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Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association


The Hon. Yuen Pau Woo, Senator, attended the meeting of the International Executive Committee (EXCO) Coordinating Committee of the CPA in London, United Kingdom, on behalf of the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association from January 18 to 19, 2020.

The Meeting was attended by Executive Committee Chairperson, Hon. Emilia Monjowa Lifaka, M.P.; the EXCO Vice-Chairperson, Hon. John Ajaka, MLC (New South Wales-Australia); the CPA Treasurer, Hon. Datuk Seri Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin, M.P. (Malaysia); the CPA Small Branches Chairperson, Hon. Niki Rattle (Cook Islands); and CWP Chairperson, Hon. Shandana Gulzar Khan, MNA (Pakistan), and supported by CPA Secretariat staff. Senator Woo attended the meeting to represent the CPA President of the 65th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) and has a member of the Grievance Committee which was established in Kampala, Uganda at 64th CPC. Even though Senator Woo is not a member of the Coordinating Committee, he was invited to take part in the committee’s discussions, on a non voting basis. The Coordinating Committee meeting was convened to take forward the recommendations and outcomes of the 64th General Assembly.

Various points were on the Agenda, including the following.

Recruitment of New Secretary General

The Committee was briefed on the recruitment process and the number of names provided by the CPA branches. A shortlist of candidates will be presented by early February, for the consideration of the selection panel, which will meet in London on February 28 and 29, 2020 for interviews.

Next Coordinating Committee Meeting

It was agreed that the next Coordinating Committee meeting would take place in the February 27-29 timeframe, along with meetings of the Selection, Conduct, and Grievance committees. It is expected that decisions will be reached on the choice of a new Secretary General.

International Executive Committee Meeting (EXCO)

As agreed in Kampala, Uganda, the next Exco meeting will take place in Assam, India on April 24 to 28, 2020.

65th Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC)

Even if it was not a formal agenda item, some issues related to the 65th CPC were raised, including the revamp of CPA website to allow for online registration for 65th CPC and a suggestion was made to have provision in the agenda for regional branches to meet, so that EXCO members can brief them ahead of the General Assembly

Other Issues

There was a discussion on the Commonwealth Youth Parliament and on the status of the CPA from that of a UK charity to an “international body”.

Respectfully submitted,

Yasmin Ratansi, M.P.
Chair of the Canadian Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)