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Joint Interparliamentary Council

Conseil interparlementaire mixte


Meeting No. 114

December 7, 2011

The Joint Interparliamentary Council met this day at 4:00 p.m., in room 356-S of the Centre Block, Ms. Denise Savoie, M.P., presiding.

Representing the Senate:  Hon. David Tkachuk, Hon. Carolyn Stewart Olsen, and Hon. Marie-P. Poulin, Senators.

Representing the House of Commons:  Denise Savoie, Harold Albrecht, Hon. Rob Merrifield, Philip Toone, Judy Foote, Randy Hoback and Gordon Brown, MPs.

In attendance:

From the International and Interparliamentary Affairs Directorate: Jeremy LeBlanc, Deputy Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Associations; Gérald Lafrenière, Deputy Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Exchanges; and Marie-Andrée Rainville, Manager, Finance and Administration.

From the Senate: Julie Pilon, Manager, Financial Policy, Planning and Corporate Reporting, Finance and Procurement Directorate.

From the House of Commons: Gilles Larocque, Senior Financial Advisor, Policy and Financial Planning.

1. Approval of Minutes:

On motion of Mr. Toone, the minutes of the meeting of November 16, 2011 were approved.

2. Association Budgets:

The Clerk of the JIC provided an overview of the current financial status of all associations based on the information provided by each association as part of the November 2011 budget forecasts of association activities for the current fiscal year.

Members of the Council discussed the budget situation of all associations.

At 4:38 p.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 5:16 p.m., the meeting resumed with the Hon. David Tkachuk, Senator, presiding.

After further discussion, on motion of Mr. Albrecht, it was agreed, that anticipated surpluses from the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group ($290,000) and the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association ($10,000) be redistributed to associations projecting a deficit as follows:


3. Other Business:

Senator Tkachuk suggested that a letter be drafted and sent to the chairs of multilateral associations, who are required to pay international contributions, asking that they seek a 10% reduction in fees for the next fiscal year, to be achieved through cost-cutting measures at the international secretariat.

At 5:36 p.m., the Council adjourned to the call of the Co-Chairs.

Eric Janse
