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Canadian Section of ParlAmericas



Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Hon. Bob Nault attends meetings in Mexico City to discuss
advancing gender equality in employment

On June 18–20, 2019, the Honourable Bob Nault, P.C., M.P., President of ParlAmericas and Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas, travelled to Mexico City, Mexico to take part in the 11th Gathering of the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Network for Gender Equality and in a Board of Directors meeting. The Honourable Kellie Leitch, P.C., M.P. also attended the meeting.

“For economic, social and other reasons, it makes sense to devote time and efforts to achieving greater gender equality in employment in the Americas and the Caribbean,” stated Mr. Nault. “Now is the time to act as the nature of work is evolving with the rapid change in technology, the impacts of climate change and an aging population.”

At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Nault delivered opening remarks that focused on: the benefits of, and obstacles to women’s equal participation in the workforce; the need to recognize the value of unpaid work performed by women; and recent policy and legislative changes contributing to gender-related employment equality in Canada. Ms. Leitch was a panellist for the session entitled Unfinished business: Laws to close the gaps on women’s economic rights. Her presentation highlighted Canada’s programs and policies supporting women entrepreneurs.

“We know from experience that women are most successful in all aspects of their lives if they can be independent. When they can stand on their own two feet and make choices for themselves and their families,” added Ms. Leitch. “This is why I am proud to be a champion of female entrepreneurs and the policies and initiatives that support them.”

During the meeting, delegates from across the Americas and the Caribbean examined the status of women’s participation in the workforce in various countries. They discussed ways in which various obstacles to women’s equal participation can be reduced or – ideally – removed, including by developing gender-responsive legislation and anti-harassment policies. They concluded the meeting by exploring ways of ensuring that women can take advantage of the manner in which technology, climate change and an aging population are changing the nature of work in the region.

Founded in 2001 in Ottawa, ParlAmericas is the only interparliamentary institution with its International Secretariat headquartered in Canada. The Canadian Section of ParlAmericas works closely with the Secretariat to advance parliamentary diplomacy and political dialogue throughout the Americas and the Caribbean.


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To arrange an interview with the Hon. Bob Nault, President of ParlAmericas and Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas, please contact:

Julian Morelli
(613) 996-1161

Melissa Dawe
(613) 996-1161