otherwise.

Periodic review and payment

66. Unless otherwise agreed by the designated Inuit organization and the applicant, where the Board has made a determination of compensation pursuant to paragraph 62(1)(b) or section 63 the Board shall provide, where the nature and duration of the use or deposit of waste warrant it, for the periodic review and periodic payment of that compensation.

National parks in Nunavut

67. Sections 62 and 64 to 66 apply in respect of a use of waters or a deposit of waste that is within the jurisdiction of the water authority responsible for the management of waters in a national park in Nunavut, and that may substantially alter the quality, quantity or flow of waters on or flowing through Inuit-owned land, except that

    (a) a determination of compensation pur suant to paragraph 62(1)(b) shall be made by the Board; and

    (b) the reference to a licence in section 62 shall be read as a reference to an authoriza tion to use waters or deposit waste given by the authority.

Conditions of Licences

Powers of Board

68. Subject to this Act and the regulations, the Board may include in a licence any conditions that it considers appropriate, including conditions relating to

    (a) the manner in which waters may be used;

    (b) the quantity, concentration and types of waste that may be deposited and the manner of depositing waste;

    (c) the studies to be undertaken, works to be constructed, plans, including contingency plans, to be submitted, and monitoring programs to be undertaken; and

    (d) any future closing or abandonment of the appurtenant undertaking.

Purpose of conditions

69. In fixing the conditions of a licence, the Board shall make all reasonable efforts to minimize

    (a) any adverse effects of the licensed use of waters or deposit of waste on the persons who are entitled to be paid compensation pursuant to section 57 or 59;

    (b) any interference by any person referred to in section 61 with the existing use of waters by the Inuit, whether that use was or was not licensed; and

    (c) any loss or damage described in section 62.

Conditions of waste deposit

70. The conditions in a licence relating to the deposit of waste in waters

    (a) must be based on the water quality standards prescribed for those waters by the regulations, if any; and

    (b) must be at least as stringent as the effluent standards prescribed for those wa ters by the regulations, if any.

Regulations under the Fisheries Act

71. Where the Board issues a licence in respect of any waters to which regulations made under subsection 36(5) of the Fisheries Act apply, any conditions in the licence relating to the deposit of waste in those waters must be at least as stringent as the conditions prescribed by those regulations.

Conditions relating to design of works

72. A licence must include conditions that are at least as stringent as any standards prescribed by the regulations for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of works used in relation to appurtenant undertakings.

Licence conditions deemed amended

73. Where regulations referred to in sections 70 to 72 are made or amended after the issuance of a licence, the conditions of the licence are thereupon deemed to be amended to the extent, if any, necessary in order to comply, or remain in compliance, with those sections.



74. (1) The Board may require an applicant, a licensee or a prospective assignee to furnish and maintain security with the federal Minister in the form, of the nature, subject to such terms and conditions and in an amount prescribed by, or determined in accordance with, the regulations or that is satisfactory to the Minister.

Application of security

(2) The security provided by a licensee may be applied by the federal Minister

    (a) to compensate, fully or partially, a person, including the designated Inuit orga nization, who is entitled to compensation pursuant to section 12 and who has been unsuccessful in recovering that compensa tion, if the Minister is satisfied that the person has taken all reasonable measures to recover it; and

    (b) to reimburse Her Majesty in right of Canada, fully or partially, for reasonable costs incurred by Her Majesty in right of Canada pursuant to subsection 85(4) or, subject to subsection (3), pursuant to sub section 87(1).


(3) Paragraph (2)(b) applies in respect of costs incurred pursuant to subsection 87(1) only to the extent that the costs were incurred in relation to a contravention referred to in subparagraph 87(1)(b)(i).

Limitation of security

(4) The amount of the security applied by the federal Minister pursuant to subsection (2) in respect of a particular incident or matter may not exceed the total amount of the security required to be furnished and maintained by the licensee under subsection (1).

Refund of security

(5) Where the federal Minister is satisfied that an appurtenant undertaking has been permanently closed or permanently abandoned or the licence has been assigned, any portion of the security that, in the Minister's opinion, will not be applied pursuant to subsection (2) shall be returned to the licensee without delay.


Permission to expropriate

75. (1) An applicant for a licence, or a licensee, may apply to the Board for permission from the federal Minister to expropriate, in accordance with the Expropriation Act, land or an interest in land in Nunavut, and the Minister shall grant that permission where the Minister, on the recommendation of the Board, is satisfied that

    (a) the land or interest is reasonably re quired in relation to an appurtenant under taking by the applicant or licensee; and

    (b) the applicant or licensee has been unable to acquire the land or interest despite reasonable efforts to do so, and it is in the public interest that such permission be granted.

Notice to appropriate minister

(2) Where the federal Minister grants permission under subsection (1), the applicant or licensee shall so advise the appropriate minister in relation to Part I of the Expropriation Act.

tion Act

(3) For the purposes of the Expropriation Act, land or an interest in land in respect of which the federal Minister has granted permission to expropriate is deemed to be an interest in land that, in the opinion of the appropriate minister in relation to Part I of the Expropriation Act, is required for a public work or other public purpose, and a reference to the Crown in that Act shall be construed as a reference to the applicant or licensee.

Inuit-owned land

(4) Where Inuit-owned land is expropriated and the designated Inuit organization and the applicant or licensee do not agree on the compensation to be paid, notwithstanding subsection (1), subsections 30(3) to (6) of the Expropriation Act do not apply and the compensation shall be determined by arbitration as set out in Article 38 of the Agreement.

Charges for services

(5) The appropriate minister in relation to Part I of the Expropriation Act may make regulations prescribing fees or charges to be paid by an applicant or a licensee in respect of an expropriation referred to in subsection (1), and rates of interest payable in respect of those fees and charges.

Debt due to Her Majesty

(6) The fees or charges referred to in subsection (5) are a debt due to Her Majesty in right of Canada by the applicant or licensee, and shall bear interest at the prescribed rate from the date they are payable.


(7) The appropriate minister in relation to Part I of the Expropriation Act may require the applicant or licensee to provide security, in an amount determined by that minister and subject to any terms and conditions that the minister may specify, for the payment of any fees or charges that are or may become payable under this section.

Mitigation of damages - enforcement of undertaking

(8) Where the applicant or licensee, in mitigation of any injury or damage caused or likely to be caused to lands by an expropriation, undertakes

    (a) to abandon or grant, to the owner of the lands or a person interested in the lands, any portion of its lands or of the land being taken or any easement, servitude or privilege over or in respect of the lands, and

    (b) to construct and maintain any work for the benefit of the owner or interested person,

and the owner or interested person accepts the undertaking, the undertaking is deemed to be an undertaking referred to in paragraph 28(1)(b) of the Expropriation Act, and it may be enforced by the Board as if it were a condition of the licensee's licence.


(9) A copy of the document evidencing the permission granted by the federal Minister pursuant to subsection (1), certified as such by the Chairperson of the Board, shall be deposited with the registrar of land titles for the registration district in which the affected lands are situated.

Duties of registrars of deeds

(10) The provisions of section 43 of the National Energy Board Act relating to plans, profiles and books of reference deposited with registrars of deeds pursuant to that Act and the duties of registrars of deeds with respect thereto, in so far as they are reasonably applicable and not inconsistent with this Act, apply in respect of copies of documents deposited pursuant to subsection (9).


(11) This section does not apply in respect of lands in Nunavut that are vested in Her Majesty in right of Canada or of which the Government of Canada has power to dispose.


Public register

76. (1) The Board shall maintain at its main office, in the form prescribed by the regulations, a register convenient for use by the public, in which shall be entered, with respect to each application filed with the Board and with respect to each licence issued by it, such information as is prescribed by the regulations.

Register to be open to inspection

(2) The register shall be open to inspection by any person, during normal business hours of the Board, on payment of the fee prescribed by the regulations.

Copies of contents of register

(3) The Board shall, on request and on payment of the fee fixed by the Board, make available copies of information contained in the register.