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Bill S-3

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1998, c. 1
Canada Cooperatives Act
2001, c. 14, s. 137(2)
72. (1) The definitions “personal representative” and “security interest” in subsection 2(1) of the Canada Cooperatives Act are replaced by the following:
“personal representative”
« représentant personnel »
“personal representative” means a person who stands in place of and represents another person including, but not limited to, a trustee, an executor, an administrator, a liquidator of a succession, an administrator of the property of others, a guardian or tutor, a curator, a receiver or sequestrator, an agent or mandatary or an attorney.
“security interest”
« sûreté »
“security interest” means an interest or right in or charge on property of a cooperative to secure payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation of the cooperative.
(2) The definitions “option d’achat” and “option de vente” in subsection 2(1) of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:
« option d’achat »
« option d’achat » Option négociable par livraison qui permet d’exiger que soit livré un nombre précis de valeurs mobilières à un prix et dans un délai déterminés. Est exclu de la présente définition l’option ou le droit d’acquérir des valeurs mobilières de la coopérative qui l’a accordé.
« option de vente »
« option de vente » Option négociable par livraison qui permet de livrer un nombre précis de valeurs mobilières à un prix et dans un délai déterminés.
(3) The definition “proxy” in subsection 2(1) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
« procuration »
“proxy” means a completed and executed or, in Quebec, signed form of proxy by means of which a shareholder appoints a proxyholder to attend and act on the shareholder’s behalf at a meeting of the shareholders.
73. Paragraph 11(1)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(i) whether the cooperative is to be incorporated with or without membership share capital, and, if there is to be no membership share capital, a statement that the interest or right of each member as member is, subject to subsection 7(3), the same as that of every other member;
74. (1) Paragraph 15(1)(e) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(e) whether the interest or right of a member in the cooperative may, subject to section 46, be transferred or assigned, and any conditions or restrictions that apply to such a transfer or assignment;
(2) Paragraph 15(1)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(i) subject to sections 39 and 40 and Parts 20 and 21, the conditions on which membership is terminated, whether by withdrawal or by involuntary termination, if it may be terminated otherwise than as provided for in this Act, and the determination of the value and disposition of the member’s interest or right in the cooperative on termination; and
75. Subsection 34(2) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Validity of unsealed documents
(2) A document executed or, in Quebec, signed on behalf of a cooperative is not invalid merely because a corporate seal is not affixed to it.
76. Paragraph 85(7)(c) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(c) a trustee in bankruptcy, receiver, receiver-manager, sequestrator or secured creditor who participates in the management of the cooperative or exercises control over its property solely for the purpose of the realization of security or the administration of a bankrupt’s estate, in the case of a trustee in bankruptcy.
2001, c. 14, s. 167(2)(F)
77. Subsection 102(7) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Subrogation of director
(7) A director who pays a debt owed under this section that is proven in liquidation and dissolution or bankruptcy proceedings is subrogated to any priority that the employee would have been entitled to and, if a judgment has been obtained, the director is
(a) in Quebec, subrogated to the employee’s rights as declared in the judgment; and
(b) elsewhere in Canada, entitled to an assignment of the judgment.
78. Paragraph 119(2)(f) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(f) a statement that there is a charge, lien or hypothec on the membership shares or member loans represented by the certificate in favour of the cooperative for any indebtedness of the member to the cooperative.
2001, c. 14, s. 175
79. (1) Subsection 123(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Charge, lien or hypothec on membership shares for amounts
123. (1) A cooperative has a charge, lien or hypothec on a membership share or any amount standing to the credit of a member or the personal representative of a member for a debt of that member to the cooperative.
(2) Paragraph 123(2)(a) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a) enforce a charge, lien or hypothec referred to in subsection (1) in the manner set out in its by-laws; or
2001, c. 14, s. 177
80. Section 129 of the Act is replaced by the following:
Charge, lien or hypothec on investment shares
129. (1) Subject to subsection 183(2), the articles may provide that the cooperative has a charge, lien or hypothec on an investment share registered in the name of a shareholder or the personal representative of a shareholder for a debt of the shareholder to the cooperative, including an amount unpaid as of the date a body corporate was continued under this Act, in respect of an investment share issued by it.
(2) A cooperative may enforce a charge, lien or hypothec referred to in subsection (1) in accordance with its by-laws.
81. Paragraph 130(6)(d) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(d) the powers of the directors to require disclosure of beneficial ownership of investment shares of the cooperative and the right of the cooperative and its directors, employees and agents or mandataries to rely on that disclosure and the effects of that reliance; and
82. Subsection 131(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Right to proceeds
(3) A person who owned an investment share that was sold under this section is divested of all interests or rights in the investment share and is entitled to receive only the net proceeds of the sale and any net income on the proceeds.
2001, c. 14, s. 180(2)
83. Paragraph 137(c) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
c) donner des garanties;
2001, c. 14, s. 181(1)(F)
84. Subparagraph 138(3)(a)(ii) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(ii) shares of, or another interest or right in, an entity that immediately before the exchange, or that because of the exchange, did not deal with the cooperative at arm’s length within the meaning of that expression in the Income Tax Act, or
85. Subsection 145(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Exception for holding own shares
145. (1) A cooperative may, and may permit its subsidiaries to, hold, in the capacity of a personal representative, shares in itself or in its holding body corporate only if the cooperative, holding body corporate or subsidiary does not have a beneficial interest in the shares.
86. (1) The definition “form of proxy” in subsection 163(1) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
“form of proxy”
« formulaire de procuration »
“form of proxy” means a written or printed form that, on completion and execution or, in Quebec, on signing by or on behalf of a shareholder, becomes a proxy.
2001, c. 14, s. 185
(2) Subparagraph (a)(ii) of the definition “solicit” or “solicitation” in subsection 163(1) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(ii) a request to execute or not to execute or, in Quebec, to sign or not to sign a form of proxy or to revoke a proxy,
2001, c. 14, s. 186(1)
87. (1) Subsection 164(2) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Execution or signature of proxy
(2) For a proxy to be valid, it must be executed or, in Quebec, signed by the shareholder or by their personal representative authorized in writing.
2001, c. 14, s. 186(2)
(2) The portion of paragraph 164(4)(a) of the English version of the Act before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:
(a) by depositing a document in writing executed or, in Quebec, signed by the shareholder or by their personal representative authorized in writing
(3) Subsection 164(5) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Deposit of proxies
(5) The directors may specify in a notice calling a meeting of shareholders a time not more than 48 hours, excluding Saturdays and holidays, before the meeting or adjournment before which time proxies to be used at the meeting must be deposited with the cooperative or its agent or mandatary.
88. (1) The definitions “adverse claim”, “fiduciary” and “purchaser” in subsection 177(1) of the Act are replaced by the following:
“adverse claim”
« opposition »
“adverse claim”, in respect of a security, includes a claim that a transfer was or would be wrongful or that a particular adverse person is the owner of or has an interest or right in the security.
« représentant »
“fiduciary” means any person who acts in a fiduciary capacity or as the administrator of the property of others and includes a personal representative of a deceased person.
« acquéreur »
“purchaser” means a person who takes an interest or right in a security by sale, mortgage, hypothec, pledge, issue, reissue, gift or any other voluntary transaction.
(2) The definition “issuer” in subsection 177(1) of the Act is amended by striking out “or” at the end of paragraph (a) and by replacing paragraph (b) with the following:
(b) in Quebec, issues securities that confer directly or indirectly rights in its property; or
(c) elsewhere in Canada, directly or indirectly creates fractional interests in its rights or property and issues securities as evidence of the fractional interests.
(3) Paragraph (d) of the definition “security” or “security certificate” in subsection 177(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(d) evidence of an investment share, participation or other interest or right in or obligation of a cooperative,
2001, c. 14, s. 198(1)
89. (1) Subsection 183(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Notation of restrictions
(2) No restriction, charge, lien, hypothec, agreement or endorsement described in subsection (3) is effective against a transferee of a security, issued by a cooperative or by a body corporate before it is continued under this Act, who has no actual knowledge of the restriction, charge, lien, hypothec, agreement or endorsement unless it or a reference to it is noted conspicuously on the security certificate.
2001, c. 14, s. 198(1)
(2) The portion of subsection 183(3) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Restrictions, etc.
(3) The restrictions, charges, liens, hypothecs, agreements and endorsements referred to in subsection (2) are
2001, c. 14, s. 198(1)
(3) Paragraph 183(3)(b) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) a charge, lien or hypothec in favour of the cooperative;
90. Paragraph 185(2)(a) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(a) the scrip certificates become void or, in Quebec, null if not exchanged for an investment share representing a full investment share before a specified date; and
91. Section 187 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Agent or mandatary
187. A cooperative may appoint an agent or mandatary to maintain securities registers on its behalf.
92. Section 194 of the Act is replaced by the following:
194. If an individual who is less than 18 years of age exercises a right of ownership in a security of a cooperative, no subsequent repudiation or avoidance or, in Quebec, annulment or reduction of obligations is effective against the cooperative.
93. Subsection 200(1) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Incorporation by reference
200. (1) The terms of a security include those stated on the security and those incorporated by reference to another instrument or act, Act of Parliament or the legislature of a province, regulation, rule or order to the extent that the incorporated terms do not conflict with those stated on the security.
94. Section 211 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Limitation of the purchase
211. A purchaser acquires rights only to the extent of the interest or right purchased.
95. Section 225 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Effect of failure by fiduciary to comply
225. Failure of a fiduciary to comply with the instrument or act that is the source of the fiduciary’s power or with the law of the jurisdiction governing the fiduciary relationship does not render the fiduciary’s endorsement unauthorized for the purposes of this Part.
96. Subsection 231(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Ownership of part of fungible bulk
(2) If a security is part of a fungible bulk, a purchaser of the security is the owner of the proportionate interest or right in the fungible bulk.
97. Sections 235 and 236 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Seizure of security
235. No seizure of a security or other interest or right evidenced by the security is effective until the person making the seizure obtains possession of the security.
No liability for acts in good faith
236. An agent or mandatary, or a bailee or depositary, who in good faith has received securities and sold, pledged or delivered them according to the instructions of the principal or mandator is not in breach of a fiduciary duty or otherwise liable even though they have no right to dispose of the securities.
98. The portion of section 245 of the French version of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Obligation d’authentification
245. Les personnes chargées par l’émetteur de reconnaître l’authenticité des valeurs mobilières, notamment les mandataires, les agents de transfert ou les fiduciaires, ont, lors de l’émission, de l’inscription du transfert et de l’annulation d’une valeur mobilière de l’émetteur :
99. Subparagraph 253(2)(b)(iii) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(iii) has been a receiver, receiver-manager, sequestrator, liquidator or trustee in bankruptcy of the cooperative or any of its affiliates within two years of the proposed appointment of the person as auditor of the cooperative.
100. The definitions “trustee” and “trust indenture” in section 266 of the Act are replaced by the following:
« fiduciaire »
“trustee” means a person appointed as trustee, including the administrator of the property of others, under the terms of a trust indenture to which a cooperative is a party, and includes a successor trustee.
“trust indenture”
« acte de fiducie »
“trust indenture” means a deed, indenture or other instrument or act, including a supplement or amendment, made by a cooperative under which the cooperative issues debt obligations and in which a person is appointed as trustee for the holders of the debt obligations issued under it.
101. The heading of Part 15 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
102. Sections 278 and 279 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Functions of receiver or sequestrator
278. A receiver or sequestrator of any property of a cooperative may, subject to the rights of secured creditors, receive the income from the property and pay the liabilities connected with the property and realize the security interest of those on behalf of whom the receiver or sequestrator is appointed, but, except to the extent permitted by a court, the receiver or sequestrator may not carry on the business of the cooperative.
Functions of receiver-manager
279. A receiver-manager of a cooperative may carry on any business of the cooperative to protect the security interest of those on behalf of whom the receiver-manager is appointed.
103. Section 280 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Directors’ powers cease
280. If a receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator is appointed by a court or under an instrument or act, no director shall exercise the directors’ powers that the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator is authorized to exercise until the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator is discharged.
104. (1) Subsections 281(1) and (2) of the English version of the Act are replaced by the following:
Appointment by court
281. (1) A receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator appointed by a court must act in accordance with any directions of the court.
Appointment under instrument or act
(2) A receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator appointed under an instrument or act must act in accordance with the instrument or act and any direction that the court may make under section 282.
(2) The portion of subsection 281(3) of the English version of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
(3) A receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator must
105. Section 282 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Directions given by court
282. A court may, on the application of a receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator appointed by a court or under an instrument or act, or any other interested person, make any order giving directions on any matter relating to the duties of the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator that it considers appropriate, including an order
(a) appointing, replacing or discharging a receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator and approving their accounts;
(b) determining the notice to be given to any person or dispensing with notice to any person;
(c) fixing the remuneration of the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator;
(d) requiring the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator, or a person by or on behalf of whom they were appointed, to make good any default in connection with their custody or management of the property and business of the cooperative, or relieving them, or a person by or on behalf of whom they were appointed, from any default on any terms that the court considers appropriate;
(e) confirming any act of the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator; and
(f) giving directions on any other matter relating to the duties of the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator.
106. (1) The portion of section 283 of the English version of the Act before paragraph (e) is replaced by the following:
Required action
283. A receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator must
(a) take the property of the cooperative into custody and control in accordance with the court order, instrument or act under which the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator is appointed;
(b) open and maintain a bank account as receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator of the cooperative for the money of the cooperative coming under their control;
(c) keep detailed accounts of all transactions carried out as receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator;
(d) keep accounts of the administration as receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator and cause them to be made available during usual business hours for inspection by the directors;
(2) Paragraph 283(f) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(f) on completion of their duties, render a final account of the administration in the form that the receiver, receiver-manager or sequestrator has adopted for preparation of interim accounts under paragraph (e); and
107. (1) Subparagraph 302(6)(c)(i) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(i) in the case of a dissenting member, for withdrawal from the cooperative, for payment of all membership shares at their fair value and for repayment of any other interest or right held by the member in the cooperative, fair value being determined on the day before the resolution was adopted, and
(2) Subsection 302(19) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(19) On an application under subsection (16) or (17), all dissenting members and shareholders whose shares or other interests or rights have not been purchased are joined as parties and the cooperative must notify them, advising each of them of the right to participate in, and the consequences of, the application. No dissenting member or shareholder is required to give security for costs in the application.
108. (1) Paragraph 316(b) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
b) de nommer un liquidateur et d’exiger de lui une garantie, de fixer sa rémunération ou de le remplacer;
(2) Paragraph 316(k) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
k) sur avis à tous les intéressés, de décharger le liquidateur de ses manquements, selon les modalités que le tribunal estime indiquées, et de confirmer ses actes;
109. Paragraph 321(1)(e) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(e) do all acts and execute or, in Quebec, sign any documents in the name and on behalf of the cooperative;
110. Subsection 322(4) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(4) A liquidator must give notice of their intention to make an application under subsection (2) to the Director, to each inspector appointed under section 316, to each member or shareholder and to any person who provided a security, a fidelity bond or fidelity insurance for the liquidation, and must publish the notice in a newspaper published or distributed in the place where the cooperative has its registered office, in any manner set out in the by-laws or as otherwise directed by the court.
111. Paragraph 326(5)(a) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
a) joindre comme partie à l’instance chaque ancien membre ou détenteur de parts de placement que le demandeur a retrouvé;
112. Subsections 335(1) to (3) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Membership shares included
335. (1) For the purposes of this section, a security includes a membership share or an interest or right in one.
Information respecting ownership and control
(2) If the Director is satisfied that, for the purposes of Part 9 or 10 or for the purposes of enforcing any regulation made under section 130, there is reason to inquire into the ownership or control of a security of a cooperative or any of its affiliates, the Director may require any person that the Director reasonably believes has or has had an interest or right in the security or acts or has acted on behalf of a person with such an interest or right to report to the Director or to any designated person,
(a) information that the person has or can reasonably be expected to obtain as to present and past interests or rights in the security; and
(b) the names and addresses of the persons who have or have had such an interest or right and of any person who acts or has acted in relation to the security on behalf of such persons.
Deemed interest or right in securities
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), a person is deemed to hold an interest or right in a security if
(a) in the case of a membership share, the person is or is entitled to be entered in the records of the cooperative as the owner of the membership share; and
(b) in the case of an investment share,
(i) the person has a right to vote or to acquire or dispose of the investment share or an interest or right in it,
(ii) the person’s consent is necessary for the exercise of the rights or privileges of any other person with an interest or right in the investment share, or
(iii) any other person with an interest or right in the investment share can be required or is accustomed to exercise rights or privileges attached to it in accordance with that person’s instructions.
113. Section 336 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Solicitor-client privilege or professional secrecy
336. Nothing in this Part may be construed as affecting solicitor-client privilege or, in Quebec, the professional secrecy of advocates and notaries.
2001, c. 14, s. 218; 2005, c. 33, s. 6(2)
114. Subsection 337.5(1.1) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(1.1) Subsection (1) does not apply when the plaintiff brings the action as a member of a partnership or other association or as a trustee in bankruptcy, liquidator, receiver or sequestrator of a body corporate.
115. Subsection 341(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Court approval to discontinue
(2) No application made and no action brought or intervened in under this Part is to be stayed, discontinued, settled or dismissed for want of prosecution or, in Quebec, failure to respect the agreement between the parties as to the conduct of the proceeding without the approval of the court given on any terms that the court considers appropriate.
116. Section 346 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Restraining or compliance order
346. If a cooperative or any director, officer, employee, agent or mandatary, auditor, trustee, receiver, receiver-manager, sequestrator or liquidator of a cooperative does not comply with this Act, the regulations, the articles, the by-laws or a unanimous agreement, a complainant or the Director may, in addition to any other right, apply to a court for an order directing any such person to comply with or restraining them from acting in breach of it. On the application, the court may order compliance and make any further order it thinks fit.
2001, c. 14, s. 226
117. Subsection 367(4) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Execution or signature of documents
(4) Any articles, notice, resolution, requisition, statement or other document required or permitted to be executed or, in Quebec, signed by more than one individual for the purposes of this Act may be executed or signed in several documents of like form, each of which is executed or signed by one or more of the individuals. The documents, when duly executed or signed by all individuals required or permitted, as the case may be, to do so, are deemed to constitute one document for the purposes of this Act.
2001, c. 14, s. 229(2)
118. Subparagraph 373(2)(b)(iv) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(iv) send the certificate, or a copy, image or photographic, electronic or other reproduction of it, to the cooperative or its agent or mandatary, and
R.S., c. C-38
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act
119. The definition “product” in subsection 2(1) of the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act is replaced by the following:
« produit »
“product” means any article that is or may be the subject of trade or commerce but does not include land or any interest or right in land;
120. Subsection 20(3) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Criminal liability of officers, etc., of corporations
(3) If a corporation commits an offence under this Act, any officer, director or agent or mandatary of the corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the commission of the offence is a party to and guilty of the offence and is liable on conviction to the punishment provided for the offence whether or not the corporation has been prosecuted or convicted.
121. Subsection 21(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Offence by employee or agent or mandatary
21. (1) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act, it is sufficient proof of the offence to establish that it was committed by an employee or an agent or mandatary of the accused, whether or not the employee or agent or mandatary is identified or has been prosecuted for the offence, unless the accused establishes that the offence was committed without their knowledge or consent and that they exercised all due diligence to prevent its commission.
R.S., c. E-4
Electricity and Gas Inspection Act
122. (1) Paragraph 10(a) of the Electricity and Gas Inspection Act is replaced by the following:
(a) may, on making application in prescribed manner, be accredited by the director for purposes of the verification, sealing, reverification and resealing of any meter or any class, type or design of meter and the execution of prescribed incidental functions by that person or their employee, agent or mandatary; and
(2) Paragraph 10(b) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(b) shall, in the event of the granting of the application under paragraph (a), be issued with a certificate of accreditation in prescribed form by the director.
123. Subsection 26(5) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(5) No person who is an accredited meter verifier or a seller of electricity, gas or meters or who is employed by or is the agent or mandatary of an accredited meter verifier or a seller of electricity may be appointed or designated under this section or act as a person so appointed or designated.
124. (1) Subsections 31(2) and (3) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Application by person claiming interest or right
(2) When any meter is ordered to be forfeited under subsection (1), any person, other than a party to the proceedings that resulted in the order, who claims an interest or right in the meter as owner, mortgagee or hypothecary creditor, as lien holder or holder of a prior claim or of any like interest or right may, within 30 days after the making of the order of forfeiture, apply to any superior court of competent jurisdiction for an order under subsection (5) after which the court shall fix a day for the hearing of the application.
(3) An applicant for an order under subsection (5) shall, at least 30 days prior to the day fixed for the hearing of the application, serve a notice of the application and of the hearing on the Minister and on all other persons who have claimed an interest or right in the meter that is the subject matter of the application as owner, mortgagee or hypothecary creditor, as lien holder or holder of a prior claim or of any like interest or right of whom the applicant has knowledge.
(2) Subsection 31(5) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Order declaring nature and extent of interests or rights
(5) If, on the hearing of an application under this section, the court is satisfied that the applicant or any intervenor
(a) is innocent of any complicity in any conduct that caused the meter to be subject to forfeiture and of any collusion in relation to any such conduct, and
(b) exercised all reasonable care in respect of the persons permitted to obtain possession and use of the meter to satisfy himself or herself that it was not likely to be used in the commission of an offence under paragraph 30(b) or, in the case of a mortgagee or hypothecary creditor or a lien holder or a holder of a prior claim, that they exercised such care with respect to the mortgagor or hypothecary debtor or the giver of a lien or prior claim,
the applicant, intervenor or both are entitled to an order declaring that their interests or rights are not affected by the forfeiture and declaring the nature and extent of each of their interests or rights and the rankings among them, and the court may, in addition, order that the meter to which the interests or rights relate be delivered to one or more of the persons found to have an interest or right in the meter or that an amount equal to the value of each of the interests or rights so declared be paid to the persons found to have those interests or rights.
125. Subsection 35(2) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Officers, etc., of corporations
(2) If a contractor or corporation commits an offence under this Act, any officer, director or agent or mandatary of the contractor or corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the commission of the offence is a party to and guilty of the offence and is liable on conviction to the punishment provided for the offence whether or not the contractor or corporation has been prosecuted or convicted.
126. (1) Subsection 36(1) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Offence by employee or agent or mandatary
36. (1) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act it is sufficient proof of the offence to establish that it was committed by an employee or an agent or mandatary of the accused whether or not the employee or agent or mandatary is identified or has been prosecuted for the offence, unless the accused establishes that the offence was committed without their knowledge or consent and that they exercised all due diligence to prevent its commission.
(2) Subsection 36(4) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Prosecution of unincorporated body
(4) A prosecution for an offence under this Act may be brought against and in the name of an unincorporated body that is a contractor and, for the purposes of that prosecution, the body is deemed to be a person and any act or thing done or omitted by any officer or agent or mandatary of the body within the scope of their authority to act on behalf of the body is deemed to be an act or thing done or omitted by the body.
R.S., c. E-21
Expropriation Act
127. (1) The definitions “expropriated interest”, “interest in land” and “owner” in section 2 of the Expropriation Act are repealed.
(2) The definitions “land” and “registrar” in section 2 of the Act are replaced by the following:
« bien-fonds »
“land” includes mines, buildings, structures, other things in the nature of fixtures and objects that are immovable within the meaning of Quebec civil law and also includes minerals whether precious or base, on, above or below the surface, but excludes minerals above the surface in Quebec;
« registrateur »
“registrar” means the officer with whom the titles relating to real property and immovables are registered or recorded.
(3) The definition “enregistrer” in section 2 of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
« enregistrer »
« enregistrer » S’entend notamment du fait d’inscrire, de produire ou de déposer.
(4) Section 2 of the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
“expropriated interest or right”
« droit ou intérêt exproprié »
“expropriated interest or right” means any estate, interest or right that has been lost, in whole or in part, by the registration of a notice of confirmation under Part I;
(5) Section 2 of the Act is renumbered as subsection 2(1) and is amended by adding the following:
(2) For the purposes of this Act,
(a) an interest in land relates to any land in Canada elsewhere than in Quebec;
(b) an immovable real right relates to any land in Quebec and includes the right of a lessee of the land;
(c) an owner of an interest is a person who has a right, estate or interest in any land in Canada elsewhere than in Quebec; and
(d) a holder of a right is a person who has a right in any land in Quebec, including a lessee of the land.
128. Subsection 4(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Authority to expropriate
4. (1) Any interest in land or immovable real right, including any of the interests or rights mentioned in sections 7 and 7.1, that, in the opinion of the Minister, is required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose may be expropriated by the Crown in accordance with the provisions of this Part.
1996, c. 10, s. 228
129. (1) Subsections 4.1(1) to (3) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Request by railway company to expropriate
4.1 (1) If a railway company, as defined in section 87 of the Canada Transportation Act, requires an interest in land or immovable real right for the purposes of its railway and has unsuccessfully attempted to purchase the interest or right, the railway company may request the Minister of Transport to have the Minister have the interest or right expropriated by the Crown in accordance with this Part.
Power of Minister
(2) The Minister shall have the interest in land or immovable real right expropriated by the Crown in accordance with this Part if
(a) the Minister of Transport is of the opinion that the interest or right is required by the railway company for its railway and recommends to the Governor in Council that it be expropriated in accordance with this Part; and
(b) the Governor in Council consents to the expropriation of the interest or right.
Deemed opinion
(3) If the Minister of Transport is of the opinion that the interest in land or immovable real right is required by the railway company for its railway, the Minister is deemed to be of the opinion that the interest or right is required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose.
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(2) Subsection 4.1(6) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(6) Le ministre peut exiger que la compagnie de chemin de fer fournisse une garantie, selon le montant et les autres modalités qu’il détermine, pour le paiement des frais payables en application du présent article.
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(3) Subsection 4.1(7) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(7) For the purpose of this section, the reference to the Crown in section 15 shall be read as a reference to the railway company that made a request under subsection (1).
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(4) Subsection 4.1(8) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Restriction on alienation
(8) If an interest in land or immovable real right that was vested in the Crown before the expropriation is obtained by a railway company under section 15, the railway company may not alienate that interest or right except to transfer it to the Crown.
130. Sections 5 to 7 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Notice of intention to expropriate
5. (1) If, in the opinion of the Minister, any interest in land or immovable real right is required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose, the Minister may request the Attorney General of Canada to register a notice of intention to expropriate the interest or right, signed by the Minister, setting out
(a) a description of the land;
(b) the nature of the interest or right intended to be expropriated and whether the interest or right is intended to be subject to any existing interest in land or immovable real right;
(c) an indication of the public work or other public purpose for which the interest or right is required; and
(d) a statement that it is intended that the interest or right be expropriated by the Crown.
Registration of notice
(2) On receiving from the Minister a request to register a notice of intention described in this section, the Attorney General of Canada shall cause the notice, together with a plan of the land to which the notice relates, to be registered in the office of the registrar for the county, district or registration division in which the land is situated, and, after causing any investigations and searches to be made respecting the state of the title to the land that appear to him or her to be necessary or desirable, the Attorney General of Canada shall provide the Minister with a report setting out the names and latest known addresses, if any, of the persons appearing to have any estate, interest or right in the land, so far as he or she has been able to ascertain them.
Further indication of public purpose
(3) If, in the opinion of the Minister, the interest or right to which a notice of intention described in this section relates is required by the Crown for a purpose related to the safety or security of Canada or a state allied or associated with Canada and it would not be in the public interest to indicate that purpose, a statement in the notice to the effect that the interest or right is required by the Crown for such a purpose is sufficient compliance with paragraph (1)(c) without any other indication.
Further indication of public purpose — additional information
(4) Subject to subsection (3), the Minister shall, for the purposes of sections 9 and 10 and to the extent that it appears to him or her practicable and in the public interest to do so, make available to any person on request any additional information that is available to the Minister with respect to the public work or other public purpose for which the interest or right to which a notice registered under this section relates is required by the Crown.
Error, etc., in notice or plan
6. (1) If a notice or plan registered under section 5 contains any omission, misstatement or erroneous description, a corrected notice or plan may be registered and will be deemed to relate back to the day the original notice or plan was registered.
Validity of notice — nature of the interest or right
(2) A notice registered under section 5 is not invalid by reason only that it does not set out the nature of the interest or right intended to be expropriated and, in that case, the interest or right intended to be expropriated includes all the interests in the land or immovable real rights to which the notice relates.
Validity of notice — existing interest in land or immovable real right
(3) A notice registered under section 5 is not invalid by reason only that it does not set out whether the interest or right intended to be expropriated is intended to be subject to an existing interest in land or immovable real right to which the notice relates, and, if it does not do so, the interest or right intended to be expropriated is not subject to that existing interest or right.
Provincial lands
(4) If it appears to the Attorney General of Canada that any land, interest in land or immovable real right to which a notice registered under section 5 relates belongs to Her Majesty in right of any province, he or she shall immediately cause the attorney general of the province to be notified of the registration and its particulars.
Nature of interests that may be set out in notice — provinces other than Quebec
7. In Canada elsewhere than in Quebec, a notice of intention may set out, as the nature of the interest intended to be expropriated, any estate or interest in land, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing,
(a) an interest limited as to time or by condition or otherwise;
(b) an easement, profit or other servitude;
(c) any right to, over or in respect of land that might be conferred by the owner of the land, whether or not that right, if conferred by the owner, could be asserted against a subsequent owner of the land;
(d) any restriction on the use of land that might be assumed by covenant or other agreement, whether or not that restriction, if assumed by the owner of the land, could be asserted against a subsequent owner thereof; and
(e) the exclusive possession of land for a limited time or for a definite or indefinite period, subject to any conditions or limitations that may be specified in the notice.
Nature of rights that may be set out in notice — Quebec
7.1 In Quebec, a notice of intention may set out, as the nature of the right intended to be expropriated, any immovable real right.
131. (1) The portion of subsection 8(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Sending of copies and publication of notice
8. (1) If a notice of intention to expropriate an interest in land or immovable real right has been registered, the Minister shall cause a copy of the notice
(2) Subsection 8(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Statement regarding right to object
(3) There shall be included in any notice or copy published or sent as described in subsection (1) a statement of the provisions of section 9 as that section applies to the intended expropriation of the interest or right to which the notice relates.
132. Section 9 of the Act is replaced by the following:
9. Any person who objects to the intended expropriation of an interest in land or immovable real right to which a notice of intention relates may, within 30 days after the day on which the notice is given, serve on the Minister an objection in writing stating the name and address of that person and indicating the nature of the objection, the grounds on which the objection is based and the nature of the interest of that person in the matter of the intended expropriation.
133. (1) Subsection 10(6) of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Right to legal counsel
(6) Any person who may be heard at a public hearing under this section may be represented by legal counsel at the hearing.
(2) Subsection 10(11) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Order if possession by Crown urgently required
(11) If, before a notice of intention is registered, the Governor in Council is of the opinion that the physical possession or use by the Crown of the land to the extent of the interest or right intended to be expropriated is, by reason of special circumstances, urgently required and that to order that a public hearing be conducted with respect to it would occasion a delay prejudicial to the public interest, the Governor in Council may direct that no order be made by the Minister under subsection (1) with respect to the intended expropriation and, in which case, a statement to that effect shall be included in the notice of intention.
134. Subsection 11(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:
If more limited interest or right only required
(3) Whenever, at the time of confirming an intention to expropriate an interest in land or immovable real right, the Minister is of the opinion that a more limited interest or right is required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose, the Minister may confirm the intention to expropriate the more limited interest or right, in which case the Minister shall be deemed to have abandoned the intention to expropriate the remainder of the interest in land or immovable real rights.
135. Sections 12 and 13 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Notice of abandonment of intention
12. (1) If the Minister has abandoned an intention to expropriate an interest in land or immovable real right otherwise than by confirming an intention to expropriate a more limited interest or right in it, the Minister shall immediately cause a notice of abandonment of the intention to be sent
(a) to each of the persons then appearing to have any estate, interest or right in the land, so far as the Attorney General of Canada has been able to ascertain them, and each other person who served an objection on the Minister under section 9; and
(b) to the Attorney General of Canada, who shall immediately confirm the abandonment by causing the notice to be registered in the office of the registrar where the notice of intention was registered.
Right of owner or holder if abandonment of intention
(2) If an intention to expropriate an interest in land or immovable real right, or the remainder of the interest or rights, has been abandoned, compensation in accordance with this Part shall be paid by the Crown to any person who was the owner or holder of the interest or right or of the remainder of the interest or rights at the time when the notice of intention was registered.
Copy of report and reasons to be sent on request
13. If the Minister, after receiving and considering a report of a hearing officer appointed to conduct a public hearing with respect to an objection served on the Minister by any person under section 9, has confirmed an intention to expropriate an interest in land or immovable real right, or a more limited interest or right in it, in the manner provided in section 14, the Minister shall, at the written request of the person who served the objection, provide that person with a copy of the report of the hearing officer and, if effect was not given to the objection, a statement of the reasons that the Minister had for not giving it effect.
136. Subsection 14(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Notice of confirmation of intention
14. (1) The Minister may confirm an intention to expropriate an interest in land or immovable real right to which a notice of intention relates, or a more limited interest or right in the land, by requesting the Attorney General of Canada to register a notice of confirmation, signed by the Minister, setting out,
(a) if the interest or right expropriated is the same as the interest or right to which the notice of intention relates, a statement that the intention to expropriate that interest or right is confirmed; or
(b) if the interest or right expropriated is a more limited interest or right than the interest or right to which the notice of intention relates, a statement that the intention to expropriate the interest or right to which the notice of intention relates is confirmed except as expressly specified in the statement.
137. Sections 15 and 16 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Effect of registration of notice
15. On the registration of a notice of confirmation,
(a) the interest or right confirmed to be expropriated becomes and is absolutely vested in the Crown; and
(b) any other estate, interest or right is, as against the Crown or any person claiming on behalf of or under the direction of the Crown, thereby lost to the extent that the estate, interest or right is inconsistent with the interest or right confirmed to be expropriated.
Copies to be sent and offer of full compensation to be made
16. (1) When a notice of confirmation has been registered, the Minister shall,
(a) immediately after the registration of the notice, cause a copy of the notice to be sent to each of the persons then appearing to have any estate, interest or right in the land, so far as the Attorney General of Canada has been able to ascertain them, and each other person who served an objection on the Minister under section 9; and
(b) within 90 days after the day on which the notice is registered, or, if at any time before the expiration of those 90 days an application has been made under section 18, within the later of
(i) 90 days after the day on which the notice is registered, or
(ii) 30 days after the day on which the application is finally disposed of,
make to each person who is entitled to compensation under this Part, in respect of an expropriated interest or right to which the notice of confirmation relates, an offer in writing of compensation, in an amount estimated by the Minister to be equal to the compensation to which that person is then entitled under this Part in respect of that interest or right, not conditional on the provision by that person of any release or releases and without prejudice to the right of that person, if the person accepts the offer, to claim additional compensation in respect thereof.
If delay in offer
(2) If, in any case, it is not practicable for the Minister to make an offer of compensation under this section in respect of an expropriated interest or right within the applicable period described in paragraph (1)(b), the Minister shall make such an offer as soon as practicable after the expiration of that period and in any event before any compensation is adjudged by the Court to be payable under this Part in respect of that interest or right, in which case, interest as described in subsection 36(4) is payable in addition to any other interest payable under section 36 to the person entitled to compensation in respect of that interest or right.
Offer to be based on written appraisal
(3) An offer of compensation made to a person under this section in respect of an expropriated interest or right shall be based on a written appraisal of the value of that interest or right, and a copy of the appraisal shall be sent to that person at the time of the making of the offer.
Statements to be included in copy of notice and in offer
(4) There shall be included in any copy of a notice of confirmation sent to any person as described in paragraph (1)(a) a statement of the provisions of section 29 as that section applies to them, and there is to be included in any offer in writing sent to any person as described in paragraph (1)(b) a statement to the effect that the offer is not conditional on them providing any release or releases and is made without prejudice to their right, if the offer is accepted, to claim additional compensation in respect of the expropriated interest or right.
138. (1) Subsection 18(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Determination respecting title
18. (1) If the Attorney General of Canada, at any time after the registration of a notice of confirmation, is in doubt as to the persons who had any estate, interest or right in the land to which the notice relates or as to its nature or extent, the Attorney General of Canada may apply to the Court to make a determination respecting the state of the title to the land or any part of the land immediately before the registration of the notice, and to adjudge who had an estate, interest or right in the land at that time, and its nature and extent.
(2) Subsections 18(3) and (4) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(3) After the hearing under subsection (2), the Court shall either adjudge for the purposes of this Part what persons had any estate, interest or right in the land to which the notice of confirmation relates immediately before the registration of the notice, and its nature and extent, or direct an issue or issues to be tried for the purpose of enabling the Court to make such an adjudication.
Effect of adjudication
(4) An adjudication made by the Court for the purposes of this Part is deemed to be a final judgment of the Court and, subject to variation on appeal, if any, to finally determine for all purposes of this Part what persons had any estate, interest or right in the land to which the notice of confirmation relates immediately before the registration of the notice, and its nature and extent.
139. Sections 19 to 21 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Right of Crown to physical possession
19. (1) Despite section 15, the Crown becomes entitled to take physical possession or make use of any land to which a notice of confirmation relates, to the extent of the expropriated interest or right, only at such of the following times as is applicable:
(a) at the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation, if at that time no other person who was the owner or holder of an interest or right in the land immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation is in occupation of the land;
(b) at such time, if any, after the registration of the notice of confirmation as physical possession or use of the land to the extent of the expropriated interest or right is given up to the Crown without any notice under paragraph (c) having been sent to the persons described in that paragraph; or
(c) in any other case, at any time after the registration of the notice of confirmation that
(i) the Minister has sent a notice to each of the persons appearing to have had any estate, interest or right in the land at the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation, so far as the Attorney General of Canada has been able to ascertain them, or, if an application has been made under section 18 and has been finally disposed of, to each of the persons adjudged to have had an estate, interest or right in the land immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation, that physical possession or use is required by the Crown on and after the expiration of any period that is specified in the notice, being not less than 90 days after the day on which the notice is sent to each of those persons, and either that period has expired or physical possession or use has been given up to the Crown before the expiration of that period, and
(ii) the Minister has made an offer under section 16 to each of the persons then entitled to compensation under this Part in respect of an expropriated interest or right.
If possession by Crown urgently required
(2) If, at any time before or after a notice of confirmation has been registered, the Governor in Council is of the opinion that the physical possession or use by the Crown of the land to which the notice relates to the extent of the expropriated interest or right or interest or right intended to be expropriated is, by reason of special circumstances, urgently required, the Governor in Council may direct
(a) that there be substituted for the 90 days referred to in paragraph (1)(c) any lesser number of days that in his or her opinion the circumstances require; or
(b) if an application has been made under section 18 but has not been finally disposed of, that physical possession or use may be taken or made by the Crown despite the fact that no offer has then been made under section 16.
Intention to abandon expropriation — right of election to accept or reject abandonment
20. (1) If, at any time before any compensation is paid in respect of an expropriated interest or right, the Minister is of the opinion that the interest or right is not or is no longer required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose, or that a more limited interest or right only is so required, the Minister may give notice that he or she intends to abandon the interest or right or the remainder of the interest or rights, as the case may be, by causing a copy of the notice to be sent to each of the persons mentioned in paragraph 19(1)(c), each of whom may, within 30 days after the day a copy of the notice was sent to them, serve on the Minister a notice in writing that they elect to
(a) accept the abandonment, and have the interest or right or the remainder of the interest or rights revest in them to the extent that the abandonment would operate so that the interest or right or the remainder would revest in them; or
(b) reject the abandonment.
If election to accept abandonment
(2) If each of the persons to whom a notice is sent under subsection (1) serves a notice on the Minister under that subsection that they elect to accept the abandonment, the Minister may cause a notice of abandonment of the expropriated interest or right or the remainder of the interest or rights, as the case may be, to be sent to each of those persons and to the Attorney General of Canada, who shall immediately confirm the abandonment by causing the notice to be registered in the office of the registrar where the notice of confirmation was registered.
Effect of confirmation of abandonment
21. If an expropriated interest or right or the remainder of the interest in land or immovable real rights is confirmed to be abandoned, the expropriated interest or right then revests in the persons from whom it was taken or the persons entitled to claim on their behalf or under their direction, or the land revests in those persons subject to the more limited interest or right in the land retained by the Crown, as the case may be.
140. Section 22 of the English version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Duties of registrar
22. Every registrar shall receive and permanently preserve in their office any notices and plans that the Attorney General of Canada causes to be registered under this Part, and shall endorse on the notices and plans the day, hour and minute when they were received as the time of registration and make any entries in the records or registers that will make their registration public.
141. Paragraphs 23(b) and (c) of the Act are replaced by the following:
(b) it shall be deemed that
(i) all of the interests or rights to which a notice of intention relates are,
(ii) a more limited interest or right only to which a notice of confirmation relates is, or
(iii) an interest or right stated in a notice of abandonment to be abandoned or the remainder of the interest or rights, as the case may be, is not or is no longer,
in the opinion of the Minister required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose; and
(c) it shall be deemed that, on being caused to be registered by the Attorney General of Canada in the office of the registrar where a notice of intention to expropriate an interest in land or immovable real right was registered, a document purporting to be a notice of confirmation of the intention to expropriate that interest or right or a more limited interest or right only in the land is a notice of confirmation of that intention then registered in accordance with this Part.
142. Sections 25 to 27 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Right to compensation
25. (1) Compensation is to be paid by the Crown to each person who, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, was the owner or holder of an estate, interest or right in the land to which the notice relates, to the extent of their expropriated interest or right, the amount of which compensation is equal to the aggregate of
(a) the value of the expropriated interest or right at the time of its taking, and
(b) the amount of any decrease in value of the remaining property of the owner or holder, as determined under section 27.
Time as of which value to be determined
(2) For the purposes of this section and sections 26 and 27, the time of the taking of an expropriated interest or right is,
(a) if an election is made under subsection (3) by the owner or holder of the interest or right, the time specified by the owner or holder in their election; and
(b) in any other case, the time when the notice of confirmation was registered.
Election to have the value of the interest or right determined
(3) If no copy of a notice of confirmation was sent to a person whose name is set out in the report of the Attorney General of Canada referred to in subsection 5(2) or who served an objection on the Minister under section 9 until a time more than 90 days after the day on which the notice is registered, that person may, at any time before any compensation is paid to them in respect of any expropriated interest or right of which they were the owner or holder immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation, elect to have the value of the interest or right determined, as specified by them in their election, at either
(a) the time when the notice of confirmation was registered; or
(b) the time when the copy of the notice of confirmation was sent to them.
Rules for determining value
26. (1) The rules set out in this section shall be applied in determining the value of an expropriated interest or right.
Market value defined
(2) Subject to this section, the value of an expropriated interest or right is its market value, being the amount that would have been paid for the interest or right if, at the time of its taking, it had been sold in the open market by a willing seller to a willing buyer.
If owner or holder required to give up occupation
(3) If the owner or holder of an expropriated interest or right was in occupation of any land at the time the notice of confirmation was registered and, as a result of the expropriation, it has been necessary for them to give up occupation of the land, the value of the expropriated interest or right is the greater of
(a) the market value of that interest or right determined as set out in subsection (2), and
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the market value of that interest or right determined on the basis that the use to which the expropriated interest or right was being put at the time of its taking was its highest and best use, and
(ii) the costs, expenses and losses arising out of or incidental to the owner’s or holder’s disturbance, including moving to other premises, but if those costs, expenses and losses cannot practically be estimated or determined, there may be allowed in their place a percentage, not more than 15, of the market value determined as set out in subparagraph (i),
plus the value to the owner or holder of any element of special economic advantage to them arising out of or incidental to their occupation of the land, to the extent that no other provision is made by this paragraph for the inclusion of that element in determining the value of the expropriated interest or right.
If Crown has taken physical possession of land
(4) If the Crown has taken physical possession or made use of the land referred to in subsection (3) on the expiration of a period of notice to the owner or holder shorter than the 90 days mentioned in paragraph 19(1)(c), there shall be added to the value of the expropriated interest or right otherwise determined under this section an additional amount equal to 10 per cent of that value.
If specially designed building erected on land
(5) Despite subsection (3), if any parcel of land to which a notice of confirmation relates had any building or other structure erected on it that was specially designed for use for the purpose of a school, hospital, municipal institution or religious or charitable institution or for any similar purpose, the use of which building or other structure for that purpose by the owner or holder has been rendered impracticable as a result of the expropriation, the value of the expropriated interest or right is, if that interest or right was and, but for the expropriation, would have continued to be used for that purpose and at the time of its taking there was no general demand or market for that interest or right for that purpose, the greater of
(a) the market value of the expropriated interest or right determined as set out in subsection (2), and
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the cost of any reasonably alternative interest in land or immovable real right for that purpose, and
(ii) the cost, expenses and losses arising out of or incidental to moving to and re-establishment on other premises, but if those costs, expenses and losses cannot practically be estimated or determined, there may instead be allowed a percentage, not exceeding 15, of the cost referred to in subparagraph (i),
minus the amount by which the owner or holder has improved, or may reasonably be expected to improve, their position through re-establishment on other premises.
If Crown has taken physical possession of land
(6) If the Crown has taken physical possession or made use of the parcel of land referred to in subsection (5) on the expiration of a period of notice to the owner or holder shorter than the 90 days mentioned in paragraph 19(1)(c), there shall be added to the value of the expropriated interest or right otherwise determined under this section an additional amount equal to 10 per cent of that value.
Additional factors
(7) For the purposes of subparagraphs (3)(b)(ii) and (5)(b)(ii), consideration shall be given to the time and circumstances in which a former owner or holder was allowed to continue in occupation of the land after the Crown became entitled to take physical possession or make use of it, and to any assistance given by the Minister to enable the former owner or holder to seek and obtain alternative premises.
Land used for residence
(8) If an expropriated interest or right was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, being used by its owner or holder for the purposes of their residence and the value of the interest or right otherwise determined under this section is less than the minimum amount sufficient to enable the owner or holder, at the earlier of
(a) the time of payment to them of any compensation in respect of the interest or right, otherwise than pursuant to any offer made to them under section 16, and
(b) the time when the Crown became entitled to take physical possession or make use of the land to the extent of the expropriated interest or right,
to relocate their residence in or on premises reasonably equivalent to the premises expropriated, there shall be added to the value of the interest or right otherwise determined under this section the amount by which that minimum amount exceeds that value.
Moving and relocation expenses of lessee
(9) If an expropriated interest or right was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, owned or held by a lessee, there shall be substituted for the amount determined under subparagraph (3)(b)(ii) or (5)(b)(ii), or the amount by which the minimum amount referred to in subsection (8) exceeds the value of the interest or right referred to in the notice of confirmation otherwise determined under this section, as the case may be, any part of that amount that is appropriate having regard to
(a) the length of the term of the lease and the portion of the term remaining at the time at which the determination is relevant;
(b) any right or reasonable prospect of renewal of the term that the lessee had; and
(c) any investment in the land by the lessee and the nature of any business carried on by them on the land.
Land subject to security interest or real security
(10) If an expropriated interest or right was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, subject to an interest in land or immovable real right held by its owner or holder as security only, in this subsection called a “security interest” or, in Quebec, a “real security”,
(a) the value of the expropriated interest or right is the aggregate of
(i) the value of the interest or right determined under this section as though it had not been subject to any security interest or real security, and
(ii) the amount of any loss or anticipated loss to the owner or holder of the expropriated interest or right resulting from a difference in rates of interest during the remainder of the period for which any principal amount payable under the terms of the security was advanced, that difference to be calculated on the basis of an assumed rate of interest not greater than the prevailing rate of interest for an equivalent security, to the extent that no other provision is made by this section for the inclusion of an amount in respect of the loss or anticipated loss in determining the value of the expropriated interest or right,
less the value of each security interest or real security to which the expropriated interest or right was subject, determined as provided in paragraph (b) but as though no amount were included by virtue of subparagraph (b)(ii);
(b) the value of the security interest or real security is the aggregate of
(i) the principal amount outstanding under the terms of the security, and any interest due or accrued under those terms, at the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation, and
(ii) an amount equal to three times the interest element, calculated as a monthly amount, of any payment of interest or of principal and interest payable under the terms of the security at the rate in effect under the terms of the security immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation,
and if the expropriated interest or right was subject to more than one security interest or real security, the value of each security interest or real security is to be determined in the order of its rank but in no case is the value of any security interest or real security to which an expropriated interest or right was subject to exceed the value of the expropriated interest or right otherwise determined under this section as though it had not been subject to any security interest or real security, less the value of each other security interest or real security the value of which is required by this subsection to be determined in accordance with its ranking; and
(c) if part only of the interest or a more limited right that was subject to a security interest or real security was expropriated, the value of the security interest or real security is that proportion of its value otherwise determined under this subsection as though the whole of the interest or a less limited right subject to the security interest or real security had been expropriated, that
(i) the value of the part only of the interest or a more limited right, otherwise determined under this subsection as though it had not been subject to any security interest or real security,
is of
(ii) the value of the whole of the interest or a less limited right otherwise determined under this subsection as though it had not been subject to any security interest or real security
less the same proportion of the interest element of any payment made under the terms of the security, between the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation and the time of payment of any compensation in respect of the security interest or real security otherwise than pursuant to any offer made to its owner or holder under section 16.
Factors not to be taken into account
(11) In determining the value of an expropriated interest or right, no account is to be taken of
(a) any anticipated or actual use by the Crown of the land at any time after the expropriation;
(b) any value established or claimed to be established by or by reference to any transaction or agreement involving the lease or disposition of the interest or right, or any part of the interest or a more limited right, where the transaction or agreement was entered into after the registration of the notice of intention to expropriate;
(c) any increase or decrease in the value of the interest or right resulting from the anticipation of expropriation by the Crown or from any knowledge or expectation, before the expropriation, of the public work or other public purpose for which the interest or right was expropriated; or
(d) any increase in the value of the interest or right resulting from its having been put to a use that was contrary to law.
Decrease in value of remaining property where severance
27. (1) The amount of the decrease in value, if any, of the remaining property of an owner or holder is the value of all of their interests in land or immovable real rights immediately before the time of the taking of the expropriated interest or right, determined as provided in section 26, minus the aggregate of
(a) the value of the expropriated interest or right, and
(b) the value of all their remaining interests in land or immovable real rights immediately after the time of the taking of the expropriated interest or right.
Factors to consider in determining change in value of remaining property
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b), the value of the owner’s or holder’s remaining interests in land or immovable real rights immediately after the time of the taking of the expropriated interest or right is to be determined as provided in section 26, except that, in determining that value, account is to be taken of any increase or decrease in the value of any remaining interests in land or immovable real rights that immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation were held by the owner or holder together with the expropriated interest or right, resulting from the construction or use or anticipated construction or use of any public work on the land to which the notice relates or from the use or anticipated use of that land for any public purpose.
143. Subsections 28(1) and (2) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Additional factors to be taken into account
28. (1) The fact of
(a) an abandonment or revesting under this Part of an interest in land or an immovable real right or of the remainder of the interest or rights, or
(b) any undertaking given on behalf of the Crown by the Minister, or by any other person within the scope of the Minister’s authority, to make any alteration, construct any work or grant or concede or transfer any other land or interest in land or immovable real right,
shall be taken into account, in connection with all other circumstances of the case, in determining the amount to be paid to any person claiming compensation for an expropriated interest or right.
Compensation payable if intention to expropriate abandoned
(2) If an intention to expropriate an interest in land or immovable real right or the remainder of the interest or rights has been abandoned, the compensation payable by the Crown to its owner or holder is the amount of any actual loss sustained by the owner or holder, after the time when the notice of intention was registered and before the time when the abandonment of the intention, or the intention to expropriate a more limited interest or right, as the case may be, was confirmed, in consequence of the registration
(a) of the notice of intention, if the intention to expropriate the interest or right has been abandoned; or
(b) of the notice of intention in so far as that notice relates to the remainder of the interest or rights, if the intention to expropriate the remainder has been abandoned.
144. (1) Subsections 30(1) and (2) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Notice to negotiate settlement of compensation payable
30. (1) If, after an offer of compensation in respect of an expropriated interest or right has been made under section 16 to any person entitled to compensation, that person and the Minister are unable to agree on the amount of the compensation, either the person or the Minister may, within 60 days after the day on which the offer is made, serve on the other a notice to negotiate settlement of the compensation to which the person is then entitled.
Stay of proceedings
(2) If a notice has been served as provided in subsection (1), no proceedings under sections 31 and 32 are to be instituted, or if instituted are to be proceeded with, by or on behalf of either the person entitled to compensation or the Attorney General of Canada in respect of the expropriation, until the expiration of 60 days after the day on which the notice is served, unless before the expiration of those 60 days the negotiator to whom the matter is referred under subsection (4) has made a report to the Minister that he or she has been unable to effect a settlement and has sent a copy of the report to the person entitled to compensation.
(2) Subsections 30(4) to (6) of the Act are replaced by the following:
Reference to negotiator
(4) Immediately after any notice to negotiate is served on the Minister or a person entitled to compensation in accordance with this section, the Minister shall refer the matter to a negotiator appointed under subsection (3) who shall, on reasonable notice to that person and the Minister, meet with them or their authorized representatives, make any inspection of the land that he or she deems necessary, receive and consider any appraisals, valuations or other written or oral evidence submitted to him or her on which either the person or the Minister relies for his or her estimation of the amount of the compensation payable, whether or not the evidence would be admissible in proceedings before a court, and endeavour to effect a settlement of the compensation payable.
Report of negotiator
(5) The negotiator shall, within 60 days after the day on which the notice to negotiate is served, report to the Minister his or her success or failure in the matter of the negotiation, and shall thereupon send a copy of his or her report to the person entitled to compensation.
Statements in course of negotiation
(6) Evidence of anything said or of any admission made in the course of a negotiation under this section is not admissible in any proceedings before a court for the recovery or determination of the compensation payable to the person entitled to it.
145. (1) The portion of paragraph 31(1)(a) of the Act before subparagraph (i) is replaced by the following:
(a) a person entitled to compensation in respect of an expropriated interest or right may,
(2) Subparagraph 31(1)(b)(ii) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(ii) the names, so far as they have been ascertained, of each of the persons entitled to compensation in respect of an expropriated interest or right and the names of the persons who are to be parties to the proceedings,
146. Subsection 32(5) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Judgment as bar to further claims
(5) A judgment, whether by consent, default or otherwise, in any proceedings under this section or section 31 bars all further claims of the parties and of any persons claiming on their behalf or under their direction, including any claim in respect of dower or of dower not yet open or in respect of any mortgage, hypothec or other right, and the Court shall declare the amount of compensation payable and make any order for the distribution, payment or investment of any compensation money, and for the securing of the rights of all persons interested, that may be necessary.
147. Sections 33 to 35 of the Act are replaced by the following:
Character of compensation
33. (1) Any compensation agreed to be payable or the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable in respect of an expropriated interest or right stands in lieu of the interest or right.
Effect of payment in case of security interest or real security
(2) Any compensation agreed to be payable or the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable in respect of a security interest or real security described in subsection 26(10) is, for all purposes as between the owner or holder of the interest or right, subject to the security interest or real security and the owner or holder of the security interest or real security, to be deemed to discharge any liability, under the terms of the security, of the owner or holder of the interest or right, subject to the security interest or real security, to the extent of the compensation so agreed or adjudged to be payable, and, if any amount or proportion of any amount described in subparagraph 26(10)(b)(ii) is included in the compensation, to be in full satisfaction of any notice or bonus required under the terms of the security in respect of its prepayment resulting from the expropriation.
Crown in position of purchaser
34. If any compensation in respect of an expropriated interest or right has been paid to a person of whose right to claim compensation the Crown had notice at the time of payment, no compensation is payable to another person, whether that other person’s interest or right is derived from the person to whom compensation has been paid or otherwise, if under the law of the province in which the land is situated the interest or right giving rise to the claim to compensation of that other person would have been void or, in Quebec, null or unenforceable against the Crown had the Crown, at the time the notice of intention was registered, been a purchaser of the expropriated interest or right.
Set-off and recovery of excess compensation
35. If any compensation has been paid to a person in respect of an expropriated interest or right pursuant to an offer made to them under section 16, the amount so paid to that person is to be deducted from the amount of the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable to them in respect of that interest or right, and when the paid amount exceeds the amount so adjudged to be payable, the excess constitutes a debt due to the Crown and may be recovered by the Crown in any court of competent jurisdiction.
148. The definition “compensation” in subsection 36(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
« indemnité »
“compensation” means the amount adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable in respect of an expropriated interest or right;
149. Subsection 37(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Entry for inspection appraisal
37. (1) If a notice of intention has been registered, any person authorized in writing in that behalf by the Minister may, at any reasonable time on notice to a person in occupation of the land to which the notice relates, enter on the land for the purpose of making any inspection of the land that they are authorized by this Part to make, or for the purpose of making an appraisal of the value of the land or any interest in land or immovable real right.
150. Subsection 38(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Warrant for possession
38. (1) When the Minister, or a person acting for the Minister, is prevented from entering on or taking physical possession or making use of any land to the extent of any expropriated interest or right under this Part, a judge of the Court or any judge of a superior court of a province may, on proof of the expropriation and, when required, of the right of the Crown to take physical possession or make use of it, and after notice to show cause given in any manner and to any persons who shall be parties to the proceedings that the judge prescribes, issue a warrant in accordance with the form set out in the schedule to the appropriate sheriff directing that the Minister, or a person authorized to act for the Minister, be put in physical possession of the land to the extent of the expropriated interest or right.
151. Subsection 39(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Costs payable by the Crown
(2) If the amount of the compensation adjudged under this Part to be payable to a party to any proceedings in the Court under sections 31 and 32 in respect of an expropriated interest or right does not exceed the total amount of any offer made under section 16 and any subsequent offer made to the party in respect of that interest or right before the commencement of the trial of the proceedings, the Court shall, unless it finds the amount of the compensation claimed by the party in the proceedings to have been unreasonable, direct that the whole of the party’s costs of and incident to the proceedings be paid by the Crown, and if the amount of the compensation so adjudged to be payable to the party exceeds that total amount, the Court shall direct that the whole of the party’s costs of and incident to the proceedings, determined by the Court on a solicitor and client basis, be paid by the Crown.
152. (1) Subsection 44(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Appointment of trustee, etc., to act for persons under disability
44. (1) The Court may, when a trustee, guardian or tutor, curator, or someone else representing any person who is incapable or any other persons including issue unborn is unable or unwilling to act on their behalf or where any such person or persons including issue unborn are not so represented, after any notice that the Court may direct, appoint a trustee, guardian or tutor, curator, or other representative to act on their behalf for the purposes of this Act.
(2) Subsection 44(3) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Contract, etc., binding
(3) Any contract, agreement, release or receipt made or given by any person appointed under subsection (1) and any instrument or act of transfer made or given in pursuance of the contract or agreement is binding for all purposes on the person by whom and any person or persons including issue unborn on behalf of whom the contract, agreement, release or receipt is made or given.
153. The schedule to the Act is replaced by the schedule set out in Schedule 2 to this Act.

Explanatory Notes
Canada Cooperatives Act
Clause 72: (1) to (3) Existing text of the definitions:
“call” means an option transferable by delivery, to demand delivery of a specified number or amount of securities at a fixed price within a specified time but does not include an option or right to acquire securities of the cooperative that granted the option or right to acquire.
“personal representative” means a person who stands in place of and represents another person including, but not limited to, a trustee, an executor, an administrator, a receiver, an agent, a liquidator of a succession, a guardian, a tutor, a curator, a mandatary or an attorney.
“proxy” means a completed and executed form of proxy by means of which a shareholder appoints a proxyholder to attend and act on the shareholder’s behalf at a meeting of the shareholders.
“put” means an option transferable by delivery, to deliver a specified number or amount of securities at a fixed price within a specified time.
“security interest” means an interest in or charge on property of a cooperative to secure payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation of the cooperative.
Clause 73: Relevant portion of subsection 11(1):
11. (1) Articles of incorporation must be in the form fixed by the Director and contain the following particulars :
(i) whether the cooperative is to be incorporated with or without membership share capital, and, if there is to be no membership share capital, a statement that the interest of each member as member is, subject to subsection 7(3), the same as that of every other member;
Clause 74: (1) and (2) Relevant portion of subsection 15(1):
15. (1) The by-laws of a cooperative must provide for
(e) whether the interest of a member in the cooperative may, subject to section 46, be transferred or assigned, and any conditions or restrictions that apply to such a transfer or assignment;
(i) subject to sections 39 and 40 and Parts 20 and 21, the conditions on which membership is terminated, whether by withdrawal or by involuntary termination, if it may be terminated otherwise than as provided for in this Act, and the determination of the value and disposition of the member’s interest in the cooperative on termination; and
Clause 75: Existing text of subsection 34(2):
(2) A document executed on behalf of a cooperative is not invalid merely because a corporate seal is not affixed to it.
Clause 76: Relevant portion of subsection 85(7):
(7) Subsection (6) does not apply to
(c) a trustee in bankruptcy, receiver, receiver-manager or secured creditor who participates in the management of the cooperative or exercises control over its property solely for the purpose of the realization of security or the administration of a bankrupt’s estate, in the case of a trustee in bankruptcy.
Clause 77: Existing text of subsection 102(7):
(7) If a director pays a debt owed under this section and the debt is proven in liquidation and dissolution or bankruptcy proceedings, the director is entitled to any preference that the employee would have been entitled to and, if judgment is obtained, is entitled to an assignment of the judgment.
Clause 78: Relevant portion of subsection 119(2):
(2) The face of each certificate that the cooperative issues in respect of membership shares or member loans after the coming into force of this section must contain
(f) a statement that there is a charge on the membership shares or member loans represented by the certificate in favour of the cooperative for any indebtedness of the member to the cooperative.
Clause 79: (1) Existing text of subsection 123(1):
123. (1) A cooperative has a charge on a membership share or any amount standing to the credit of a member or the personal representative of a member for a debt of that member to the cooperative.
(2) Relevant portion of subsection 123(2):
(2) A cooperative may
(a) enforce a charge referred to in subsection (1) in the manner set out in its by-laws; or
Clause 80: Existing text of section 129:
129. (1) Subject to subsection 183(2), the articles may provide that the cooperative has a charge on an investment share registered in the name of a shareholder or the personal representative of a shareholder for a debt of the shareholder to the cooperative, including an amount unpaid as of the date a body corporate was continued under this Act, in respect of an investment share issued by it.
(2) A cooperative may enforce a charge referred to in subsection (1) in accordance with its by-laws.
Clause 81: Relevant portion of subsection 130(6):
(6) The Governor in Council may make regulations with respect to a cooperative that constrains the issue, transfer or ownership of its investment shares, prescribing
(d) the powers of the directors to require disclosure of beneficial ownership of investment shares of the cooperative and the right of the cooperative and its directors, employees and agents to rely on that disclosure and the effects of that reliance; and
Clause 82: Existing text of subsection 131(3):
(3) A person who owned an investment share that was sold under this section is divested of all interests in the investment share and is entitled to receive only the net proceeds of the sale and any net income on the proceeds.
Clause 83: Relevant portion of section 137:
137. Unless the articles, the by-laws or a unanimous agreement provide otherwise, the directors may, subject to subsection 126(2), without the authorization of the members or shareholders,
(c) give guarantees;
Clause 84: Relevant portion of subsection 138(3):
(3) Despite subsection (2), a cooperative may, subject to subsection (4), add to the stated capital accounts maintained for the shares of classes or series the whole or any part of the amount of the money, or the value of the things and services, it receives in an exchange if the cooperative issues shares
(a) in exchange for
(ii) shares of, or another interest in, an entity that immediately before the exchange, or that because of the exchange, did not deal with the cooperative at arm’s length within the meaning of that expression in the Income Tax Act; or
Clause 85: Existing text of subsection 145(1):
145. (1) A cooperative may, and may permit its subsidiaries to, hold, in the capacity of a legal representative, shares in itself or in its holding body corporate only if the cooperative, holding body corporate or subsidiary does not have a beneficial interest in the shares.
Clause 86: (1) Existing text of the definition:
“form of proxy” means a written or printed form that, on completion and execution by or on behalf of a shareholder, becomes a proxy.
(2) Relevant portion of the definition:
“solicit” or “solicitation”
(a) includes
(ii) a request to execute or not to execute a form of proxy or to revoke a proxy,
Clause 87: (1) Existing text of subsection 164(2):
(2) For a proxy to be valid, it must be executed by the shareholder or by their personal representative authorized in writing.
(2) Relevant portion of subsection 164(4):
(4) A shareholder may revoke a proxy
(a) by depositing a document in writing executed by the shareholder or by their personal representative authorized in writing
(3) Existing text of subsection 164(5):
(5) The directors may specify in a notice calling a meeting of shareholders a time not more than forty-eight hours, excluding Saturdays and holidays, before the meeting or adjournment before which time proxies to be used at the meeting must be deposited with the cooperative or its agent.
Clause 88: (1) Existing text of the definitions:
“adverse claim”, in respect of a security, includes a claim that a transfer was or would be wrongful or that a particular adverse person is the owner of or has an interest in the security.
“fiduciary” means a trustee, guardian, committee, curator, tutor, executor, administrator, representative of a deceased person, or any other person acting in a fiduciary capacity.
“purchaser” means a person who takes an interest in a security by sale, mortgage, hypothec, pledge, issue, reissue, gift or any other voluntary transaction.
(2) Relevant portion of the definition:
“issuer” includes a cooperative that
(b) directly or indirectly creates fractional interests in its rights or property and issues securities as evidence of the fractional interests.
(3) Relevant portion of the definition:
“security” or “security certificate” means a document issued by a cooperative that is
(d) evidence of an investment share, participation or other interest in or obligation of a cooperative,
Clause 89: (1) Existing text of subsection 183(2):
(2) No restriction, charge, agreement or endorsement described in subsection (3) is effective against a transferee of a security, issued by a cooperative or by a body corporate before it is continued under this Act, who has no actual knowledge of the restriction, charge, agreement or endorsement unless it or a reference to it is noted conspicuously on the security certificate.
(2) and (3) Relevant portion of subsection 183(3):
(3) The restrictions, charges, agreements and endorsements referred to in subsection (2) are
(b) a charge in favour of the cooperative;
Clause 90: Relevant portion of subsection 185(2):
(2) The directors may attach conditions to scrip certificates issued by the cooperative, including conditions that
(a) the scrip certificates become null or void if not exchanged for an investment share representing a full investment share before a specified date; and
Clause 91: Existing text of section 187:
187. A cooperative may appoint an agent to maintain securities registers on its behalf.
Clause 92: Existing text of section 194:
194. If an individual who is less than eighteen years of age exercises a right of ownership in a security of a cooperative, no subsequent repudiation or avoidance is effective against the cooperative.
Clause 93: Existing text of subsection 200(1):
200. (1) The terms of a security include those stated on the security and those incorporated by reference to another document, Act of Parliament or the legislature of a province, regulation, rule or order to the extent that the incorporated terms do not conflict with those stated on the security.
Clause 94: Existing text of section 211:
211. A purchaser of a limited interest acquires rights only to the extent of the interest purchased.
Clause 95: Existing text of section 225:
225. Failure of a fiduciary to comply with the document that is the source of the fiduciary’s power or with the law of the jurisdiction governing the fiduciary relationship does not render the fiduciary’s endorsement unauthorized for the purposes of this Part.
Clause 96: Existing text of subsection 231(2):
(2) If a security is part of a fungible bulk, a purchaser of the security is the owner of the proportionate interest in the fungible bulk.
Clause 97: Existing text of sections 235 and 236:
235. No seizure of a security or other interest evidenced by the security is effective until the person making the seizure obtains possession of the security.
236. An agent or mandatary, or a bailee or depositary, who in good faith has received securities and sold, pledged or delivered them according to the instructions of the mandator, pledgor, depositor or principal is not in breach of a fiduciary duty or otherwise liable even though they have no right to dispose of the securities.
Clause 98: Relevant portion of section 245:
245. An authenticating trustee, transfer agent or other agent or mandatary of an issuer has, in respect of the issue, registration of transfer and cancellation of a security of the issuer,
Clause 99: Relevant portion of subsection 253(2):
(2) For the purposes of this section,
(b) a person is deemed not to be independent if the person, or another person with whom the person is in business,
(iii) has been a receiver, receiver-manager, liquidator or trustee in bankruptcy of the cooperative or any of its affiliates within two years of the proposed appointment of the person as auditor of the cooperative.
Clause 100: Existing text of the definitions:
“trustee” means a person appointed as trustee under the terms of a trust indenture to which a cooperative is a party, and includes a successor trustee.
“trust indenture” means a deed, indenture or other document, including a supplement or amendment to such a document, made by a cooperative under which the cooperative issues debt obligations and in which a person is appointed as trustee for the holders of the debt obligations issued under it.
Clause 101: Existing text of the heading:
Clause 102: Existing text of sections 278 and 279:
278. (1) Subject to the rights of secured creditors, a receiver of any property of a cooperative may
(a) receive the income from the property and pay the liabilities connected with it; and
(b) realize the security interest of those on whose behalf the receiver is appointed.
(2) Despite subsection (1) but subject to any order that the court may make under section 282, a receiver who is not appointed manager of the cooperative may not carry on the business of the cooperative.
279. Despite section 278, if a receiver of a cooperative is also appointed manager of the cooperative, the receiver may carry on any business of the cooperative to protect the security interest of those on whose behalf he or she was appointed.
Clause 103: Existing text of section 280:
280. If a receiver or receiver-manager is appointed by a court or pursuant to an instrument, no director shall exercise the directors’ powers that the receiver or receiver-manager is authorized to exercise until the receiver or receiver-manager is discharged.
Clause 104: (1) Existing text of subsections 281(1) and (2):
281. (1) A receiver or receiver-manager appointed by a court must act in accordance with any directions of the court.
(2) A receiver or receiver-manager appointed pursuant to an instrument must act in accordance with the instrument and any direction that the court may make under section 282.
(2) Relevant portion of subsection 281(3):
(3) A receiver or receiver-manager must
Clause 105: Existing text of section 282:
282. A court may, on the application of a receiver or receiver-manager appointed by a court or pursuant to a document, or any other interested person, make any order giving directions on any matter relating to the duties of the receiver or receiver-manager appointed by it or pursuant to a document that it considers appropriate, including an order
(a) appointing, replacing or discharging a receiver or receiver-manager and approving the accounts of the receiver or receiver-manager;
(b) determining the notice to be given to any person or dispensing with notice to any person;
(c) fixing the remuneration of the receiver or receiver-manager;
(d) requiring the receiver or receiver-manager, or a person by or on behalf of whom the receiver or receiver-manager was appointed, to make good any default in connection with the receiver’s or receiver-manager’s custody or management of the property and business of the cooperative, or relieving a receiver or receiver-manager, or a person by or on behalf of whom a receiver or receiver-manager was appointed, from any default on any terms that the court considers appropriate;
(e) confirming any act of the receiver or receiver-manager; and
(f) giving directions on any other matter relating to the duties of the receiver or receiver-manager.
Clause 106: (1) and (2) Relevant portion of section 283:
283. A receiver or receiver-manager must
(a) take the property of the cooperative into custody and control in accordance with the court order or instrument pursuant to which the receiver or receiver-manager is appointed;
(b) open and maintain a bank account as receiver or receiver-manager of the cooperative for the money of the cooperative coming under their control;
(c) keep detailed accounts of all transactions carried out as receiver or receiver-manager;
(d) keep accounts of the administration as receiver or receiver-manager and cause them to be made available during usual business hours for inspection by the directors;
(f) on completion of their duties, render a final account of the administration in the form that the receiver or receiver-manager has adopted for preparation of interim accounts under paragraph (e); and
Clause 107: (1) Relevant portion of subsection 302(6):
(6) A dissenting member or shareholder may, no later than twenty-one days after receiving the notice under subsection (5), or if no notice is received, no later than twenty-one days after learning that the resolution was adopted, send to the cooperative a written notice that contains
(c) a demand
(i) in the case of a dissenting member, for withdrawal from the cooperative, for payment of all membership shares at their fair value and for repayment of any other interest held by the member in the cooperative, fair value being determined on the day before the resolution was adopted, and
(2) Existing text of subsection 302(19):
(19) On an application under subsection (16) or (17), all dissenting members and shareholders whose shares or other interests have not been purchased are joined as parties and the cooperative must notify them, advising each of them of the right to participate in, and the consequences of, the application. No dissenting member or shareholder is required to give security for costs in the application.
Clause 108: (1) and (2) Relevant portion of section 316:
316. In connection with the liquidation and dissolution of a cooperative, the court may, if it is satisfied that the cooperative is able to pay or adequately provide for the discharge of all its obligations, make any order it thinks fit, including an order
(b) appointing a liquidator, with or without security, and fixing their remuneration, or replacing a liquidator;
(k) after notice has been given to all interested parties, relieving a liquidator from an omission or default on any terms that the court thinks fit and confirming any act of the liquidator;
Clause 109: Relevant portion of subsection 321(1):
321. (1) A liquidator may
(e) do all acts and execute any documents in the name and on behalf of the cooperative;
Clause 110: Existing text of subsection 322(4):
(4) A liquidator must give notice of their intention to make an application under subsection (2) to the Director, to each inspector appointed under section 316, to each member or shareholder and to any person who provided a security or fidelity bond for the liquidation, and must publish the notice in a newspaper published or distributed in the place where the cooperative has its registered office, in any manner set out in the by-laws or as otherwise directed by the court.
Clause 111: Relevant portion of subsection 326(5):
(5) A court may order an action referred to in subsection (4) to be brought against the persons who were members or shareholders as a class, subject to any conditions that the court thinks fit, and, if the plaintiff establishes a claim, the court may refer the proceedings to a referee or other officer of the court who may
(a) add as a party to the proceedings each member or shareholder who was found by the plaintiff;
Clause 112: Existing text of subsections 335(1) to (3):
335. (1) For the purposes of this section, a security includes a membership share or an interest in one.
(2) If the Director is satisfied that, for the purposes of Part 9 or 10 or for the purposes of enforcing any regulation made under section 130, there is reason to inquire into the ownership or control of a security of a cooperative or any of its affiliates, the Director may require any person that the Director reasonably believes has or has had an interest in the security or acts or has acted on behalf of a person with such an interest to report to the Director or to any designated person,
(a) information that the person has or can reasonably be expected to obtain as to present and past interests in the security; and
(b) the names and addresses of the persons so interested and of any person who acts or has acted in relation to the security on behalf of the persons so interested.
(3) For the purposes of subsection (2), a person is deemed to hold an interest in a security if
(a) in the case of a membership share, the person is or is entitled to be entered in the records of the cooperative as the owner of the membership share; and
(b) in the case of an investment share,
(i) the person has a right to vote or to acquire or dispose of the investment share or an interest in it,
(ii) the person’s consent is necessary for the exercise of the rights or privileges of any other person interested in the investment share, or
(iii) any other person interested in the investment share can be required or is accustomed to exercise rights or privileges attached to it in accordance with that person’s instructions.
Clause 113: Existing text of section 336:
336. Nothing in this Part may be construed as affecting the privilege that exists in respect of lawyers and notaries and their clients.
Clause 114: Existing text of subsection 337.5(1.1):
(1.1) Subsection (1) does not apply when the plaintiff brings the action as a member of a partnership or other association or as a trustee in bankruptcy, liquidator or receiver of a body corporate.
Clause 115: Existing text of subsection 341(2):
(2) No application made and no action brought or intervened in under this Part is to be stayed, discontinued, settled or dismissed for want of prosecution without the approval of the court given on any terms that the court considers appropriate.
Clause 116: Existing text of section 346:
346. If a cooperative or any director, officer, employee, agent, auditor, trustee, receiver, receiver-manager or liquidator of a cooperative does not comply with the Act, the regulations, the articles, the by-laws or a unanimous agreement, a complainant or the Director may, in addition to any other right, apply to a court for an order directing any such person to comply with or restraining them from acting in breach of it. On the application, the court may order compliance and make any further order it thinks fit.
Clause 117: Existing text of subsection 367(4):
(4) Any articles, notice, resolution, requisition, statement or other document required or permitted to be executed or signed by more than one individual for the purposes of this Act may be executed or signed in several documents of like form, each of which is executed or signed by one or more of the individuals. The documents, when duly executed or signed by all individuals required or permitted, as the case may be, to do so, shall be deemed to constitute one document for the purposes of this Act.
Clause 118: Relevant portion of subsection 373(2):
(2) When this Act requires that articles or a statement relating to a cooperative be sent to the Director,
(b) on receiving the articles or statement in the form that the Director has fixed, any other required documents and the required fees, the Director must
(iv) send the certificate, or a copy, image or photographic, electronic or other reproduction of it, to the cooperative or its agent, and
Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act
Clause 119: Existing text of the definition:
“product” means any article that is or may be the subject of trade or commerce but does not include land or any interest therein;
Clause 120: Existing text of subsection 20(3):
(3) Where a corporation commits an offence under this Act, any officer, director or agent of the corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the commission of the offence is a party to and guilty of the offence and is liable on conviction to the punishment provided for the offence whether or not the corporation has been prosecuted or convicted.
Clause 121: Existing text of subsection 21(1):
21. (1) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act, it is sufficient proof of the offence to establish that it was committed by an employee or agent of the accused, whether or not the employee or agent is identified or has been prosecuted for the offence, unless the accused establishes that the offence was committed without his knowledge or consent and that he exercised all due diligence to prevent its commission.
Electricity and Gas Inspection Act
Clause 122: (1) and (2) Relevant portion of section 10:
10. Subject to the regulations, any person
(a) may, on making application in prescribed manner, be accredited by the director for purposes of the verification, sealing, reverification and resealing of any meter or any class, type or design of meter and the execution of prescribed functions incidental thereto by that person or his servant acting on his behalf and under his authority; and
(b) shall, in the event of the granting of his application pursuant to paragraph (a), be issued with a certificate of accreditation in prescribed form by the director.
Clause 123: Existing text of subsection 26(5):
(5) No person who is an accredited meter verifier or a seller of electricity, gas or meters or who is employed as a servant or agent by an accredited meter verifier or a seller of electricity may be appointed or designated pursuant to this section or act as a person so appointed or designated.
Clause 124: (1) Existing text of subsections 31(2) and (3):
(2) Where any meter is ordered to be forfeited under subsection (1), any person, other than a party to the proceedings that resulted in the order, who claims an interest in the meter as owner, mortgagee, lien holder or holder of any like interest may, within thirty days after the making of the order of forfeiture, apply to any superior court of competent jurisdiction for an order under subsection (5) whereupon the court shall fix a day for the hearing of the application.
(3) An applicant for an order under subsection (5) shall, at least thirty days prior to the day fixed for the hearing of the application, serve a notice of the application and of the hearing on the Minister and on all other persons claiming an interest in the meter that is the subject-matter of the application as owner, mortgagee, lien holder or holder of any like interest of whom he has knowledge.
(2) Existing text of subsection 31(5):
(5) Where, on the hearing of an application under this section, the court is satisfied that the applicant or any intervenor
(a) is innocent of any complicity in any conduct that caused the meter to be subject to forfeiture and of any collusion in relation to any such conduct, and
(b) exercised all reasonable care in respect of the persons permitted to obtain possession and use of the meter to satisfy himself that it was not likely to be used in the commission of an offence under paragraph 30(b) or, in the case of a mortgagee or lien holder, that he exercised such care with respect to the mortgagor or the lien giver,
the applicant, intervenor or both are entitled to an order declaring that their interests are not affected by the forfeiture and declaring the nature and extent of each of their interests and the priorities among them, and the court may, in addition, order that the meter to which the interests relate be delivered to one or more of the persons found to have an interest therein or that an amount equal to the value of each of the interests so declared be paid to the persons found to have those interests.
Clause 125: Existing text of subsection 35(2):
(2) Where a contractor or corporation commits an offence under this Act, any officer, director or agent of the contractor or corporation who directed, authorized, assented to, acquiesced in or participated in the commission of the offence is a party to and guilty of the offence and is liable on conviction to the punishment provided for the offence whether or not the contractor or corporation has been prosecuted or convicted.
Clause 126: (1) Existing text of subsection 36(1):
36. (1) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act it is sufficient proof of the offence to establish that it was committed by an employee or agent of the accused whether or not the employee or agent is identified or has been prosecuted for the offence, unless the accused establishes that the offence was committed without his knowledge or consent and that he exercised all due diligence to prevent its commission.
(2) Existing text of subsection 36(4):
(4) A prosecution for an offence under this Act may be brought against and in the name of an unincorporated body that is a contractor and, for the purposes of that prosecution, the body shall be deemed to be a person and any act or thing done or omitted by any officer or agent of the body within the scope of his authority to act on behalf of the body shall be deemed to be an act or thing done or omitted by the body.
Expropriation Act
Clause 127: (1) to (3) Existing text of the definitions:
“expropriated interest” means any right, estate or interest that has been lost, in whole or in part, by the registration of a notice of confirmation under Part I;
“interest in land”, in relation to land in the Province of Quebec, includes the interest of a lessee therein;
“land” includes buildings, structures and other things in the nature of fixtures and mines and minerals whether precious or base, on, above or below the surface;
“owner”, in relation to any expropriated interest, includes the owner of a leasehold interest;
“register” includes file or deposit;
“registrar” means the registrar or master of deeds or land titles or other officer with whom the title to land is registered or recorded.
(4) and (5) New.
Clause 128: Existing text of subsection 4(1):
4. (1) Any interest in land, including any of the interests mentioned in section 7, that, in the opinion of the Minister, is required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose may be expropriated by the Crown in accordance with the provisions of this Part.
Clause 129: (1) Existing text of subsections 4.1(1) to (3):
4.1 (1) Where a railway company, as defined in section 87 of the Canada Transportation Act, requires an interest in land for the purposes of its railway and has unsuccessfully attempted to purchase the interest in land, the railway company may request the Minister of Transport to have the Minister have the interest in land expropriated by the Crown in accordance with this Part.
(2) The Minister shall have the interest in land expropriated by the Crown in accordance with this Part where
(a) the Minister of Transport is of the opinion that the interest in land is required by the railway company for its railway and recommends to the Governor in Council that it be expropriated in accordance with this Part; and
(b) the Governor in Council consents to the expropriation of the interest in land.
(3) If the Minister of Transport is of the opinion that the interest in land is required by the railway company for its railway, the Minister is deemed to be of the opinion that the interest in land is required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose.
(2) to (4) Existing text of subsections 4.1(6) to (8):
(6) The Minister may require the company to provide security, in an amount determined by the Minister and subject to any terms and conditions that the Minister may specify, for the payment of any fees or charges that are or may become payable under this section.
(7) For the purpose of this section, the reference to the Crown in section 15 shall be construed as a reference to the railway company that made a request under subsection (1).
(8) Where an interest in land that was vested in the Crown before the expropriation vests in a railway company pursuant to section 15, the railway company may not alienate that interest except to transfer it to the Crown.
Clause 130: Existing text of sections 5 to 7:
5. (1) Whenever, in the opinion of the Minister, any interest in land is required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose, the Minister may request the Attorney General of Canada to register a notice of intention to expropriate the interest, signed by the Minister, setting out
(a) a description of the land;
(b) the nature of the interest intended to be expropriated and whether the interest is intended to be subject to any existing interest in the land;
(c) an indication of the public work or other public purpose for which the interest is required; and
(d) a statement that it is intended that the interest be expropriated by the Crown.
(2) On receiving from the Minister a request to register a notice of intention described in this section, the Attorney General of Canada shall cause the notice, together with a plan of the land to which the notice relates, to be registered in the office of the registrar for the county, district or registration division in which the land is situated, and, after causing such investigations and searches to be made respecting the state of the title to the land as appear to him to be necessary or desirable, the Attorney General of Canada shall furnish the Minister with a report setting out the names and latest known addresses, if any, of the persons appearing to have any right, estate or interest in the land, so far as he has been able to ascertain them.
(3) Where, in the opinion of the Minister, the interest to which a notice of intention described in this section relates is required by the Crown for a purpose related to the safety or security of Canada or a state allied or associated with Canada and it would not be in the public interest further to indicate that purpose, a statement in the notice to the effect that the interest is required by the Crown for such a purpose is sufficient compliance with paragraph (1)(c) without further indication thereof.
(4) Subject to subsection (3), the Minister shall, for the purposes of sections 9 and 10 and to the extent that it appears to him to be practicable and in the public interest to do so, make available to any person on request any additional information that is available to the Minister with respect to the public work or other public purpose for which the interest to which a notice registered under this section relates is required by the Crown.
6. (1) Where a notice or plan registered under section 5 contains any omission, mis-statement or erroneous description, a corrected notice or plan may be registered, which shall be deemed to relate back to the day the original notice or plan was registered.
(2) A notice registered under section 5 is not invalid by reason only that it does not set out the nature of the interest intended to be expropriated and, in that case, the interest intended to be expropriated includes all the interests in the land to which the notice relates.
(3) A notice registered under section 5 is not invalid by reason only that it does not set out whether the interest intended to be expropriated is intended to be subject to an existing interest in the land to which the notice relates, and, where it does not do so, the interest intended to be expropriated is not subject to that existing interest.
(4) Where it appears to the Attorney General of Canada that any land or interest in land to which a notice registered under section 5 relates belongs to Her Majesty in right of any province, he shall thereupon cause the attorney general of the province to be notified of the registration and of the particulars thereof.
7. A notice of intention may set out, as the nature of the interest intended to be expropriated, any estate or interest in land, including, without restricting the generality of the foregoing,
(a) an interest limited as to time or by condition or otherwise;
(b) an easement, profit or servitude;
(c) any right to, over or in respect of land that might be conferred by the owner of the land, whether or not that right, if conferred by the owner, could be asserted against a subsequent owner of the land;
(d) any restriction on the use of land that might be assumed by covenant or other agreement, whether or not that restriction, if assumed by the owner of the land, could be asserted against a subsequent owner thereof; and
(e) the exclusive possession of land for a limited time or for a definite or indefinite period, subject to such conditions or limitations, if any, as may be specified in the notice.
Clause 131: (1) Relevant portion of subsection 8(1):
8. (1) Where a notice of intention to expropriate an interest in land has been registered, the Minister shall cause a copy of the notice
(2) Existing text of subsection 8(3):
(3) There shall be included in any notice or copy thereof published or sent as described in subsection (1) a statement of the provisions of section 9 as that section applies to the intended expropriation of the interest to which the notice relates.
Clause 132: Existing text of section 9:
9. Any person who objects to the intended expropriation of an interest in land to which a notice of intention relates may, within thirty days after the day the notice is given, serve on the Minister an objection in writing stating the name and address of that person and indicating the nature of the objection, the grounds on which the objection is based and the nature of the interest of that person in the matter of the intended expropriation.
Clause 133: (1) Existing text of subsection 10(6):
(6) Any person who may be heard at a public hearing under this section may be represented by counsel at the hearing.
(2) Existing text of subsection 10(11):
(11) Where, before a notice of intention is registered, the Governor in Council is of the opinion that the physical possession or use by the Crown of the land to the extent of the interest intended to be expropriated is, by reason of special circumstances, urgently required and that to order that a public hearing be conducted with respect thereto would occasion a delay prejudicial to the public interest, the Governor in Council may direct that no order be made by the Minister under subsection (1) with respect to the intended expropriation and, in which case, a statement to that effect shall be included in the notice of intention.
Clause 134: Existing text of subsection 11(3):
(3) Whenever, at the time of confirming an intention to expropriate an interest in land, the Minister is of the opinion that a more limited interest only is required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose, the Minister may confirm the intention to expropriate the more limited interest, in which case the Minister shall be deemed to have abandoned the intention to expropriate the remainder of the interest.
Clause 135: Existing text of sections 12 and 13:
12. (1) Where the Minister has abandoned an intention to expropriate an interest in land otherwise than by confirming an intention to expropriate a more limited interest therein, the Minister shall forthwith cause a notice of abandonment of the intention to be sent
(a) to each of the persons then appearing to have any right, estate or interest in the land, so far as the Attorney General of Canada has been able to ascertain them, and each other person who served an objection on the Minister under section 9; and
(b) to the Attorney General of Canada, who shall thereupon confirm the abandonment by causing the notice to be registered in the office of the registrar where the notice of intention was registered.
(2) Where an intention to expropriate an interest or remainder of an interest in land has been abandoned, compensation in accordance with this Part shall be paid by the Crown to the person who was the owner of the interest or remainder at the time when the notice of intention was registered.
13. Where the Minister, after receiving and considering a report of a hearing officer appointed to conduct a public hearing with respect to an objection served on the Minister by any person under section 9, has confirmed an intention to expropriate an interest in land, or a more limited interest therein, in the manner provided in section 14, the Minister shall, at the written request of the person who served the objection, furnish that person with a copy of the report of the hearing officer and, where effect was not given to the objection, a statement of the reasons that the Minister had for not giving effect thereto.
Clause 136: Existing text of subsection 14(1):
14. (1) The Minister may confirm an intention to expropriate an interest in land to which a notice of intention relates, or a more limited interest therein, by requesting the Attorney General of Canada to register a notice of confirmation, signed by the Minister, setting out,
(a) if the interest expropriated is the same as the interest to which the notice of intention relates, a statement that the intention to expropriate that interest is confirmed; or
(b) if the interest expropriated is a more limited interest than the interest to which the notice of intention relates, a statement that the intention to expropriate the interest to which the notice of intention relates is confirmed except as expressly specified in the statement.
Clause 137: Existing text of sections 15 and 16:
15. On the registration of a notice of confirmation,
(a) the interest confirmed to be expropriated becomes and is absolutely vested in the Crown; and
(b) any other right, estate or interest is, as against the Crown or any person claiming through or under the Crown, thereby lost to the extent that that right, estate or interest is inconsistent with the interest confirmed to be expropriated.
16. (1) Where a notice of confirmation has been registered, the Minister shall,
(a) forthwith after the registration of the notice, cause a copy thereof to be sent to each of the persons then appearing to have any right, estate or interest in the land, so far as the Attorney General of Canada has been able to ascertain them, and each other person who served an objection on the Minister under section 9; and
(b) within ninety days after the registration of the notice, or, if at any time before the expiration of those ninety days an application has been made under section 18, within the later of
(i) ninety days after the registration of the notice, or
(ii) thirty days after the day the application is finally disposed of,
make to each person who is entitled to compensation under this Part, in respect of an expropriated interest to which the notice of confirmation relates, an offer in writing of compensation, in an amount estimated by the Minister to be equal to the compensation to which that person is then entitled under this Part in respect of that interest, not conditional on the provision by that person of any release or releases and without prejudice to the right of that person, if he accepts the offer, to claim additional compensation in respect thereof.
(2) Where, in any case, it is not practicable for the Minister to make an offer of compensation under this section in respect of an expropriated interest within the applicable period described in paragraph (1)(b), the Minister shall make such an offer as soon as practicable after the expiration of that period and in any event before any compensation is adjudged by the Court to be payable under this Part in respect thereof, in which case, interest as described in subsection 36(4) is payable in addition to any other interest payable under section 36 to the person entitled to compensation in respect thereof.
(3) An offer of compensation made to a person under this section in respect of an expropriated interest shall be based on a written appraisal of the value of that interest, and a copy of the appraisal shall be sent to that person at the time of the making of the offer.
(4) There shall be included in any copy of a notice of confirmation sent to any person as described in paragraph (1)(a) a statement of the provisions of section 29 as that section applies to him, and there shall be included in any offer in writing sent to any person as described in paragraph (1)(b) a statement to the effect that the offer is not conditional on the provision by him of any release or releases and is made without prejudice to his right, if he accepts the offer, to claim additional compensation in respect of the expropriated interest.
Clause 138: (1) Existing text of subsection 18(1):
18. (1) Where the Attorney General of Canada, at any time after the registration of a notice of confirmation, is in doubt as to the persons who had any right, estate or interest in the land to which the notice relates or as to the nature or extent thereof, the Attorney General of Canada may apply to the Court to make a determination respecting the state of the title to the land or any part thereof immediately before the registration of the notice, and to adjudge who had a right, estate or interest in the land at that time, and the nature and extent thereof.
(2) Existing text of subsections 18(3) and (4):
(3) After the hearing under subsection (2), the Court shall either adjudge for the purposes of this Part what persons had any right, estate or interest in the land to which the notice of confirmation relates immediately before the registration of the notice, and the nature and extent thereof, or direct an issue or issues to be tried for the purpose of enabling the Court to make such an adjudication.
(4) An adjudication made by the Court for the purposes of this Part shall be deemed to be a final judgment of the Court and, subject to variation on appeal, if any, shall finally determine for all purposes of this Part what persons had any right, estate or interest in the land to which the notice of confirmation relates immediately before the registration of the notice, and the nature and extent thereof.
Clause 139: Existing text of sections 19 to 21:
19. (1) Notwithstanding section 15, the Crown becomes entitled to take physical possession or make use of any land to which a notice of confirmation relates, to the extent of the interest expropriated, only at such of the following times as is applicable, namely,
(a) at the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation, if at that time no other person who was the owner of an interest therein immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation is in occupation of the land;
(b) at such time, if any, after the registration of the notice of confirmation as physical possession or use of the land to the extent of the interest expropriated is given up to the Crown without any notice under paragraph (c) having been sent to the persons described in that paragraph; or
(c) in any other case, at such time after the registration of the notice of confirmation as
(i) the Minister has sent a notice to each of the persons appearing to have had any right, estate or interest therein at the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation, so far as the Attorney General of Canada has been able to ascertain them, or, where an application has been made under section 18 and has been finally disposed of, to each of the persons adjudged to have had an interest therein immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation, that physical possession or use is required by the Crown on and after the expiration of such period as is specified in the notice, being not less than ninety days after the sending of the notice to each of those persons, and either that period has expired or physical possession or use has been given up to the Crown before the expiration of that period, and
(ii) the Minister has made an offer under section 16 to each of the persons then entitled to compensation under this Part in respect of an interest therein.
(2) Where, at any time before or after a notice of confirmation has been registered, the Governor in Council is of the opinion that the physical possession or use by the Crown of the land to which the notice relates to the extent of the interest expropriated or intended to be expropriated is, by reason of special circumstances, urgently required, the Governor in Council may direct
(a) that there be substituted for the ninety days referred to in paragraph (1)(c) such lesser number of days as in his opinion the circumstances require; or
(b) where an application has been made under section 18 but has not been finally disposed of, that physical possession or use may be taken or made by the Crown notwithstanding that no offer has then been made under section 16.
20. (1) Where, at any time before any compensation is paid in respect of an interest expropriated, the Minister is of the opinion that the interest is not or is no longer required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose, or that a more limited interest only is so required, the Minister may give notice that he intends to abandon the interest or the remainder of the interest, as the case may be, by causing a copy of the notice to be sent to each of the persons mentioned in paragraph 19(1)(c), each of whom may, within thirty days from the day a copy of the notice was sent to him, serve on the Minister a notice in writing that he elects to
(a) accept the abandonment, and have the interest or remainder revest in him to the extent that the abandonment would operate to revest it in him; or
(b) reject the abandonment.
(2) If each of the persons to whom a notice is sent under subsection (1) serves a notice on the Minister under that subsection that he elects to accept the abandonment, the Minister may cause a notice of abandonment of the interest expropriated or the remainder of the interest, as the case may be, to be sent to each of those persons and to the Attorney General of Canada, who shall thereupon confirm the abandonment by causing the notice to be registered in the office of the registrar where the notice of confirmation was registered.
21. Where an interest expropriated or a remainder of an interest in land is confirmed to be abandoned, the interest expropriated thereupon revests in the persons from whom it was taken or the persons entitled to claim through or under them, or the land thereupon revests in those persons subject to the more limited interest therein retained by the Crown, as the case may be.
Clause 140: Existing text of section 22:
22. Every registrar shall receive and permanently preserve in his office such notices and plans as the Attorney General of Canada causes to be registered under this Part, and shall endorse thereon the day, hour and minute when they were received by him as the time of registration and make such entries in his records as will make their registration of public record.
Clause 141: Relevant portion of section 23:
23. Unless questioned by the Crown,
(b) it shall be deemed that
(i) all of the interests to which a notice of intention relates are,
(ii) a more limited interest only to which a notice of confirmation relates is, or
(iii) an interest stated in a notice of abandonment to be abandoned or the remainder of the interest, as the case may be, is not or is no longer,
in the opinion of the Minister required by the Crown for a public work or other public purpose; and
(c) it shall be deemed that, on being caused to be registered by the Attorney General of Canada in the office of the registrar where a notice of intention to expropriate an interest in land was registered, a document purporting to be a notice of confirmation of the intention to expropriate that interest or a more limited interest only in the land is a notice of confirmation thereof thereupon registered in accordance with this Part.
Clause 142: Existing text of sections 25 to 27:
25. (1) Compensation shall be paid by the Crown to each person who, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, was the owner of a right, estate or interest in the land to which the notice relates, to the extent of his expropriated interest, the amount of which compensation shall be equal to the aggregate of
(a) the value of the expropriated interest at the time of its taking, and
(b) the amount of any decrease in value of the remaining property of the owner, determined as provided in section 27.
(2) For the purposes of this section and sections 26 and 27, the time of the taking of an expropriated interest is,
(a) where an election has been made under subsection (3) by the owner thereof, the time specified by him in his election; and
(b) in any other case, the time when the notice of confirmation was registered.
(3) Where no copy of a notice of confirmation was sent to a person whose name is set out in the report of the Attorney General of Canada referred to in subsection 5(2) or who served an objection on the Minister under section 9 until a time more than ninety days after the registration of the notice, that person may, at any time before any compensation is paid to him in respect of any expropriated interest of which he was the owner immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation, elect to have the value of the interest determined at either
(a) the time when the notice of confirmation was registered, or
(b) the time when the copy of the notice of confirmation was sent to him,
as specified by him in his election.
26. (1) The rules set out in this section shall be applied in determining the value of an expropriated interest.
(2) Subject to this section, the value of an expropriated interest is the market value thereof, that is to say, the amount that would have been paid for the interest if, at the time of its taking, it had been sold in the open market by a willing seller to a willing buyer.
(3) Where the owner of an expropriated interest was in occupation of any land at the time the notice of confirmation was registered and, as a result of the expropriation, it has been necessary for him to give up occupation of the land, the value of the expropriated interest is the greater of
(a) the market value thereof determined as set out in subsection (2), and
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the market value thereof determined on the basis that the use to which the expropriated interest was being put at the time of its taking was its highest and best use, and
(ii) the costs, expenses and losses arising out of or incidental to the owner’s disturbance, including moving to other premises, but if those costs, expenses and losses cannot practically be estimated or determined, there may be allowed in lieu thereof a percentage, not exceeding fifteen, of the market value determined as set out in subparagraph (i),
plus the value to the owner of any element of special economic advantage to him arising out of or incidental to his occupation of the land, to the extent that no other provision is made by this paragraph for the inclusion thereof in determining the value of the expropriated interest.
(4) In any case where the Crown has taken physical possession or made use of the land referred to in subsection (3) on the expiration of a period of notice to the owner shorter than the ninety days mentioned in paragraph 19(1)(c), there shall be added to the value of the expropriated interest otherwise determined under this section an additional amount equal to ten per cent thereof.
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (3), where any parcel of land to which a notice of confirmation relates had any building or other structure erected thereon that was specially designed for use for the purpose of a school, hospital, municipal institution or religious or charitable institution or for any similar purpose, the use of which building or other structure for that purpose by the owner has been rendered impracticable as a result of the expropriation, the value of the expropriated interest is, if the expropriated interest was and, but for the expropriation, would have continued to be used for that purpose and at the time of its taking there was no general demand or market therefor for that purpose, the greater of
(a) the market value of the expropriated interest determined as set out in subsection (2), and
(b) the aggregate of
(i) the cost of any reasonably alternative interest in land for that purpose, and
(ii) the cost, expenses and losses arising out of or incidental to moving to and re-establishment on other premises, but if those costs, expenses and losses cannot practically be estimated or determined, there may be allowed in lieu thereof a percentage, not exceeding fifteen, of the cost determined under subparagraph (i),
minus the amount by which the owner has improved, or may reasonably be expected to improve, his position through re-establishment on other premises.
(6) In any case where the Crown has taken physical possession or made use of the parcel of land referred to in subsection (5) on the expiration of a period of notice to the owner shorter than the ninety days mentioned in paragraph 19(1)(c), there shall be added to the value of the expropriated interest otherwise determined under this section an additional amount equal to ten per cent thereof.
(7) For the purposes of subparagraphs (3)(b)(ii) and (5)(b)(ii), consideration shall be given to the time and circumstances in which a former owner was allowed to continue in occupation of the land after the Crown became entitled to take physical possession or make use thereof, and to any assistance given by the Minister to enable the former owner to seek and obtain alternative premises.
(8) Where an expropriated interest was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, being used by the owner thereof for the purposes of his residence and the value of the interest otherwise determined under this section is less than the minimum amount sufficient to enable the owner, at the earlier of
(a) the time of payment to him of any compensation in respect of the interest, otherwise than pursuant to any offer made to him under section 16, and
(b) the time when the Crown became entitled to take physical possession or make use of the land to the extent of the interest expropriated,
to relocate his residence in or on premises reasonably equivalent to the premises expropriated, there shall be added to the value of the interest otherwise determined under this section the amount by which that minimum amount exceeds that value.
(9) Where an expropriated interest was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, owned by the owner thereof as a leasehold interest, there shall be substituted for the amount determined under subparagraph (3)(b)(ii) or (5)(b)(ii), or the amount by which the minimum amount referred to in subsection (8) exceeds the value of the interest referred to therein otherwise determined under this section, as the case may be, such part of that amount as is appropriate having regard to
(a) the length of the term of the leasehold interest and the portion of the term remaining at the time at which the determination is relevant;
(b) any right or reasonable prospect of renewal of the term that the owner of the leasehold interest had; and
(c) any investment in the land by the owner of the leasehold interest and the nature of any business carried on by him thereon.
(10) Where an expropriated interest was, immediately before the registration of a notice of confirmation, subject to an interest in land that was held by the owner thereof as security only, in this subsection called a “security interest”,
(a) the value of the expropriated interest is the aggregate of
(i) the value thereof otherwise determined under this section as though it had not been subject to any security interest, and
(ii) the amount of any loss or anticipated loss to the owner of the expropriated interest resulting from a difference in rates of interest during the remainder of the period for which any principal amount payable under the terms of the security was advanced, that difference to be calculated on the basis of an assumed rate of interest not in excess of the prevailing rate of interest for an equivalent security, to the extent that no other provision is made by this section for the inclusion of an amount in respect of the loss or anticipated loss in determining the value of the expropriated interest,
less the value of each security interest to which the expropriated interest was subject, determined as provided in paragraph (b) but as though no amount were included therein by virtue of subparagraph (ii) of that paragraph;
(b) the value of the security interest is the aggregate of
(i) the principal amount outstanding under the terms of the security, and any interest due or accrued thereunder, at the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation, and
(ii) an amount equal to three times the interest element, calculated as a monthly amount, of any payment of interest or of principal and interest payable under the terms of the security at the rate in effect thereunder immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation,
and where the expropriated interest was subject to more than one security interest, the value of each security interest shall be determined in the order of its priority but in no case shall the value of any security interest to which an expropriated interest was subject exceed the value of the expropriated interest otherwise determined under this section as though it had not been subject to any security interest, less the value of each other security interest the value of which is required by this subsection to be determined in priority thereto; and
(c) where part only of the interest that was subject to a security interest was expropriated, the value of the security interest is that proportion of the value thereof otherwise determined under this subsection as though the whole of the interest subject to the security interest had been expropriated, that
(i) the value of the part only of the interest, otherwise determined under this subsection as though it had not been subject to any security interest,
is of
(ii) the value of the whole of the interest otherwise determined under this subsection as though it had not been subject to any security interest,
less the same proportion of the interest element of any payment made under the terms of the security, between the time of the registration of the notice of confirmation and the time of payment of any compensation in respect of the security interest, otherwise than pursuant to any offer made to the owner thereof under section 16.
(11) In determining the value of an expropriated interest, no account shall be taken of
(a) any anticipated or actual use by the Crown of the land at any time after the expropriation;
(b) any value established or claimed to be established by or by reference to any transaction or agreement involving the sale, lease or other disposition of the interest or any part thereof, where the transaction or agreement was entered into after the registration of the notice of intention to expropriate;
(c) any increase or decrease in the value of the interest resulting from the anticipation of expropriation by the Crown or from any knowledge or expectation, prior to the expropriation, of the public work or other public purpose for which the interest was expropriated; or
(d) any increase in the value of the interest resulting from its having been put to a use that was contrary to law.
27. (1) The amount of the decrease in value, if any, of the remaining property of an owner is the value of all of his interests in land immediately before the time of the taking of the expropriated interest, determined as provided in section 26, minus the aggregate of
(a) the value of the expropriated interest; and
(b) the value of all his remaining interests in land immediately after the time of the taking of the expropriated interest.
(2) For the purpose of paragraph (1)(b), the value of the remaining interests in land of an owner immediately after the time of the taking of the expropriated interest shall be determined as provided in section 26, except that in determining that value account shall be taken of any increase or decrease in the value of any remaining interest in land of the owner, that immediately before the registration of the notice of confirmation was held by him together with the expropriated interest, resulting from the construction or use or anticipated construction or use of any public work on the land to which the notice relates or from the use or anticipated use of that land for any public purpose.
Clause 143: Existing text of subsections 28(1) and (2):
28. (1) The fact of
(a) an abandonment or revesting under this Part of an interest or remainder of an interest in land, or
(b) any undertaking given on behalf of the Crown by the Minister, or by any other person within the scope of his authority, to make any alteration, construct any work or grant or convey any other land or interest therein,
shall be taken into account, in connection with all other circumstances of the case, in determining the amount to be paid to any person claiming compensation for an expropriated interest.
(2) Where an intention to expropriate an interest or remainder of an interest in land has been abandoned, the compensation payable by the Crown to the owner thereof is the amount of any actual loss sustained by the owner, after the time when the notice of intention was registered and before the time when the abandonment of the intention, or the intention to expropriate a more limited interest, as the case may be, was confirmed, in consequence of the registration
(a) of the notice of intention, where the intention to expropriate the interest has been abandoned; or
(b) of the notice of intention in so far as that notice relates to the remainder of the interest, where the intention to expropriate the remainder has been abandoned.
Clause 144: (1) Existing text of subsections 30(1) and (2):
30. (1) Where, after an offer of compensation in respect of an expropriated interest has been made under section 16 to any person, in this section referred to as “the owner”, the owner and the Minister are unable to agree on the amount of compensation to which the owner is then entitled, either the owner or the Minister may, within sixty days after the making of the offer, serve on the other a notice to negotiate settlement of the compensation to which the owner is then entitled.
(2) Where a notice referred to in subsection (1) has been served as provided in that subsection, no proceedings under sections 31 and 32 shall be instituted, or if instituted shall be proceeded with, by or on behalf of either the owner or the Attorney General of Canada in respect of the expropriation, until the expiration of sixty days from the serving of the notice, unless before the expiration of those sixty days the negotiator to whom the matter is referred under subsection (4) has made a report to the Minister that he has been unable to effect a settlement and has sent a copy of his report to the owner.
(2) Existing text of subsections 30(4) to (6):
(4) Forthwith after any notice to negotiate is served on the Minister or an owner in accordance with this section, the Minister shall refer the matter to a negotiator appointed under subsection (3) who shall, on reasonable notice to the owner and the Minister, meet with them or their authorized representatives, make such inspection of the land as he deems necessary, receive and consider any appraisals, valuations or other written or oral evidence submitted to him on which either the owner or the Minister relies for his estimation of the amount of the compensation payable, whether or not the evidence would be admissible in proceedings before a court, and endeavour to effect a settlement of the compensation payable.
(5) The negotiator shall, within sixty days from the service of the notice to negotiate, report to the Minister his success or failure in the matter of the negotiation, and shall thereupon send a copy of his report to the owner.
(6) Evidence of anything said or of any admission made in the course of a negotiation under this section is not admissible in any proceedings before a court for the recovery or determination of the compensation payable to the owner.
Clause 145: (1) and (2) Relevant portion of subsection 31(1):
31. (1) Subject to section 30,
(a) a person entitled to compensation in respect of an expropriated interest may,
(b) the Attorney General of Canada may at any time after the registration of the notice of confirmation, whether or not proceedings under paragraph (a) have been commenced, file a notice in the matter in the Court setting out
(ii) the names, so far as they have been ascertained, of each of the persons entitled to compensation in respect of an expropriated interest and the names of the persons who are to be parties to the proceedings,
Clause 146: Existing text of subsection 32(5):
(5) A judgment, whether by consent, default or otherwise, in any proceedings under this section or section 31 bars all further claims of the parties thereto and of any persons claiming through or under them, including any claim in respect of dower or of dower not yet open or in respect of any mortgage, hypothec or other right or encumbrance, and the Court shall declare the amount of compensation payable and make such order for the distribution, payment or investment of any compensation money, and for the securing of the rights of all persons interested, as may be necessary.
Clause 147: Existing text of sections 33 to 35:
33. (1) Any compensation agreed to be payable or the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable in respect of an expropriated interest stands in the stead of the interest.
(2) Any compensation agreed to be payable or the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable in respect of a security interest described in subsection 26(10) shall, for all purposes as between the owner of the interest subject to the security interest and the owner of the security interest, be deemed to discharge any liability, under the terms of the security, of the owner of the interest subject to the security interest, to the extent of the compensation so agreed or adjudged to be payable, and, where any amount or proportion of any amount described in subparagraph 26(10)(b)(ii) is included in the compensation, to be in full satisfaction of any notice or bonus required under the terms of the security in respect of the prepayment thereof resulting from the expropriation.
34. Where any compensation in respect of an expropriated interest has been paid to a person of whose right to claim compensation the Crown had notice at the time of payment, no compensation is payable to another person, whether the right or interest of that other person is derived from the person to whom compensation has been paid or otherwise, if under the law of the province in which the land is situated the right or interest giving rise to the claim to compensation of that other person would have been void or unenforceable against the Crown had the Crown, at the time the notice of intention was registered, been a purchaser of the interest.
35. Where any compensation has been paid to a person in respect of an expropriated interest pursuant to an offer made to him under section 16, the amount so paid to that person shall be deducted from the amount of the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable to him in respect thereof, and where the amount so paid exceeds the amount so adjudged to be payable, the excess constitutes a debt due to the Crown and may be recovered by the Crown in any court of competent jurisdiction.
Clause 148: Existing text of the definition:
“compensation” means the amount of the compensation adjudged by the Court under this Part to be payable in respect of an expropriated interest;
Clause 149: Existing text of subsection 37(1):
37. (1) Where a notice of intention has been registered, any person authorized in writing in that behalf by the Minister may, at any reasonable time on notice to a person in occupation of the land to which the notice relates, enter on the land for the purpose of making any inspection of the land that he is authorized by this Part to make, or for the purpose of making an appraisal of the value of the land or any interest therein.
Clause 150: Existing text of subsection 38(1):
38. (1) When the Minister, or a person acting for the Minister, is prevented from entering on or taking physical possession or making use of any land to the extent of any interest expropriated under this Part, a judge of the Court or any judge of a superior court of a province may, on proof of the expropriation and, when required, of the right of the Crown to take physical possession or make use thereof, and after notice to show cause given in such manner and to such persons who shall be parties to the proceedings as the judge prescribes, issue his warrant in accordance with the form set out in the schedule to the appropriate sheriff directing him to put the Minister, or a person authorized to act for him, in physical possession of the land to the extent of the interest expropriated.
Clause 151: Existing text of subsection 39(2):
(2) Where the amount of the compensation adjudged under this Part to be payable to a party to any proceedings in the Court under sections 31 and 32 in respect of an expropriated interest does not exceed the total amount of any offer made under section 16 and any subsequent offer made to the party in respect thereof before the commencement of the trial of the proceedings, the Court shall, unless it finds the amount of the compensation claimed by the party in the proceedings to have been unreasonable, direct that the whole of the party’s costs of and incident to the proceedings be paid by the Crown, and where the amount of the compensation so adjudged to be payable to the party exceeds that total amount, the Court shall direct that the whole of the party’s costs of and incident to the proceedings, determined by the Court on a solicitor and client basis, be paid by the Crown.
Clause 152: (1) Existing text of subsection 44(1):
44. (1) The Court may, where a trustee, guardian or other person representing any person under a disability or any other persons including issue unborn is unable or unwilling to act on his or their behalf or where any such person or persons including issue unborn are not so represented, after such notice as the Court may direct, appoint a trustee, guardian or other person ad litem to act on his or their behalf for the purposes of this Act.
(2) Existing text of subsection 44(3):
(3) Any contract, agreement, release or receipt made or given by any person appointed under subsection (1) and any conveyance or other instrument made or given in pursuance of the contract or agreement is binding for all purposes on the person by whom and any person or persons including issue unborn on behalf of whom the contract, agreement, release or receipt is made or given.