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Canadian Section of ParlAmericas



Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Bob Nault attends meetings in Bridgetown, Barbados to find ways to advance women’s leadership and gender equality

OTTAWA – November 21, 2018 — The Honourable Bob Nault, P.C., M.P., President of ParlAmericas and Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas, recently returned from meetings held in Bridgetown, Barbados on November 19–20, 2018. The discussions focused on “Transformational Leadership for Gender Equality in the Caribbean: Regional Strategies and Partnerships.” ParlAmericas, in collaboration with UN Women, the Caribbean Institute for Women in Leadership, and the Commonwealth Secretariat, organized the event.

As part of the opening ceremony, the Honourable Bob Nault welcomed the participants to the event, which preceded an address given by the first female Prime Minister of Barbados, the Honourable Mia Mottley. For the duration of the two days, parliamentarians and civil society representatives exchanged best practices on ways in which to cultivate an environment that values women’s perspectives and recognizes women as change makers. Delegates also contributed legislative inputs into the draft CARICOM Regional Gender Equality Strategy.

“Regional partnerships and the rich collaboration that occurs during events such as this one, often become a catalyst for new ideas and innovations to advance gender equality in the Caribbean and the Americas,” stated Mr. Nault. “I believe that as women become more involved in political decision-making, we will see improved democratic governance.”

Founded in 2001 in Ottawa, ParlAmericas is the only interparliamentary institution with its International Secretariat headquartered in Canada. The Canadian Section of ParlAmericas works closely with the Secretariat to advance parliamentary diplomacy and political dialogue throughout the Americas and the Caribbean.


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To arrange an interview with the Hon. Bob Nault, President of ParlAmericas and Chair of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas, please contact:

Julian Morelli
(613) 996-1161

Melissa Dawe
(613) 996-1161