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Joint Interparliamentary Council

Conseil interparlementaire mixte


Meeting No. 129

March 20, 2013

The Joint Interparliamentary Council met this day at 3:26 p.m., in camera, in room 356-S of the Centre Block, the Honourable David Tkachuk, Senator, presiding.

Representing the Senate:  Hon. David Tkachuk and Carolyn Stewart Olsen, Senators.

Representing the House of Commons:  Dave Mackenzie, Philip Toone, Massimo Pacetti and Randy Hoback, MPs.

In attendance:

From the International and Interparliamentary Affairs Directorate: Jeremy LeBlanc, Deputy Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Associations; Gérald Lafrenière, Deputy Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Exchanges; and Marie-Andrée Rainville, Manager, Resource Planning and Administration.

From the Senate: Nicole Proulx, Director of Finance, Finance and Procurement Directorate.

From the House of Commons: Gilles Larocque, Senior Financial Advisor, Policy and Financial Planning.

1. Approval of Minutes:

On motion of Mr. Mackenzie, the minutes of the meeting of March 6, 2013 were approved.

2. Budgets 2013-2014:

The Clerk provided an overview of a number of options for the potential distribution of available funds.  Council Members discussed the proportion of the envelope devoted to international contributions.  Since the overall envelope has been reduced by 20% and since the level of international contributions has not decreased significantly, almost all of the reductions have been borne by activity budgets, including activity budgets of associations who pay no fees.

After discussion, it was agreed that, prior to arriving at a final allocation for the 2013-2014 fiscal year, the Council examine the issue of international contributions at its next meeting and that the Chairs of associations who pay significant contributions be invited to appear at that meeting in order to discuss how these funds are used by international secretariats and what efforts have been made to reduce fees.

Council members were cognizant of those associations which had demonstrated restraint in their requests, in keeping with fiscal realities of the day and the reductions in the overall envelope.  Accordingly, it was agreed that an initial allocation for the 2013-2014 fiscal year be distributed as follows to associations who pay no international fees:

AssociationAllocated Funding
Canada-United-States$ 153,342
Canada-United Kingdom 21,137
Total$ 630,630

It was agreed that the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas be granted an initial allocation of $70,554 for the 2013-2014 fiscal year.

It was agreed that the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association be granted an initial allocation of $66,000 for the 2013-2014 fiscal year in order to finance activities occurring in the spring of 2013.

At 4:31 p.m., the Council adjourned to the call of the Co-Chairs.

Eric Janse
