2nd Session, 36th Parliament,
48-49 Elizabeth II, 1999-2000

The House of Commons of Canada

BILL C-425

An Act to provide for the harmonization of environmental standards throughout Canada

      Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Whereas the environment of Canada is indivisible and most pollutants are not fixed in one location but move, by means of our water and atmosphere and by human intervention throughout the nation;

Whereas Canada and its provinces have similar objectives for the protection of the environment;

Whereas environmental standards have been set at similar but not identical levels throughout the nation;

Whereas environmental quality can best be maintained throughout Canada if standards, monitoring procedures and enforcement methods are consistent throughout the nation; and

Whereas those who have to control emissions such as municipalities and industry will benefit from efficiency, certainty and standardization of equipment and procedures if environmental standards are uniform across the nation;

Now, Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Short title

1. This Act may be cited as the National Environmental Standards Act.


2. The following definitions apply in this Act.

mental standard''
« norme environnemen tale »

``environmental standard'' means a standard or limit set by or pursuant to an Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province which relates to the protection of the quality of the land, water or atmosphere forming the environment of Canada, whether indoors or outdoors and whether under the jurisdiction of Canada or of one or more provinces or under joint jurisdiction of any of them.

« ministre »

``Minister'' means the Minister of the Environment.

Conference of ministers

3. (1) The Minister shall, within the one hundred and eighty days following the coming into force of this Act, convene a conference of the ministers of the Crown responsible for the environment for each province.

Objective of conference

(2) The conference shall have the objective of discussing means by which to achieve uniformity in the environmental standards across Canada.

Advisory committee

(3) The Minister shall seek the agreement of the participants, at the conference to create a committee to advise the participants at the conference, on the means of achieving uniformity in environmental standards across Canada, and to propose model legislation that could be passed by Parliament and the legislature of every province as a basis for their environmental standards.

Additional standards for unique issues

(4) Nothing in this Act is intended to preclude the possibility that each province might need to establish special environmental standards to control circumstances that apply only in one or more but not in the majority of provinces.

Composition of committee

(5) The Minister shall propose that the committee have representatives nominated by the government of Canada and the governments of every province and include members or technical staff with expertise in

    (a) biology, toxicity and the protection of the environment;

    (b) the issues affecting municipalities and industry; and

    (c) law.

Report by Minister

(6) The Minister shall prepare a report on the conference, the advisory committee and developments related to the achievement of uniformity or a greater degree of uniformity in environmental standards across Canada for each of the three consecutive twelve-month periods starting with the period commencing on the day this Act comes into force.

Report laid before Parliament

(7) Every report under subsection (6) shall be completed within six months of the end of the period and the Minister shall cause a copy of the report to be laid before each House of Parliament, on any of the first ten days on which the House sits following the completion of the report.

Report referred to standing committee

(8) When a report is laid before the House of Commons pursuant to subsection (7), it shall be deemed to be referred to the standing committee of the House appointed to deal with matters related to the environment for the committee to consider it and report to the House within six months of the referral.