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Bill C-68

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Firearms acquisition certificates

120. (1) A firearms acquisition certificate is deemed to be a licence if it

    (a) was issued under section 106 or 107 of the former Act;

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day; and

    (c) was valid pursuant to subsection 106(11) of the former Act, or pursuant to that subsection as applied by subsection 107(1) of the former Act, on the commencement day.

Authorization s

(2) A firearms acquisition certificate that is deemed to be a licence authorizes the holder

    (a) to acquire and possess any firearms other than prohibited firearms that are acquired by the holder on or after the commencement day and before the expiration or revocation of the firearms acquisition certificate;

    (b) in the case of an individual referred to in subsection 12(2), (3), (4), (5), (6) or (8), to acquire and possess any prohibited firearms referred to in that subsection that are acquired by the holder on or after the commencement day; and

    (c) in the case of a particular individual who is eligible under subsection 12(7) to hold a licence authorizing the particular individual to possess a handgun referred to in subsection 12(6) (pre-February 14, 1995 handguns) in the circumstances described in subsection 12(7), to acquire and possess such a handgun in those circumstances, if the particular handgun is acquired by the particular individual on or after the commencement day.


(3) A firearms acquisition certificate that is deemed to be a licence expires on the earlier of

    (a) five years after the day on which it was issued, and

    (b) the issuance of a licence to the holder of the firearms acquisition certificate.

Lost, stolen and destroyed firearms acquisition certificates

(4) Where a firearms acquisition certificate that is deemed to be a licence is lost, stolen or destroyed before its expiration under subsection (3), a person who has authority under this Act to issue a licence may issue a replacement firearms acquisition certificate that has the same effect as the one that was lost, stolen or destroyed.

Minors' permits

121. (1) A permit is deemed to be a licence if it

    (a) was issued under subsection 110(6) or (7) of the former Act to a person who was under the age of eighteen years;

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day; and

    (c) remained in force pursuant to subsection 110(8) of the former Act on the commencement day.

Authorization s

(2) A permit that is deemed to be a licence authorizes the holder to possess firearms that are neither prohibited firearms nor restricted firearms.

Geographical extent

(3) A permit that is deemed to be a licence is valid only in the province in which it was issued, unless the permit was endorsed pursuant to subsection 110(10) of the former Act as being valid within the provinces indicated in the permit, in which case it remains valid within those provinces.


(4) A permit that is deemed to be a licence expires on the earliest of

    (a) the expiration of the period for which it was expressed to be issued,

    (b) the day on which the person to whom it was issued attains the age of eighteen years, and

    (c) five years after the birthday of the person next following the day on which it was issued, if that fifth anniversary occurs on or after the commencement day.

Museum approvals

122. (1) An approval of a museum, other than a museum established by the Chief of the Defence Staff, is deemed to be a licence if the approval

    (a) was granted under subsection 105(1) of the former Act; and

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day.


(2) An approval of a museum that is deemed to be a licence expires on the earlier of

    (a) the expiration of the period for which the approval was expressed to be granted, and

    (b) three years after the commencement day.

Permits to carry on business

123. (1) A permit to carry on a business described in paragraph 105(1)(a) or (b) or subparagraph 105(2)(b)(i) of the former Act is deemed to be a licence if it

    (a) was

      (i) issued under subsection 110(5) of the former Act, or

      (ii) continued under subsection 6(2) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69, chapter 38 of the Statutes of Canada, 1968-69, or subsection 48(1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1977, chapter 53 of the Statutes of Canada, 1976-77;

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day;

    (c) had not ceased to be in force or have any effect on October 30, 1992 under section 34 of An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Customs Tariff in consequence thereof, chapter 40 of the Statutes of Canada, 1991; and

    (d) remained in force pursuant to subsection 110(5) of the former Act on the commencement day.


(2) A permit that is deemed to be a licence expires on the earlier of

    (a) the expiration of the period for which the permit was expressed to be issued, and

    (b) one year after the commencement day.

Geographical extent

124. A permit or an approval of a museum that is deemed to be a licence under section 122 or 123 is valid only for the location of the business or museum for which it was issued.

Industrial purpose designations

125. (1) A designation of a person is deemed to be a licence if it

    (a) was made under subsection 90(3.1) or paragraph 95(3)(b) of the former Act; and

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day.

Geographical extent

(2) A designation of a person that is deemed to be a licence is valid only in the province in which it was made.


(3) A designation of a person that is deemed to be a licence expires on the earliest of

    (a) the expiration of the period for which it was expressed to be made,

    (b) one year after the commencement day, and

    (c) in the case of a designation of a person who holds a permit that is deemed to be a licence under section 123, the expiration of the permit.

Pending applications

126. Every application that was pending on the commencement day for a document that would be a document referred to in any of sections 120 to 125 had it been issued before the commencement day shall be dealt with and disposed of under and in accordance with the former Act, except that

    (a) a licence shall be issued instead of issuing a firearms acquisition certificate or a permit or making an approval or designation; and

    (b) only a person who has authority under this Act to issue a licence may finally dispose of the application.

Registration Certificates

Registration certificates

127. (1) A registration certificate is deemed to be a registration certificate issued under section 60 if it

    (a) was

      (i) issued under subsection 109(7) of the former Act, or

      (ii) continued under subsection 6(2) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69, chapter 38 of the Statutes of Canada, 1968-69, or subsection 48(2) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1977, chapter 53 of the Statutes of Canada, 1976-77; and

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day.


(2) A registration certificate that is deemed to be a registration certificate issued under section 60 expires on the earlier of

    (a) its expiration under section 66, and

    (b) December 31, 2002, or such other date as is prescribed.

Pending applications

128. Every application for a registration certificate that was pending on the commencement day shall be dealt with and disposed of under and in accordance with the former Act, except that only a person who has authority under this Act to issue a registration certificate may finally dispose of the application.

Authorized Transportation of Firearms

Permit to carry

129. (1) A permit authorizing a person to possess a particular prohibited firearm or restricted firearm is deemed to be an authorization to carry or authorization to transport if it

    (a) was

      (i) issued under subsection 110(1) of the former Act, or

      (ii) continued under subsection 6(2) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69, chapter 38 of the Statutes of Canada, 1968-69, or subsection 48(1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1977, chapter 53 of the Statutes of Canada, 1976-77;

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day; and

    (c) remained in force pursuant to subsection 110(1) of the former Act on the commencement day.

Geographical extent

(2) A permit that is deemed to be an authorization to carry or authorization to transport is valid only in the province in which the permit was issued, unless it was endorsed pursuant to subsection 110(10) of the former Act as being valid within the provinces indicated in the permit, in which case it remains valid within those provinces.


(3) A permit that is deemed to be an authorization to carry or authorization to transport expires on the earlier of

    (a) the expiration of the period for which it was expressed to be issued, and

    (b) two years after the commencement day.

Temporary permit to carry

130. A permit authorizing a person who does not reside in Canada to possess and carry a particular prohibited firearm or restricted firearm is deemed to be an authorization to transport if it

    (a) was issued under subsection 110(2.1) of the former Act;

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day; and

    (c) remained in force pursuant to that subsection on the commencement day.

Permit to transport or convey

131. A permit authorizing a person to transport or to convey to a local registrar of firearms a particular prohibited firearm or restricted firearm is deemed to be an authorization to transport if it

    (a) was

      (i) issued under subsection 110(3) or (4) of the former Act, or

      (ii) continued under subsection 6(2) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1968-69, chapter 38 of the Statutes of Canada, 1968-69, or subsection 48(1) of the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1977, chapter 53 of the Statutes of Canada, 1976-77;

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day; and

    (c) remained in force pursuant to subsection 110(3) or (4) of the former Act on the commencement day.


132. A permit that is deemed to be an authorization to transport under section 130 or 131 expires on the expiration of the period for which the permit was expressed to be issued.

Pending applications

133. Every application that was pending on the commencement day for a document that would be a document referred to in any of sections 129 to 131 had it been issued before the commencement day shall be dealt with and disposed of under and in accordance with the former Act, except that

    (a) an authorization to carry or authorization to transport shall be issued or a condition shall be attached to a licence instead of issuing a permit; and

    (b) only a person who has authority under this Act to issue an authorization to carry or authorization to transport may finally dispose of the application.

Shooting club approvals

134. (1) An approval of a shooting club is deemed to be an approval granted under this Act if the approval

    (a) was granted under subparagraph 109(3)(c)(iii) or paragraph 110(2)(c) of the former Act; and

    (b) had not been revoked before the commencement day.


(2) An approval of a shooting club that is deemed to be an approval granted under this Act expires on the earlier of

    (a) the expiration of the period for which it was expressed to be granted, and

    (b) one year after the commencement day.

Temporary storage permit

135. Every permit authorizing a person to temporarily store a particular prohibited firearm or restricted firearm

    (a) that was issued under subsection 110(3.1) of the former Act,

    (b) that had not been revoked before the commencement day, and

    (c) that remained in force pursuant to subsection 110(3.3) of the former Act on the commencement day

continues in force until the expiration of the period for which it was expressed to be issued, unless the permit is revoked by a chief firearms officer for any good and sufficient reason.