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Bill C-10

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(Section 215)

Most-Favoured-Nation Tariff
Preferential Tariff
Tariff Item
Description of Goods
Initial Rate
Final Rate
Initial Rate
Final Rate
-Conveyances and containers

Free (A)
UST: Free
UST: Free (A)

(a) on condition that:

MT: Free
MT: Free (A)

(i) in the case of vehicles, they are registered and

MUST: Free
MUST: Free (A)

licensed in a foreign country and operated in Canada

CT: Free
CT: Free (A)

with a vehicle licence issued by the appropriate

CIAT: Free
CIAT: Free (A)

provincial licensing authority;

CRT: Free
CRT: Free (A)

(ii) in the case of aircraft, they comply with the

GPT: Free
GPT: Free (A)

requirements of the Aeronautics Act and any

LDCT: Free
LDCT: Free (A)

regulations made thereunder; and

CCCT: Free
CCCT: Free (A)

(iii) in the case of vessels, they comply with the


requirements of the Canada Shipping Act and


Coasting Trade Act; and

(b) on condition that the conveyances:

(i) are owned or leased and imported by a person

whose domicile is in a foreign country;

(ii) leave from and return to the foreign country in

the normal course of operation;

(iii) are controlled from the foreign country; and

(iv) are exported within 30 days of the date of their

importation or for an additional period not

exceeding 24 months where a customs officer is

satisfied that the exportation of the conveyances is

delayed because:

(A) of adverse weather conditions;

(B) the conveyances are being equipped,

reconditioned, reconstructed, refurbished or


(C) the conveyances have a major equipment


(D) the conveyances are detained under an order

of a Canadian court, or under an Act of

Parliament or the legislature of a province or any

regulation made thereunder; or

(E) the delivery of the goods to be loaded on or

in the conveyances is delayed.

The conveyances provided for in this tariff item may

engage in the transportation of goods from one point

in Canada to another point in Canada where:

(a) that transportation is incidental to the

international traffic of the goods;

(b) the transportation does not occur outside the

territorial limits of Canada; and

(c) the conveyance has not entered Canada for the

purpose of an in-transit movement through Canada to

a point outside of Canada

---Containers, on condition that:
Free (A)
UST: Free
UST: Free (A)

(a) the ancillary equipment for the containers does

MT: Free
MT: Free (A)

not include vehicles, accessories, spare parts of

MUST: Free
MUST: Free (A)

vehicles or packaging, and

CT: Free
CT: Free (A)

(b) the containers:

CIAT: Free
CIAT: Free (A)

(i) are fully or partially enclosed to constitute a

CRT: Free
CRT: Free (A)

compartment intended for containing goods;

GPT: Free
GPT: Free (A)

(ii) are of a permanent character and suitable for

LDCT: Free
LDCT: Free (A)

repeated use;

CCCT: Free
CCCT: Free (A)

(iii) are designed to carry goods by one or more


modes of transport without requiring intermediate


reloading; and

(iv) are 6.1 m or more in length or have an internal

volume of 14 m3 or more;

(v) leave from and return to a foreign country in the

normal course of operation; and

(vi) are exported within 30 days of the date of their

importation or for an additional period not

exceeding 24 months where a customs officer is

satisfied that the exportation of the containers is

delayed because:

(A) of adverse weather conditions;

(B) the containers are being equipped,

reconditioned, reconstructed, refurbished or


(C) the containers have a major equipment


(D) the containers are detained under an order of

a Canadian court, or under an Act of Parliament

or the legislature of a province or any regulation

made thereunder; or

(E) the delivery of the goods to be loaded in the

containers is delayed.

The containers provided for in this tariff item may

engage in the transportation of goods from one point

in Canada to another point in Canada where:

(a) that transportation is incidental to the

international traffic of the goods;

(b) the transportation does not occur outside the

territorial limits of Canada; and

(c) the container has not entered Canada for the

purpose of an in-transit movement through Canada to

a point outside of Canada