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Joint Interparliamentary Council

Conseil interparlementaire mixte


Meeting No. 183

October 28, 2020

The Joint Interparliamentary Council met in camera this day at 12:35 p.m., by videoconference, Mr. Bruce Stanton, MP, presiding.

Representing the Senate:  Hon. Percy Downe, Hon. Ratna Omidvar and Hon. Donald Plett.

Representing the House of Commons:  Hon. Wayne Easter, Marilène Gill, Lindsay Mathyssen, Hon. David McGuinty, Hon. Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Alex Ruff, and Bruce Stanton, MPs

In attendance:

From the International and Interparliamentary Affairs Directorate:
Jodi Turner, Acting Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Exchanges and Protocol;
Patrice Martin, Deputy Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Associations;
Jubilee Jackson, Deputy Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Associations, Conferences and Logistics;
Caroline Belley, Manager, Resource Planning and Administration.

From the Senate:
Nicole Charpentier, Comptroller and Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Finance and Procurement Directorate.

From the House of Commons:
Samuel Maheu, Financial Management Advisor, Financial Planning

From the Library of Parliament:
Laura Barnett, Chief, Human Rights, Immigration and Citizenship

1. Approval of Minutes:

The minutes of the meeting of July 15, 2020 were adopted

2. Decisions made electronically since July 15, 2020:

Members of the Council were informed of decisions made electronically since the last meeting on July 15, 2020.

On September 16, 2020, Members approved the following motion:

“Be it resolved -- That the moratorium on all International and Interparliamentary Affairs-supported international travel and incoming delegations, set for September 21, 2020, be extended until October 31, 2020.”

The results were Yays: 9 | Nays: 0 | Abstention: 1

3. Moratorium on associations’ activities:

In light of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Council adopted the following motion:

“Be it resolved -- That the moratorium on all International and Interparliamentary Affairs-supported international travel and incoming delegations, set for October 31, 2020, be extended until February 5, 2021.”

4. Annual report 2019-2020:

The Council considered and approved the annual report and agreed that a copy would be provided to the Senate Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration, and to the Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons.

5.Virtual meetings:

To allow associations to continue to engage with counterparts and promote Canada’s interests abroad, and be able to conduct a minimum amount of work during the pandemic, members adopted the following motion:

“Be it resolved -- That the Co-Chairs write to all party whips and group liaisons requesting that at least one two-hour time slot be reserved every two weeks for the exclusive use of parliamentary associations.”

6.Annual general meetings 2021:

Members discussed issues surrounding the holding of annual general meetings and, given the persisting COVID 19 pandemic, adopted the following motion:

“Be it resolved -- That the Council relieve associations and interparliamentary groups from their constitutional obligation to hold an annual general meeting (AGM) in 2021 and declare all current executive membership to be extended by one year until March 31, 2022; that, in the absence of an AGM, budgetary and financial documents typically presented at the meeting be sent to association members by email; and that executive committees be empowered to fill any vacancies which may occur.”

7. Proactive disclosure:

The Clerk of the Council informed members that staff from IIA had met with the majority of executive committees to outline the new requirements for proactive disclosure. Further meetings are planned for the coming weeks.

8. CAPF Annual session 2022:

Members were informed that the Senate Standing Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration, and the Board of Internal Economy of the House of Commons approved that Canada host the 47th Annual Session of the Assemblée parlementaire de la Francophonie in July 2022 in Montreal.

At 1:27 p.m. the Council adjourned to the call of the Co-Chairs.

Jeremy LeBlanc

Acting Clerk