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Bill C-15

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Parole Eligibility
Sentence of imprisonment for life
226.1 (1) A court martial that imposes a punishment of imprisonment for life shall pronounce the following sentence:
(a) in the case of a person who has been convicted of having committed traitorously an offence of misconduct in the presence of an enemy (section 73 or 74), an offence related to security (section 75) or an offence in relation to prisoners of war (section 76), imprisonment for life without eligibility for parole until the person has served 25 years of the sentence;
(b) in the case of a person who has been convicted of an offence of high treason or an offence of first degree murder, imprisonment for life without eligibility for parole until the person has served 25 years of the sentence;
(c) in the case of a person who has been convicted of an offence of second degree murder and has previously been convicted of culpable homicide that is murder, imprisonment for life without eligibility for parole until the person has served 25 years of the sentence;
(d) in the case of a person who has been convicted of an offence of second degree murder, imprisonment for life without eligi­bility for parole until the person has served at least 10 years of the sentence or any greater number of years, not being more than 25, that has been substituted under subsection (2); or
(e) in the case of a person who has been convicted of any other offence, imprisonment for life with normal eligibility for parole.
Provisions of Criminal Code apply
(2) Sections 745.1 to 746.1 of the Criminal Code apply, with any modifications that the circumstances require, to a sentence of impris­onment for life that is imposed under this Act, and for that purpose
(a) a reference in sections 745.2 and 745.3 of the Criminal Code to a jury shall be read as a reference to the panel of a General Court Martial; and
(b) in the case of a conviction that took place outside Canada, a reference in section 745.6 of the Criminal Code to the province in which a conviction took place shall be read as a reference to the province in which the offender is incarcerated when they make an application under that section.
Power of court martial to delay parole
226.2 (1) Despite section 120 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, if a person receives a sentence of imprisonment for life that is imposed otherwise than as a minimum punishment or a sentence of imprisonment for two years or more on conviction for an offence set out in Schedule I or II to that Act that is punishable under section 130 of this Act, a court martial may order that the portion of the sentence that must be served before the person may be released on full parole is one half of the sentence or 10 years, whichever is less.
(2) The court martial may only make the order if it is satisfied, having regard to the circumstances of the commission of the offence and the person’s character and circumstances, that the expression of society’s denunciation of the offence or the objective of specific or general deterrence requires that the order be made.
Criminal organization offences
(3) Despite section 120 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, if a person receives a sentence of imprisonment for life that is imposed otherwise than as a minimum punishment or a sentence of imprisonment for two years or more on conviction under this Act for a criminal organization offence, the court martial may order that the portion of the sentence that must be served before the person may be released on full parole is one half of the sentence or 10 years, whichever is less.
Power of court martial to delay parole
(4) Despite section 120 of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act, if a person receives a sentence of impris­onment of two years or more, including a sentence of impris­onment for life, on conviction under this Act for a terrorism offence, the court martial shall order that the portion of the sentence that must be served before the person may be released on full parole is one half of the sentence or 10 years, whichever is less, unless the court martial is satisfied, having regard to the circumstances of the commission of the offence and the person’s character and circumstances, that the expression of society’s denunciation of the offence and the objectives of specific or general deterrence would be adequately served by a period of parole ineligibility determined in accordance with the Corrections and Conditional Release Act.
(5) The paramount objectives that are to guide the court martial under this section are denunciation and specific or general deterrence, with the rehabilitation of the person, in all cases, being subordinate to those paramount objectives.
69. Section 230 of the Act is amended by striking out “or” at the end of paragraph (f) and by adding the following after paragraph (g):
(h) the legality of an order made under section 147.1 or 226.2 and, with leave of the Court or a judge of the Court, the reasonableness of any period imposed under section 147.2;
(i) the legality of an order made under section 148 and the legality or, with leave of the Court or a judge of the Court, the severity of any condition imposed under that section;
(j) the legality or, with leave of the Court or a judge of the Court, the severity of a restitution order made under section 203.9 or the legality of an order made under section 249.25; or
(k) the legality of a suspension of a sentence of imprisonment or detention and the legality or, with leave of the Court or a judge of the Court, the severity of any condition imposed under subsection 215(3).
70. Section 230.1 of the Act is amended by striking out “or” at the end of paragraph (g) and by adding the following after paragraph (h):
(i) the legality of an order made under section 147.1 or 226.2 and, with leave of the Court or a judge of the Court, the reasonableness of any period imposed under section 147.2;
(j) the legality of an order made under section 148 and the legality or, with leave of the Court or a judge of the Court, the severity of any condition imposed under that section;
(k) the legality or, with leave of the Court or a judge of the Court, the severity of a restitution order made under section 203.9 or the legality of an order made under section 249.25; or
(l) the legality of a suspension of a sentence of imprisonment or detention and the legality or, with leave of the Court or a judge of the Court, the severity of any condition imposed under subsection 215(3).
1998, c. 35, s. 82
71. (1) Subsection 249.18(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Tenure of office
(2) The Director of Defence Counsel Serv­ices holds office during good behaviour for a term of not more than four years. The Minister may remove the Director of Defence Counsel Services from office for cause on the recommendation of an inquiry committee established under regulations made by the Governor in Council.
Powers of inquiry committee
(2.1) An inquiry committee has the same powers, rights and privileges — other than the power to punish for contempt — as are vested in a superior court of criminal jurisdiction with respect to
(a) the attendance, swearing and examination of witnesses;
(b) the production and inspection of documents;
(c) the enforcement of its orders; and
(d) all other matters necessary or proper for the due exercise of its jurisdiction.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
(2) Subsection 249.18(3) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Nouveau mandat
(3) Le mandat du directeur du service d’avocats de la défense est renouvelable.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
72. Subsection 249.21(1) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
249.21 (1) Le directeur du service d’avocats de la défense peut être assisté par des avocats inscrits au barreau d’une province.
73. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 249.21:
Appeal committee
249.211 (1) The Governor in Council may by regulation establish a committee to determine, on the basis of the factors prescribed in regulations made by the Governor in Council, whether legal services should be provided by the Director of Defence Counsel Services to a person who exercises the right to appeal under section 230 or 245.
Protection of committee members
(2) No criminal or civil proceedings lie against a member of the committee for anything done, reported or said in good faith in the exercise or purported exercise of a power or in the performance or purported performance of a duty or function of the committee.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
74. Subsection 249.25(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Restitution of property in case of conviction
249.25 (1) A service tribunal that convicts or discharges absolutely a person of an offence shall order that any property obtained by the commission of the offence shall be restored to the person apparently entitled to it if, at the time of the trial, the property is before the service tribunal or has been detained so that it can be immediately restored under the order to the person so entitled.
75. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 249.26:
Criminal Record
Convictions for certain offences
249.27 (1) A person who is convicted of any of the following offences, or who has been convicted of any of them before the coming into force of this section, has not been convicted of a criminal offence:
(a) an offence described in section 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 101.1, 102, 103, 108, 109, 112, 116, 117, 118, 118.1, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126 or 129 for which the offender is sentenced to
(i) a severe reprimand,
(ii) a reprimand,
(iii) a fine not exceeding basic pay for one month, or
(iv) a minor punishment;
(b) an offence under section 130 that constitutes a contravention within the meaning of the Contraventions Act.
Criminal Records Act
(2) An offence referred to in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) does not constitute an offence for the purposes of the Criminal Records Act.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
76. (1) The definition “military police” in section 250 of the Act is repealed.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
(2) The definition “plainte pour inconduite” in section 250 of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
« plainte pour inconduite »
conduct complaint
« plainte pour inconduite » Plainte déposée aux termes du paragraphe 250.18(1) contre un policier militaire concernant sa conduite.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
77. Subsection 250.1(11) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(11) Avant d’entrer en fonctions, les membres prêtent le serment suivant :
Moi, .........., je jure (ou j’affirme solennellement) que j’exercerai fidèlement et honnêtement les devoirs qui m’incombent en ma qualité de membre de la Commission d’examen des plaintes concernant la police militaire en conformité avec les prescriptions de la Loi sur la défense nationale applicables à celle-ci, ainsi que toutes règles et instructions établies sous son régime, et que je ne révélerai ni ne ferai connaître, sans y avoir été dûment autorisé(e), rien de ce qui parviendra à ma connaissance en raison de mes fonctions. (Dans le cas du serment, ajouter : Ainsi Dieu me soit en aide.)
1998, c. 35, s. 82
78. (1) Subsection 250.18(2) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Absence de préjudice
(2) La plainte peut être déposée même en l’absence de préjudice pour le plaignant.
(2) Section 250.18 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2):
No penalty for complaint
(3) A person may not be penalized for exercising the right to make a conduct complaint so long as the complaint is made in good faith.
79. Section 250.19 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2):
No penalty for complaint
(3) A person may not be penalized for exercising the right to make an interference complaint so long as the complaint is made in good faith.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
80. Subparagraphs 250.21(2)(c)(ii) and (iii) of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:
(ii) le président, le chef d’état-major de la défense, le juge-avocat général et le grand prévôt dans le cas d’une plainte pour ingérence dont fait l’objet un officier ou militaire du rang,
(iii) le président, le sous-ministre, le juge-avocat général et le grand prévôt dans le cas d’une plainte pour ingérence dont fait l’objet un cadre supérieur du ministère.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
81. Section 250.22 of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Avis — plainte pour inconduite
250.22 Dans les meilleurs délais après la réception ou la notification d’une plainte pour inconduite, le grand prévôt avise par écrit la personne qui en fait l’objet de sa teneur, pour autant que cela, à son avis, ne risque pas de nuire à la tenue d’une enquête sous le régime de la présente loi.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
82. Subsection 250.24(2) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Avis du retrait
(2) Le cas échéant, le président en avise aussitôt, par écrit, le grand prévôt et la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte.
83. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 250.26:
Deadline for resolving or disposing of complaint
250.261 The Provost Marshal shall resolve or dispose of a conduct complaint — other than a complaint that results in an investigation of an alleged criminal or service offence — within one year after receiving or being notified of it.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
84. (1) Subsection 250.27(1) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Règlement amiable
250.27 (1) Dès réception ou notification de la plainte pour inconduite, le grand prévôt décide si elle peut être réglée à l’amiable; avec le consentement du plaignant et de la personne qui en fait l’objet, il peut alors tenter de la régler.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
(2) Subsection 250.27(3) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Déclarations inadmissibles
(3) Les réponses ou déclarations faites, dans le cadre d’une tentative de règlement amiable, par le plaignant ou par la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte ne peuvent être utilisées devant une juridiction disciplinaire, criminelle, administrative ou civile, sauf si leur auteur les a faites, tout en les sachant fausses, dans l’intention de tromper.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
(3) Subsection 250.27(6) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Consignation du règlement amiable
(6) Tout règlement amiable doit être consigné en détail, approuvé par écrit par le plaignant et la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte et notifié par le grand prévôt au président.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
85. Subsection 250.28(3) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(3) Le cas échéant, il avise par écrit de sa décision le plaignant, ainsi que, si elle a déjà reçu notification de la plainte en application de l’article 250.22, la personne qui en fait l’objet, en faisant état à la fois des motifs de sa décision et du droit du plaignant de renvoyer sa plainte devant la Commission pour examen.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
86. The portion of section 250.29 of the French version of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Rapport d’enquête
250.29 Au terme de l’enquête, le grand prévôt transmet au plaignant, à la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte et au président un rapport comportant les éléments suivants :
1998, c. 35, s. 82
87. Subsection 250.3(1) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Rapports provisoires
250.3 (1) Au plus tard soixante jours après la réception ou la notification de la plainte et, par la suite, tous les trente jours, le grand prévôt transmet au plaignant, à la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte et au président un rapport écrit sur l’état d’avancement de l’affaire.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
88. Subsection 250.35(3) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(3) Le cas échéant, il avise par écrit de sa décision le plaignant, la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte, le chef d’état-major de la défense ou le sous-ministre, selon le cas, le juge-avocat général et le grand prévôt. L’avis fait mention des motifs de sa décision.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
89. Paragraphs 250.36(b) and (c) of the French version of the Act are replaced by the following:
b) le chef d’état-major de la défense, dans le cas où un officier ou militaire du rang fait l’objet de la plainte;
c) le sous-ministre, dans le cas où un cadre supérieur du ministère fait l’objet de la plainte;
1998, c. 35, s. 82
90. Subsection 250.38(3) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(3) S’il décide de faire tenir une enquête, il transmet un avis écrit motivé de sa décision au plaignant, à la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte, au ministre, au chef d’état-major de la défense ou au sous-ministre, selon le cas, au juge-avocat général et au grand prévôt.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
91. Subsection 250.4(1) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
250.4 (1) Le président, s’il décide de convoquer une audience, désigne le ou les membres de la Commission qui la tiendront et transmet un avis écrit motivé de sa décision au plaignant, à la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte, au ministre, au chef d’état-major de la défense ou au sous-ministre, selon le cas, au juge-avocat général et au grand prévôt.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
92. Subsection 250.43(1) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Avis de l’audience
250.43 (1) Le plus tôt possible avant le début de l’audience, la Commission signifie au plaignant et à la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte un avis écrit en précisant les date, heure et lieu.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
93. Section 250.44 of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Droits des intéressés
250.44 Le plaignant, la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte et toute autre personne qui convainc la Commission qu’elle a un intérêt direct et réel dans celle-ci doivent avoir toute latitude de présenter des éléments de preuve à l’audience, d’y contre-interroger les témoins et d’y faire des observations, en personne ou par l’intermédiaire d’un avocat.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
94. Subsection 250.49(2) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(2) Dans le cas où le grand prévôt fait l’objet de la plainte, c’est le chef d’état-major de la défense qui est chargé de la révision.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
95. Section 250.5 of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Révision — plainte pour ingérence
250.5 (1) Sur réception du rapport établi au titre des articles 250.36, 250.39 ou 250.48, la plainte pour ingérence est révisée à la lumière des conclusions et recommandations qu’il contient par le chef d’état-major de la défense, dans le cas où la personne qui en fait l’objet est un officier ou militaire du rang, ou par le sous-ministre, dans le cas où elle est un cadre supérieur du ministère.
(2) Dans le cas où le chef d’état-major de la défense ou le sous-ministre fait l’objet de la plainte, c’est le ministre qui est chargé de la révision.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
96. Subsection 250.53(2) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
(2) Il en transmet copie au ministre, au sous-ministre, au chef d’état-major de la défense, au juge-avocat général, au grand prévôt, au plaignant, à la personne qui fait l’objet de la plainte ainsi qu’à toute personne qui a convaincu la Commission qu’elle a un intérêt direct et réel dans la plainte.
1998, c. 35, s. 82
97. Section 251.2 of the Act is replaced by the following:
Witness fees and allowances
251.2 A person, other than an officer or non-commissioned member or an officer or employee of the Department, summoned or attending to give evidence before a court martial, the Grievances Committee, the Military Judges Inquiry Committee, the Military Police Complaints Commission, a board of inquiry, a commissioner taking evidence under this Act or any inquiry committee established under the regulations is entitled in the discretion of that body to receive the like fees and allowances for so doing as if summoned to attend before the Federal Court.
98. The heading before section 267 of the Act is replaced by the following:
Limitation or Prescription Periods, Liability and Exemptions
99. Subsection 269(1) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Limitation or prescription period
269. (1) Unless an action or other proceeding is commenced within two years after the day on which the act, neglect or default complained of occurred, no action or other proceeding lies against Her Majesty or any person for
(a) an act done in pursuance or execution or intended execution of this Act or any regulations or military or departmental duty or authority;
(b) any neglect or default in the execution of this Act or any regulations or military or departmental duty or authority; or
(c) an act or any neglect or default that is incidental to an act, neglect or default described in paragraph (a) or (b).
(1.1) A prosecution in respect of an offence — other than an offence under this Act, the Geneva Conventions Act or the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act — relating to an act, neglect or default described in subsection (1) may not be commenced after six months from the day on which the act, neglect or default occurred.
R.S., c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 60 (Sch. I, s. 56)
100. Section 272 of the Act is replaced by the following:
Arrest of dependants
272. The dependants, as defined by regulation, of officers and non-commissioned members on service or active service in any place out of Canada who are alleged to have committed an offence under the laws applicable in that place may be arrested by a member of the military police and may be handed over to the appropriate authorities of that place.
101. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 273.6:
Independent Review
273.601 (1) The Minister shall cause an independent review of the following provisions, and their operation, to be undertaken:
(a) sections 18.3 to 18.6;
(b) sections 29 to 29.28;
(c) Parts III and IV; and
(d) sections 251, 251.2, 256, 270, 272, 273 to 273.5 and 302.
Report to Parliament
(2) The Minister shall cause a report of a review to be laid before each House of Parliament within seven years after the day on which this section comes into force, and within every seven-year period after the tabling of a report under this subsection.
Amending legislation
(3) However, if an Act of Parliament amends this Act based on an independent review, the next report shall be tabled within seven years after the day on which the amending Act is assented to.
2001, c. 41, s. 102
102. Subsection 273.63(1) of the French version of the Act is replaced by the following:
Nomination du commissaire et durée du mandat
273.63 (1) Le gouverneur en conseil peut nommer, à titre inamovible pour une période maximale de cinq ans, un juge surnuméraire ou un juge à la retraite d’une juridiction supérieure qu’il charge de remplir les fonctions de commissaire du Centre de la sécurité des télécommunications.
R.S., c. 31 (1st Supp.), s. 60 (Sch. I, s. 63)
103. Subsection 299(2) of the Act is replaced by the following:
Certificate of Judge Advocate General
(2) A certificate that appears to have been signed by the Judge Advocate General, or by any person whom the Judge Advocate General may appoint for that purpose, attesting that an officer or non-commissioned member was convicted or discharged absolutely under this Act of desertion or absence without leave or that the officer or non-commissioned member was or has been continuously absent without leave for six months or more, and setting out the date of commencement and, if applicable, the duration of the desertion, absence without leave or continuous absence without leave, is for the purposes of proceedings under this section evidence of the facts attested to in that certificate.
1998, c. 35, s. 90
104. Paragraph 302(d) of the Act is replaced by the following:
(d) prints observations or uses words likely to bring a proceeding under Part II, III or IV into disrepute or likely to influence improp­erly a board of inquiry, the Grievances Committee, the Military Judges Inquiry Committee, a service tribunal, a commissioner taking evidence under this Act, the Military Police Complaints Commission, an inquiry committee established under the regulations or a witness at a proceeding under Part II, III or IV; or
105. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 306:
Applications for employment
307. Every person who uses or authorizes the use of an application form, for or relating to any of the following matters, that contains a question that by its terms requires the applicant to disclose a conviction for an offence referred to in paragraph 249.27(1)(a) or (b) is guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine of not more than $500 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or to both:
(a) employment in any department set out in Schedule I to the Financial Administration Act;
(b) employment by any Crown corporation, as defined in subsection 83(1) of the Financial Administration Act;
(c) enrolment in the Canadian Forces; or
(d) employment in or in connection with the operation of any work, undertaking or business that is within the legislative authority of Parliament.
106. The English version of the Act is amended by replacing “Grievance Board” with “Grievances Committee” in the following provisions:
(a) sections 29.12 and 29.13;
(b) subsection 29.17(1);
(c) sections 29.18 to 29.28;
(d) subsection 118(1);
(e) section 251.2; and
(f) paragraph 302(d).
107. The French version of the Act is amended by replacing “prévôt” with “grand prévôt” in the following provisions:
(a) subsection 227.04(3);
(b) subparagraph 227.05(1)(d)(iii);
(c) subsection 227.07(1);
(d) subsection 227.08(4);
(e) section 227.11;
(f) subsection 227.13(3);
(g) subsections 227.15(4) and (5);
(h) subsection 227.16(3);
(i) subsections 227.18(1) and (2);
(j) subsections 227.19(1) and (2);
(k) section 227.21;
(l) subsection 240.5(3);
(m) subsection 250.21(1) and subparagraph 250.21(2)(c)(i);
(n) sections 250.25 and 250.26;
(o) subsection 250.27(4);
(p) subsection 250.28(1);
(q) subsection 250.31(2);
(r) subsection 250.32(3);
(s) subsections 250.34(2) and (3);
(t) subsection 250.35(1);
(u) paragraph 250.36(e);
(v) paragraph 250.37(1)(d);
(w) subsection 250.38(5);
(x) section 250.39;
(y) section 250.48; and
(z) subsection 250.49(1).
108. The French version of the Act is amended by replacing “mise en cause” and “mise en cause par la plainte” with “qui fait l’objet de la plainte” in the following provisions:
(a) section 250.23;
(b) subsection 250.27(5);
(c) subsection 250.3(3);
(d) subsections 250.33(1) and (3);
(e) paragraph 250.37(1)(b) and subsection 250.37(3);
(f) subsection 250.38(4); and
(g) section 250.46.
Military judges continuing in office
109. A person who, immediately before the coming into force of this section, held office as a military judge shall continue in office as if the person had been appointed under subsection 165.21(1) of the National Defence Act, as enacted by section 41.
Members of Inquiry Committee continuing in office
110. A person who, immediately before the coming into force of this section, held office as a member of an Inquiry Committee established under subsection 165.21(2) of the National Defence Act, as it read before the coming into force of section 41, shall continue in office as if the person had been appointed under subsection 165.31(1) of the National Defence Act, as enacted by section 45.
Members of Compensation Committee continuing in office
111. A person who, immediately before the coming into force of this section, held office as a member of a Compensation Committee established under subsection 165.22(2) of the National Defence Act, as it read before the coming into force of section 41, shall continue in office as if the person had been appointed under subsection 165.33(1) of the National Defence Act, as enacted by section 45.
Inquiry by Inquiry Committee
112. An inquiry under subsection 165.21(2) of the National Defence Act, as it read before the coming into force of section 41, that, immediately before the coming into force of this section, had not been completed shall be continued as an inquiry under sections 165.31 and 165.32 of the National Defence Act, as enacted by section 45.
Review by Compensation Committee
113. A review under subsection 165.22(2) of the National Defence Act, as it read before the coming into force of section 41, that, immediately before the coming into force of this section, had not been completed shall be continued as an inquiry under sections 165.33 to 165.37 of the National Defence Act, as enacted by section 45.
Limitation or prescription period
114. The limitation or prescription period set out in subsection 269(1) of the National Defence Act, as enacted by section 99, applies only in respect of an act, neglect or default that occurs after the coming into force of section 99.
R.S., c. A-1
Access to Information Act
1998, c. 35, s. 106
115. Schedule I to the Access to Information Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading “OTHER GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS”:
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes
116. Schedule I to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading “OTHER GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS”:
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Comité externe d’examen des griefs militaires
R.S., c. C-46
Criminal Code
117. The French version of the Criminal Code is amended by replacing “prévôt” with “grand prévôt” in the following provisions:
(a) section 5 of Form 52 in Part XXVIII; and
(b) section 5 of Form 53 in Part XXVIII.
R.S., c. F-11
Financial Administration Act
1998, c. 35, s. 122
118. Schedule I.1 to the Financial Administration Act is amended by striking out the reference in column I to
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes
and the corresponding reference in column II to “Minister of National Defence”.
119. Schedule I.1 to the Act is amended by adding, in alphabetical order in column I, a reference to
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Comité externe d’examen des griefs militaires
and a corresponding reference in column II to “Minister of National Defence”.
2003, c. 22, s. 11
120. Schedule IV to the Act is amended by striking out the following:
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes
121. Schedule IV to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order:
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Comité externe d’examen des griefs militaires
2006, c. 9, s. 270
122. Part III of Schedule VI to the Act is amended by striking out the reference in column I to
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes
and the corresponding reference in column II to “Chairperson”.
123. Part III of Schedule VI to the Act is amended by adding a reference to
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Comité externe d’examen des griefs militaires
in alphabetical order in column I and a corresponding reference in column II to “Chairperson”.
R.S., c. P-21
Privacy Act
1998, c. 35, s. 123
124. The schedule to the Privacy Act is amended by striking out the following under the heading “OTHER GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS”:
Canadian Forces Grievance Board
Comité des griefs des Forces canadiennes
125. The schedule to the Act is amended by adding the following in alphabetical order under the heading “OTHER GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS”:
Military Grievances External Review Committee
Comité externe d’examen des griefs militaires
1992, c. 20
Corrections and Conditional Release Act
2000, c. 24, s. 38
126. Subsection 120(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act is replaced by the following:
Time when eligible for full parole
120. (1) Subject to sections 746.1 and 761 of the Criminal Code and to any order made under section 743.6 of that Act, to subsection 226.1(2) of the National Defence Act and to any order made under section 226.2 of that Act, and to subsection 15(2) of the Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, an offender is not eligible for full parole until the day on which the offender has served a period of ineligibility of the lesser of one third of the sentence and seven years.
127. The Act is amended by replacing every reference to section 140.3 of the National Defence Act with a reference to section 226.1 of the National Defence Act wherever it occurs in the following provisions:
(a) the portion of subsection 17(1) after paragraph (d) and before paragraph (e);
(b) the portion of subsection 18(2) before paragraph (a);
(c) the portion of subsection 119(1) before paragraph (a);
(d) subsections 119(1.1) and (1.2);
(e) subsection 120.2(3); and
(f) section 120.3.
128. The Act is amended by replacing every reference to section 140.4 of the National Defence Act with a reference to section 226.2 of the National Defence Act wherever it occurs in the following provisions:
(a) subsection 120(2);
(b) subparagraph 120.2(1)(b)(i); and
(c) the portion of subsection 121(1) before paragraph (a).
1998, c. 35
An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
129. Section 96 of An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts, chapter 35 of the Statutes of Canada, 1998, is repealed.
2004, c. 10
Sex Offender Information Registration Act
130. The French version of the Sex Of­fender Information Registration Act is amended by replacing “prévôt” with “grand prévôt” in the following provisions:
(a) subsections 8.2(1) to (7); and
(b) subsection 12(2).
2004, c. 15
Public Safety Act, 2002
131. Section 77 of the Public Safety Act, 2002 is repealed.
2011, c. 5
132. (1) In this section, “other Act” means the Protecting Canadians by Ending Sentence Discounts for Multiple Murders Act.
(2) If section 6 of the other Act comes into force before section 68 of this Act, then, on the day on which that section 68 comes into force, paragraph 226.1(2)(a) of the National Defence Act is replaced by the following:
(a) a reference in sections 745.2 to 745.3 of the Criminal Code to a jury shall be read as a reference to the panel of a General Court Martial; and
(3) If section 68 of this Act comes into force before section 6 of the other Act, then that section 6 is replaced by the following:
6. Paragraph 226.1(2)(a) of the National Defence Act is replaced by the following:
(a) a reference in sections 745.2 to 745.3 of the Criminal Code to a jury shall be read as a reference to the panel of a General Court Martial; and
(4) If section 6 of the other Act comes into force on the same day as section 68 of this Act, then that section 6 is deemed to have come into force before that section 68 and subsection (2) applies as a consequence.
Bill C-10
133. (1) Subsections (2) to (11) apply if Bill C-10, introduced in the 1st session of the 41st Parliament and entitled the Safe Streets and Communities Act (in this section referred to as the “other Act”), receives royal assent.
(2) If subsection 22(1) of this Act comes into force before section 50 of the other Act, then that section 50 is repealed.
(3) If section 50 of the other Act comes into force on the same day as subsection 22(1) of this Act, then that section 50 is deemed to have come into force before that subsection 22(1).
(4) On the first day on which both section 76 of the other Act and section 19 of this Act are in force, the reference to section 140.4 of the National Defence Act in paragraph 120.1(1)(a) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act is replaced by a reference to section 226.2 of the National Defence Act.
(5) If section 127 of this Act comes into force before section 76 of the other Act, then, on the day on which that section 76 comes into force, the Corrections and Conditional Release Act is amended by replacing the reference to section 140.3 of the National Defence Act with a reference to section 226.1 of the National Defence Act in the following provisions:
(a) subsection 120.2(3); and
(b) section 120.3.
(6) If section 76 of the other Act comes into force on the same day as section 127 of this Act, then that section 76 is deemed to have come into force before that section 127.
(7) If section 128 of this Act comes into force before section 76 of the other Act, then, on the day on which that section 76 comes into force, subparagraph 120.2(1)(b)(i) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act is amended by replacing the reference to section 140.4 of the National Defence Act with a reference to section 226.2 of the National Defence Act.
(8) If section 76 of the other Act comes into force on the same day as section 128 of this Act, then that section 76 is deemed to have come into force before that section 128.
(9) If subsection 77(1) of the other Act comes into force before section 19 of this Act, then, on the day on which that section 19 comes into force, the portion of subsection 121(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act before paragraph (a) is amended by replacing the reference to section 140.3 of the National Defence Act with a reference to section 226.1 of the National Defence Act.
(10) If section 19 of this Act comes into force before subsection 77(1) of the other Act, then, on the day on which that subsection 77(1) comes into force, the portion of subsection 121(1) of the Corrections and Conditional Release Act before paragraph (a) is amended by replacing the references to sections 140.3 and 140.4 of the National Defence Act with references to sections 226.1 and 226.2 of the National Defence Act, respectively.
(11) If subsection 77(1) of the other Act comes into force on the same day as section 19 of this Act, then that subsection 77(1) is deemed to have come into force before that section 19 and subsection (9) applies as a consequence.
Security of Tenure of Military Judges Act
134. (1) Subsections (2) and (3) apply if a Bill entitled the Security of Tenure of Military Judges Act (in this section referred to as the “other Act”) is introduced in the 1st session of the 41st Parliament and receives royal assent.
(2) If section 41 of this Act comes into force before section 2 of the other Act, then that section 2 is deemed never to have come into force and the other Act is repealed.
(3) If section 2 of the other Act comes into force on the same day as section 41 of this Act, then that section 2 is deemed to have come into force before that section 41.
Order in council
135. (1) Subject to subsection (2), the provisions of this Act, other than subsections 2(2) to (4) and (6) and sections 3, 10, 11, 41 to 45, 106, 109 to 116, 118 to 125 and 132 to 134, come into force on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.
Order in council
(2) Sections 19, 68 and 126 to 128 come into force on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council.
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons