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Joint Interparliamentary Council (JIC)

Conseil interparlementaire mixte (CIM)


Meeting No. 157

February 8, 2017

The Joint Interparliamentary Council met this day at 3:30 p.m., in room 356-S of the Centre Block, Mr. Stanton, M.P., presiding.

Representing the Senate: Hon. Percy Downe, Hon. Leo Housakos, Hon. Fabian Manning for Hon. Donald Plett, Senators.

Representing the House of Commons: Hon. Denis Paradis for the Hon. Wayne Easter, Dave Mackenzie, Hon. Pablo Rodriguez, Scott Simms, Bruce Stanton and Filomena Tassi, MPs.

In attendance:

Executive Members of Parliamentary Associations: The Hon. Robert Nault, M.P., Chair, Canadian Section of ParlAmericas; Mr. Gordon Brown, M.P., Vice-Chair, Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group.

From the International and Interparliamentary Affairs Directorate: Danielle Labonté, Deputy Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Associations; Gérald Lafrenière, Principal Clerk, Parliamentary Exchanges and Protocol; Gilles Larocque, Manager, Resource Planning and Administration; and Elizabeth Rody, Chief of Protocol and Director of Events.

From the Senate: Khatera Akbari, Acting Manager, Financial Policy, Planning and Corporate Reporting.

From the House of Commons: Kim Monaghan, Financial Advisor, Policy and Financial Planning.

1. Approval of Minutes

By unanimous consent, the minutes of the meeting of December 7, 2016 were adopted.

2. Submission for an International Conference - ParlAmericas

Mr. Nault, M.P., President of the Canadian Section of ParlAmericas, presented a request for the Parliament of Canada to host the 15th Plenary Assembly of ParlAmericas in Victoria, British Columbia in September 2018 and answered questions from JIC members.

After debate, by unanimous consent, it was agreed that, the Council recommend that the 15th Plenary Assembly of ParlAmericas be held in Victoria, British Columbia in September 2018, and that temporary funding of $25,000 for fiscal year 2017-2018 and $465,210 for fiscal year 2018-2019 for a total of $490,210 which would be shared using the usual formula (30% Senate, 70% House of Commons) between the Senate ($147,063) and the House of Commons ($343,147), be sought from the Standing Senate Committee on Internal Economy, Budgets and Administration and the House of Commons Board of Internal Economy.

3. Request for Additional Funding

Mr. Brown, M.P., Vice-Chair of the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group made a presentation and answered questions in relation to a request for an additional amount of $15,000 to allow the Association to take a full delegation to Washington, D.C. in March 2017.

At 4:02 p.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 4:04 p.m., the meeting resumed in camera.

4. Financial Status and Forecast 2016-2017

After debate, on unanimous consent, it was agreed,

That, the Canadian Group of the IPU be allotted $37,402 to allow the Association to take part in activities outlined in its budget for the present fiscal year;

That, the Canadian Delegation to the OSCE PA be allotted $25,000, as requested in its letter of February 6, 2017, to allow the Canadian Delegation to take part in the OSCE PA Winter Meeting in Vienna later this month, with an additional $10,000 being allotted to encourage the representation from both Houses for this activity;

That, the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group be allotted $15,000 to allow the Association to take a full delegation to Washington, D.C. in March 2017;

That, the Clerk of the JIC, after discussion with Financial Officers and Associations’ Secretaries, be authorized to make the necessary funding adjustments for the current fiscal year.

At 4:18 p.m., the meeting was suspended.

At 4:19 p.m., the meeting resumed in public.

5. Parliamentary Associations Budget Allocation 2017-2018

The Council discussed the budgetary process for the allocation of funds for fiscal year 2017-2018. It was agreed that, in advance of further consideration with regards to associations’ budgets for the 2017-2018 fiscal year, there be an allotment of $75,000 to each association with the exception of Canada-France and Canada-UK that would each receive $50,000, in order to meet expenses related to activities coming up early in the new fiscal year. The Council also agreed on a tentative calendar of meetings for the next months, taking in consideration the sitting calendars of the Senate and of the House of Commons, as follows: March 8th, April 5th and 12th, and, May 3rd.

6. Other Business

Mr. Simms, M.P. Chair of the JIC Subcommittee on the review of Parliament’s involvement with Associations and Recognized Interparliamentary Groups provided an overview of the work of the Subcommittee so far. Considering the sitting calendars of the Senate and of the House of Commons, it was agreed that, the reporting date be extended to April 1st, 2017.

The Clerk raised the question of the meeting schedule. It was agreed that the schedule remain the same.

At 4:40 p.m., the Council adjourned to the call of the Co-Chairs.

Colette Labrecque-Riel
