R.S., c. F-11

Financial Administration Act

42. Schedule I to the Financial Administration Act is amended by striking out the following:

Department of Public Works

    Ministère des Travaux publics

Department of Supply and Services

    Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services

43. Schedule I to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

Department of Public Works and Government Services

    Ministère des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux

R.S., c. N-8

National Film Act

44. Section 11 of the National Film Act is repealed.

1870, c. 24

An Act respecting certain Works on the Ottawa River

45. Section 1 of An Act respecting certain Works on the Ottawa River, chapter 24 of the Statutes of Canada, 1870, is amended by replacing the expressions ``Minister of Public Works'', ``Department of Public Works'' and ``An Act respecting the Public Works of Canada'' with the expressions ``Minister of Public Works and Government Services'', ``Department of Public Works and Government Services'' and ``Department of Public Works and Government Services Act'', respectively.

R.S., c. P-21

Privacy Act

46. The schedule to the Privacy Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading ``Departments and Ministries of State'':

Department of Public Works

    Ministère des Travaux publics

Department of Supply and Services

    Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services

47. The schedule to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading ``Departments and Ministries of State'':

Department of Public Works and Government Services

    Ministère des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux

48. The schedule to the Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading ``Other Government Institutions'':

Office of the Custodian of Enemy Property

    Bureau du séquestre (biens ennemis)

1991, c. 30

Public Sector Compensation Act

49. Schedule I to the Public Sector Compensation Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading ``Departments'':

Department of Public Works

    Ministère des Travaux publics

Department of Supply and Services

    Ministère des Approvisionnements et Services

50. Schedule I to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading ``Departments'':

Department of Public Works and Government Services

    Ministère des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux

R.S., c. P-36

Public Service Superannuation Act

51. The definition ``public board'' in subsection 47(1) of the Public Service Superannuation Act is replaced by the following:

``public board''
« office public »

``public board'' means a board, commission or corporation specified in Schedule I;

52. Part II of Schedule I to the Act is amended by striking out the following:

Office of the Custodian of Enemy Property (which is deemed for purposes of section 37 to be a Public Service corporation)

    Bureau du séquestre (biens ennemis) (bureau censé, pour l'application de l'article 37, constituer un organisme de la fonction publique)

53. Part III of Schedule I to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:

Office of the Custodian of Enemy Property

    Bureau du séquestre (biens ennemis)

R.S., c. R-8

Revolving Funds Act

R.S., c. 20 (1st Supp.), s. 1; 1992, c. 7 (Sch., Communicati ons Vote 2c); 1994, c. 5 (Sch., Supply and Services Vote 2b)

54. Section 3 of the Revolving Funds Act and the heading before it are repealed.

R.S., c. 5 (4th Supp.), s. 1

55. Section 5 of the Act and the heading before it are replaced by the following:


Architectural, Engineering and Realty Services Revolving Fund

5. (1) The Minister of Public Works and Government Services may make expenditures out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the purpose of paragraph 6(e) or (h), section 10, paragraph 15(f) or (g) or section 24 of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act.

Architectural, Engineering and Realty Services Revolving Fund

(2) The Minister may spend, for a purpose mentioned in subsection (1), any revenue received in respect of that purpose or any other purpose mentioned in that subsection.

Limit on expenditures

(3) The aggregate of expenditures made under subsection (1) shall not at any time exceed by more than four hundred and fifty million dollars the revenues received in respect of the purposes mentioned in that subsection.

Limit on expenditures

(4) There may be charged to the fund referred to in section 5.1 and credited to the fund established by this section any fees payable to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services for the sale or transfer of federal real property or for any expenditures made under subsection (1) in respect of the sale or transfer of federal real property, including expenditures made to prepare the federal real property for sale or transfer.


5.1 (1) In this section,

``administrati on''
« gestion »

``administration'' has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Federal Real Property Act;

``federal real property''
« immeuble fédéral »

``federal real property'' has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Federal Real Property Act, except that it does not include a leasehold interest or rights of a lessee in real property.

Expenditures out of C.R.F.

(2) The Minister of Public Works and Government Services may make expenditures out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the purpose of

    (a) the sale, or the preparation for sale, of federal real property;

    (b) the transfer, or the preparation for transfer, of the administration of federal real property from one minister to another; or

    (c) the transfer, or the preparation for transfer, of the administration and control of federal real property to Her Majesty in any right other than of Canada.

Limit on expenditures

(3) The Minister may spend, for the purposes mentioned in subsection (2), any revenues received in respect of those purposes and, subject to such terms and conditions as the Treasury Board may approve with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance, any proceeds from the sale or transfer of federal real property.

Limit on expenditures

(4) The aggregate of expenditures made under subsection (2) shall not at any time exceed by more than five million dollars the revenues received and the proceeds of sale or transfer of federal real property received in respect of the purposes mentioned in that subsection.

Government Telecommuni cations and Informatics Services Revolving Fund

5.2 (1) The Minister of Public Works and Government Services may make expenditures out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the purpose of paragraph 6(g) or 15(b) of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act.

Government Telecommuni cations and Informatics Services Revolving Fund

(2) The Minister may spend, for a purpose mentioned in subsection (1), any revenue received in respect of that purpose.

Limit on expenditures

(3) The aggregate of expenditures made under subsection (1) shall not at any time exceed by more than sixty-four million dollars the revenues received in respect of the purposes mentioned in that subsection.

Canada Communicati on Group Revolving Fund

5.3 (1) The Minister of Public Works and Government Services may make expenditures out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the purpose of paragraph 6(b) or (d) of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act.

Canada Communicati on Group Revolving Fund

(2) The Minister may spend, for a purpose mentioned in subsection (1), any revenue received in respect of that purpose.

Limit on expenditures

(3) The aggregate of expenditures made under subsection (1) shall not at any time exceed by more than one hundred million dollars the revenues received in respect of the purposes mentioned in that subsection.

Consulting and Audit Canada Revolving Fund

5.4 (1) The Minister of Public Works and Government Services may make expenditures out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the purpose of paragraph 15(a), (d) or (h) of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act.

Consulting and Audit Canada Revolving Fund

(2) The Minister may spend, for a purpose mentioned in subsection (1), any revenue received in respect of that purpose.

Limit on expenditures

(3) The aggregate of expenditures made under subsection (1) shall not at any time exceed by more than thirty million dollars the revenues received in respect of the purposes mentioned in that subsection.

Optional Services Revolving Fund

5.5 (1) The Minister of Public Works and Government Services may make expenditures out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund for the purpose of paragraph 6(a) of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act, for the purpose of undertakings in respect of the Traffic Management and the Buy for Lease Program and for the purpose of section 6 of the Surplus Crown Assets Act.

Optional Services Revolving Fund

(2) The Minister may spend, for a purpose mentioned in subsection (1), any revenue received in respect of that purpose.

Limit on expenditures

(3) The aggregate of expenditures made under subsection (1) shall not at any time exceed by more than one hundred million dollars the revenues received in respect of the purposes mentioned in that subsection.

Services to governments and other bodies

5.6 Sections 5 to 5.5 apply in respect of any thing done by the Minister of Public Works and Government Services pursuant to section 16 of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act and accordingly the power of that Minister to make expenditures out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund and spend revenues for a purpose mentioned in any of sections 5 to 5.5 includes a power to do so for those purposes mentioned in section 16 of that Act.