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Bill C-57

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This enactment implements the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (the Agreement), signed by Canada at Marrakesh on April 15, 1994.

The general provisions of the enactment specify that no private recourse may be taken on the basis of the provisions of Part I of the enactment or any order made thereunder, or the provisions of the Agreement itself, without the consent of the Attorney General of Canada.

Part I of the enactment approves the Agreement and provides for the appointment of Canadian representatives to various organs of the World Trade Organization (the WTO), the payment by Canada of its share of the expenditures associated with operating the WTO, and the power of the Governor in Council to suspend, in special cases, the concessions granted under the Agreement.

Part II of the enactment amends existing laws in order to bring them into conformity with Canada's obligations under the Agreement.

Part III of the enactment states that the Governor in Council may not issue an order bringing into force any of the provisions of the enactment until the Governor in Council is satisfied that the Agreement itself is in force.

Schedule I to the enactment sets out amendments to the schedules to the Customs Tariff that are required as a result of the tariff offers made by Canada in the industrial and agricultural sectors.


Schedule I, which contains amendments to the Schedule to the Customs Tariff, is not included in this print.

For cost purposes, only a limited number of printed copies of Schedule I of the Act is available on request made to Canada Communication Group - Publishing (991-4603), for which a fee may be payable. This Act, including Schedule I, will be printed in Part III of the Canada Gazette.