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Bill C-612

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3rd Session, 40th Parliament,
59 Elizabeth II, 2010
house of commons of canada
BILL C-612
An Act to amend the Criminal Code (trafficking in persons)
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
R.S., c. C-46
1. Section 7 of the Criminal Code is amended by adding the following after subsection (4.1):
Offence in relation to trafficking in persons
(4.11) Notwithstanding anything in this Act or any other Act, every one who, outside Canada, commits an act or omission that if committed in Canada would be an offence against section 279.01 shall be deemed to commit that act or omission in Canada if the person who commits the act or omission is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
2. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 212:
Sentences to be served consecutively
212.1 A sentence imposed on a person for an offence under section 212 shall be served consecutively to any other punishment imposed on the person for an offence arising out of the same event or series of events and to any other sentence to which the person is subject at the time the sentence is imposed on the person for an offence under section 212.
3. (1) The portion of subsection 279.01(1) of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
Trafficking in persons
279.01 (1) Every person who, in a domestic or international context, recruits, transports, transfers, receives, holds, conceals or harbours a person, or exercises control, direction or influence over the movements of a person, for the purpose of exploiting them or facilitating their exploitation is guilty of an indictable offence and liable
(2) Section 279.01 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (2):
(3) For the purposes of subsection (1), a person who is not exploited and who lives with or is habitually in the company of or harbours a person who is exploited shall, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, be deemed to be exploiting or facilitating the exploitation of that person.
4. Section 279.04 of the Act is amended by striking out “or” at the end of paragraph (a) and by adding the following after that paragraph:
(a.1) cause them to provide or offer to provide sexual services by the use or threat of force or of any other form of coercion, by fraud, deception, manipulation, abuse of authority or situation of vulnerability, or by obtaining the consent of a person with authority over the exploited person, namely by the offer, promise or acceptance of payments or benefits; or
5. The Act is amended by adding the following after section 279.04:
Sentences to be served consecutively
279.05 A sentence imposed on a person for an offence under sections 279.01 to 279.03 shall be served consecutively to any other punishment imposed on the person for an offence arising out of the same event or series of events and to any other sentence to which the person is subject at the time the sentence is imposed on the person for an offence under any of those sections.
6. Subsection 462.37(2.02) of the Act is amended by striking out “and” at the end of paragraph (a), by adding “and” at the end of paragraph (b) and by adding the following after paragraph (b):
(c) an offence involving procuring or trafficking in persons.
Coming into force
7. This Act comes into force 30 days after the day on which it receives royal assent.
Published under authority of the Speaker of the House of Commons
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